Becky Peach
Artist. Printmaker. Urban Wanderer. Contemporary Archaeologist
Basket Case, 2011 Acyrlic on Paper
A Day Well Spent, 2012 Acyrlic on Paper
Ghost, 2011 Oil on Paper
Bag Habit, 2013 Acyrlic on Paper
Left After The Rain 1, 2013 Acyrlic on Paper
Left After The Rain 2, 2013 Acyrlic on Paper
Ill Tumble For You, 2012 Cardboard
Becky Peach Education 2009-2012: Liverpool Hope University BA (Hons) Fine Art 2:1 2006-2008: Lincoln College – • GCE Advanced Level Grades: Art (B), Sociology (B), Psychology (C) 2006: Queen Elizabeth High School, Gainsborough• 11 GCSEs Grade A-C: Including Art (A) English (B) Maths (C)
Liverpool, UK
Professional Experience 2013- Present: Managing Director and Workshop Facilitator, Print Cycle 2012- Present: Artist, Co-Curator, Art Handler, Not Just Collective 2013: Departmental Assistant for Fine and Applied Arts, Liverpool Hope University 2012: Invigilator, Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art Ltd 2011- 2013: Gallery Assistant, The Cornerstone Gallery, Liverpool 2010: Volunteer, Blendid Interactive Design (David Kousemaker and Tim Olden) FACT, Liverpool Group Exhibitions 2012: May 17th- 24th: An Exhibition in 13 parts, Metquarter, Liverpool May 25th- June 1st: Fine Art and Design Degree Show, The Cornerstone Gallery, Liverpool 2013: 12-27th February: Art in the City, Wall-to-Wall Gallery at the Metquarter, Liverpool 17th-26th May: Recurring, The Gallery at Camp and Furnace, Liverpool 17th-27th October: Clandestine, The Williamson Tunnels, Liverpool Awards May 2012: Liverpool Women’s Hospital Purchase Prize April 2013: Unltd for Social Entrepreneurs Do it Award