The view dec 2

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PEACHLAND VIEW Every house... Every business... Every week

December 2, 2016 | Volume 12 Number 48



Carpeted competition BIWEEKLY CARPET BOWLING – Every Tuesday and Saturday morning at 10 a.m., the 55+ Seniors Activity Centre rolls out the playing surface for carpet bowling. The annual fee to play is very modest, but anybody interested is invited to come out and try for free. Pictured from the left is Dick Dickerson making his throw, being watched by his teammates Norinne Goring, Anne Slater and Donna Ginter.

We will be closing early at 3 p.m. on Saturday, December 3 for a staff function.

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DECEMBER 2, 2016



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A poem for puppies VIEW STAFF Local artist Louis Fenyvesi didn’t find the signs at Peachland’s Doggy Beach to be very welcoming, but he has the tools to make his own signs – so instead of complaining he inscribed a positive message onto a plaque that he donated to the District. The plaque has been attached to a large rock that’s in the middle of the beach. It shares a poem written by Louis Sabin which Fenyvesi discovered during a visit to the Carrington Animal Hospital in West Kelowna. “A dog doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor, or small, young or old,” it reads. “He doesn’t care if you’re not smart, not popular, not a good joke-teller, not the best athlete, nor the best looking person. To your dog, you are the greatest, the smartest, the nicest human being

who was ever born. You are his friend and protector…” Throughout downtown Peachland there are several benches and symbols that have been commemorated with bronze plaques. That made Fenyvesi feel as though the Doggy Beach wasn’t being given equal treatment. “That Doggy Beach is nothing, nobody looks after it,” he said. “The whole downtown is gold plated and I was thinking, I have a dog and I love my dog and I love the doggy beach too.” Before it was installed, Fenyvesi felt nagged by the beach’s only other public messages. “Do this; don’t do that; don’t have it on a leash; pick up after your pet,” he mocked. “Let’s have this plaque mounted there for whoever loves his dog. The first time I read it I was thinking it was beautiful.”


DECEMBER 2, 2016



Tarik Sayeed representing Peachland as NDP nominee DAN WALTON EDITOR

The B.C. NDP have chosen Tarik Sayeed as their challenger to take on Liberal MLA Dan Ashton in the local riding of Penticton in next spring’s provincial election. Sayeed, who will have to step down as a Penticton city councillor to run for provincial politics, defeated popular Summerland councillor Toni Boot to win the nomination. He received 156 votes at a nomination meeting last weekend to Boot’s 137. “Peachland is very special to me,” he said. “This beautiful town was my very first stop when I visited the Okanagan. I clearly remember walking along the lake and enjoying the warm crisp air with a magnificent view. I’m looking forward to knocking on doors and meeting many of you individually on a personal level. Together, we will level the playing field between the powerful and the powerless.” In his victory speech, Sayeed spoke about his rise to politics after arriving in Canada as an immigrant from Bangladesh. “You may not know that I come from a very strong political family background,” he said. “Growing up, our dinner conversations revolved around political discussions as to how we can serve the community better. “My grandfather was a freedom fighter. My uncle wrote the constitution of our nation. And I have cousins serving their country as mayor, MLA, and MPs. They are fighting for the same ideological NDP values that we

have here.” At the direction of his parents, Sayeed first arrived in North America to study engineering, earning himself an undergraduate degree and an MBA. “I have held several leadership roles for large companies, and I have management and leadership certifications from University of Waterloo and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),” he said. “Something was still missing though.” Before he was employed in the public sector, Sayeed was working as a manager of a Credit Union bank. Then something happened to make him realize he had much more to offer the world. “This moment was at a grocery store when I was pushing my cart down the aisle,” he said. “I saw a lady, a deaf lady, who was struggling to communicate with a staff member. It was quite obvious that she was looking for something specific. After a few minutes though, she started walking towards the exit, with an empty hand, and tears rolling down her face. This moment changed my perspective in life and I wanted to help the deaf population.” Not long after, Sayeed put his notice in at Valley First and launched his own tech company. He developed technology that translates sentences communicated silently through American sign language into text and audio, using sensors to recognize gestures. “Fortunately, our work received international recognition for which I was invited to speak at a TEDx Conference,” he said. “During the same time, I became a city councillor and it

has been the most fulfilling position in my life. It is a responsibility that I take very seriously.”


became a city councillor and it has been the most fulfilling position in my life

During his time working as a councillor, Sayeed claimed several accomplishments. His efforts contributed towards construction of a new 52-unit affordable housing project in Penticton; 42 new affordable rental units for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness; a new policy that requires homeless shelters to offer refuge at minus two degree Celsius instead of minus five; the launch of the Okanagan College daycare centre; and the regulation of medical cannabis. Looking ahead, Sayeed said British Columbia offers its citizens endless resources and opportunities but there are too many social shortcomings. B.C. has the worst rate of child poverty; government ministries share rosy economic outlooks while seniors are lining up at food banks; ICBC is raising rates; and a lack of educational investments has lead to chronic school closures, he said. “We need NDP candidates who can not only talk about these issues, but also someone who has the experience and the track record to offer knowledgeable and practical solutions.”

Remember last time highway was rerouted? VIEW STAFF If the province ends up deciding to reroute Highway 97 in Peachland, it won’t be the first time. “Back in the 1950s they moved it from Beach Avenue, which was Highway 97 at the time,” said local historian Richard Smith. “All the way down to deep creek. That was completed in 1961.” Smith was living in Peachland at the time and remembers photographing the heavy equipment that constructed the new highway. “Back then there was very, very little consultation. They just determined that they could no longer have the traffic run along Beach Avenue because by 1961 it couldn’t handle anymore,” he said. “Nowadays they certainly allow the public to have their say and ask anything they want.” To widen the highway where it runs along the lake, Smith said rocks that were blasted away from higher up were dumped along the shoreline. “And there were no traffic lights whatsoever, either Princeton Avenue or anywhere else.” Smith contacted the Ministry of the day to ask if the highway would be built at a higher elevation than Renfrew Road – which is far lower

than all five options to come from the Peachland Transportation Study.

Peachland MLA Office MLA Dan Ashton or staff will be available at the Chamber of Commerce office Thursday afternoons. For appointments call 1 866 487 4402

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING PEACHLAND SENIORS’ SUPPORT SOCIETY Notice is hereby given that the 2016 Annual General Meeting of the Peachland Senior’s Support Society will be held on Friday, December 2nd, 2016 at 10 am. Council Chambers, Peachland Community Centre Located at 4450 6th Street, Peachland, BC

Patrick Bell

Kathryn Robinson

Joseph Jacoe

District of Peachland doesn’t own Turner

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Turner Park belonged to the school district until 2006 when it was sold to a private group. It was reported in last week’s View that the District purchased the property, which was incorrect. The District has only been leasing Turner Park. It’s in the news because a development is planned on the property, which has remained as park space since its sale ten years ago, Information about the project will be shared at an open house on Dec. 8 between 4 and 7 p.m. at the Little School House.

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DECEMBER 2, 2016


Linda Bolton

Managing Director

Together, we will level the playing field between the powerful and the powerless recently nominated

Dan Walton

NDP candidatre Tarik Sayeed


Paul Graydon Advertising Sales

email Views Deciding which items of “news” to neglect

Continued on page 5


Annick Stoltz

Office Administrator


News Hound

4437 - 3rd Street P.O. Box 1150 Peachland BC, V0H 1X0 Published by Aberdeen Publishing Inc.

Tel: 250-767-7771 Fax: 250-767-3337 ThePeachlandViewisafree communitynewspaperthat isdistributedeachFridayto everyone in Peachland. Anyone who lives outside the distribution area but withinCanadacanpurchase asubscriptionat$70peryear plus GST. ThePeachlandViewreserves therighttorefusepublication ofanyadvertisingoreditorial submissionatitsdiscretion. Material submitted by columnistsdoesnotreflect theopinionsofthePeachland View or its employees.

Since the Peachland View is only 20 pages every week, top priority has to be given to issues most important to Peachland residents when deciding content. At times it can be difficult which news items have to be left out. But in the lead up to an election cycle, like the provincial one next spring, neglecting content becomes easier as far more peachy “news” seems to be coming out of government bodies. It’s kind of expected that an incumbent government would co-ordinate their good news in time for when their jobs are on the line. In the past week, the provincial government has issued press released that brag about increased funding towards a buy-local program, growth in B.C.’s lumber market, more protection for our provincial parks and growth within tourism markets. Provincial ministries haven’t shared good news so frequently since four years ago. But sometimes politicians generate partisan news items that can’t be ignored. When the province makes a big funding announcement locally, it’s important and can’t be disregarded – even if it was a result of blatant electioneering. Sitting politicians tend to deny the suppositions that funding announcements become more frequent in the lead up to campaign season and that they target swing ridings Unfortunately, those suppositions can’t be proven either way because there’s no method of defining whether public monies were truly spent on partisan or altruistic purposes. But it’s hard

to ignore the pattern of pandering that comes about before an election cycle. Beyond our provincial borders, there’s a leadership contest going on right now for the federal Conservative party One of their candidates has received significant media coverage by sharing extreme ideas like dismantling the CBC and heavier vetting against immigrants with anti-Canadian values. She’s often compared to President-elect Donald Trump, and pundit Rick Mercer said her ideas are a “secret language” for angry white people. Her hopeless vision has no place in the Peachland View, but she especially deserves to be ignored because she’s embracing such polarizing issues for the media coverage – her ulterior motive isn’t to encourage important discussions. Even though most of the publicity she receives is negative – since it’s so easy to call her ideas extreme and outrageous – she knows it works well as a fundraising tool, attracting the attention of potential donors who relate with far right-wing philosophies. Self-serving political announcements aren’t the only news items that are regularly ignored. So are drugs. While it can be fascinating to learn about the dark underbelly of our communities, the Peachland View isn’t a resource for people who are exposed to the risks of illicit drug use. This audience probably won’t benefit from hearing the tired warning that heroin is being laced with fentanyl.

