qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfgh jklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvb nmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwer tyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopas dfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq LA 1 and LA 3: Non-Fiction Magazine wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio 5/21/2012 pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn Authors: Aaron, Cameron, Camilla, Charlotte, Cole, Daniel, mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty Eden, Gus, Jade, James, Jan, Joanna, Kiki, Lexi, Lia, Lily, Maddie, Mia, Michael, Morgan, Natalie, Paavo, Petra, Sam, uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf Sobia, Stella and Zack! ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmrty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw ertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop
The Fact of the Matter
The Fact of the Matter . . . LA 1 and LA 3: Non-fiction magazine – Your Source for Fascination First Edition, Published at Poughkeepsie Day School, Poughkeepsie, NY.
With many thanks to Ruthie Shaw, Gretchen Lytle and Kaitlin Torp
For Harriet, who has so much wonderful learning in front of her and so many wonderful people with whom to share it.
May 21, 2012 Contributors – In order of appearance
Aaron S. – The First Crusade
Lia S. – Beagles vs. Coonhounds
Cameron S. - What is a Bomber?
Lily S. – History of Dogs
Camilla F. – The Early Life of a Koala
Maddie S. – Modern Dance
Charlotte C. – Meerkats
Mia V. – How to Train a Cat
Cole T. – Norwegian Eating
Michael Y. – Baseball
Daniel V. – Squirrels
Morgan M. – Black Cats
Eden G. – Mountain Gorillas
Natalie M. – Monkeys and Apes
Gus B. – Two Great Soccer Players
Paavo H. - All about Galaxies
Jade B. – How Dogs Communicate
Petra P. – Arabian Horses
James S. – The Battle of Gettysburg
Sam H. - Electricity
Jan C. – Making Chocolate in a Factory
Stella P. – Dogs
Joanna H. – Toy Dogs
Sobia H. – Grooming Your Cat
Kiki S. – What Orangutans Eat
Zack W. – From Squire to Knight
Lexi K. – Primates vs. Humans
The First Crusade By Aaron S.
While they were walking through a pass they were AMBUSHED by a group of Turks and they were nearly wiped out! Peter the Hermit and a few others
“Attack!” cried the knight commander and the
survived to tell the tale of how they were defeated
crusaders charged the oncoming Turks. If you’ve
by the mighty Seljuk Turks.
never read about the first crusade than you probably have no idea what this article is talking about. Allow me to explain. It all started in 1096 when Pope Urban the 2nd learned that the Seljuk Turks had taken over the Holy Land a.k.a. Jerusalem. He decided to send out a crusade of knights to reclaim it. It used to be that Christians could visit Jerusalem but the Seljuk Turks refused them that right. And so the crusade began.
A year after the Pope announced the start of the crusade the knights set out, taking almost the exact
There were in fact two crusades. The crusade
same route as the peasants. In Constantinople the
made up of knights and a crusade of peasants who
emperor had the Generals swear their loyalty to
had taken it upon themselves to free the Holy Land
him and ferried them across the Straits. They too
from the Turks. The knights took almost a year to
were ambushed but fought off the Turks and
prepare all their stuff. The peasants were ready
continued on their way. After that they found and
almost immediately. Led by Peter the Hermit, the
captured the ancient city of Antioch. But the crazy
Peasants crusade set off towards the Holy Land.
thing is the army of Turks laid a siege of Antioch
Those peasants weren’t the good guys you’d think
while the knights were still there! The knights were
they were. For that matter neither were the knights.
terrified and thought they would die. That was when
The peasants attacked Jewish people along the
a humble member of the crusade stepped forward.
way and near the end of the crusade the knights
The night before, he had a dream that the Holy
had a massacre, but more about that later. In the
Lance was in Antioch. Half the crusaders searched
summer of 1096 the peasants got to the city of
and they did find a lance. They believed that this
Constantinople. The emperor of Constantinople
was in fact the Holy Lance. Empowered by their
was worried, unsurprisingly, when a bunch of loud
discovery they decided to attack the Turks the very
peasants came into his hall and demanded
next day.
passage. So he quickly had them ferried across the Straits of Bosphorus into what is now Turkey (the
The next day the crusaders won a huge victory.
country, not the food.)
