Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

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July 9 - 17, 2011 / 9 au 17 juillet 2011 Softball City, Cloverdale Athletic Park and Sunnyside Park, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada / Softball City, parc Cloverdale et parc Sunnyside Surrey, Colombie-Britannique, Canada

ELITE YOUTH TOURNAMENTS / TOURNOIS ÉLITES DES JEUNES Futures (U19) / Futures (U19) Showcase (16U) / Espoirs (16U)



2 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship


elcome to the 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship. We would like to offer our heartfelt thanks to you, the players, coaches, officials, sponsors and supporters for attending this special event. This event is devoted to providing young, high-calibre female athletes with the opportunity to expand their potential and ability while providing young athletes with inspiration and motivation. We would like to thank Softball Canada for its continued support of this event, our sponsors for endorsing women’s sport, our supporters who have shown us how proud they are of our teams and our tireless volunteers – without you this event would not be possible. Whether you watch a nail-biting final between world-class teams in the Women’s International Championship, or a round robin Showcase Select game, every game played will be terrific. We know you will enjoy this entertaining, fun-filled sporting event. Success comes through perseverance, dedication and a love of softball that we all share. Sincerely, Canadian Open Fastpitch Society Chairman – Greg Timm Director of Media & Communications – Laura Ballance Director of Hospitality – Heather Bee Director of Business Development – Chuck Westgard Director of Administration – Brittney Prentice Director of Tournament Services – Dave Harris Technical Director – Jackie Dugger


ienvenue au Championnat international – tournoi ouvert de balle rapide du Canada Banque Scotia de 2011. Nous aimerions vous offrir un gros merci au joueuses, entraîneurs, officiels, commanditaires et supporteurs pour assister à cet événement spécial. Cet événement est consacré à fournir l’occasion aux jeunes athlètes féminins de haut calibre à développer leur potentiel et leur habileté tout en fournissant de l’inspiration et de la motivation aux jeunes athlètes. On aimerait remercier Softball Canada pour leur soutien continu de cet événement, nos commanditaires pour leur appui du sport féminin, nos supporteurs qui nous ont montré comment fiers qu’ils sont de nos équipes et nos bénévoles qui continuent à travailler fort – sans vous, cet événement ne serait pas possible. Que vous regardez une finale extrêmement serrée entre des équipes de classe mondiale dans le championnat international féminin, ou une partie de ronde préliminaire de la division des espoirs, chaque partie jouée sera formidable. Nous savons que vous aimerez cet événement divertissant et rempli de plaisir. Le succès vient de la persévérance, le dévouement et l’amour du softball que nous partageons tous. Sincèrement, Société du tournoi ouvert de balle rapide du Canada Président – Greg Timm Directrice des médias et communications – Laura Ballance Directrice de l’hospitalité – Heather Bee Directeur du développement des affaires – Chuck Westgard Directrice de l’administration – Brittney Prentice Directrice des services de tournoi – Dave Harris Directrice technique – Jackie Dugger | 3


Welcome to the 2011

Canadian pen Fastpitch International Championship!


July 9-17, 2011 On behalf of Surrey City Council, I want to welcome you to the Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship! This year’s event is the largest fastpitch tournament in Canada, with over 400 ballgames, and features five of the world’s top six ranked teams. In addition to world class softball, there will be activities, food and fun for the whole family to enjoy! This Championship promises a fantastic display of the hard work and dedication these players have invested in their sport. I want to give a special welcome to all participants who have travelled to Surrey to participate. I hope you find your stay in our city to be a wonderful experience as you enjoy our top-notch athletic facilities. My thanks go out to the many volunteers and organizers whose hard work and dedication is vital to the success of these events. I want to thank the coaches and support staff for investing their time and energy into these athletes!









Once again, welcome to Surrey and have an excellent Championship! Sincerely, Mayor Watts and Surrey City Council .ca

4 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

Ministre d'État (Sports)

Minister of State (Sport) Ottawa, Canada K1A 0M5


elcome to the 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship.

ienvenue au Championnat international de balle rapide Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch.