ThePeachlandViewretains completeandsolecopyright of any content, including stories, photographs and advertisementspublishedin thePeachlandView.Reproduction in whole or in part withoutwrittenpermissionor consentfromthepublisheris strictly prohibited.

EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! – Optimistic press releases tend to stack up as elections draw near.

Contrarily, the province seems out of touch with the realities of drug abuse. Earlier this month, Premier Christy Clarke told a group of reporters that fentanyl is now being found in marijuana. When reporters checked her facts and discovered that no fentanyl-laced marijuana had actually been reported in the province, the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General Mike Morris conceded the mistake but doubled-down on her warning. “As we’ve all heard from the Vancouver Police Department, (Premier Christy Clark’s comments that we had a confirmed case of marijuana laced with fentanyl) was reported in error,” Morris had to admit in a press release. Then two sentences later, “We continue to warn the public that any and all drugs can be tainted with fentanyl, including marijuana.” A warning like that isn’t going to help anybody. Readers don’t need to be reminded that sprinkling a powder onto a herb exists within the realm of possibility. The noise deserves some ridicule every once in a while. But beyond all the veiled campaign efforts, ads disguised as news and sordid issues that get treated hysterically, there’s always something intriguing to report upon, be it planning the future of Highway 97, Tarik Sayeed winning the NDP nomination for our riding or finding our about local veteran Bettina Fuchs’ journey to the 2017 Invictus Games in Toronto. Dan Walton Editor


DECEMBER 2, 2016



Future of Hwy 97 puts community between rock and hard place Peachlanders are between a rock and a hard place - a big rock and a very hard place. The Peachland council is asking for a tax increase (again) to support infrastructure. That’s on top of the $350/parcel annually that we all have been paying since 2008 for a water treatment plant that we don’t even see coming. Factor in that there are many seniors in our town who are on fixed income. The message is that the current tax base cannot support the town. Consistently increasing taxes is not sustainable. The solution is a larger tax base. A larger tax base comes from increasing the number of residents and business taxpayers. That’s not happening. We need residential developments that actually happen. We need vacation accommodations, attractions that will increase tourism and we need visitors that make Peachland a destination not a drive through community. We have the bare bones here with something like 10 kilometres of lakefront, some outstanding restaurants, spectacular south facing views and a few enterprising small business owners offering holiday adventures and shopping experiences. What we lack is the tax base to support our town. What the “In Place” (existing route) people miss is the probable death of Peachland should the town be thrown into several years of upheaval with highway construction. How will current tax paying businesses survive? Will new tax paying businesses come to town? Will developers be attracted during the upheaval? Will new tax paying residents arrive? The answers are “no” during construction, “no” while the Hwy. 97 controversy goes on year after year and we can forecast “no” should we have Hwy.

97 running through town. Route 97 is North America’s longest continuous north-south highway. It extends from Weed, California to Mile Zero of the Alaska Highway, at Dawson Creek, B.C. Hwy. 97 generates a lot of through traffic, now and forever. Think about how Hwy. 97 travelers and commercial truckers, two-thirds of whom are through traffic, will navigate Peachland during construction. Will Beach Avenue be the main detour? If so, what becomes of Peachland community events like Show & Shine, the Canada Day Parade and Celebrations, Christmas Light Up and so many other local activities? What happens to our beach front, current businesses and Beach Avenue residents? What happens to the many Peachland seniors who cannot absorb continued tax increases? Do they leave? We are not talking about a disruption of months. We are talking about a disruption of years … enough time to change the town forever. What will happen to this town? After construction, if the proposed highway is “in place”, would residential developers be attracted by available land overlooking multilane interchanges and the noise of heavy traffic? With no space between the new highway and the lake, exactly where do visitor upgrades, new businesses and tourism developments go? Take a short drive on Highway 97 south to the off ramps for the two Okanagan Provincial Parks. Look at the road objectively and critically. Is this really what you want to see running right through our town? What you see there is a highway servicing a park. We are talking about our town. There are five pro-

posed routes for a bypass. Three of the five options completely miss all current residential areas. No property owners are compromised by three of the options. There would be view space between the bypass and the lake for residential developments and visitor accommodations. Maybe there’s a developer out there who could create a golf course. Who knows? We very much need destination and residential developments and new businesses to increase our tax base so we can support the town infrastructure, maintenance and water system plant. We need land overlooking our spectacular views that must remain unspoiled by a major highway, to bring in destination and residential developers. Nowhere else in the Okanagan are such views still available. Developments just won’t happen when the view is multi-lanes of interchanges, new traffic signals, new access lanes, on-ramps, new connections, road extensions, overpasses and crossovers. Developer and development are not dirty words. They are our pathway to an economically viable future. We need these folks. We need to encourage and attract developers. We need to make Peachland appealing to them and we need to do that now. The suggested first three options for a bypass, offer uninterrupted quality of life in Peachland and sustainability of current businesses during construction. Bypass options 1, 2 and 3 create spectacular view space between a bypass route and the lake. This space would be available to and attract developers.

COUN. CUNNINGHAM AND Mayor Cindy Fortin seen speaking with Murray Tekano from the MOTI during the open house on Nov. 21.

Existing route (in place) options do not offer the economically sustainable future that all of us want for our town. In my opinion, a west side bypass starting at Peachland and dropping at the north end of Swan Lake would benefit Peachland, West Kelowna, Kelowna, Winfield and Vernon by offering through travelers and commercial trucking a Central Okanagan bypass route. Let’s not forget that twothirds of our traffic is through traffic, not visitors. Many of these folks would use a fast bypass route north. Massive cost and safety issues could be resolved by a west side bypass. Maybe we won’t need a second bridge if through traffic is diverted. As unsafe as this is, Westside Road is already used as a bypass. I’m amazed that West Kelowna, Kelowna and Vernon do not demand bypass solutions to in-city traffic challenges. But that’s just what I think. By the way, here’s a short message to councillor Pam Cun-

The World Needs More Rotary

ningham. The Hwy. 97 Task Force was not formed “a few years ago.” I joined the task force society as a paid member when I arrived here in 2004. The Hwy. 97 Task Force Society had been in place for many years before then. Some past members, who cared deeply for Peachland’s future and advocated a bypass, are no longer with us, including

my husband who died “a few years ago.” That’s how long the Hwy. 97 Task Force has been dedicated to Peachland’s future. There is a difference, a very big difference, between 900 paid society members and 900 people signing a petition. Anyone interested can join the Hwy. 97 Task Force Society at Make your opinion

count by completing and submitting your questionnaire on peachlandtransportationstudy. MOTI is finally listening. Do something before it’s too late. Our town is slipping away from us for the sake of a highway. We’ll never get it back. Wylli Seipp Peachland

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Basing ideals on Fox News? There is only one tolerable option This letter is in response to the Letter to the Editor of Nov 18 in the Peachland View written by Laurel Watts. I am truly sorry that your personal economic experience was so devastating under the government of President Barack Obama. I don’t know if your situation was a result of the devastation caused by the corrupt government of President George Bush, but certainly thousands, if not millions of peoples’ lives were changed as a result of the illegal transgressions that occurred under his watch and that is what President Obama inherited. You obviously have very little regard for Hillary Clinton and you are not alone. However , to compare her to the bombastic, narcissistic, divisive assaults of Donald Trump is a great example of false equivalency. Your comments to the author of the article stating that he is quote “only the second rude Canadian that you have come across” is based on what? Is it based on the fact they have an opinion that is different from yours? I have spent the best part of the past four years in the U.S. and I have found there is a pervasive

inability to engage in a respectful difference of opinion without resorting to personal insults. You also suggest the author may be uninformed. Once again I ask uninformed by whose standards? Fox News? I believe it is safe to say that you and I would have somewhat different political views, however, we should be able to advocate for the issues that are important to us as well as call out those leaders we feel are causing harm This can be done while still maintaining personal responsibility for our own civility when challenging or disagreeing with each other. To comment on the concerns that I and millions of other people have with regards to the competency of Trump as President is beyond the confines of a short letter. I, like you, hope that peoples’ lives become better as a result of his triumph, however, I must say that if the hateful, white supremacist, war hawks he is placing in powerful positions is a harbinger of what is to come, I am not feeling very optimistic. Dyan Burnell Peachland, B.C.