They not only beat the Turks, they demolished them. The Turkish army scattered and the
Now we get to something exciting. After traveling
crusaders were not bothered by them again. They
across the Straits they went through the mountains.
finally made it to Jerusalem in 1099. I know it took
them a very long time, but they got there in the end.
Christian hands.
Well I guess I wasn’t telling the truth. The Turks poisoned all the water around Jerusalem. The
I’m sure you know what happens after that. You
crusaders were not deterred by this act. They
don’t! Well this is what happened. The crusaders
continued anyway. The crusaders spent three days
took over and Jerusalem was divided into four
marching around Jerusalem purifying themselves
principalities and each was ruled by a knight or
before attacking. Then after another three days
lord. After that two groups of knights formed. They
they made it into the city. They then went on that
were called the Knights Templar and the
massacre I told you about earlier. They killed
Hospitalles. The Templar made sure everyone was
almost everyone! It was really gruesome. The Pope
safe and the Hospitalles cared for everyone who
who had sent them died before the news reached
was sick or homeless. In other words they thrived
him that they had captured Jerusalem. His
successor made sure that Jerusalem stayed in
What is a Bomber?
bombs when the bomb bay doors open.
By Cameron S. THE HISTORY OF BOMBERS. A bomber is a military plane. It flies high and at a speed of 600-1,600 mph. A bomber can fly for over
The first bomb was dropped in 1911.The pilots
12 hours in the air. .A bomber also carries troops.
used to drop the bombs from a open cockpit. They used to be detectable by enemy radar. Now they
HOW DOES A BOMBER WORK? are mostly detectable by radar. A bomber uses 4 jet engines to fly. A bomber uses satellites and This is a plane that is computers to undetectable by radar. This help them fly. is a stealth fighter. They also can refuel in mid-air. It drops its
The Early Life of a Koala
but they are not bears, they are marsupials. Most people think that koalas are cute and cuddly but
by Camilla F.
they are actually fierce. They have sharp claws to
The baby koala is born! He is only two centimeters long, about the size of a jellybean. She is a
climb smooth trees and sharp teeth. *marsupial:mar-soo-pe-ul
marsupial*. Marsupials are mammals with pouches they carry their joeys around in. Joeys are baby marsupials. The joey only has two senses - smell and touch. The joey stays in her mother’s pouch
Meerkats By Charlotte C.
keeping warm and drinking her mother’s milk for about 6-8 months. He also eats something called
Foxes, eagles, hawks, jackals and hyenas all hunt
pap. Pap is a specialized form of his mother’s
meerkats. Meerkats blend into the ground, but
somehow their predators spot them. When a
which is soft
predator doesn’t leave, the meerkats work together
and runny.
to drive it away. The meerkats tightly clump
Joeys eat
together and that’s called a mob. Each member of
pap because
the mob turns toward the predator. Next they stand
it develops
up tall and hold their tails up straight and stiff. They
puff up their hair and try to look big as possible.
digestive system so
The meerkats are clumped together so they look
the poison
like one big animal. After that the mob charges at
from eucalyptus leaves won’t affect them. The joey
the predator and at the same time the meerkats
will start eating pap when it is about 4 months old.
leap into the air. All of them then hiss and growl. If the predator is still there they bite and scratch. One
Once the months have passed and the joey has
meerkat can’t fight the predator. But working
outgrown his pouch he rides on his mother’s back
together they can fight the predator off.
(piggyback style) until he’s about a year old. When her digestive system has developed she can start to eat leaves. Koalas mainly eat eucalyptus leaves which are poisonous to anybody other than koalas. They also eat other leaves. Koalas will eat and sleep in trees.
The koala will end up living to about 10-17 years old. Normally female koalas live longer than male koalas because of injuries from fights, dogs and car accidents. Most people call them “Koala Bears”
Norwegian Eating By Cole Turner Have you ever wondered how food in Norway is
There are over 300 kinds of squirrels. Three of
gathered? Food in Norway is gathered in many
them are ground squirrels, tree squirrels and flying
different ways. Farmers in Norway grow rye, wheat
squirrels. The ground squirrels dig burrows in the
and barley. These grains are used to make many
ground and can
types of bread. Farmers raise sheep, goats, pigs and
survive most types
dairy cattle
of weather. Some
tree squirrels build
nests like birds.
mutton, lamb
Some get homes
and pork as
in trees. Even in the winter they still come down for
well as the
food. These two squirrels are most active during
cheeses that
the day.
