The Blood Pressure Program PDF Guide and Exercises

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The Blood Pressure Program PDF Guide and Exercises

This review is about The Blood Pressure Program PDF Guide and Exercises: by Christian Goodman "Everything that had clogged up your machine, that was slowing it down, making it seize up and malfunction will fade away.".

At the beginning of The Blood Pressure Program PDF Guide & Exercises, Christian Goodman points out two insights so simple – and obvious – that when you hear them it almost sounds too easy to be true.

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Here’s insight number one:

There can be half a dozen factors involved in your high blood pressure –but there’s one common cause, no matter what else is involved.

That common cause? It’s the brain. Let’s be specific about this: Nothing happens in your body without your brain’s say-so.

Everything – and I mean everything – is under its control. And the brain’s role in creating your high blood pressure is absolutely central here.

After all, what directly sets your heart rate? Your brain.

What narrows or widens the arteries in response to its chosen blood pressure levels? Your brain.

What ultimately determines the volume of blood your heart will pump throughout your body? Your brain.

And so on. We can talk all day about other contributory factors… but when it comes down to it, everything begins and ends with what your brain decides.

Here’s insight number 2 of The Blood Pressure Program PDF:

Blood pressure is always a stress response. Whatever else contributes to it, stress is the first, primary cause.

And stress results from an instruction from the brain.

Once Christian realized that the cause of high blood pressure begins and ends with the brain – and that the brain was sending blood pressure sky high due to stress – he knew exactly what to do next.

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I’m kidding, right? My blood pressure reading used to spike at 210/140. Now,after The Blood Pressure Program exercises, it averages 100/70.

Super-safe, in other words. I got it down to 100/70 by directly addressing what my brain was doing to me.

So, no. I’m not kidding. Not one bit. Because this saved my life. It would have saved my grandfather’s too. And my dad’s.

But I understand why some readers of The Blood Pressure Program PDF Guide have to think about this for a moment. I did too!

Because I have always been the least stressed person you could ever meet.

I was known to be a laid-back, chilled person. One who never got angry, who was always cheerful… I am rarely upset, never flustered, never take things personally. Life was good!

So just how the heck would stress have anything to do with my high blood pressure?

Well, let me tell you: turns out it really was the primary cause of my blood pressure misery… and it’s the cause of yours too.

The 4 types of stress that everyone experiences are discussed in detail inside The Blood Pressure Program PDF Guide. There are 4 types of stress. Everyone experiences all of them at some time or other.

Physical stress: comes from illness, working long hours or poor sleep. Ongoing, chronic pain – in the back or the neck or in joints for example –will cause damaging, ongoing stress.

Oddly, this stress is also caused by healthy activity like intense physical effort or exercise.

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Sensory stress: unwelcome noises – from traffic, loud television, barking dogs and so on – directly raises blood pressure. It includes a noisy environment – your home, your workplace or even your neighbors.

Emotional stress: can originate from obvious causes like a bereavement or a troubled relationship. But, as pointed out in The Blood Pressure Program PDF Guide, this stress can become chronic with such things as money worries or feelings of guilt or anger.

Background thinking that you hardly notice features very much here.

Mental stress: is often routine stress brought on by family or work worries. It’s also the result of ongoing challenging tasks that require a lot of brain work – which includes difficult work but also juggling numerous personal domestic responsibilities or handling life difficulties.

Everybody experiences these four types of stress from time to time. Often, we’ll experience more than one of them at a time.

But that’s normal life. And in small, irregular doses… that’s fine.

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However, for hundreds of millions of us across the world one – or more – of these four stresses gradually gets out of hand. And that’s where our blood pressure problems start.

What’s especially dangerous with these common types of stress is that they come on so gradually we don’t notice them… so we simply learn to live with them. It can take years for the stress to reach dangerous levels – which is why high blood pressure is rare amongst teenagers but widespread amongst older adults.

I know this from experience. I would never have accepted that I was a stressed person. Yet it was only when I found a clear, peaceful mind that I realized just how tense I had been before.