Constructing a bypass that invades the highland residents of Peachland is an assault. Spending millions of dollars to remove traffic from lower Peachland and then rerouting through the backyard of highland Peachland accomplishes nothing. There is no net benefit. I suspect the most logical choice is to four-lane and improve Hwy 97. It’s cheaper to build, maintenance is less, and Peachland businesses won’t suffer more than they already do. Less miles would be driven, less fuel would be used, less greenhouse gas would be emitted and there would less disturbance to wildlife. Intersection improvements and sound berms would be required and probably in the future, quieter and cleaner vehicles would also help. If the MOTI decides to four-lane Hwy 97 as per the original plan, it would not be an unreasonable choice. However, if a bypass is to be built, then it must bypass all of Peachland, not just lower Peachland. Option No. 1 is the only equitable choice for a bypass. Options 2, 3, 4 and 5 are not acceptable, and even the slightly higher elevations of

Option No. 2 and Option No. 3 still violate southwest upper Peachland. The jewel of the Peachland lowlands is being close to the lake and enjoying its beauty. The downside is the noise of the highway The people who chose to buy or build near the highway, knew the highway was there and any effects of living by the highway should come as no surprise. In contrast, the jewel of the Peachland highlands is the quiet tranquility of being removed from the highway.The downside is the distance from the lake and highlanders are obviously not expecting that to change. But they invested in tranquility and destroying this with a close bypass is an infringement and an ambush. Asking highland Peachlanders to accept a poorly located bypass is like asking lowland Peachlanders to drain the lake.Both areas should be respected. If the government decides to spend the extra money on a bypass, then Option No.1 would be the only tolerable choice. Bypass all of Peachland or forget it. Daine Garner Peachland, B.C.

No four-lane highway through existing neighbourhoods I must say that I was quite alarmed at a great many of the proposed “options” that were presented at the Hwy. 97 Open House last Monday. Peachland is an incredibly lovely town. You do not route a four-lane highway through an existing neighbourhood, yet three of the five by options and one of the “in-place” routes did exactly that. A bypass goes around, it does not go through. An in-place route expands the existing route in place and does not reroute a portion through an existing residential neighbourhood. These four options should have been discard-

ed during committee deliberations and never presented to the public as viable options. And the second “South of Princeton” option that went through the trailer parks, should have been designed to go around them. And if that means going slowly, then you reduce the speed limit. If it is to be a bypass, then only Options No. 1 and No. 2 are really options as they are the only ones that bypass Peachland. All of the others would bisect Peachland. If it is to be in place, then it must be in place. If issues exist such that the existing route

can’t be expanded in place, then it must be a bypass. If expanding it in place would necessitate slow speeds for stretches, then stretches must have slow speeds to protect the nature of the town and the safety of the residents. But in no instance should a four-lane highway be routed through an existing neighbourhood. Period. End of discussion. Rick Ingram Peachland, B.C.

Healthy Body • Healthy Mind

You should be getting out to hike more often ANNICK STOLTZ VIEW STAFF

You don’t need to go hard-core to get the many benefits of hiking. Think of hiking as simply taking a longer walk in nature; you can hike at any pace, at any elevation, and for any number of kilometers, hours, or even days. No matter how tricky (or easy) your trail, every hike has its perks. First, even a moderate onehour hike on Beach Ave can burn around 400 calories, all while sculpting your core and lower body. And as the elevation goes up, think Pincushion, so do the benefits. The more challenging the hike, the more calories—and stress—you’ll melt away. Major bonus: It doesn’t take a lot to get started. Unlike other outdoor sports that are gear heavy and often require travel and lessons, such as rock climbing and waterskiing, hiking can be done with little equipment. You real-

ly need only two key items: proper footwear and a day bag. Find a trail near you at http://, which features GPS and elevation data and user-generated tips from beginner to advanced trails. And if you’ve already been hiking your neighborhood trails, maybe it’s time you experienced the next level of this natural high on a daylong trek. Long-distance hikes open up a whole new world of terrain and boost your

sense of accomplishment. Plus, fall is the perfect season to get going: fewer bugs! Gorgeous weather! Pretty leaves! Grab a granola bar (and all other hiking essentials) and set out to tap these powerful rewards.

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DECEMBER 2, 2016



Our democracy can still be improved Option No. 3 will be best The recent US election, where fewer voters picked Trump than his opposition, has demonstrated the need in Canada for a more fair and representative voting process than can be achieved under our present first-past-the-post voting. Soon we will be able to change our present horse race style election where in Canada winning less than 40% of the vote can give you 100% of the power. Many voters believe that their vote does not contribute to electing a representative that reflects their personal interests, that they are throwing away their vote, or that they have to vote for someone as a tactic. But many/most countries in the world have chosen a more fair system of proportional representation, rather than continue with a first-past-the-post voting system left over from colonial days. On December first, the all-party electoral reform committee will report their recommendation to the Liberal government.

80% of the witnesses before the committee have recommended some system of proportional representation (where every vote goes toward the election of a representative in parliament), and it is expected that the committee may lean toward Mixed Member Proportional (where you elect a local representation as well as elect the proportion of the votes to a party). This is the system in operation in Germany and New Zealand and many other countries, as well as the system that the voters on Prince Edward Island recently decided was in their best interest. Soon we will be asked to complete an online survey for Canadians to indicate their preferences to the Federal Government. Change can be frustrating, and to understand a new voting system will take interest and time, but if we are to future-proof our democracy, I believe that a change in our voting system is necessary. William Stocks

District should cancel $25,000 contract Peachland pressed for a study separate from the second crossing corridor, so a separate Hwy 97 Transportation Study we got ! Two down, two more to go. Last Monday’s Open House added a good deal of new data and ideas to those presented at the first consultation. All the information seemed to engage the huge turnout of Peachlanders. Queries , answers, and suggestions filled the space with lots of sound and maybe even a bit of fury. Cost figures were promised for Open House #3. I admit that the two-year study tries my patience somewhat, but all in all, the exercise will likely benefit the community. I sense that the process , together with some important stats and data, is serving to heal the symptoms of the pro or con split over the issue.

This development was aggravated by the unanimous support for the By-Pass by the District council and administration. As one of the sponsors of the Study, surely it was incumbent on the District to be a neutral participant and withhold any preference while input from the community was being considered. Instead, council further voted to spend $25,000 of available grant money to engage Grant Lachsmuth, an Urban Systems expert on inter – government relations, presumably to lobby the Ministry to decide on the By-Pass option. In the interests of protecting the consultative validity of the Highway 97 Transportation Study. I urge the District to reverse its actions and cancel the $25,000 contract. Dora Stewart

Salute to the Scarecrow committee Dear editor:

Doris Muhs and I were honored at the Peachland Business Awards night to accept a trophy on behalf of the Scarecrow Festival Committee as the winners of the Creative Sector. We thank the Committee for all their work. We would like to point out that we were just facilitators for the creativity of others. The award belongs

to the many businesses, community groups and private individuals who built and displayed scarecrows. Without them the festival would not have been the success that it was. It was a job well done. Lets do it again next year. Eldon Kerbes Peachland, B.C.


Places of Faith Peachland United Church

St. Margaret’s Anglican Church

Grace Lutheran Church 1162 Hudson Road West Kelowna, B.C. 250-769-5685

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Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Tuesday Morning

Sunday Services

9:30 a.m. Study, Coffee & Conversation

Service 9 a.m.

Office Hours 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Monday to Friday

Contemporary Worship Traditional Worship Service 10:30 a.m.

Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Ages 3 thru to Grade 6 We are wheelchair accessible

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Sunday Worship 2pm with Pastor Don McMillan For more information call John 250-767-2221 Don McMillan 250-300-1642

Rev. Robin Graves 4th Street & Brandon Ave


4464 4th Street (St. Margaret’s Anglican Church building)

Hall rental contact Doreen 250-767-2132

Sunday Morning Service 10 a.m. Minister: Ian McLean all are welcome

Dear editor: Home study was required to complete the Comment Form provided at the recent MOTI Highway Open House Of the five bypass options MOTI says that Option No. 3, long advocated by the Task Force, “stays well above most populated areas.” It remains the best bypass option. Evaluating the road connection options for the In-Place scenario requires careful study. The signal light options are clearly better. With the no signal light options, all the northbound Princeton Road traffic, including gravel and logging trucks, would funnel through Beach Avenue.. There is literally no

route from downtown or the IGA to Trepanier territory. For safety and to preserve the character of Beach Ave. the In Place scenario must retain the existing three lights and add a fourth at Trepanier Road. The only route out for northbound traffic from the south end of Peachland will be by way of Renfrew Road extended via Heighway Lane, Lipsett and Princess to Princeton Road. These are substandard roads, narrow, without shoulders or sidewalks and are totally unsuited and unsafe for heavier traffic flows. The direct impacts of In Place on Peachland’s economy and ambiance are all negative.They include reduced property val-

ues on Beach Avenue, near the highway and on connecting roads and ramps, the loss of existing amenities such as the doggy beach, boat launch park and parking for tennis and skateboarding. But traffic volumes are bound to keep increasing and property values will depreciate in concert. In the absence of revenue to improve local road standards, saturation will choke off development including any hope for new businesses. The In Place option as presently portrayed will be a sociological disaster and the start off an economic death spiral. John Abernethy Peachland, B.C.



