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James Brownell – Obituary
James Donald Brownell passed away at his home near Maryfield, Saskatchewan, on Saturday, May 21st, 2022, at the age of 77 years.
James was born in 1944. He was named after his Uncle Don, who was serving in WW 2 at that time. James attended Confederation and Maryfield schools. During grade seven he experienced issues with his ear and from that time on was partially deaf in one ear. He had to repeat the grade, which put him in the same class as his sister Beryl through high school. The two worked closely together with James excelling in math and science, and Beryl coaching him in literature and social studies.
James Donald Brownell
1944 – 2022
When James was finishing high school, he and John purchased the Nels Scalerup farm. This began a career in farming that spanned forty years. Together, James and John sowed and harvested crops, raised dairy cattle, pigs, and beef cattle. From the mid 80s to the mid 2000s, they had a purebred herd registered as JNJ Charolais. James loved the cattle and could often be seen taking an evening walk through the pasture. When the herd would see him, even the bull would come by for a scratch. One could always count on having dessert if James checked cattle, as he would bring home berries – saskatoons, raspberries, wild strawberries – to share with his family.
Horseback riding was James’s relaxation. His horse, Dually, was a special friend. It was a highlight for him to participate in a group ride in the Cypress Hills. Church and community were important to James. He was usher at church for over 50 years and spent 24 years as councillor for the RM of Maryfield and seldom missed a meeting. His phenomenal memory for dates and events were very helpful in these roles.
As his brother John’s health declined, James learned to be his caregiver. With a willing heart, he was very attentive to John’s needs and never complained.
The morning of May 21st, James went for his usual morning walk and while doing so, God took him home. He was welcomed by his parents, Lawson and Harriet Brownell, his older sisters Mary Bute and Caroline Brownell. He will be sorely missed by his brother John Brownell and sisters, Beryl Henne and Edith Doell.
Summer is the best time
to get some herd shots, herdsire pictured and a sample of the cowherd to build a website.
We can help you with all of this. Let us build your website now so it is ready for the upcoming sale seasons. Give us a call so we can fit you in our tour schedule and get your web presence started
Helge By 306.536.4261 Jon Wright 306.807.8424 Robbie Chomik 780.336.6424
Catalogues can be uploaded to our site at a cost of $400 each. Simply send us a link to the catalogue, or email the catalogue to us in a PDF format when it is complete.

Dalyse Robertson E:pdmrobertson@gmail.com

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