Calling all
PDS parents,
grandparents, friends, students,
the u.knight challenge The Campaign for
Accept the challenge!
$7 million by May 31.
Accept THE
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u.knight for the future. Rather than telling students about a topic, our vision of learning requires that we engage boys in active, collaborative discovery and exploration.
the u.knight challenge The Campaign for
We prepare our boys to be scholars, leaders and godly men in the dynamic and interconnected global community of the 21st century. Our boys must excel in critical and creative thinking, collaboration
Our responsibility as
and teaming, innovative and entrepreneurial thinking, cross-curricular
a school is to build
problem solving, and leadership. Their world is saturated with
upon our tradition
technology, science, creativity and innovation. Innovations in all of
of preparing boys to
these areas will continue and even accelerate, coming at us faster
thrive and lead in a world with new and different demands and opportunities.
and faster. We must teach our boys to be lifelong learners, to analyze and synthesize information in teams across continents, to create new knowledge, to read incisively and communicate clearly, to envision creative solutions to problems, and to lead with integrity. Transforming our entire campus to be full of learning spaces to fulfill these learning goals is the goal of this capital campaign.
This challenge to secure the funding to complete our strategic initiative of providing
Accept the Challenge. Help PDS raise $7 million by May 31. Let’s u.knight for the future of PDS.
world-class learning facilities is essential to our mission. Lee Burns Headmaster
C. Kemmons Wilson, Jr.
Campaign Chairman
The Challenge: Raise $7 Million by May 31, 2013
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1 JANUARY 2013
The Challenge Begins
2 MAY 31, 2013
$7 million raised
Construction Begins BEGINNING SUMMER 2014
Boys Enriched by
New Science Lab New Music Center New Art Center New Media Center New Dining Hall New Kitchen Mallory Reading and Learning Center Tully-Sharp Science Lab
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Our ability to offer a world-class 21st-century education hinges on our ability to expand and renovate our facilities. Expanded facilities will allow PDS boys new and enhanced curricular opportunities in science, music, art, reading, and global studies. They will allow for more research and projects that complement and enrich the classroom experience. They will allow for a healthier lunch program and equip us to meet the growing needs of our families for after-school programs.
The Challenge: Raise $7 Million by May 31, 2013
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the u.knight challenge The Campaign for The Campaign for PDS is a $26 million comprehensive campaign, with an emphasis on facilities, programs, and endowment. The campaign will give our teachers the tools, ongoing training, and facilities they need to offer boys a world-class education.
THE CHALLENGE: To raise $7 million in new gifts
and pledges by May 31, 2013 in order to begin construction of new facilities by July 2013.
* New Science Lab * New Music Center * New Art Center * New Media Center * New Dining Hall * New Kitchen * PMallory Reading and Learning Center (funded) * PTully-Sharp Science Lab (funded)
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The Challenge: Raise $7 Million by May 31, 2013
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Understanding science helps boys appreciate and relate to the world around them. SCIENCE LAB •
Learning to sing and play instruments promotes mathematical and spacial reasoning. MUSIC CENTER •
Art teaches kids to think creatively to solve problems. ART CENTER •
The need now is not to store information but to access, validate, synthesize, and apply it. MEDIA CENTER •
Focused instruction in small groups helps boys develop reading skills. READING & LEARNING CENTER •
Proper nutrition plays an important role in brain function. DINING HALL & KITCHEN •
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The $7 million Challenge Funds will provide for the following: A NEW SCIENCE LAB will result in
A NEW MUSIC CENTER will include
100% more space for PDS boys to engage in
eight rooms for private lessons as well as
scientific exploration through experiments,
performance/practice areas for a student
demonstrations, and hands on learning in the
orchestra and band, choral ensembles, and choirs.
sciences. This is in addition to the recently dedicated Tully-Sharp Science Lab. Understanding science helps boys appreciate and relate to the world around them.
