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Charolais Life
It’s a Boy!

Jared and Heather McTavish, welcomed a son, Hayden John, January 19, 2012, weighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. Proud grandparents are Brian and Betty McTavish of McTavish Charolais and Red Angus, Moosomin, Saskatchewan.
Centurian Farm Award

Richard and Beverlie Smith and family of Be-Rich Farms, Kitscoty, Alberta, received the Alberta Century Ranch & Farm Award from Premier Allison Redord.
After Richard’s release from the R.C.A.F. in 1965, Richard & Bev took over the family farm. They are still actively farming along with their oldest son Brent and his wife Deb.
Dick Carmichael Joins Livestock Marketeers Hall of Fame
The Livestock Marketeers added five industry professionals, including Dick Carmichael, to their Hall of Fame wall at the National Western Stock Show Club on January 14.
The Livestock Marketeers, an informal fraternity of livestock fieldmen, auctioneers, sale managers and related livestock business leaders, met for their 47th Annual Banquet in conjunction with the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado
A posthumous addition included Walt Browarny of Calgary, Alberta.
Dick Carmichael started at the Drover’s Journal in 1969 and that position laid the groundwork for Dick to later work for the Charolais Banner, headquartered in Shawnee Mission, KS. Dick served as field representative for the eastern half of the United States, selling advertising and working the ring at sales, before moving to Kansas City to work as the magazine' s director of field staff and to eventually become part owner of the publication. In time, the American International Charolais Association started their own breed publication, the Charolais Journal, and Dick served as field representative in the eastern United States for the new publication.
During his years with the Charolais publications, he became acquainted with Charolais breeders across the North American Continent, as well as the cattle they produced and merchandized. So in 1979, Dick and his wife, Ruth Ann, formed Carmichael Enterprises, an independent Charolais sales management business. Over the next 15 years, Dick conducted and managed over 200 auction sales throughout the U.S. and Canada, with many of those sales setting highselling records for the breed that still stand today. Dick managed sales at all of Canada' s major livestock shows, including the Canadian Western Agribition in Regina, Calgary Stampede, Toronto Winter Fair, Edmonton Northlands Expo, and Manitoba Ag-Ex in Brandon.
Dick resides in Springfield, TN, with his wife, Ruth Ann, and he continues to work the ring at more than 150 sales annually. His life still tends to be "dictated by the datebook, " but he considers that a good thing since this kind of work has always felt more like an adventure to him, rather than a job.
This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email charolaisbanner@sasktel.net for print in upcoming issues.
It’s a Boy!
Tristen Alan Raymond was born to Crystal and David Raymond, Aneroid, Saskatchewan, on January 22, 2012, weighing 7 lb., 2 oz. Proud Grandparents are Murray and Nicole Blake, Wood River Charolais, McCord, Saskatchewan. Crystal is a CCYA Alumni and past SCA director.
Chomiak Honoured

John Chomiak, Chomiak Charolais, Mundare, Alberta, was presented an Honourary Membership in the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) at their Summit Awards. The APEGA Council bestows this honour on any person who has rendered eminent service with the profession resulting in the betterment of society through the development of new material, equipment, techniques, philosophy or management related to engineering, geology and geophysics.
For nearly 50 years, John has actively promoted the value of