DECEMBER 2, 2016


Community effort unwedges youngster’s hand from door DAN WALTON EDITOR

When the hand of a curious little toddler became lodged deep in the door at at Peachland Post Office, everybody in the area dropped what they were doing to help. “My sons and I had a very scary incident over at the post office today and I just wanted to express my thanks to the fellow Peachlanders that helped us!” mother Emma Webber wrote in an email. On Nov. 23, her three-year-old son Jackson’s hand became trapped in the automated exterior door and he began to scream. “His hand was firmly stuck within the frame and the door was pushing on it trying to close,” she said. “I ran to my son in a panic, a lady in the line up named Colleen came and grabbed the door and held it, another person yelled to call 9-1-1 and another ran to the pharmacy to buy baby oil to loosen his hand. Meanwhile my son is just crying in pain and fear.” That’s when Chelsea Argent and Orysya Fetterly became involved, the pharmacists and owners at Peachland Pharmacy in the same plaza. “Somebody came into the pharmacy and said there was a little boy who’s hand was stuck in the door,” Argent recalled. “’Do you have anything to loosen it up?’ he asked.” Argent brought some dish soap to the Post Office but to no avail.

“We were nervous to open door further in case is would pinch his hand more,” Argent said. There was worry that the solution would have to be unhinging the door. “(Argent) then noticed I had Samuel, my 20 month old, also with me strapped in his stroller, and she asked me if she could watch him and take care of him for me,” Emma said. “We just brought him over into the pharmacy just to keep him occupied,” Argent said. “We gave him a couple little foam balls from the store and he played with them until Emma’s friend (Dauna Hill) came and got him. He was a good kid and very calm, he just played with the balls and giggled a bit.” Over at the Post Office, Jackon’s hand finally slipped out. “Then suddenly after what felt like ten minutes his hand came free!” Emma said. “Colleen came to the ambulance and asked me if I needed anyone and if she could call anyone for me. The lovely post office lady, bless her, kept my packages for me as we were whisked away in an ambulance to the hospital to check for a broken hand.” Thankfully Jackson’s hand wasn’t seriously injured, just some bruises and swelling, Emma reported. “And a lesson learnt to not do that again I think! “I was just so taken with my fellow Peachlanders today who helped a Mum out in what could’ve been a horrible accident… I felt very grateful to all those people that offered their help, care and concern for my little family today.”

THE DOOR THAT caused a commotion when a hand became stuck.

The Corporation of the District of Peachland NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

Notice is hereby given that Council will hold a Public Hearing on: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 6:00 pm Council Chambers in the Peachland Community Centre 4450 – 6th Street, Peachland, BC Council will hear from persons who deem their interest in property to be affected by the following bylaw amendment: Bylaw No. 2047 to amend Schedule “A” of District of Peachland Zoning Bylaw No. 1375, 1996 from A-1 Rural Agricultural zone to R-3 Multiple Residential – Low Density zone. Approval of this bylaw and consolidation of this lot with the lot located immediately to the south (already zoned R-3) will allow the proposed development of 97 residential units within 21 buildings.

Subject Property

Proud to Be Your Family Pet Doctors

Applicant: Civic Address: Legal Description:

New Town Planning Services 5930 Columbia Avenue Block 14, District Lot 490, Osoyoos Division Yale District Plan 125

The public may review copies of the proposed Bylaw, Council reports and related material at the Municipal Office, 5806 Beach Avenue, Peachland, B.C. during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) Monday to Friday inclusive from November 28, 2016 to December 13, 2016. In order to be considered by Council, concerns must either be expressed in writing or presented in person at Council. Written submissions may be delivered to the District of Peachland Municipal Office or emailed to the Corporate Officer, Polly Palmer at All written and emailed submissions must be received by 4:00pm on December 13, 2016 and will become part of the public record. NO REPRESENTATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING

Free Exams for New Pets

Cat Only Boarding Facility


DECEMBER 2, 2016



Sayeed faces tough challenge as local NDP nominee Congratulations to Penticton city councillor Tarik Sayeed on being chosen as the NDP’s nominee in the Penticton riding in the next provincial election. In a low-key nomination meeting held in Summerland that took a mere 75 minutes, Sayeed beat challenger Toni Boot in a two-way race between a Penticton councillor and Summerland councilor. Unofficially the vote count was Sayeed 156; Boot 137. Sayeed now has the enormous task of facing incumbent Dan Ashton in the May 2017 election. Ashton has been a good MLA and delivered on his promise for the patient care tower at Penticton Regional Hospital. He also found the cash to bring new life to both Trout Creek and West Bench Elementary Schools, at least for another two years. His contributions to the riding also include affordable housing units and a daycare for Okanagan

College. Although not a cabinet minister, his portfolios have all been prestigious. A nomination meeting is different than an election. Ask Marshall Neufeld. The Conservative candidate in the 2015 federal election did an amazing job securing the nomination but didn’t have the support of the electorate as a whole. Some candidates can win a nomination meeting, but not the election. Others can win an election but not a nomination. It’s strange. He who has the most friends. Every major party uses this system — which for the record I’ve always hated (see previous editorials and columns) — where candidates sell party memberships up until a cutoff date. It’s unfair when a lifelong Conservative, Liberal or NDPer works tirelessly for a party but is given the same vote as somebody who joins for one year merely to vote in a nomination meeting. It also divides party

members. On the plus side, it’s a wonderful fundraiser for the local riding association and the logic is once someone has joined the party, for whatever reason, they could stick around. My guess is with the Penticton NDP, their inner-circle wanted Boot. To be blunt, she was winnable. Sayeed is a formidable guy with a strong social conscience (you often see him out chatting with street people). Unfortunately, city council has a dismal 21 per cent approval rating (Oraclepoll), even lower than Nanaimo where you have a councillor running around telling the mayor to “bite me!” Summerand council, on the other hand, can do no wrong. Boot topped the polls for council, first of 21 candidates, and her popularity has stuck. If I were Ashton I’d say the word “waterslide” 10 times at every all-candidates forum although Sayeed could counter with the words

No condos at Turner Here we go again. Another developer coming into our beautiful little town to make a mess of our hillsides and leave. The development of Turner Park should not be allowed to go through! It was a sad sad day 10 years ago when this property came up for bid and the city was well below what it went for. Even worse than this day was when the city had the opportunity years before that to buy this property and they didn’t. Shame shame shame!!! There is no other property in the hills of Peachland where you could have a more beautiful park and what does this developer want to do? Destroy it! I’ve lived in the city for 36 years and never want to leave. I’ve seen many changes. It’s progress, you can’t stop it. Progress is good but doing it by destroying land that is used and enjoyed be so many already, is just wrong. I drive by this park every single day and every time I do, I see someone in there enjoying what Turner Park has to offer. A little park for the kids, a huge area to take your dog for a run, an outdoor rink to play basketball or hockey and in the winter, it has a great little hill for kids to slide down. My children learned to fly a kite there, learned how to ride a bike and learned how to skate on the ice there. This park gets used and is loved by many. These days we talk about how kids don’t have anything to do anymore. If this land is developed then there goes another place where our children can’t go to just be kids.

Residence of Peachland--write letters, sign petitions, go the meetings and show them how much you care about this town. I know you are all busy, and I am too but it needs to be done before it’s too late. One day, you might want to go for a walk to Turner Park to play catch, to fly a kite and you may find it’s not there anymore and it will be too late. Counsel and Mayor—I hope you listen to the citizens of Peachland because there are many out there that are not happy about this. Listen to the people that pay the taxes here and that enjoy this town and care about it. I ask you to do whatever you can to make sure that the re-zoning of this park does not go through and never gets zoned as residential. Do what you have to do to find a way to buy this property or trade some land with the developer so that Peachland residence can enjoy this park forever. There is so much the city could do with that land. A beautiful playground, a place for pickleball courts. To the developer and owner of this property – Thank you for letting the residents of Peachland continue to use Turner Park for the past ten years. We love this park and want to continue to use it. I understand this is just business for you but it means so much more to us. This is just the wrong piece of land to be developing. Michelle Fulton Peachland, B.C.

“hockey dorm.” What I do know is most of the votes were cast at the advanced poll and there was a strong representation from Penticton’s Indo-Canadian community (including teens who are eligible to vote in party nomination), surprising because they’ve traditionally been Ashton supporters. Presumably they were supporting Sayeed and traditionally vote as a block making it difficult for an opponent to win.

Nobody is unbeatable but a lot will depend on the provincial trend. People vote the party and leader first and the local candidate second. Based on the history of the riding (which also includes Summerland, Penticton and Naramata) Ashton could hold on even if the province went orange. Another factor may be whether the Greens bother to run a candidate this time. One thing we all found out from the

Is 2017 your year to move?