Learning to sing and keep rhythm develops coordination. A recent study from the University of California found that music trains the brain for
Questioning is the foundation of scientific inquiry. Do you know a child who does not ask lots of questions? Elementary school is the ideal time to build upon that natural inclination. Students learn science by actively engaging in science practices. For too long science instruction consisted of a list of
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC ROOM . The renovations in our musical
department would allow PDS boys to participate in orchestra and band.
disconnected facts and ideas which offered no connections or deep understandings. Boys can learn and discover more from doing science and extrapolating what they learned from their experiences.
higher forms of thinking. Second graders who were given music lessons scored 27% higher on proportional math and fractions tests than children who received no special instruction.
The Challenge: Raise $7 Million by May 31, 2013
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Playing instruments and adding movement
Art develops observations skills and encourages
teaches children about sequencing which is
children give more attention to the physical space
essential in reading comprehension.
around them. Art stimulates both the right and the
Every child can make a joyful noise.
left hemisphere of the brain. Art develops hand and eye coordination and fine motor skills. Art teaches kids to think creatively to solve problems.
A NEW MEDIA CENTER will act as an information hub where the existing collection of 20,000 books and quiet work and reading spaces meet ample space for video conferencing with experts and other schools. The new space will have advanced audio-visual and communication equipment and collaborative work space for student project research and development. CREATIVE ART CENTER . Representing part of a
400% increase in art space, this art center will provide more opportunities for PDS boys to express their own creative ideas.
According to Eric Schmidt, current executive chairman of Google, every two days now we create as much information
A NEW ART CENTER will include areas for art demonstration and instruction in painting, drawing, sculpting, woodworking, and other handson activities that boys need. Art goes beyond verbal language to communicate feelings that might not otherwise be expressed. Creating art requires testing possibilities and working through challenges, much like a scientist who experiments and finds solutions.
Accept the Challenge: Let’s u.knight for the future of PDS
as we did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003, That’s something like five exabytes* of data every day. *One exabyte is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes. This is roughly equivalent to 367 billion trees of printed paper. That’s a lot of data. The need now is not to store information but to access, validate, synthesize, and apply it. The library as media hub holds a lot more than books. It will not be bound by its walls. And, it is
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becomes a web curator and information specialist
who helps students develop learning portals.
allow us to prepare our own meals of smart and
The media center space is dedicated to
healthy food selections and teach smart eating
full of people talking and learning. The librarian
consuming information in books, ebooks, on the
choices and habits for maximum brain and body
web as well as producing information in movies,
fuel, and to provide lunch for boys around noon.
electronic books, podcasts, webcasts, and more.
Our current smaller facilities mean some boys eat
Learning is social and learning is active, especially for boys.
as early as 10:55 am or as late as 1:20 pm. Proper nutrition plays an important role in brain function. The food we eat directly affects the
efficiency of complex carbohydrates by improving attention, working memory, and endurance.
dedicated space staffed with reading specialists to work with boys refining their reading skills, comprehension, fluency, study skills, time management, and test taking strategies. The ultimate purpose of reading is to develop a tool for learning, understanding, and enjoying reading. Reading is the cornerstone of academic success. Spending extra attention, time, and effort to build a firm foundation is good for everyone. Every brain is different.
MEDIA CENTER . Located in the center of the school, the new
Focused instruction and practice in
media center will serve as a hub of learning and research for PDS boys, and it will include video-conferencing capabilities.
small groups helps boys develop good reading skills. Learning to read is a complex linguistic
According to the Journal for Nutrition Education, the more a child learns about healthy
achievement. For many children it requires
eating choices, the fewer eating problems he will
intense effort and deliberate skill development.
have in adult life.
The Challenge: Raise $7 Million by May 31, 2013
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New Age
As the nation’s largest elementary boys’ school, serving boys during the most formative years of their lives with a mission to build Godly men, PDS is better positioned than any school in the country to have a significant and positive impact on the sort of students, leaders and men that boys become. Just as a doctor needs a surgical laser or
swiftly and consistently occurring since the
optical biopsy needle for precision, or a lawyer
turn of the 21st century. We believe strongly
needs LexisNexis on his iPad or iPhone for
that this new era, often described as the
anywhere, anytime productivity, a school needs
Innovation Age, demands that we educate boys
learning spaces that support and enhance its
more strategically and flexibly than the highly
learning needs.