As the largest single contributor to sport in this country, our Government is pleased that Surrey has the opportunity to welcome the world’s top fastpitch teams to this tournament. These young athletes will experience the thrill of participating in an international competition and get to know the true meaning of team spirit. Through their skills and determination, they will serve as a real source of inspiration.

À titre de plus important bailleur de fonds du système sportif au pays, notre gouvernement est ravi que Surrey ait la chance d’accueillir les meilleures équipes de balle rapide au monde dans le cadre de ce tournoi. Ces jeunes athlètes feront l’expérience d’une compétition d'envergure internationale et découvriront ce qu’est l’esprit d’équipe. Leur adresse et leur détermination seront une véritable source d’inspiration.

As Minister of State (Sport), I would like to thank the Canadian Open Fastpitch Society, as well as all the athletes, coaches, officials, and volunteers taking part, for their hard work to promote the development of this exciting sport.


À titre de ministre d’État (Sports), je remercie la Canadian Open Fastpitch Society, ainsi que les athlètes, entraîneurs, officiels et bénévoles qui veillent à la promotion de ce sport fascinant.

The Honourable/L'honorable Bal Gosal | 5


n behalf of Softball Canada, I would like to extend our deepest thanks to the organizers and supporters of the 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship. This event is important to the game on so many levels. First to all the players, through all the divisions, it is a chance to measure yourself against the best at your level of competition in a fun, professionally organized tournament. Lifetime memories are made here. For the coaches, officials, volunteers and supporters we sincerely appreciate your interest and efforts on behalf of our sport. You are all making a difference. One of the ways you can see that difference is on the field. Softball Canada will have two national teams on the field here. Our senior national team is coming off a best-ever bronzemedal performance at the 2010 World Championships. Many of the players on that team, and this year’s team, have greatly benefitted from the type of competition that you are seeing at this year’s event and we sincerely appreciate the participation of the other national teams competing. So, regardless of which game you go to, and please go to lots of them, you’ll be sure to see everyone giving their all to make the 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship one that you’ll never forget. Thanks for being part of it. Kevin Quinn President Softball Canada


e la part de Softball Canada, j’aimerais offrir nos remerciements les plus sincères aux organisateurs et supporteurs du Championnat international – tournoi ouvert de balle rapide du Canada Banque Scotia de 2011. Cet événement est important au sport sur plusieurs niveaux. Premièrement à toutes les joueuses, dans toutes les divisions, c’est une chance de se mesurer contre les meilleures à votre niveau de compétition dans un tournoi plaisant et organisé de façon professionnelle. Des souvenirs à vie sont créés ici. Pour les entraîneurs, officiels, bénévoles et supporteurs, nous apprécions sincèrement votre intérêt et vos efforts au nom de notre sport. Vous faites tous une différence. L’une des façons que vous pouvez voir cette différence est sur le terrain. Softball Canada aura deux équipes nationales sur le terrain ici. Notre équipe nationale senior vient de connaître sa meilleure performance à date avec une médaille de bronze au Championnat du monde de 2010. Plusieurs joueuses de cette équipe, et de celle de cette année, ont grandement bénéficié du type de compétition que vous verrez à l’événement de cette année et nous apprécions sincèrement la participation des autres équipes nationales qui sont en compétition. Donc peu importe quelle partie vous allez voir, et allez en voir plusieurs, vous serez certains de voir tout le monde donner leurs meilleures efforts pour rendre le Championnat international – tournoi ouvert de balle rapide du Canada Banque Scotia de 2011 un événement que vous n’oublierai jamais. Merci d’en faire partie. Kevin Quinn Président Softball Canada 6 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

Council Message Welcome! We invite you to come visit Our City by the Sea.

