1 minute read
Join the women of Peachtree as we listen, share, and encourage one another in a deeper journey of faith as we explore the Kingdom of God through Christine Hoover’s study, Seek First the Kingdom: God’s Invitation to Life and Joy in the Book of Matthew. We will return to the words of Jesus to find our focus, our purpose, and the foundation for a flourishing life.

Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.
Walter Buchanan | Grady Steve Huntley | Home Hospice Care
Family Member Deaths
John Sharabura | 1/18
Father of Steve Sharabura, Grandfather of Kate and Eric Sharabura
Sue Mitchell | 1/19
Mother of Bobby Mitchell, Grandmother of Robert, Michael and Charlie Mitchell
The flowers in the sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God in and in loving memory of the following Stephen Minister Brenda Sweatt by the Stephen Ministry