2016 was a great year to sell with record setting prices. What will 2017 bring? Call Dave for a free market evaluation of your property plus tips to maximize your sale price.

U.S. federal election is don’t count anybody out. There’s no longer such a thing as a safe seat. The race has now

officially begun. James Miller is the Managing editor of The Penticton Herald (daily).

5884B Beach Ave, Peachland Phone: 250-767-3399 email :



Win a free Proscan 9" Tablet, includes Case and Keyboard. Android Lollipop 5.1 Draw will be held Dec 15 at 10.00 am. All entries must be dropped off at On Beach Boutique.

Name: ________________________ Phone: _______________________

Dave Collins 250-870-1444

Email: ________________________

The Corporation of the District of Peachland NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

Notice is hereby given that Council will hold a Public Hearing on: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 6:00 pm Council Chambers in the Peachland Community Centre 4450 – 6th Street, Peachland, BC Council will hear from persons who deem their interest in property to be affected by the following bylaw amendments: Bylaw No. 2147 to amend the text of the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1600, 2001 by removing the requirement to complete an Area Sector Plan for the area described as “Upper Princeton” and to amend Schedule “A” District of Peachland Official Community Plan Map as shown below.

Subject Properties

Applicant: Civic Address: Zoning:

Newtown Planning Services Upper Princeton Neighbourhood (92 individual lots are impacted) RM-1 Manufactured Home Residential Zone

The public may review copies of the proposed Bylaw, Council reports and related material at the Municipal Office, 5806 Beach Avenue, Peachland, B.C. during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) Monday to Friday inclusive from November 28, 2016 to December 13, 2016. In order to be considered by Council, concerns must either be expressed in writing or presented in person at Council. Written submissions may be delivered to the District of Peachland Municipal Office or emailed to the Corporate Officer, Polly Palmer at All written and emailed submissions must be received by 4:00pm on December 13, 2016 and will become part of the public record. NO REPRESENTATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING


DECEMBER 2, 2016



Best wisheS from your community grocer

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Grand Prize Package includes: 2 nights stay with breakfast for two. 2 Round of golf for tow people with power cart .$650 Value. Or win one of our weekly $20 gift certificates for the fine businesses advertising on this page! Final draw for the grand prize will take place Monday January 2nd 2017 at The View.

Are you prepared for winter?

How do I win?

Just cut out the ballot on this page and enter it in one of our ballot boxes located at one of the great advertisers on this page until Friday December 30th :Chico’s Paradise, Edward Jones, J.K. Schmidt, Jonhston Meier, Peachland Legion, Lakeside Autocare, Regency Westwood, Your Dollar Store or IGA. Ballots will be picked up every Tuesday.

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best wishes from

In The

January 6 issue of The View, we’ll announce the name of our grand prize winner who will receive a Gateway Certificate for The Quaaout Lodge Shuswap. PMS 5535

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DECEMBER 2, 2016

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Daily Menu Specials and Happy Hour Club Bites 3pm till 6pm Daily

Pencil crayon acrobat – Congratulations to Nikita Myltoft of Peachland for winning the Cirque Musica Colouring Contest. She won two tickets to the show on Decm. 4 at the South Okanagan Events Centre.



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DECEMBER 2, 2016



CELTIC THUNDERSTRUCK – An older crowd filled the South Okanagan Events Centre on Nov. 24 to experience Celtic Thunder, whose theatrical concert was loaded with Irish culture. HOSTED BY

Peachland Writers Unblocked

g n i e B Three Prizes of $80 Awarded in Each Short Story Category! Grades 10 to 12


Grades 7 to 9

Grade 6

Topic: Being Canadian This competition is open to all: Peachland & West Kelowna Residents Deadline for entries: February 8th, 2017 by 4:00 pm Details at: A program of a partnership between Peachland Community Arts Council and the Peachland Wellness Centre Sponsored by New Monaco and the Peachland View P E ACHLAND


5.8 X 7


HEARTS Festival


The Peachland Wellness Centre

a rainbow of opportunity


Photo Courtesy of Judy Wyper

NOTICE OF OPEN HOUSE Development Proposal at 6114 Turner Avenue, Peachland This NOTICE is to invite residents of Peachland to attend an information meeting regarding the development o f this property. In keeping with the requirements of the District of Peachland and to create a quality project, the owners are keen to engage the public as we move through the development approval process. The owners and Planning/Engineering Consultants will be on hand to provide an overview of all components of the project. Your input is appreciated. DATE: TIME: LOCATION: CONTACT: OWNER: CURRENT USE: ZONING: PROPOSED USE: TOTAL AREA: LOCATION: ENQUIRIES:

December 8 (Thursday), 2016 4 to 7 PM (Drop-in; there is no formal presentation) Little School House – 1898 Brandon Lane Ed Grifone, CTQ Consultants Ltd ( SSC Ventures (#109) Ltd. Playelds (temporary); Land is leased to the District on month to month basis P2 Institutional Single Family Residential; Townhouses (2 and 3 plexes); Park; Open Space 8.5 Acres (3.44 Hectares) 6114 Turner Avenue (SEE FIGURE BELOW) Any enquiries in advance of the Open House can be directed to Ed Grifone, Senior Consultant at CTQ.


Development Proposal at 6114 Turner Avenue, Peachland

This NOTICE is to invite residents of Peachland to attend an information meeting regardi development o f this property. In keeping with the requirements of the District of Peachland create a quality project, the owners are keen to engage the public as we move throu development approval process. The owners and Planning/Engineering Consultants will be on h provide an overview of all components of the project. Your input is appreciated. DATE: TIME: LOCATION: CONTACT: OWNER: CURRENT USE: ZONING: PROPOSED USE: TOTAL AREA: LOCATION: ENQUIRIES:

December 8 (Thursday), 2016 4 to 7 PM (Drop-in; there is no formal presentation) Little School House – 1898 Brandon Lane Ed Grifone, CTQ Consultants Ltd ( SSC Ventures (#109) Ltd. Playelds (temporary); Land is leased to the District on month to mon basis P2 Institutional Single Family Residential; Townhouses (2 and 3 plexes); Park; Open Sp 8.5 Acres (3.44 Hectares) 6114 Turner Avenue (SEE FIGURE BELOW) Any enquiries in advance of the Open House can be directed to Ed Grifone, Senior Consultant at CTQ.


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– The annual Christmas LightUp will be celebrated in Peachland at 6:15 p.m. on Friday at Heritage Park. Pictured above are fireworks from the Christmas Light-Up held last weekend in Oliver.


tish Columbia.


DECEMBER 2, 2016





– During the 2016 Peachland Chamber of Commerce’s Business Excellence Awards, Todd and Kelly Graham, owners of Todd’s RV and Camping, were granted the Lifetime Achievement Award after 60 years in business. “We were honoured with a wonderful slide show of our 60 years and a lifetime achievement award for business in Peachland,� Kelly said after winning the award. “Thanks to Jean and Jeff for starting the campground.�

Council gave first, second and third readings to Water Rates Bylaw No. 13 1931, 2010 Amendment Bylaw COMMUNITY Number 1981, 2011. This amendment brings the agricultural rate in line with the 2009 level from $0.04 to $0.10 per cubic meter, with no increase in any other rate category.

Earthworks Bylaw Amendment

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Council gave final reconsideration and adoption to Earthworks Control Bylaw No. 832 Amendment Bylaw Number 1977, 2011. This amendment allows for landscaping businesses to be exempt from the permitting process.

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Freedo tion an Fees an No. 16 bringin clarity tinct b one.

Officia Bylaw untary

Counci ond re Comm No. 16 ment B 2011 of inc Amenit This fu will he fund fu the com hearing prior to


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STORYTIME WITH SANTA – Santa (or Bernie Neeson, one of

his helpers) will be stopping into the Peachland Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library on Dec. 10 between 10 and 11 a.m. to find out what’s on the wishlists of local kids. It’s a free event and there will be treats as well. Pictured on Santa’s lap is Kaylee Cuthbert, as seen during last year’s meeting.

1-hour business lunch! Every Monday to Friday from October 31 to December 2, let the vineyard views inspire you while you enjoy a working lunch with your colleagues or industry partners. We guarantee to have you out within a hour!