Norwegians enjoy. One Norwegian cheese is geitost which is made
from goat’s milk. Another kind of cheese is gammelost,
a tangy brown cheese that is made from soured skim
really fly. They
Fruits and vegetables are also grown in Norway. This
have flaps of skin so they can glide across the sky.
is weird since one third of Norway is above the arctic
The southern flying squirrels live usually live in
circle. But the warm gulf stream currents and mild
hollow trees. This squirrel is more active at night
southwesterly winds keep the temperature in Norway
high. Norway is cool and damp during the growing
All squirrels
season. Vegetables that grow well in this climate are
have strong
potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, peas and rutabagas.
legs and
Very often potatoes are part of the Norwegian dinner,
can leap
especially when they are boiled. At least twelve
from tree
different kinds of potatoes grow in Norway. Many kinds
limb to tree
of berries thrive in Norway like strawberries,
limb. They
blueberries, lingonberries and cloudberries.
also have teeth called incisors that are strong and can crack a nut. Their whiskers can tell whether or not the squirrel can fit. A squirrel has a memory
What starts with "t" ends with "t" and is filled with "t"? A teapot.
span for 20 minutes. That’s a lot of cool facts about squirrels. Thank you for reading.
The Ways of Mountain Gorillas
because sometimes they can remind us about ourselves and the more we learn about them the
By Eden G.
more we learn about ourselves.
While there are three different kinds of gorillas: the western lowland gorilla, the eastern lowland gorilla and the mountain gorilla, I find the mountain gorilla
Two Great Soccer Players By Gus B.
most fascinating. The mountain gorilla has thicker and longer fur than all the other kinds of gorillas.
Have you ever
They have longer and thicker fur because they live
wondered who
in cooler temperatures than other gorillas.
the two best soccer players in
Males weigh twice as much as females just like a
the world are?
western lowland gorilla. Most adult male mountain gorillas are called silverbacks because when they get older their fur on their backs begins to have a silver stripe down the center. Gorillas live in groups however male gorillas leave the group at age eleven . In each group there is always at least one
Well, I’m not going to just tell you who they are and why, but I’ll also tell you about the leagues they play in. So get ready to read some serious information. The two best soccer players in the world right now are Cristiano Ronaldo, and Lionel Messi.
dominant silverback. The silverback decides what the group eats and where.
Lionel Messi is the best player in the world. Although he is only five-
When the mountain gorilla is most active is between the hours of 6am and 6pm. They live in altitudes ranging from 7,200-14,100 feet. The mountain gorilla eats leaves, shoots and stems from plants, bark, roots and flowers. The mountain gorilla is very social and they keep long term bonds. Gorillas are such fascinating creatures
foot-seven, he is the best dribbler by far and his shot is so good that not even Ronaldo’s (see below) shot is better. Messi was born in Rosario, Argentina.
Cristiano Ronaldo is the second best soccer player in the world and was born in Santo Antonio, Portugal. Cristiano Ronaldo is the second best player in the world because of his amazing head balling ability, his great passing skills, and his lightning speed. Eastern Mountain Gorilla in rainforest of Uganda Picture from Royalty Free Stock Photos
Both Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messie play in
Spain's best league, La Liga, meaning The
When a dog wants something he stares at you,
paws at you,holds his ears up, and wags his tail
Ronaldo used to play in the English Premier
high. When a dog shows love he will lick you,
League (the EPL). The EPL is the most popular
cuddle with you and lay on you. These are all
League in the world.
importantthis to know about how your dog communicates.
