4 minute read
Peachland 5684 Beach Ave. Tel: (250) 767-2515 Fax: (250) 767-6288 Email: Webber@bgco.ca @BGCOkanagan
REGISTER AT: www.bgco.ca/forms
BGC Okanagan is a leading provider of programs to children, youth and families. Since 1959, our programs and services support the healthy physical, educational and social development of individuals. We have 41 service locations based in 16 communities throughout the Okanagan Valley. As a member of BGC Canada, BGC Okanagan helps young people grow healthy, happy and safely from birth to adulthood and are a resource and support for parents throughout their family’s involvement with us. We provide systemic opportunity to all children and youth. We help them become their best selves. We cheer them on as they take it from there, with confidence and conviction. All they need is opportunity because “Opportunity Changes Everything.”
Peachland Preschool
Our preschools provide children with a program where they will be encouraged to explore, learn, and grow in a stimulating and fun environment. Preschoolers will develop and practice social and language skills, co-operative play, independent thinking and an awareness of self. For those who qualify, We offer tuition sponsorships. Ages: 3 and 4 year olds Location: 5486 Clements Crescent Day: Mon/Wed/Fri 8:45-11:45 a.m.
Register at Earlyyearswestside@bgco.ca Family-Tot Playtime
FREE: Our Family-Tot Playtime offers a variety of activities for you and your child to explore, create, imagine and play. During this time, meet other moms, dads, and grandparents. Activities are unstructured and may include a craft, gym time, circle time with stories and songs and best of all, many toys to play with. No sesssion Feb. 14. Ages: 0 to 5 years old Location: Peachland Day: Mon 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (starts Sept. 19)
Email earlyyearswestside@bgco.ca for info
AFter School Club (Grades k-5)
The After School Program takes place at BGC Okanagan in Peachland (5684 Beach Ave.) from 2:30-6:30 p.m. for children in Kindergarten to Grade 5. Our programs are designed to provide a safe, nuturing, inclusive environment where children will be engaged in activities including creative arts, sports, group games and STEM programming. Transportation is provided from Peachland Elementary and a nutritious snack is served daily. Programs are also available on professional days and school breaks.
*Pre-registration required* Contact Webber@bgco.ca for registration information.
In partnership with the District of Peachland and the United Way. 6 Fall 2022 Peachland Recreation GuideWe are proud to be a part of the Peachland Historic School.
Register at bgco.ca/forms
Friday Night Fun Grades 6– 12
Start your weekend off right! Join us for dinner and fun. We will have fun around the Club and out in the community. Movie nights, game show nights, dances and more! Check out our monthly calendar on social media or at the Club to see what activities we have planned for each month. Dinner is provided. Program alternates weekly between Mar Jok Elementary School and our Peachland Club.
Fridays Sept. 23, Oct. 7 & 21, Nov. 4 & 18, Dec. 2 5:30-8 p.m. Cost: $5/session
All Sorts of Sports Ages 7 – 11
Join us for a safe, active and engaging sport-based program. Play a new sport each week with your friends, build your skills and enjoy fun team play. Some of the sports include floor hockey, dodgeball, tennis, pickle ball, soccer and more. This program is located at Peachland Elementary School..
Wednesdays Sept. 21 - Nov. 23 2:30-4 p.m. Cost: FREE Winter Break Daycamp Grades K – 5
Registration for full days will be available by Dec. 1. Clubs will be closed Dec. 26-30 and re-open for after school programs on Jan. 2, 2023.
Dec. 19 - 23 Contact Webber@bgco.ca for more information
Peachland Christmas Light-Up Grades 1 – 6
We are excited to announce this year’s Peachland Christmas Light-Up returns to the Peachland Club. The Club offers a pre-parade from 5-6 p.m. where we will have a holiday sing-along, crafts and winter treats prior to the light-up. Please stay tuned for more inforamtion regarding this event in the Peachland Rec Guide event profile.
Friday, Dec. 2
Youth Drop-In Grades 7 - 10
Bring your friends and join us for a pizza party at the Club. There will be lots of board and video games, and sports in a big open space. This is the perfect opportunity to make new friends and meet other youth in the community.
Tuesdays Sept 14 - Dec 14 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. FREE (with yearly Club membership)
Virtual Programs Ages 13 - 24
Programming includes art, baking, employment and academic support and leadership opportunities. Activity kits available for youth to participate in our online programs.
Visit on Facebook BGC Okanagan Youth or Instagram @BGCOyouth
Opportunities for Teens
Looking to gain volunteer or leadership experience? We have opportunities to volunteer in our programs and at special events. Contact us at leadup@bgco.ca for more information.
Restorative Justice
This program is an approach that seeks to repair harm caused by a youth’s actions, through reconciliation with the person harmed and others affected. The youth must take responsibility for their actions and voluntarily agree to participate in the program. The program also offers Peace Circle - a process that incorporates youth, familes and their supports, to come together to address conflict, miscommunications, trauma and harm that the family and community may be experiencing. For more information contact: 250-868-8541 ext. 206, or
Counsellors work with both the youth and their families. Supports available are adaptable; occur one-to-one, in a group and by referral; onsite and in the community. This is an excellent program to support families in crisis, it is equally important to refer families who haven’t had a breakdown yet, but are at risk. Contact: 250-258-0566 7
Fall 2022 Peachland Recreation Guide