Mayor Catherine Ferguson

Mary-Wade Anderson

Al Campbell

Helen Fathers

Doug McLean

Grant Meyer

Lynne Sinclair







CU | 7






n behalf of the Board of Directors of Softball B.C. and our 26,000 members, I would like to welcome all the athletes, coaches, umpires, volunteers, fans and supporters of the teams to the 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship. As president of Softball B.C., it is very encouraging to see this prestigious tournament return to an international format, while still retaining the focus for the Futures and Showcase divisions. This championship allows all of our softball fans an opportunity to see what can be accomplished by dedication, hard work and focusing on goals to be the best in your sport. Softball B.C. is honoured to work with the organizing committee and the numerous volunteers required to make this championship the truly memorable event that I am sure it will be. This event will showcase some of the finest individual fastball players and teams in the world. A championship of this scope requires an enormous amount of planning and commitment on the part of the tournament committee to incorporate essentially three tournaments into one event. It is destined to create an atmosphere which is inspiring, memorable and fun for all participants. Yet not forgetting that the tournament's success is measured not in numbers and size, but, in the spirit and sportsmanship of those who participate. Softball British Columbia wishes all teams, coaches and players much success as you confront the challenges of competition. I trust that your experience in this championship will be an exciting and rewarding one. Sincerely, Dennis Bidin President Softball B.C.


n behalf of the Province of B.C., I would like to welcome the athletes, coaches, officials and spectators to the Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship. The success of the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games solidified B.C.’s reputation as an exceptional sport event host. With support from the province, the Hosting BC program assists sport-event organizers to maintain this profile and enhance their hosting skills and experiences. Hosting sport events provides a significant economic boost to a host community, builds the volunteer base and supports the sport development pathway. I would like to thank the organizers of the Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship, Softball B.C., sponsors, volunteers and coaches for all of the hard work they have put into this event. I am confident the City of Surrey will benefit from the many economic, sport and social legacies this event will leave behind. I wish the best of luck to all the athletes for a successful competition. Sincerely, Stephanie Cadieux Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development 8 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

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545 2.25 City • 604.582 - 1076 Central • 604.581.3212 TY CI L RA NT CE 4.535.1789 8958 152 Street EVERGREEN - - 3189 King George Hw y • 609912 4. CK 57 4. RO 60 • TE e HI W - 17830 56th Av 530.4317 CLOVERDALE - 22314 Fraser Hw y • 604. 4.888.4211 LE 60 IL • YV et re RA St UR th M E - 8720 -204 Ave • 604.533.8911 th WALNUT GROV OK - 20125 64 O BR W LO IL W | 9

Team Canada/L'equip du Canada +FOOJGFS :FF Jennifer Yee is one of the most exciting players to watch this year on Team Canada – a former Olympian and veteran of many international competitions. As a local North Delta athlete, Jennifer first competed at the tournament in the Futures division in 2004. Even before Jennifer was eligible to compete, she remembers coming to the tournament with her team to watch this inspiring event – and how motivating it was. Not only is Jennifer one of the top softball players in the country, she’s also an impressive scholar. Jennifer completed her undergraduate degree in materials science and engineering at Georgia Tech. While attending Georgia Tech, Jennifer was named a top three finalist for the 2010 NCAA Player of the Year Award. Currently, Jennifer is doing her master's degree in mechanical engineering at University of Massachusetts Lowell. Watch for Jen on second base during Team Canada Games!

Photo gracieuseté de VisionQuest

Photo courtesy of VisionQuest

Jennifer Yee est l’une des joueuses les plus excitantes à surveiller cette année auprès de l’équipe canadienne – une ancienne olympienne et vétéran de plusieurs compétitions internationales. Comme athlète locale de North Delta, Jennifer a fait compétition au tournoi dans la division Futures en 2004. Même avant que Jennifer était éligible à participer, elle se rappelle d’avoir venu au tournoi avec son équipe pour surveiller cet événement inspirant – et comment motivant qu’il était. Jennifer est non seulement l’une des meilleures joueuses de softball au pays, mais aussi une étudiante impressionnante. Jennifer a obtenu son diplôme de premier cycle universitaire en science des matériaux et génie à Georgia Tech. Durant son séjour à Georgia Tech, Jennifer a été nommée une finaliste parmi les trois dernières pour le prix de joueuse de l’année de la NCAA en 2010. Présentement, Jennifer complète une maîtrise en génie mécanique à l’université de Massachussetts à Lowell. Surveillez pour Jen au deuxième but durant les parties de l’équipe canadienne!