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December 2, 2016



CROSSWORD CLUES ACROSS 1. Slavonic language 7. Solid water 10. Supply with notes 12. Edible bivalve 13. Field game 14. Yellow edible Indian fruits 15. Lubricant that protects body surfaces 16. Canadian flyers 17. Took a seat 18. Anthracite 19. Cuckoos 21. Vietnamese currency unit 22. Subject to payment on demand 27. Opposite of BC 28. The distance around an object 33. Blood type 34. Expressing gratitude 36. Bridge-building degree 37. Ribosomal ribonucleic acid 38. Fiber from the outer husk of a coconut 39. Great blackbacked gull 40. The largest island in the West Indies 41. Vegetation consisting of stunted trees or bushes 44. Support trestles 45. Single rail system 48. Call upon in supplication 49. Small compartment 50. Lair 51. Unpleasant nagging women CLUES DOWN 1. College civil rights organization 2. “Full House” actress Loughlin 3. Egyptian sun god 4. Vessel or duct 5. Belonging to a thing 6. After B 7. Refers to end of small intestine 8. Baby cow 9. River of Memmert Germany 10. Farmer’s calendar 11. Spiral shelled cephalopods 12. Source of chocolate 14. Diversify 17. A baglike structure in a plant or animal 18. Freshwater & limestone green algae 20. Single Lens Reflex 23. Gum arabics 24. Austrian philosopher Martin 25. Maltese pound 26. An immature newt 29. Popular Canadian statement

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20

Aries, give a loved one the benefit of the doubt before jumping to conclusions. This beloved confidante deserves your trust and ardent support.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21

Taurus, expect some powerful emotions to surface when you meet a new person this week. You may be immediately drawn to this individual, so embrace the attraction.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21

Gemini, the week starts off on a bumpy note but quickly turns itself around. By Friday, you will have a smile on your face and be ready to make the most of the weekend.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22

Cancer, some long weeks have left you physically and emotionally wiped out. Take some time out for yourself in the coming days and resist the urge to jump back into the fray too quickly.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23

A romance at work begins to heat up, Leo. This may be the perfect opportunity to find your match. Just don’t let feelings get in the way of productivity.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 30. Norwegian monetary unit (abbr.) 31. A journey around a course 32. Confer a nobility

title upon 35. Idle talk 36. British policeman 38. A citizen of Havana

40. Highly glazed finish 41. A portion of 42. Squad 43. Betrayers

44. Barrels per day (abbr.) 45. Married woman 46. Express delight 47. Neither


A problem dominates your thoughts as you work to find a solution, Virgo. Until you pull away and focus on something else, you will not be able to see the answer clearly.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23

Libra, you have a difficult decision to make, but forge ahead with what you think is best. Keep a level head and weigh all of the consequences of your decision.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22

Friends jokingly suggest you have psychic powers, Scorpio. They are put to the test this week when you suspect something is amiss. Rectify the situation in due time.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21

Avoid taking a big financial risk this week, Sagittarius. Hold on tight to your money and resist the temptation to spend any money for the time being.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20

Capricorn, pressure to complete an important project will find its way to you this week. No matter how quickly you need to get things done, calmly approach the tasks at hand.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18

Resist the instinct to keep your feelings bottled up this week, Aquarius. Get your thoughts out in the open, and you will instantaneously feel much better.


HERE’S HOW IT Works - Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20

Pisces, you will be very productive this week as you benefit from a new outlook. Plan ahead for some magic.


DECEMBER 2, 2016



Taking political positions on the approval of two new pipelines VIEW STAFF On Tuesday the federal government approved the Kinder Morgan Transmountain Project and Line 3 Pipelines while rejecting the Northern Gateway proposal. Reactions have been polarizing. “In anticipation of a federal decision, our government has been consistent in fighting for British Columbia with the five conditions for any new or expanded heavy-oil pipeline,” said MLA Mary Polak, Minister of Environment. “That remains the case today, and we will work to ensure each of our conditions are met.” The five conditions include receiving regulatory approvals; world-class marine-spill response; world-leading land-spill response; participation of Indigenous populations; and a fair share of benefits for British Columbia. “Because we have taken that clear and principled approach to stand up for our province, we have seen the proponent and the federal government take actions, including Ottawa’s recent Ocean Protection Plan to address world-leading marine spill prevention and response,” Polak said. “I have every confidence in B.C.’s environmental assessment process.” Green Party MLA Andrew Weaver is pretty dreary about the news. “In a blatant betrayal of British Columbians, Prime

Minister Trudeau just approved the Kinder Morgan pipeline,” he said in an email. “I cannot express how disturbed I am by this decision. We were promised change. We were promised a government that would put people first. And instead we see yet another federal government steamrolling a pipeline agenda over First Nations and over you. Weaver said British Columbia will be “completely and utterly unprepared” in the event of a major oil spill. Weaver also said NDP party leader John Horgan has been on both sides of the issue over the past two months. “The time for political calculation and cynical halfway promises is at an end,” Weaver said. However, Horgan maintains that he’s always been against the Kinder Morgan and said Clark should be taking a tougher stance to ensure coastal protection, rather than relying on the Prime Minister. Without making any firm commitments, Horgan said if the NDP form government next year, they will “Look at every mechanism available to us to ensure” British Columbians best interests are protected. Premier Christy Clark is optimistic about the pipeline approvals so long as the five conditions are upheld. “For the past four and a half years, we have said we would measure the project against these five clear principles, and that for the expansion of any heavy oil

movement through British Columbia, these conditions are the path to get to yes,” Clark said. The five conditions will ensure the protection and priority of British Columbians’ interests, she said. “I told Prime Minister Trudeau I look forward to him coming to British Columbia to share his thinking behind his decision, to tell British Columbians directly about the values and principles that guided him in coming to this decision. I stressed the importance of him coming to our province to talk about why this is in the national interest.” The feds also put a moratorium on tanker traffic along B.C.’s north coast which will take effect in the spring. Minister of Transportation Marc Garneau said the strikes the right balance between the economy and environment. “Canadians expect the Government of Canada to help grow the economy while protecting the environment,” said Garneau.” This tanker moratorium is another example of how this can be achieved, and shows our commitment to establishing a world-leading marine safety system that meets the unique needs of Canada from coast-to-coast-to-coast.” In Vancouver, protests against the Kinder Morgan Pipeline began just hours after the announcement was made in Ottawa. Demonstrations are expected to continue throughout the entire process.

We’re too indebted to be distracted by Castro comments, MP says DAN ALBAS


housing. Since writing that report the Liberals have now announced further details on the Infrastructure Bank that in my view should be of very serious concern to citizens in our region. The most troubling aspect of the mandate for the Infrastructure Bank is that it will only fund projects with a price tag of $100 Million or more. While major cities such as the Liberal strongholds of Toronto and Vancouver have projects within this price range, for smaller and rural municipalities these types of projects are completely unaffordable. As the Canadian Press recently reported the PMS 5535 Finance Minister has admitted that global investors will only

invest in “large transformational projects” that produce enough revenue from which they can earn a high rate of return on their investment. In other words the Liberal Government is borrowing money it does not have at reduced rates so that Canadian taxpayers can finance and subsidize high rates of return for private international investors. What is more disappointing about this scheme is that taxpayers in rural, smaller and even mid-size municipalities will be taking on this debt, will help pay for the high interest paid to private investors and will not even be eligible or able to afford the projects in question because of the pricey $100 Million minimum price

tag. Worse is that the roughly $32 Billion the Liberals are borrowing to use as seed money for the creation of the Investment Bank is money that could but will not be spent on building infrastructure in the very same municipalities that will not be able to participate in this expensive program. This

Infrastructure Bank in my view will be detrimental to not just our region but many regions across Canada. As it is my practice to not just oppose but also propose I have a different idea. Instead of paying lucrative returns to private global investment firms the Liberal Government could instead increase

the rate of return on Canada Savings Bonds so that everyday Canadians could benefit and at the same time lower the $100 Million project minimum so that the majority of Canadian municipalities can participate. Dan Albas can be reached at Dan.Albas@ or by calling 1-800-665-8711.

Hey Kids! Draw yourself and your Mom to win

a gift certificate from Edward Jones for Mother’s Day!

Three certificates to be awarded

BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB MEMBER OF THE MONTH Since starting at the Peachland Boys and Girls Club

All ages welcome to enter. Drop off entries at Edward Jones by Wednesday, May 4. Winners will be drawn on Thursday, May 5. member of our After School and Summer Day Camp Allspoken entries be on nature display at our office. Programs. Her soft andwill thoughtful a year and a half ago, Alysha has become a valued

easily draws people to her and her smile lights up the room. Her many friends here at the Club describe Alysha as very kind, generous, and imaginative, and they especially like playing in the Club and in the gym with her. Alysha is exceptionally artistic and loves spending time drawing, colouring, and writing. At the end of the day, Alysha and the staff can often be found playing PEACHLAND

card games or drawing together. Alysha is very helpful


and is always one of the first to lend a hand to others. The staff at the Peachland Boys and Girls Club are

PMS Black



Member of the Month!

