1 minute read

National Coastwatch Fun Day



Appointments are available as usual, following government and professional guidelines.

full sanitation is in operation at all times

This Month’s Zoom Classes

I would like to hear from anyone interested in a beginner’s yoga class online, and whether they would like day or evening? There is generally a 20% discount for a block booking. When you register on zoom, I will send payment details if you need them, then event password. I look forward to seeing you.


Chair Yoga 11:15 am - 12 noon (£6.75 donation) Good for people who cannot get up and down from the floor, are a little older or in rehabilitation from an injury. Work every part of your body! Also good for desk workers. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqc--prTMqB-l6h9wMGkZF1jpXwwq4lg Pranayama (Breathing) 12:00 - 12:30 pm (£4.50 donation) Learn to master your breathing for improved health and well-being. Breathing is the first and last thing we ever do - let's make what we do in between work for us. Particularly important to keep immune functioning well at this time. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYsdeytrj0v35yC8yVrduAMpG8IfPM5zQ Yoga for Health Intermediate to Advanced Level 7:00 - 9:00 pm (£16 donation (2 hours), £13.50 donation (1.5 hours), £9 donation (1 hour)) Explore movement with lightness and ease, strengthen, stretch, tone, breathe. Release stress in a safe, fun, friendly environment. Moving with the breath and using core strengthening. Learn the sequences to practice at home. Intermediate level requiring a level of fitness and strength – beginners should attend Thursday yoga unless fit in another similar discipline, like dance. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Aqfu6rqzws6GHBm47T16MYjUmHzCC4hw


Gong Bath Sound Therapy Relaxation 8:00 - 8:45 pm (£6.75 donation) Relax to the sound of the GONGS while you sit in a chair or lay on your mat under a warm blanket and enjoy gentle yet deep vibrational healing. Vibrational (sound) healing will gently reach the parts within you that are ready for and need deep relaxation and release. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/uJQoce2orDIu2FVU-2zmvVy-9ywRDHG7vA

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