10 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship


Players to Watch/Joueuses à surveiller ,BMFJHI 3BGUFS Kaleigh Rafter has been a regular on Team Canada for the past few years. The blonde back catcher and first baseman from Guelph, Ont. finished her criminal justice degree at Florida State two years ago. Rafter says she has many great memories of playing in the B.C. tournament. She loves playing for Team Canada and still gets overwhelmed when they bring the jerseys out and she puts one on. She’s always aspired to play for her country. Kaleigh is looking forward to helping out at the Shaw Youth Clinics again this year. She loves helping teach younger girls why softball is such an amazing sport and seeing them become involved at such a young age, and then carry on in the sport. What does Kaleigh say is her biggest inspiration? Her teammates!

t Photo courtesy of VisionQuest

Kaleigh Rafter est une joueuse régulière de l’équipe canadienne depuis quelques années. La receveuse et joueuse de premier but blonde de Guelph, en Ontario a terminé ses études postsecondaires en criminologie à l’université Florida State deux ans passé. Rafter dit qu’elle a plusieurs beaux souvenirs de jouer au tournoi en C-B. Elle adore jouer avec l’équipe canadienne et devient encore émue lorsque les uniformes sont distribués et lorsqu’elle l’endosse. Elle a toujours aspiré de jouer pour son pays. Kaleigh a hâte d’aider aux cliniques des jeunes Shaw encore une fois cette année. Elle aime aider à montrer aux filles plus jeunes pourquoi le softball est un sport si extraordinaire et de les voir devenir impliquées à un âge si jeune, et ensuite continuer dans le sport. Sa plus grande inspiration? Ses coéquipières! | 11

Photo gracieuseté de VisionQuest



Enjoy Summer in Surrey with these fun activities:

For more great things to do this summer, stop in at the Visitor Centre, or check out our website at 730 176 Street, Surrey BC +%)"*(&"++)+ &"---"*(&"++)+

Day 8

Go windsurfing at Crescent Beach

Day 36

Visit the Honeybee Centre

Day 50

Check out the Fusion Festival

Day 77

Watch a BC Lions public practice

Day 95

Walk through the Boze Family Corn Maze 12 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

Meet the best in the world


he 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch Women’s International Championship features five of the six top-ranked softball teams in the world, based on their performance at the 2010 International Softball Federation (ISF) Women’s World Championship. This is a chance to see some of the best female athletes in the world compete.

5FBN $BOBEB Bronze medal winners of the 2010 ISF Women’s World Championship, the Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship marks the debut of the new Team Canada. The team is comprised of strong veterans as well as a few up-and-coming rookies, so each game will provide an opportunity to see this new team in action. Photo courtesy of VisionQuest

5FBN 64" Team USA was the 2010 ISF Women’s World Champion. The current world champion is heading to Softball City for its

Team Canada is among five of the world's best softball teams coming to town.

first international competition with the 2011 team. This team will certainly be one to watch!

5FBN +BQBO The second-place team at the 2010 ISF Women’s World Championship, Team Japan has had a long journey to get here but the plane ride won’t slow them down. Watch for Team Japan this tournament!

5FBN 7FOF[VFMB Team Venezuela was the fifth-place team at the 2010 ISF Women’s World Championship and the host team for the tournament. They’re heading to Surrey to show why they are one of the top teams in the world.


Photo courtesy of VisionQuest

Team USA was 2010 ISF world champion.