Do You Plan More For Do You Plan More For




so proud to recognize and celebrate Alysha as the Club

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For a free, personalized post-secondary education cost report, call or visit today. For a free, personalized post-secondary education cost report, call or visit today. Shayn Moritz

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EDS-2345A-C AUG 2010 EDS-2345A-C AUG 2010

Most of the noise in Ottawa this week has been focussed on varying degrees of outrage related to a statement from Prime Minister Trudeau on the passing of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. The Prime Minister’s statement and comments on his death has been widely criticized internationally for not referencing the numerous human rights violations that have occurred in Cuba under the Castro regime. From my perspective while I believe the statement could have been worded in a manner more reflective of these human rights PMS 5535 violations it is also important to not allow issues such as this one to overshadow other important concerns, one of these is the Liberals pending new Black “Infrastructure Bank”. In my November 3rd MP report I shared several concerns about the Liberals promised new $35 Billion Federal Infrastructure White Bank. In that report I questioned the need to develop yet another federal agency as well an expensive new federally run bank. I also pointed out one PMS 5535 of the advantages of Government borrowing money is that Government can do so at rates much lower than the Blackprivate sector can. In order

for the Infrastructure Bank to gain any private sector investors, the bank will need to pay competitive rates of return– these interest rates will of course be higher than the rates that the Government can borrow at so in effect this new Infrastructure Bank could ultimately end up subsidizing private investors who would enjoy lucrative and guaranteed rates of return – this in my view is not the role of Government. This is in stark contrast to what the Liberals proposed in their election platform. Originally they said it would be set up to help all Canadian municipalities to access lower cost borrowing rates and would be largely used to finance social



December 2, 2016



Promote your local activity Send the information for your Peachland event to

Every Thursday, 6:45 p.m. O G Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

ST MARGARET’S CHRISTMAS BAKE SALE, Saturday December 1oth, 9:30am till 1:00pm at The Little School House. Door prizes, coffee corner, crafts and homemade christmas cards, free admission. Call Sharlene at 250 767 6146 for more info.

Lotto License #103899 - 19 years or older Membership not required


Variety Singers Concert

THE PEACHLAND VARIETY SINGERS PRESENT OUR FAVORITES Sunday, Dec. 11 at 2pm at the Fifty Plus Activity Centre. There will also be a Christmas Carol sing along. Admission is by donation and refreshments are served after the concert.

Christmas potluck,

“Our Favourite”

Friday,Dec 9, 6 pm

Sunday,Dec 11, 2pm

November 5th to December 23rd. Tuesday to Saturday 9-4pm. Sunday’s 10-4pm.

Noon, Art Therapy: POP! POP! FIZZ! FIZZ! OH, WHAT A RELIEF IT IS! MARIAN REED and MARY WALKER. Learn how to improve your Health by making your body an environment where DISEASE can’t thrive. Hope to see you there.

Office open Mon - Fri, 9:30-11:30 a.m.




5672 Beach Avenue, Peachland 250-767-9133 Call for Info



Turkey & Ham Supplied

For events or changes please contact

Entertainment: Wendy Rodocker

Find us on Facebook by searching Peachland 50 Plus Activity Centre

Every Week: Art • Chess • Bowling • Bridge • Crafts • Exercise/Yoga • Ukulele

WEEKLY EVENTS MONDAYS FITNESS ROOM 8 am -8 pm, community centre


VINYASA YOGA FLOW 6-7 pm, com-

ZUMBA 5:15-6:15 pm,



munity centre

6-8 pm, 4th St Place

8 am, 50+ Activity Centre




am, community centre

50+ Activity Centre


PICKLEBALL (3.03.5) 9:05-11:05 am,

-8 pm, community centre


4th St Place

community centre

50+ Activity Centre

FUNCTIONAL FITNESS 9:30-10:30 am, 4th Street Place


am, 50+ Activity Centre


10:00 to 11:00 Peachland Wellness Centre.


- 12:30 pm, 4th Street Place

TAI CHI noon, 50+ Activity Centre

NEEDLE ARTS/QUILTING 1 pm, 50+ Activity



(1.0-2.75), community centre


Activity Centre

PICKLEBALL (3.03.5+) 3-5 pm, commu-

nity centre

SPIN, CORE & STRETCH 5:15-6:15 pm,

community centre


Margaret’s Anglican Church


am, 50+ Activity Centre

BABY FRIENDLY CAFÉ 11 - 12:30 pm,

every 2nd and last Tuesday, Peachland Wellness Centre.

CHAIR FITNESS 1111:45 am, 4th Street Place AA 12-1 pm, 50+ Ac-

tivity Centre


community centre

7 pm, community centre

VOLLEYBALL 7-8 pm, community centre

WEDNESDAYS FITNESS ROOM 8 am -8 pm, community centre


nity centre

AEROBICS AND MORE 9:15 am, 50+ Activity Centre

PINCUSHION HIKE AND YOGA 9:30 am. Call Dawn 250-878-6342

FUNCTIONAL FITNESS 9:30-10:30 am, 4th Street Place


1-3pm, community centre

MEN’S COFFEE & CRIB 1 - 2:45 pm,




8-9 am, community centre


FLOW YOGA 9-10 am,

MEAT DRAW 3-5 pm,

1:30-3:30 pm, 50+ Activity Centre



CLOG DANCING 6–7 pm 50+ Activity Centre LIONS DEN MEETING

pm, Gasthaus Restaurant. Be a part of your community and join us for lunch. Everyone welcome.

AA 12 pm, 50+ Activity Centre

7 pm. 2nd week: 6th Ave. Police Station. 4th week: community centre. Dan 250-7679034

UKULELE (BEGINNER) 1:15 pm, 50+


munity centre

Peachland Museum

THURSDAYS FITNESS ROOM 8 am -8 pm, community centre





9-12) 3-8 pm, Pick up available at Peachland Elementary School.

IRON & SILK 10:45 am, 50+ Activity Centre


3:30-8 pm, Peachland Youth Centre. Grades 7+

Lessons 12-1 pm, play 1-4 pm,50+ Activity centre

Peachland Wellness Centre. Runs every week

CHAIR FITNESS 1111:45 am, 4th Street Place


1:15 to 2:15 pm Peachland Wellness Centre

community centre

SPIN, CORE & STRETCH 5:15-6:15 pm,

noon every 3rd Wednesday, Peachland Wellness Centre.


Bargain Bin.

ARTISAN MARKET 10 am - 3 pm by weekly 14 artisans and Wineries at the Peachland Visitors Centre.

PICKLEBALL (3.03.5+) 9:05-11:05 am,

Activity Centre



VOLLEYBALL 10-11 am,

Activity Centre

Second Wednesday of the Month, 6:30 pm, Peachland Wellness Centre


Bargin Bin.


CHESS 1:15 pm, 50+

community centre

community centre


-6 pm, community centre

am, community centre

am - 12 2nd & 4th Wednesday Peachland Wellness Centre.

Peachland Wellness Centre.

PICKLEBALL (3.03.5+) 1-3 pm, commu-

Activity Centre

Church Hall Hosted By the Peachland Wellness Centre. No Beginners.

Activity Centre

PICKLEBALL (3.75+) 1-3 pm, comMEAT DRAW 4-5 pm, Royal Canadian Legion Branch #69

4th St. Place

BRIDGE CREATIVE PLAYTIME (0-6 yrs) 10 am-noon, community centre

PEACHLAND UNITED CHURCH 10 am - 3 pm Bargain Bin.

MEN’S COFFEE & CRIB 10 - noon,


4th Street Place

ed Church



10:30 am, 50+ Activity Centre

ART CLUB 12 pm, 50+

Margaret’s Anglican Church

LADIES CRIB 1 - 2:45


Activity Centre

pm, Peachland Wellness Centre.

10 am, Emmanuel Church, Westbank

PICKLEBALL (3.03.5+) 1-3 pm, com-




PICKLEBALL (ALL PLAY) 6-8 pm, community centre

BINGO 6:45 pm (doors open 5:30 pm), 50+ Activity Centre


THERAPEUTIC YOGA 10:30-11:30 am,

LEGO TIME 3-4 pm, Peachland Library. Open to all ages

13+) 4 -7 pm,

6-12) 1 -4 pm Youth Zone (ages 13+) 4 - 8 pm

Peachland Wellness Centre.

munity centre

community centre


BREAKFAST 8-11 am, Peachland Wellness Centre.

TOTAL BODY BLAST 5:30-6:30 pm,

community centre

Royal Canadian Legion Branch #69


am, 50+ Activity Centre

service fellowship 11:30 am, 4204 Lake Ave.