prescribed and metered instruction of content that their fathers experienced. Ten years ago, leaders at PDS recognized this shift, and we resolved that learning must change dramatically to prepare students for a dramatically changing world. We must certainly offer direct instruction of the basic and fundamental building blocks like reading, math, and social skills, including emotional intelligence and communication skills. However, the Innovation Age requires that we tackle so much more to develop problemsolving, leadership, and collaboration skills in
A school’s facilities are an essential tool in implementing the school’s learning vision. At Presbyterian Day School, our vision of learning fits with the paradigm shift that has been so
Accept the Challenge: Let’s u.knight for the future of PDS
our students that prepare them to thrive in a world that is unpredictable. The fundamental skills of reading, writing, math, emotional intelligence, and
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communication are essential but not sufficient. What we know is that information alone is no longer power. The ability to use information to create systems, products, relationships, and situations of value is far more important than
information alone. Tony Wagner, author and Innovation Education Fellow at the Technology
Adapted from Tony
& Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard, writes:
Wagner, author of
“Today knowledge is ubiquitous, constantly
The Global Achievement
changing, growing exponentially… Today
Gap (2008) and Creating
knowledge is free. It’s like air, it’s like water. It’s
Innovators (2012)
become a commodity… There’s no competitive advantage today in knowing more than the person next to you. The world doesn’t care what you know. What the world cares about is what you can do with what you know.” Completing Phase 2 of our Building Boys, Making Men Capital Campaign allows PDS to finish what we have started in Phase 1 of the campaign—creating world-class calibre learning spaces that allow us to best prepare our boys’ minds, bodies, hearts, and spirits for their futures. New learning spaces are essential to our ongoing responsibility of cultivating in our boys the skills, attitudes, and hearts of innovators. PDS is well on its way in having worldclass learning spaces, but our challenge is not complete until all of our facilities match our vision for learning. We ask this of you:
• Ability to access, validate, analyze, connect, and apply knowledge
• High order critical thinking and creative problem solving • Collaboration and teaming • Global competency that values multiple perspective and diverse viewpoints
• Technological and digital fluency • Effective communication in various media forms • Self-motivation and initiative • Courage, boldness, and entrepreneurialism • Curiosity, imagination, passionate interests, and ability to engage in continuous learning
Accept the Challenge. Let’s u.knight for the future of PDS.
The Challenge: Raise $7 Million by May 31, 2013
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Phase 1
Phase 1: $16 Million raised provided for the following:
* PEarly Childhood Center • Norma T. Wilson Early Childhood Center • Robert Hussey, Sr. Early Childhood Commons
* PPhysical Education Center • Baber Gymnasium • Tommie and Billy Dunavant Lifetime Fitness Center • William E. Weiss Foundation Performance Court • Sanders Athletic Lobby • Frederick C. Schaeffer, Sr. Locker Rooms
* PMultipurpose Fields * PPlaygrounds • Wendy Wood Edwards Playground
Accept the Challenge: Let’s u.knight for the future of PDS
* PCrain Center for Global Learning * PMartin Institute for Teaching Excellence * PThe Young Scholars Program— Scholarships for Students
* PProfessional Development for Teachers * PThe Building Boys, Making Men Program * POutdoor Pavilion • Coach Jerry Peters Basketball Court
* PClassrooms, Conference Rooms, Workrooms * PCampus Parking
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Phase 2
Phase 2: $3 Million has been raised so far. The u.knight challenge seeks to raise the final $7 Million by May 31, 2013
* New Music Center * New Art Center * New Media Center * PMallory Reading & Learning Center (funded) * New Dining Hall and Kitchen
* PTully-Sharp Science Lab (funded) * New Science Lab * Scholarships for Students * Professional Development for Teachers * Additional Funding for the Young Scholars Program
Accept THE
Challenge The Challenge: Raise $7 Million by May 31, 2013
u.knight for the future. Every gift matters. Help us finish the campaign: make a gift or pledge to The Campaign for PDS.
4025 Poplar Avenue | Memphis, Tennessee 38111-6022 | 901-842-4600 |