The sixth-place team at the 2010 ISF Women’s World Championship, Team Australia competes hard at every event and has been a significant force to reckon with in every game they play. The 2011 Aussie Spirit team is no exception! | 13

Les meilleurs dans le monde


e Championnat international – tournoi ouvert de balle rapide fĂŠminin du Canada de la Banque Scotia 2011 met en vedette cinq des six meilleures ĂŠquipes de softball classĂŠes au monde, basĂŠ sur leur performance au Championnat du monde fĂŠminin de la FĂŠdĂŠration internationale de softball (ISF) de 2010. Ceci est une occasion de voir certaines des meilleures athlètes fĂŠminine au monde en compĂŠtition.

cRVJQF EV $BOBEB Gagnantes de la mÊdaille de bronze au Championnat du monde fÊminin de l’ISF de 2010, le tournoi ouvert de balle rapide du Canada de la Banque Scotia reprÊsente le dÊbut d’une nouvelle Êquipe canadienne. L’Êquipe est composÊe de bonnes joueuses vÊtÊrans ainsi que quelques recrues à venir donc chaque partie fournira une occasion de voir cette nouvelle Êquipe en action.

cRVJQF EFT cUBUT 6OJT L’Êquipe des États-Unis ĂŠtait l’Êquipe championne du monde de l’ISF en 2010. Les championnes mondiales en titre se prĂŠsenteront Ă Softball City pour sa première compĂŠtition internationale avec son ĂŠquipe

Photo gracieusetĂŠ de VisionQuest

L'ĂŠquipe du Canada est parmi cinq des meilleurs equips de softball au monde.

de 2011. Cette ĂŠquipe sera certainement Ă surveiller!

cRVJQF EV +BQPO L’Êquipe de deuxième place du Championnat du monde fĂŠminin de l’ISF de 2011, l’Êquipe japonaise a un long parcours Ă venir ici mais le voyage en avion ne les ralentira pas. Surveillez pour l’Êquipe japonaise lors de ce tournoi!

cRVJQF EV 7FOF[VFMB L’Êquipe du Venezuela a terminĂŠ en cinquième position au Championnat du monde fĂŠminin de l’ISF de 2010 et ĂŠtait l’Êquipe hĂ´tesse du tournoi. Elle se dirige vers Vancouver pour dĂŠmontrer pourquoi elle est l’une des ĂŠquipes les plus fortes au monde.


Photo gracieusetĂŠ de VisionQuest

L’Êquipe des États-Unis Êtait l’Êquipe championne du monde de l’ISF en 2010.

L’Êquipe de sixième place du Championnat du monde fĂŠminin de l’ISF de 2010, l’Êquipe australienne joue fort Ă chaque ĂŠvĂŠnement et a ĂŠtĂŠ une force importante Ă ne pas nĂŠgliger Ă chaque partie qu’elle joue. L’Êquipe 2011 de l’Aussie Spirit n’est pas une exception!

14 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

50, 2215 160th ST, South Surrey, BC

Grandview Corners

604-538-4666 | 15

Photos courtesy of VisionQuest

Fans will have a chance to get up close and personal with their softball heroes at a special tent that will feature players, coaches and umpires each evening.

Heroes share stories, insight Be sure to stop in at the Softball Heroes marquee tent during the evening. It’s one of the most exciting events to take place at the Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship and is your chance to come and see your favourite Softball Heroes up-close and personal. The heroes will be on-hand on select, themed evenings to share their personal stories and past victories in an intimate setting. Be it a softball superstar from the past, an umpire with first hand knowledge of the game or even your local coach, each night will feature a Softball Hero telling their own unique story of how softball has changed their life. Prepare to be both entertained and enlightened. Check out former national team players

turned softball ambassadors, umpires, softball executives and minor associations during the evening speaking series. Many are paying tribute to the dedicated work of coaches and volunteers in the community who work so hard to make the sport what it is today. Youth can also explore their sport, learn about scholarships and get advice from the pros. And the boys aren’t forgotten; gentlemen have their own special night ‘Guys Night Out’ dedicated to fastpitch in BC just for men and boys. This “must see” event brings people together from all levels of play to promote, support and develop softball in British Columbia. Don’t forget, the Softball Heroes tent is free with admission to the Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship.

