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Vuwani Rambuda
My name is Vuwani Rambuda also know as Wanniheart, I am 21 years old and I am from the South of Johannesburg. I am a multidisciplinary artist, so I work with a lot of mediums whether it is acrylic, digital or 3D. I just express myself on every medium and my art is based off of my lived experiences, what I felt in the moment or what I felt at a certain point of my life, so I just take inspiration from that and I put it into my work.

Whendidyoudiscoveryourinterestinart, whatinspiredyoutobeanartist?
“I discovered my interest in art back in grade ten, so what happened is my father took me to a art gallery in KZN. After that day I instantly decided that I want to become an artist and that I want to do art forever.”

Whichartmediumdoyouusethe mostandwhy
“The medium I use most often is acrylic, I’ve tried oil paint, graphite, charcoal and spray paint. So, I felt more comfortable with acrylic and continued to use it til today.”

Priortobeinganartistdidyoueverenvision yourselfbeinganartist,Wasartyourfirstor alternativecareerchoice?
“No, not at all... Before I actually began doing art I always saw it as something you do for L.O I never really saw it as something you can do as a career. Before doing art I was into sports a lot I used to play rugby and I was actually good at it, I was simply a sports person playing soccer rugby and a lot of other sports, until that one day art captured my full attention and interest.”

Whatdoesartmeantoyouand howdoyoufeelwhenyou’re creatinganartwork?
“Art to me is being able to express myself through any medium and every time I do art I feel liberated and free, it kinder heals my inner child.”

Whatisyourdeepestartisticdesireandhow doyouplanonmakingitareality?
“ More than anything I want to live off of my work and to create at the highest level that I can, so that looks like me having a studio and working from that studio art basically being my life. It is already a huge part of my life, but I am still not operating at the highest level that I can so me living off of my work is what I really want and that’s where I see myself. How I can go about it is basically me continuing to create and building the right connections that can get me to that place and more than anything building a community that supports my work, building an audience that supports my work whether it is through Instagram, whether it is through real life connections. I am just going to shoot my shot at everything right now until I get to that level.”