How Dogs Communicate
The Battle of Gettysburg:
By Jade B. Dogs communicate in three different ways, by sound, scent and body and facial expression. These are some ways to know how your dog is feeling. When a dog is nervous he has his tail between his legs, he holds his head low, his body will be shaking, and he will in a defensive posture. When a dog is excited/happy he will hold his head high, have perky ears, wag his tail high and bark. When a dog is bored/sleepy he will lay around, have eyes half opened, sigh and yawn. When a dog wants to play, he will play bow, which is when the front is down and the back is raised. He will bark, and his tail will wag. Depending on the size of the breed some dogs will bark very deeply, like a St Bernard, while smaller dogs like a Fox Terrier will bark with a much higher tone. When
By James S. Gettysburg was one of the main battles of the civil war. One of the Confederate generals, Robert E. Lee, marched with 75,000 troops to Gettysburg. At first there was a small Union army until thousands of Union army reinforcements arrived. One of the Union generals, General Meade, came with 88,000 troops. The Confederate were out-numbered in Gettysburg. Lee ordered his men to attack the middle of the Union battle line. Some of the Confederates were killed and captured. The rest of the Confederates retreated to the south. The battle was 4 full days long. The Confederates messed with the wrong Union army.
That retreat was on the Fourth of July, 1863. a dog is aggressive his back raises, his ears are pinned down, his tail wags low and he has an offensive posture. He will have his lip curled and teeth showing, and he will be snarling or growling.
Making Chocolate in a Factory
vanilla to chocolate liquor to make dark chocolate. They add dried milk powder and more sugar and
By Jan C.
vanilla if they are making milk chocolate. At this point, the ingredients are all mixed together
It took about four days for the Van Leer Chocolate
according to recipes worked out in a laboratory,
factory to make chocolate from a bag of cacao
and the first day is drawing to a close.
beans. The cacao beans arrived from all over the world - - all over the tropical region of the world
On the second day, the chocolate liquor, sugar and
that is. Beans from Ghana may be mixed with
other ingredients must be “refined”, mixed and
beans from Mexico, Brazil, Hawaii, Malaysia and
ground for about a half a day until the size of the
the Philippines to make a smooth, flavorful
particles is so tiny that the chocolate will be creamy
chocolate. When the cacao beans arrived in their
and smooth. Then it’s time for a long blending
burlap sacks weighing 200 pounds, they were
process called conching. Cheaper chocolates are
either forklifted right to the storage pallets in the
only conched for a few hours, but fine chocolate
large cool warehouse or they were opened and
spends at least 24 hours being conched.
dumped into a rotating roasting oven for several hours.
During the afternoon of
When the beans are roasted, they are deposited
the fourth
onto a moving conveyor belt situated on top of a
day, the
powerful fan so their papery shells can be blown
chocolate is
off and caught in empty burlap sacks. Next, the
beans, now called nibs, traveled to a large grinding
machine which turns the cocoa beans into a thick
pipes to a large tempering kettle. The chocolate
paste that looks a lot like peanut butter. This paste,
must be handled at just the right temperatures so
called cocoa mass or chocolate liquor, is quite oily
that when it is poured into ten pound molds, it will
because the beans are rich with cocoa butter.
be as brown and shiny as we expect delicious
Some of the chocolate liquor heads to a huge
chocolate to be. Finally, the 89 degree chocolate is
press. The press squeezes the paste so hard that
deposited into molds and sent into a very cold
all the cocoa butter drips out and all that’s left
refrigerated room for about an hour. Conveyor
between the large round presses is a cake of
belts bring the bars to workers at the final station of
cocoa powder. The company sells some of the
the assembly line. Workers at this station lift each
cocoa powder to bakers and hot chocolate makers
bar, place it in a clean plastic bag and place the
and some of the cocoa butter to skin care
bar into a box. Five bars in a box means it’s time
companies, but the rest gets used to make their
for another worker to tape the box shut: green tape
delicious chocolate.
for dark chocolate and yellow tape for milk chocolate. These boxes travel by forklift truck to
Workers add sugar and some flavorings such as
cool storage warehouses until someone orders
What Orangutans Eat
I grew up learning and playing around Van Leer
By Kiki S.