16 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

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17 5 1. Information Booth 2. First Aid 3. Security 4. Celebration of Softball 5. Heroes Marquee Tent 6. Souvenir Booth 7. Vision Quest Photography 8. MVP Athletics 9. Rotary Children's Playground 10. Food Vendors 11. Softball City Pro Shop 12. Concession Window 13. Batting Cages 14. ATM 15. West Gate / Accreditation 16. South Gate 17. North Gate

4 10



10 3




15 10

14 W Upper Level



13 W


11 8





Extra Innings Sports Grill Restrooms Telephones VIP & Media Services



Carte de terrains de Softball City 2011


1. Kiosque d'information 2. Premiers soins 3. Sécurité 4. Célébration du Softball 5. Tente des héros 6. Kiosque de souvenirs 7. Photographie Vision Quest 8. MVP Athletics 9. Terrain de jeu des enfants Rotary 10. Vendeurs de nourriture 11. Magasin de Softball City 12. Fenêtre nourriture 13. Cages de frappeurs 14. Guichet automatique 15. Entrée de l'Ouest / Accréditation 16. Entrée du Sud 17. Entrée du Nord


5 4 10



10 3




15 10


7 6

14 W section du haut

13 W

11 8



Restaurant de sport Extra Innings Toilettes Téléphones Services des VIP et médias



18 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

Cloverdale Athletic Park 64 Avenue Bike Park Grass Sportsfield

168 Street

Grass Sportsfield

64 Ave Parking Lot

All-weather Sportsfield Synthetic Sportsfield

Grass Sportsfield




Tennis Courts


Synthetic Sportsfield


B Ent. Lacrosse Box

Games Court

9 Water Playground

168 St Parking Lot




LEGEND: A meeting room concession washrooms

D 8

B batting cage C concession washrooms

D first aid tent


info booth

Ent. entrance F warm-up area G coaches area

Sunnyside Park


27 Ave



No rth un bo d



y wa rk Pa

y9 Hw

Tennis Courts

So ut



154 St


y le an Cr


o hb

Cranley Drive Parking Lot

Outdoor Pool



26 Ave On-street Parking

26 Ave 156 St

154 St Parking Lot | 19

Whatever the game, we’re in it with you. Scotiabank is proud to be the Title Sponsor of the Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship and pleased to be a part of the community. Thank you for the opportunity to participate.


Registered trademarks of The Bank of Nova Scotia.

20 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship




Proud to be part of the new Surrey and Softball


6280 120 STREET SURREY, BC V3X 1Y7

1-800-NEW CHEV (639-2438)



1-800-639-2233 | 21

From Playground to Podium

Du terrain de jeu au podium

In Canada, all levels of government work with sport organizations to create an inclusive sport system that promotes physical activity, sport participation, athletic success and active living.

Au Canada, les gouvernements collaborent avec les organismes sportifs afin de créer un environnement plus ouvert et qui favorise l’activité physique, la participation au sport, le succès de nos athlètes et la vie active.

Supporting our athletes helps them develop skills like dedication, teamwork and community spirit.

Encourager nos athlètes les aide à acquérir des qualités comme la détermination, le travail d’équipe et la solidarité.

We are proud to support all our athletes, from playground to podium, in their pursuit of sporting excellence.

Nous sommes fiers d’appuyer nos athlètes, du terrain de jeu au podium, dans leur quête d’excellence sportive.

22 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

Photo courtesy of VisionQuest

An estimated 100,000 people are expected to attend the Canadian Open from July 9-17.

Celebration zones add to fun Showcasing the world of softball, the Celebration of Softball, housed in the Scotiadome marquee tent, promotes all of the fun, fitness and connections involved in this growing sport. The Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship is proud to introduce the Celebration of Softball this year, which offers a number of exciting activities and exhibits, sure to make this area a hit with kids and parents alike. There are a number of reasons not to miss seeing this area during your visit to Softball City. You and your family can visit with team mascots, or get your face painted any way you’d like – even show your pride by putting on your favourite team colours and logos! There are also great crafts for youngsters to make and take home. In addition to all of this fun, kids can learn something new about health and nutrition through the playful, interactive youth activities offered onsite. This must-see exhibit is located on the north lawn of Softball City under the Scotiadome – you can’t miss it! Entry is free with admission.

