1 minute read

Liminal Spaces of Lockdown

One qualifying aspect of this year has been the feeling of in-betweenness — as if 2020 was the comma between 2019 and 2021. It feels strange to reconcile a life of quiet confinement with the feeling of drinking wine on a café terrasse absorbing the energy of friends and strangers, all enveloped by a cloud of smoke. It’s hard not to live vicariously through old photos of nights out in tightly packed parties at underground clubs, no one considering the lack of airflow or spew of micro-droplets. Some may choose to remain in this in-betweenness, lingering on the physical intimacy these moments carry. It’s certainly tempting not to adjust to an uncomfortably different reality. But at some point, we have all had to come to terms with the newfound intimacy of being alone.

There is optimism and excitement with the start of this new year. However, as the transition back to a more recognizable reality begins, it is important to remember the ways in which this time has allowed for collective individual reflection.


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