Chocolate Corporation. It is closed now, and all the employees have gone to work for other
As the seasons change orangutans can remember
businesses. I have fond memories of the smells,
where the trees are that might have ripe fruit so
the sounds and the signs posted to remind people
they go to those trees more often than others.
how to be safe. I loved climbing the greasy ladders
Orangutans have
to peer into the giant tanks where the chocolate
a very big
was blended. I loved helping pack the ten pound
appetite and
bars. But what made me feel special was that I
sometimes they
could say to people whose parents worked in
will spend the
offices doing who knew what, “My daddy works in
whole day
a chocolate factory!”
looking for food, and eating. They
Where are toy dogs from? By Joanna H.
eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, bark, flowers, eggs, and insects. They have very sharp teeth in the front of their mouths for tearing and cutting food. In
All of the toy dogs are from around the world.
the back of their mouths they have molars for
Italian greyhounds are from Italy. Mexican hairless
chewing food.
are from China. Papillons are from France. English toy spaniels are from England. They are also called King Charles spaniels. Chihuahuas are from Mexico. Maltese are from Malta in the Mediterranean sea. Pekingese are from China.
Primates vs. Humans By: Lexi K.
Pugs are from Europe. Affenpinschers are from
Have you ever wondered if primates are like us?
Germany. Bichon Frises are from the
It's hard to think about, isn’t it? I mean an animal
Mediterranean Sea area. Bolognese are from Italy.
and a human...alike? Well the truth is some way
Chinese crested
they are, but in some ways they aren’t. Human
dogs are from
behavior starts in the brain and in our nervous
China. English toy
systems. The more complicated an animal’s brain
terriers are from
is the more
England. Japanese
chin dogs are from
Japan. Lowchens
behavior will
are from Europe. Pomeranians are from Germany
be. Primates
and last but not least the Yorkshire terrier is from
are right
below us on the food
chain and their life is complicated. So that means
Beagles vs. Coonhounds
primates (monkeys and apes) are a lot like humans
By Lia S.
actually. All their senses are the same as ours. In
Do beagles and coonhounds have anything in
fact chimpanzees, monkeys, and apes are the only
common? If you know what beagles or
animals that even approach our human abilities.
coonhounds are, then good for you, but If you
Chimpanzees actually make their own tools and are very, very smart. Only primates come
don’t, then they’re dog breeds. Beagles are small. They have floppy ears and a
up to our level and probably will be alive after us
loud bark. They are
when we get extinct. Yet if you think about it most
solid, sturdy and very
animals are very, very different. They hunt and we
gentle. There are two
buy, they fight others off as we invite most others
types of beagles. One
in, and they don't use toilets...!
of them is under 13 inches and the other is
Animals’ brains and bodies work much differently
higher with a maximum of 15 inches. They are
than the way ours work. We are different in many
usually black, tan, and white. They were used for
ways and also we’re highest on the food chain.
scent hunting in the time of ancient Greeks. They
With chimpanzees being right below us they are
love being around people and other dogs. Beagles
like brothers or sisters, except a little different. In
are clever, quick, and curious.
fact all primates
Coonhounds are medium sized dogs. They are a
are like our
little like the bloodhound. Coonhounds love people
brothers or
and being around them. They are working hounds,
sisters! But
and are capable of fighting through harsh winters
compared to
and hot summers. They are
animals like
very friendly, but very alert.
jellyfish we are
They have floppy ears and
much more
long legs. Male coonhounds
advanced. Considering that they have no brains!
can grow up to 27 inches and
So Humans are very much different than animals,
females can grow to 25
most of the time.
inches. Coonhounds are very loving, but they are serious when it comes to hunting. If they chase a raccoon up to a tree and
How does a hedgehog play leapfrog?
they bark at it, it’s called
Very carefully!
barking up.
What happened to the cat that swallowed a ball of wool?
Beagles do have a lot in
She had mittens!
common with coonhounds,
What do you call a gorilla wearing ear-muffs?
like their floppy ears and
Anything you like! He can’t hear you!
loving their family.
The author’s coonhound
Modern Dance By Maddie S.
freedom through her movements. She was admired by a lot of younger dancers.
Other dancers and choreographers started doing modern dance and opening up companies to teach people how to do modern dance like Alvin Ailey, Martha Graham, Katherine Dunham, Merce Cunningham.....etc. Modern dance is now very popular!