UKULELE 1 pm, 50+ Activity Centre MEAT DRAW 2-4 pm, Royal Canadian Legion Branch #69


worship at 2 pm, Meeting at St. Margaret’s Anglican Church


December 6, 2016




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Need a Handyman? Look to our Service Directory or the classifieds for the professional you need today







DECEMBER 2, 2016


Literary challenges help to keep the mind sharp CHRIS BYRD

prises Corporation and Peachland View, the competition finalizes during the 2017 HeArts Festival in February. It is a writing exercise designed to energize creative literary minds among our local youth and adults. Writing is one of the most mentally stimulating and healthy exercises for the imagination. This is especially true for the young who sometimes need to unload pent up thoughts and emotions

PEACHLAND COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL Posters are going up around Peachland and Westside schools, libraries, and other locations for the 2017 Literary Competition titled Being Canadian. Hosted by Peachland Writers Unblocked in partnership with the Peachland Community Arts Council (PCAC) and Peachland Wellness Centre and sponsored by the New Monaco Enter-

they may find difficult to express in a rational manner. Writing allows time to reflect rather than unleash something verbally they may later regret. Yet, not communicating at all can result in a ‘Keep out’ sign on the bedroom door. Rules for the competition along with the prize awards are downloadable from our website at: peachlandarts. ca/2017-literary-competition. The topic in keeping with Cana-

da’s sesquicentennial theme is Being Canadian and may be written as short story fiction, story in rhyme, autobiography, biography, or memoir. Several schools have already been approached and teachers are delighted at the enthusiastic response. As it happens, local writer Wayne Power of Writers Unblocked has come up with a very pleasant short story that might well fit under the rules of the contest had he en-

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tered it as such. It is titled ‘Joey’. You can read the story here: w w w.peachlandarts. ca/prose. Well, there you have it! About two months for you to write something or prompt your child to write something for the February HeArts Festival. It can be done! How about it? The Bjorn Kriel Trio wowed a Peachland Art Gallery crowd of 50 on Saturday, November 19 with an hour of superb jazz - Bjorn Kriel on keys, Alex Argatoff, bass, and Jason Martin on drums. One of their main mentors is Craig Thomson the music instructor at Mount Boucherie Secondary School. Bjorn’s own composition, A Street of Water, inspired by an unexpected deluge he experienced in Vancouver, had the audience wanting to head for higher ground - a brilliant musical interpretation. This is a young group of dedicated musicians each indelibly in tune with their particular instrument and bound for greater heights. Let’s follow along as they move on toward university in Toronto! You can watch a slideshow of the trio playing at the Gallery here: PeachlandArtGallery/ videos. The Peachland Art Gallery’s 1st Annual Christmas Artisan Market started Tuesday the 29th in the heart of the Mary Smith Hall. You’ll be able to browse for gifts skilfully crafted by some of the finest artisans in the Valley. The market carries on simultaneously with the popular Artists of the Okanagan exhibition, Tues. to Sat. 9 to 4 pm and Sun. 10 to 4 pm until December 23. Why not view the show and perhaps complete some Christmas shopping at the same time? Peachland’s Variety Singers will vocalize Our Favourites on Sunday, December 11 at 2 pm at the 50 Plus Activity Centre on Beach Avenue. Pieces include What a Wonderful World, Flying Free and, to

honour the recent passing of Canadian poet Leonard Cohen, the international favourite, Hallelujah. Admission is by donation and refreshments will be served after the concert. In nearby Summerland the Musaic Vocal Ensemble will be offering a Christmas Concert Dreams and Visions at 2 pm on Saturday, December 10 at the St. John’s Lutheran Church. The programme accompanied by piano and saxophone, will include Hymne ā la Nuit (from the Baroque opera Hippolyte et Aricie), Hine Ma Tov (a hymn of Jewish tradition), and ‘I Dream a World.’ Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for students. The same programme will be performed in Penticton at the St. Saviour’s Anglican Church on Friday, December 9 at 7:30 pm. It’s the season for holiday celebration and the Arts Council of the Central Okanagan (ARTSCO) and Creative Okanagan have joined forces to create the First Annual Creatives Holiday ART Party a unique networking event for arts professionals in the Valley. This is an opportunity for all Valley artists to get to know each other while celebrating. On Tuesday, November 29, artists of the Central Okanagan arts community were invited to Wine and Art Bistro in Kelowna for this Annual Creatives Holiday ART party. Unlike so many other industries and professions, arts professionals have very few social and networking opportunities. While having fun and celebrating the successes of 2016, attendees will be informally presented with upcoming programming insights for 2017 by arts organizations across the Okanagan. The event tickets are $15 and include your first drink, appetizers and sweet treats. Tickets can be purchased at store/?model _number=Creatives-Holiday. Bethany Handfield

is offering a Holiday Card Encaustic Workshop in Summerland creating beautiful seasonal cards using encaustic, stamps, and stickers. This workshop is perfect for beginners and everyone will go home with a set of holiday cards. Join Bethany for a fun workshop from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm on Sunday, December 4 at the new Bead Trails shop on Victoria Rd North in Summerland. The cost with all supplies provided is $45. Penticton’s Front Street Gallery will be introducing new guest artist Mairead Sikkes and exhibition titled Inscape on Saturday, December 3. Born in Ireland and encouraged from a young age to pursue the arts, Sikkes is skilled in oils, acrylics and watercolor. The opening coincides with Penticton’s Santa Parade and the collective artists would like you to stop by and share some Christmas cheer between 2 and 4 pm and browse their original paintings, photography, prints, cards, and calendars. The exhibition ends Dec. 23. Crossing Lines, a collection of new works at the Tumbleweed Gallery on Penticton’s Main Street is the latest exhibition by the gallery’s collective artists now on show until June 2017. Drop by to browse for possible gifts or just to admire and chat. In keeping with the holiday spirit, here are some of the other special exhibitions that are currently or shortly being offered around the Valley that will suit the average-sized wallet. You will find all of these mentioned on the events page of the PCAC website at w w w.peachlandarts. ca/art-exhibitions. Most important seasonal events have by now been preannounced and so if you don’t mind I’ll take a December break, and, except perhaps for the occasional odd mention, I’ll hold back until January when I’ll pick up the slack once more. See you then, my arts friends. Adieu!


DECEMBER 2, 2016



Local athlete representing Team Canada at Invictus Games DAN WALTON EDITOR


Sports are becoming a more common therapy to help veterans heal their battle wounds. Just ask local Legion member Bettina Fuchs, who’s focusing her attention towards the 2017 Invictus Games. Before moving to Peachland, Fuchs toured with the Canadian military to countries in the Middle East, Europe and Asia. Then shortly after retiring from the army, she was diagnosed with cancer and managed to overcome it. Now, the next mountain Fuchs is facing will be at next year’s Invictus Games. The Invictus Games were founded in 2014 by Prince Harry as an international sports tournament for athletes who became injured while serving their country. Some participants are still involved in military service though most have retired as veterans. The inaugural event took place in

London, England, this year’s happened in Orlando, Florida and the 2017 event – where Fuchs is training for – will be held in Toronto. Knowing that Team Canada will be joined by other injured soldiers from around the world, “It’s going to be amazing to learn off each other,” she said. Athletes from more than a dozen countries will gather in Toronto for the Games, which may be reminiscent of Fuchs’ time stationed in Cambodia. There, Canadian forces were working alongside 27 allied nations and the only soccer-baseball field was on Canadian turf. “Everybody used out sports field and came and played with us,” Fuchs said. “We would just have fun – there was never any political stuff in the way. When it comes to sports it brings everybody together.” Fuchs first learned about the Invictus Games through her volunteer work, which exposed her to the Canadian Forces’ Soldier On Program. Soldier

On is a non-profit that was founded in 2007 to promote healthy lifestyles among ill and injured soldiers and is sponsored by the Department of National Defence. Beyond the many physical battle wounds endured by Fuchs throughout her 24 years of service, she was also diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. “The Games are about beating yourself, not to beat somebody else,” she said. “Because we’re all wounded, we’re trying to bring ourselves up.” She will be competing in three events – rowing, archers and wheelchair basketball. Rowing and archery are individual events and she will be part of a team for wheelchair basketball. “I’m kind of about basketball,” she said. “What I’ve heard

about training is that I’ll have to relearn how to shoot baskets by laying on my back.” Fuchs has experience playing basketball from her time in school and the military, but she was always allowed full use of her legs in those leagues. “And those guys are brutal on their wheelchairs – it should be called the Smash-up Olympics.” She didn’t waste any time gear up for the competition. As soon as she applied to the Games – before she was even accepted – Fuchs began training on an indoor rowing machine. With her head start, Fuchs feels most optimistic about how she’ll perform in rowing. And her schedule will intensify in April when she travels to Victoria for a training camp, then another in Toronto in June before returning again

to Toronto when the Games take place next September. Fuchs has been working with a trainer for the past year-and-a-half, and right now she’s working with a kinesiologist and trains at the gym three days per week. She spends 30 minutes each day working on cardio and an hour weight training. “My kinesiologist is looking after

my welfare and diet and guilting me into going to the gym,” Fuchs said. “I know she’s waiting for me there so I gotta go.” But no matter how well she ends up performing, Fuchs said there’s nothing more important about Invictus Games than the camaraderie. “Just the whole event of everybody being together, it’s going to be like being at the Olympics,” she

said. “I really miss that atmosphere, miss my bothers and sisters. Whether we know each other personally or not doesn’t matter – we embrace each other no matter what; we have each others backs no matter what.” The Invictus Games run from Sept. 23 to 30 and its theme in Toronto will coincide with Canada’s 150th birthday.


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Name: Gunner Age: is almost 4 months old He was born August 10th in Greenwood BC. He only weighs 1.5 pounds, his tiny body is covered in merle markings making him very unique for his Chihuahua x Wiener dog (Chiweenie) breed. His favorite treat is probably popsicles, he goes nuts every time I have one and he loves playing fetch with his best friend Ryder (my 7 year old son). Email a picture and description of your pet to

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– Bettina Fuchs, left and Legion president Jean Saul pictured last week at the local Legion.

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Call Debra Kelly

Call Debra Kelly 250-864-6891 250-864-6891 Lara Cody 250-868-7114

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Some conditions apply. Rates may change at any time.

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