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Article - Dare to be the Change
Have you made a resolution this year? January is a month where we make promises to ourselves, but by February they are often long forgotten.
Despite my best intentions over the years, I have not always managed to follow on all of my resolutions. For the past 7 years, however, I have chosen a word to be my companion for the whole of that year. Just imagine … A word greeting you every morning to set your intention for the day. An ally on your shoulder guiding you. A pebble in your pocket to hold on to. A whisper in your ear to support you. A presence to inspire you. A friend by your side. I have had the pleasure to journey with align, presence, embrace, soar, connect, balance and dare. In 2022 the word which invited itself in my life is ‘gentleness’ I am going to explore bringing this word in all areas of life including my relationship with technology. As useful and precious as they are, my phone and my computer can at times feel too bright, invasive, abrupt, lifeless and transactional. Their presence can become draining, distracting and dehumanising. In order to balance this, I am dedicating some time this month to “A Touch of Gentleness” (www.atouchofgentleness.org ) a growing community of people committed to bring connection, touch and gentleness back to society.
Which word would you like to welcome to your life this year?
Here are some thoughts that might spark your inspiration: Do you feel drawn to movement or stillness? Expression or reflection? action or feeling? What would you like more of in your life? relationships? Work? Environment? How do you want to express yourself? What do you want to feel in your body? I invite you to be open and curious and let the word reveal itself to you!
A GIFT TO SHARE WITH SOMEONE YOU LOVE Disconnect to reconnect: 7 days to rethink your relationship with your phone
Sign up for my 7 days course on www.daretobethechange.today and make some time with your loved ones, listen to the 5 min audio, reflect on the question quietly for another 5 min then share together findings, thoughts, insights. Have fun with it!
It is an opportunity to observe, evaluate and reflect upon the place your smartphone has in your life and how to make small, sustainable changes to put you back in control.
A truly meaningful experience to enjoy by yourself or share with your family and friends

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This Months Zoom Classes

I would like to hear from anyone interested in a beginner’s yoga class online, and whether they would like day or evening? There is generally a 20% discount for a block booking. When you register on zoom, I will send payment details if you need them, then event password. I look forward to seeing you.
Chair Yoga 11:15 am - 12 noon (£6.75 donation) Good for people who cannot get up and down from the floor, are a little older or in rehabilitation from an injury. Work every part of your body! Also good for desk workers. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqc--prTMqB-l6h9wMGkZF1jpXwwq4lg Pranayama (Breathing) 12:00 - 12:30 pm (£4.50 donation) Learn to master your breathing for improved health and well-being. Breathing is the first and last thing we ever do - let's make what we do in between work for us. Particularly important to keep immune functioning well at this time. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYsdeytrj0v35yC8yVrduAMpG8IfPM5zQ Yoga for Health Intermediate to Advanced Level 7:00 - 9:00 pm (£16 donation (2 hours), £13.50 donation (1.5 hours), £9 donation (1 hour)) Explore movement with lightness and ease, strengthen, stretch, tone, breathe. Release stress in a safe, fun, friendly environment. Moving with the breath and using core strengthening. Learn the sequences to practice at home. Intermediate level requiring a level of fitness and strength –beginners should attend Thursday yoga unless fit in another similar discipline, like dance. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Aqfu6rqzws6GHBm47T16MYjUmHzCC4hw

Gong Bath Sound Therapy Relaxation 8:00 - 8:45 pm (£6.75 donation) Relax to the sound of the GONGS while you sit in a chair or lay on your mat under a warm blanket and enjoy gentle yet deep vibrational healing. Vibrational (sound) healing will gently reach the parts within you that are ready for and need deep relaxation and release. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/uJQoce2orDIu2FVU-2zmvVy-9ywRDHG7vA