Some choreographers wanted to make a dance that expressed a lot of feeling and that’s how
By Mia V.
modern dance came to be. A couple of choreographers wanted to expand on ballet. Ballet
Training cats is fun and a great way to spend some
is limited and often doesn’t use the dancer’s back
quality time with your companion. Here’s how to
to create movement. Ballet usually tells a story
train your cat to sit, lie down, wave, give a high five
through the dance and they walk on their toes,
and sit up. But unlike dogs who do tricks to try to
unlike modern dance. Modern dance started a
please you, cats only do a trick if they get
hundred years ago. It is not as recently made as
something out of it, so make sure you have lots of
hip-hop is but it’s always developing and people
his favorite treats. With dogs, you need to do the
keep on adding new things to it.
trick many times before the dog gets it. With cats, you only need to do it a few times. This is because
In the olden days ballet was very popular but after
cats have a part of their brain that when they do
a while a choreographer named Nijinsky created
something and they get a reward, they almost
something totally different off of the traditional
instantly know that if they do it they will get a
ballet. The dance was called The Rite Of Spring.
This dance was not appreciated among most
people when it was first performed in 1913 at
If you want to train your cat it’s important that he
Paris. The Rite Of Spring was a fierce dance. It
masters sit before you try to teach him any other
was about a little girl who was being sacrificed to
tricks. First, put him on a table. Have his favorite
the god of spring. There was an uproar! Some
treats in your hand. Make sure he’s focused on you
people found it awful and some found it beautiful.
and the treats. Gently push down on his lower back
Loie Fuller was also a great dancer who also tried
with one hand, and hold a treat an inch or two
something new. Ruth St. Denis and Isadora
above his head, say “Sit.” Then when he sits, say
Duncan both watched Loie Fuller perform in 1901.
“Good sit,” and immediately give him a treat. Do
They both became well known modern dancers.
this a few more times, then try without pressing his
Isadora Duncan did barefoot dancing and showed
lower back. Remember to reward him. Soon you
should be able to get your kitty to do sit any time, even without a treat, but it’s still better to give him a treat most of the time.
Baseball By Michael Y. The old days The first official game of baseball was played in
LIE DOWN Lie down is a very fun trick, but it’s a little tricky to teach. Have your cat sit, take his favorite treat and put it in front of him. Remember, not so close that he can’t get to it but not so far that he needs to get up to get it, about 4-6 inches away should be good. Then say, “Lie down.” When he lies down give him the treat and say, “Good lie down.” Practice a few more times and your cat should get it. WAVE
1845. Baseball has grown to be more high-tech. In the old days, the bases were just paths in the park. Alexander Cartwright created the 90 foot base paths. In the 1900’s, baseball uniforms had collars. Also, their pants were more like shorts. For the catcher, the mitt to catch the ball was like a pillow covered in leather. The catcher’s masks were covered in iron cast so they wouldn’t get hit by a ball in the face. The old masks also didn’t cover their throats. They didn’t wear helmets at that time, they wore caps. Their baseball cleats only covered the front and back of the bottom of their shoes. The cleats were made of metal.
The wave trick is very fun and pretty easy. Have
The modern days Now, baseball uniforms don’t have collars. The
your cat sit, then hold a treat at eye level to your
cleats now cover the whole bottom of the shoes and
cat. Say, “Wave,” and when he puts his paw up
the pants are longer. A usual baseball field is 300+
give him the treat and say “Good wave.” He’ll get it
feet long. A mound is 18 inches above the regular
in about three tries. Then you can do it without a
baseball field.
treat, but you should still use treats or he won’t want to do the trick anymore.
Baseball teams In baseball, there are two teams of nine people
competing to win the game. There are also pinch
First, have your cat sit. Hold a treat a little higher
runners or hitters. That means some person is filling
than eye level to your cat, say “High five.” When he
in for the person who is getting substituted. This rule
paws your hand say “Good high five,” and give him
has not changed ever in baseball.
the treat.
End of season extras At the end of a baseball season, there are awards
SIT UP Have your cat sit. Then hold the treat above his head about 3 or 4 inches. Say “Up.” When he puts his two paws up, say “Good up,” and give him the treat.
given out. The Cy Young award goes to the best pitcher in the National League and American League. Cy Young was the greatest pitcher in baseball history. The gold glove award goes to very good defensive players. Lots of the gold glove awards are given out. That is the history of baseball.