$BOBEJBO 0QFO CZ UIF OVNCFST t 0OF PG UIF XPSME T UPQ UISFF XPNFO T fastpitch events in 2011 t -BSHFTU GBTUQJUDI UPVSOBNFOU JO Canada t 'JWF PG UIF 8PSME T UPQ TJY SBOLFE teams taking part, including 2010 ISF Medalists Team Canada (Bronze), Team Japan (Silver) and Team USA (Gold) t QBSUJDJQBUJOH UFBNT t .PSF UIBO BUIMFUFT t .PSF UIBO TPGUCBMM HBNFT t 4JY MFWFMT PG QMBZ *OUFSOBUJPOBM 8PNFO T 8PNFO T &MJUF 'VUVSFT 6 Gold and Select, Showcase (16U) Gold and Select Divisions t &TUJNBUFE TQFDUBUPS BUUFOEBODF PG 100,000 over the nine-day event t WPMVOUFFST XPSLJOH XJUI UIF Canadian Open Fastpitch Society organize this event | 23


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24 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

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2011 WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL Championship Round 1st Place WPO-1, Friday 1:00pm, TBA

Winner of WPO-1


8th Place WPO-5, Friday 6:30pm, D#1

Winner of WPO-5

4th Place WPO-2, Friday 1:00pm, TBA

Winner of WPO-2

5th Place

WPO-11, Saturday 6:30pm, D#1

Winner of WPO-11

2nd Place WPO-3, Friday 3:30pm, TBA

Winner of WPO-3 FINAL WPO-14 Sunday 6:30pm, D#1

7th Place 3rd Place WPO-4, Friday 3:30pm, TBA

WPO-6, Friday 8:30pm, D#1

Winner of WPO-6

Winner of WPO-4

Winner of WPO-13

6th Place Loser of WPO-11

Loser of WPO-6

Loser of WPO-1 WPO-7, Saturday 8:00am, D#1

WPO-9, Saturday 1:00pm, D#1

Winner of WPO-9 WPO-13, Sunday 1:30pm, D#1

Winner of WPO-7

Loser of WPO-2

WPO-12, Saturday 8:30pm, D#1

Winner of WPO-12

Loser of WPO-3 WPO-8, Saturday 10:30am, D#1 Loser of WPO-4

Winner of WPO-8 WPO-10, Saturday 3:30pm, D#1

Winner of WPO-10


Loser of WPO-5

26 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

2011 WOMEN'S GAME SCHEDULES WI = Women's International Round Robin WE = Women's Elite Round Robin WPO = Women's Championship

HORAIRE DES MATCHS FÉMININS 2011 WI = Women's International Round Robin WE = Women's Elite Round Robin WPO = Women's Championship

Continued, page 29 | 27



28 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

2011 WOMEN'S GAME SCHEDULES WI = Women's International Round Robin WE = Women's Elite Round Robin WPO = Women's Championship

HORAIRE DES MATCHS FÉMININS 2011 WI = Women's International Round Robin WE = Women's Elite Round Robin WPO = Women's Championship



After completion of preliminary round play, all five (5) teams from the Women’s International division and the top three (3) teams from the Women’s Elite division, will advance to the Women’s International Championship Round. The Women’s International Championship Round is a double elimination format with a sudden death championship final (no 'if necessary' game played).

Suivant la fin de la ronde préliminaire, chacune des cinq (5) équipes de la division internationale féminine et les trois (3) meilleures équipes de la division élite féminine avanceront à la ronde du championnat international féminin. La ronde du championnat international féminin suivra un format d’élimination double avec une grande finale à élimination simple (aucune partie « si nécessaire » ne sera jouée)."

*Teams and Schedule subject to change without notice.