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Pressure Program PDF Guide >>>

It was, to be honest, an incredible feeling, that sense of mental release… And it was once I’d found that calm… that my blood pressure plummeted.

Your doctor doesn’t realize he already knows this. Remember: the second key insight of The Blood Pressure Program PDF Guide is that the underlying cause of high blood pressure is the body’s stress response.

Which our brains directly cause.

It’s this stress response getting out of balance that’s sending our blood pressure sky high. Your physician knows this. It’s just that he or she doesn’t know they know this.

How? Consider this: Did your physician advise you to exercise more, sleep well, eat better?

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He or she would have – and yet this advice mostly doesn’t affect blood pressure directly at all. It affects stress.

Your health practitioner is offering lifestyle advice that mostly reduces stress. Which, in turn, lowers blood pressure.

Mind you, these methods aren’t especially good for lowering blood pressure as The Blood Pressure Program exercises. They’re tackling the problem in an indirect way. Which is why we end up on meds anyway.

But any effect they do have on blood pressure is because they’ve reduced stress. What Christian Goodman achieves is what doctors already try –unsuccessfully – to do.

Christian attacks stress directly. And when you do that you remove what causes high blood pressure.

Which means high blood pressure has only one direction of travel – and that’s down. Christian’s guide to achieving safe blood pressure readings is called ‘The Blood Pressure Program PDF’.

Specifically, The Blood Pressure Program PDF Guide shows us how to reset the brain so that it stops generating stress in the body.

He likens it to rebooting a stuck computer. You’ll have seen that before… the screen freezes, or the cursor just spins round and round on the spot…

You wait and nothing happens. Clearly something is going on inside the computer that is making it malfunction. It’s jammed up… and can’t function properly. You switch the machine off, then switch it on.

And everything’s fine again. Everything that had clogged up your machine, that was slowing it down, making it seize up and malfunction is gone.

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Now. Christian does not show you how to switch the brain off!

Instead, he shows you how to gently reset it. To unjam it…. To release it. To help it restore back to its previous healthy state.

Just like you do with your computer.

To do this, Christian creates what he calls a ‘focused break’.

Which means that, for some minutes, the brain detaches from the pushes and pulls of ordinary life… and does the one thing almost nobody allows their brain to ever do.

To take care of its own needs.

It gets the opportunity it needs to get unclogged.

To let go… To settle… And to find calm.

And over a few days it finds its way back to working smoothly and perfectly. Just like a refreshed computer.

The calming effect this has on your mind and body has to be felt to be believed. While the change in your blood pressure reading has to be seen to be believed…!

The Blood Pressure Program consists of three very easy, non-physical exercises. They can be done while out for a walk or while sitting in your armchair. Or while laying down.

Literally, no sweat.

That’s all it is: three specific, highly-focused but very simple exercises that treat high blood pressure in a way that drugs could never manage.

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Originally, Christian tested dozens of different methods on more than a hundred people over an extended period.

The brain resets, stress falls away, blood pressure goes into free-fall. I’m one of those thousands by the way. 16 straight months of regular blood pressure tests and I haven’t been out of the safe zone even once.

So, despite its apparent simplicity… I know first-hand just how effectively this works.

The Blood Pressure Program PDF Guide isn’t some sort of miracle treatment. This isn’t some exotic miracle cure by the way. It’s good ol’ science.

Simple, specific resetting exercises directly activate your body’s own control systems. Scientific testing shows that blood pressure falls measurably and quickly every time.

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Christian achieves this not just for a few hours, but for a lifetime. And science approves of what he does.

In fact, so does the FDA. They have approved a brain calming machine that helps lower blood pressure through various breathing protocols.

Breathing techniques can certainly be beneficial. Although they can’t bring about the kind of specific brain resetting that obliterates high blood pressure. So, today, you have choices. Either chemical treatments with nasty side effects and a very poor record for success.

Or a natural approach that addresses your high blood pressure at its cause, and sends blood pressure into free fall. Download your copy of The Blood Pressure Program PDF Guide today Click here to download The Blood Pressure Program PDF Guide >>>

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