Black Cats
Monkeys and Apes
By Morgan M.
By Natalie M. When you went to the zoo did you see the monkey
Have you ever thought about why black cats are
enclosure? Apes are the closest relatives to
thought to be bad luck? Well if you have keep
humans because they don’t have tails, and
reading. Black cats are thought to be bad luck for
monkey do. Some monkeys live in the trees, others
many superstitious reasons. One is that witches
live on the
could supposedly turn into black cats at night.
ground. The
Another is that they were thought to be witches
monkeys that
pets. At some point Jews and Babylonians thought
live on the
that black cats could be related to serpents
ground need
because of their love of sitting near a fire. Once,
extra protection
the French accused witches of worshiping the devil
by people
in the form of a black cat.
because they are very weak against pray. Ground monkeys travel in large groups.
The more realistic reason is that black cats have reflective yellow eyes and at night their eyes have
There are almost 150 different kinds of monkeys.
the illusion of glowing. This is mainly a superstition
They live in Africa, Asia and South America. South
as said above but a few are based on history. Like
America has the biggest number of threatened
this one in 1969, there was a big baseball game
monkeys. Some monkeys are endangered
Mets vs. Cubs. Somehow a black cat came into
because we are not protecting them from eagles,
Shea stadium and circled the Cubs and then
big snakes, such as pythons and boa constrictors,
disappeared. This event was followed by the Cubs’
crocodiles, caimans sometimes even apes eat
defeat. Was this because of the black cat or were
small monkeys. Don’t just sit here reading this
the Cubs just really bad players?? We may never
article, do something!
The Japanese Macaque Monkey Macaques live in all parts of Japan, from the warm south to the arctic north. Infant macaques cling to their mother’s abdomen until they’re about a month old. Then they learn to balance on her back. Young macaques roll snowballs – just for fun! Macaques learn by imitation. Sound familiar?
All about Galaxies By Paavo Hegley Galaxies are big clusters of stars, planets and solar systems. If you want to find galaxies with your own eyes, it has to be dark! You want to have a sweater, a red light, a telescope and you don’t want to be near any lights (house and city). Then
Arabian Horses By Petra P.
you want to look up at the stars and enjoy yourself! You want to look at whatever you want in the night sky. If you see a bright light in the sky you have found a galaxy! There are many other ways to find galaxies. Scientist use telescopes sometimes. Sometimes the galaxies give off radio signals so scientists X-RAY the galaxies. Even though our galaxy is spiral doesn’t mean that all galaxies are spiral, some are ball shaped. Our galaxy is one of the smallest we know. Andromeda is our neighboring galaxy. Andromeda is the biggest galaxy known to man.
Arabian horses are one of the oldest kinds of horses. They have a very narrow nose and their faces have a good bone structure. They’re very strong. They are often a pretty big horse, usually around 61 inches tall. They’re very friendly horses and known to be gentle and kind. They are very good with kids. They have black skin, but black is not a very common color for their hair. It’s more common to see bay and chestnut colored Arabians. Their legs are very strong and muscular. They are loyal and they follow people well. Many people have liked to work with Arabians for
One day (in about a million years) the Milky Way
thousands of years.
and Andromeda will collide and make “Milkamida.” There are also clusters of galaxies. The Milky Way and Andromeda are a part of one big cluster. Who knows what’s going to happen when Andromeda going to smash into us, will we die or not die? That’s a question that no one could answer.
Here is a picture of colliding galaxies: What do you call excited electrons? That’s right, electricity. There are different kinds of electricity. Static electricity, when electrons are being pulled from one surface to another one. This happens when you take off a sweater or sometimes when you rub your sock on a carpet. There is also a type of electricity called an electrical current, which is when there is a flow of electrons in a conductor. A another type of electricity is an electrical
circuit. That’s when there is an energy source,
started to think what a good pet wolves could be.
energy pathway and energy receiver. The source
So, people tamed the wolves and gave them some
will send energy which will travel through the
of their own food. Eventually the wolves started to
pathway to the receiver, like a battery giving
change because of being in a different habitat. They
energy to a lamp through a wire. Like how there is
were fed differently and they were tamed. Also the
electricity in a wall socket the socket carries
people who tamed wolves started to breed them so
electricity. There are many more examples of
they could make them stronger, better hunters or
electricity, but those are the main types of
good with kids. So that’s how they started to evolve.