*Les équipes et l'horaire sont sujets au changement sans avis. | 29

Championnat International FĂŠminin 2011 Ronde de Championnat

1ere Place WPO-1, Vendredi 1:00pm, TBA

Gagnant de WPO-1

Section des Gagnants

e 8 Place WPO-5, Vendredi 6:30pm, D#1

Gagnant de WPO-5


4 Place WPO-2, Vendredi 1:00pm, TBA

Gagnant de WPO-2

e 5 Place

WPO-11, Samedi 6:30pm, D#1

Gagnant de WPO-11


2 Place WPO-3, Vendredi 3:30pm, TBA 7e Place 3e Place WPO-4, Vendredi 3:30pm, TBA

Gagnant de WPO-3

WPO-6, Vendredi 8:30pm, D#1

FINALE WPO-14 Dimanche 6:30pm, D#1

Gagnant de WPO-6

Gagnant de WPO-4

Gagnant de WPO-13

6e Place Perdant de WPO-11

Perdant de WPO-6

Perdant de WPO-1 WPO-7, Samedi 8:00am, D#1

WPO-9, Samedi 1:00pm, D#1

Gagnant de WPO-9 WPO-13, Samedi 1:30pm, D#1

Gagnant de WPO-7

Perdant de WPO-2

WPO-12, Samedi 8:30pm, D#1

Gagnant de WPO-12

Perdant de WPO-3 WPO-8, Samedi 10:30am, D#1

Gagnant de WPO-8

Perdant de WPO-4

WPO-10, Samedi 3:30pm, D#1

Gagnant de WPO-10

Section des Perdants

Perdant de WPO-5

30 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

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32 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

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Many ways to connect The Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship is online! Visit for event information, maps, tickets, scores and more. Visit for feature coverage of the tournament by Black Press publications, including Peace Arch News, Surrey Leader, and Langley Times.

'PMMPX VT PO 5XJUUFS Follow the 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship on Twitter by following @CdnOpen. Use the hashtag #COFP11 to let others know that you’re ‘tweeting’ about the championship, and follow what's being said by @BlackPressDigital and

$POOFDU XJUI VT PO 'BDFCPPL The Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship will be posting daily news, player features, scores, games to watch and more! Find us on Facebook at CanadianOpenFastpitch and ‘like’ us to stay connected. For local coverage from Black Press, follow the Peace Arch News and the Surrey Leader on Facebook, as well. 'Like' or 'Friend' these papers, where stories, videos, and photos will

be posted, giving you all the access, info and insight you need.

8BUDI (BNFT 0OMJOF The Women’s International Championship games will be broadcast LIVE online! Visit and to view live games from the dedicated feed directly from Softball City. Proudly supported by the video team from SuperVision Ltd. and the website streaming service A link to this feed will also be available online at

,FFQ 4DPSF Pointstreak Sports Technologies is the official scorekeeping software for the Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship. Users will be able to access scores live in "real-time" at

4IBSF QIPUPT XJUI 'MJDLS Want to post your photos from the stands? Want to share with everybody what you're seeing and doing at this year's Canadian Open? Check out Black Press online at, login to your Flickr account and share your photos with others.

Learn from the best at youth clinics Local softball players aged eight to 16 have a unique opportunity to play with and learn from some of the world’s top ranked teams and players at the Shaw Youth Clinics. These youth clinics are designed for both boys and girls whose parents have previously registered them to take part. Youth will learn new tips and tricks from some of the

most successful athletes in the sport. From July 8th to 14th top athletes from Team Canada, as well as players from the visiting international softball teams will coach the young participants. Accomplished players will share their real-life stories of perseverance, dedication and commitment, helping to inspire youth to reach their goals and pursue their dreams.

Youth will also learn the physical skills and strategies needed to help them develop and improve their own softball game. Every team will bring their own unique method of coaching to these clinics, which is sure to make them a joy to watch. For more info on the clinics, visit www.

34 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

To each and every participant in the 2011 Canadian Open Embrace the power to dream and succeed!

The Power of Dreams

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36 | 2011 Scotiabank Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championship

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