NOTE: When electricity flows in an object a magnetic field is created around the object. GLOSSARY Conductor.................A solid with a path inside it. Like a tube. Energy Source..............An object that holds energy inside it. Energy Pathway............Takes energy and sends it to something else. Energy Receiver.................Receives energy from an energy source. Circuit........................A bunch of conductors together making a closed path which can hold electricity inside of it. Electron..............A stable kind of particle that has a charge of negative power, found in all atoms, which is the main particle for carrying electricity in solids.
Hey! Don’t just think, “Dogs just became dogs. The end.” Nope! Dogs still use the same emotions as wolves, but maybe more, proper. So if you have a dog try to see how he or she acts like a wolf. Then see how your dog acts independently. Some examples of wolf-like behavior: someone that neither your dog nor you knows crosses your path, your dog will start to bark. If a dog is scared or sorry it will put its tail between its legs or it will turn on its back and show its stomach. If a dog sees an
Dogs By Stella P.
animal like a squirrel it will try to chase after it. But when a dog acts independently, most of them won’t howl at the moon, most domesticated dogs
Have you ever wondered how a wolf evolved to a
don’t like to stay on high places (wolves always like
dog? Well it’s simple! But let’s start from 4,000
to be on high places like a plateau or an
years ago. Before we start, remember this: wolves
outcropping) and last, dogs don’t fight to be a
look just like dogs, except wolves are not tamed.
leader of a human pack. Most dogs these days are
They were not pets. They were always in the woods
not in packs or colonies.
hunting for animals to eat until one day people started to take in wolves to make them help them with hunting and pulling things. After a while people
It’s a Dog’s Life! During the Middle Ages, Great Danes and Mastiffs were sometimes suited with armor and spiked collars to enter a battle or to defend supply caravans
Grooming Cats
From Squire to Knight
By Sobia H.
By Zack W.
Meow! Meow! I’m feeling dirty! Cats should
Squires trained for years before they became
always be groomed but, do you know how to
knights. When rich boys reached the age of seven
groom them? Well, if you don’t, then here is how.
they could be a page and go to a school where
You will need a brush, a comb, a pair cat clippers
they would study maps and learn to read and write.
and a toothbrush. First, to make sure your kitten is
After school, when they were about 12 or 13 years
calm and used to being groomed, stroke it gently.
old, the page was apprenticed to a knight and was
Next, take your comb and comb your cat. By doing
called a squire. He would learn how to dress the
this you’re getting the knots and the tangles out in
knight. Then the squire would learn how to use a
their hair. Once you’ve done that, brush your cat so
sword and a lance. He used a wooden sword with
that you can get all the dead hair out of the
a heavy rock attached to the hilt so he could get
way.After that, take your pair of cat clippers and
used to the weight. He and his knight dueled
stroke your cat with the clippers making sure it
together when they weren’t in battle.
doesn’t hurt. Then, gently squeeze your cat’s paw and cut the nails. Later, take the toothbrush and wash out all the messy stuff. When that’s done open your cat’s mouth and make sure This is a knight charging into battle on his horse.
that its mouth is clean and there are no broken teeth. Lastly, put some cat toothpaste on your toothbrush and rub it on your cat’s mouth. Soon it will open it’s mouth and you can brush its teeth. Well, that wasn’t so hard, was it?
The squire also got training from actual battles. When a squire was thought to have learned the right skills he would kneel before his king to be
Did you know?
knighted. The king would touch each shoulder with his sword. Or, in rare cases, he was dubbed by the
• • •
A litter of kittens is called a kindle, and a group of cats is called a clowder. A cat's IQ is only surpassed by that of monkeys and chimps in the world of animals. Cats are the only animals that purr. They can purr at around 26 cycles per second, which is the same frequency as an idling diesel engine.
knight he served after a brave feat on the battlefield.