Architectural Design Portfolio Savannah College of Art & Design
Curtis Peadel Richardson, BFA, ARCH
Statement of Philosophy Declaration of Intent 2-D Design 3-D Design Graphics for the Building Arts Architectural Fundamentals I Architectural Fundamentals II Architectural Fundamentals III Electronic Design I Construction Technology I Construction Technology II Environmental Control I Visualization in Electronic Design Architectural Design Studio I Architectural Design Studio II Architectural Design Studio III Architectural Design Studio IV Architectural Design Studio V / VI
DOUBT IS OUR PASSION AND OUR PASSION IS OUR GOAL ALL THE REST IS THE MADNESS OF ART There have been many definitions to define what architecture is. I have come to developed a definition from my experience during an introduction to architecture course which states, ‘Architecture is the art and science of designing and building safe and sound structures to occupy space.’ This definition speaks to me in my pursuit towards a career in a field offering the rewards of solving complex problems through innovative architectural design.
Since my matriculation into SCAD The University for Creative Careers, formally referred to as the Savannah College of Art and Design, the focus of the universities School of Building Arts mission statement has revolved around sustainable design which, among other considerations in design, gives to a profound approach to an architects role in the quest to no longer rely on fossil fuels amongst many other attributes.
As I sought visual guidance through works of architects of past and present to develop a theory of my own I found inspiration from the aesthetics of symmetry, abstraction of asymmetry and the soundness of structure to further my design process which will lead to my purpose and fulfillment.
Since it was the Universities objective to prepare me to be well equipped in the architectural profession, it is my intention to focus on environmental strategies toward successful ‘green’ design.
As a student of architecture it is my philosophy that I am taking on the responsibility of the vision of potential, the craftsmanship of design and the complexities of structural soundness in a building that could be occupied and appreciated as a sanction of refuge. An apparent probability of advancement in my design is my ultimate goal.
My thesis of graduate studies will place an exerted emphasis on ‘green’ design. Drawing a keen reference on the guidance provided from my first hand exposure to the traditional building guide of a preserved Architectural Heritage. My home country, Bermuda has a unique architecture that includes an impressive approach to all issues surrounding sustainablity and an implementation of strategies in vernacular design which has stood strong and proven worthy of recognition for the past four hundred years. I intend to introduce these methods to other parts of the world through continued studies and the execution of building traditions that I have come to trust.
Statement of Philosophy
Declaration of Intent
2-D Design
3-D Design
Graphics for the Building Arts
Architectural Fundamentals I
Architectural Fundamentals II
Architectural Fundamentals III
Electronic Design I
Foundation Studies
This was a well-rounded foundation course of introductory to designing in two dimensions. I used black, white and color mixed media to compose a variety of compositions on a flat surface while developing a keen understanding of organizing presentations in a professional format. A focus on problem-solving skills called for the development of my craftsmanship, design ideas and concepts.
Down to Two
Seventeen Steps
On display are compositions using a seventeen step design process where I was able to conclude a single format resolved in my design from the complexities of varied images.
Design Process
2-D Design
Winter 2008
This course introduced me to the techniques of designing in three dimensions with consideration given to widths, heights and depths. Following my introduction to two dimensional design, the principles in this course allowed me to advance in my design process focusing on problem solving skills. I utilized mixed media and varied techniques in the manipulation of form and space.
Rhythmic Repetition
On display is a sculptural piece where I explored movement in three dimensional space.
Design Process
3-D Design
Spring 2008
I was able to gather the skills of free-hand technical drawing in this graphic design course. Ink on vellum was the medium of choice for this course and proved to be a rewarding experience for me as I was introduced to the techniques utilized within the building arts. On display are a selection of hard line ink drawing on vellum of a high end residential suburban dwelling.
Design Process
Graphics for the Building Arts
Spring 2008
Graphics for the Building Arts
Spring 2008
When I reflect on my architectural fundamental courses the experiences provided the confidence that I now have in the design process to carry forward into my career. In The beginning of the course sequence I had no idea how I would progress, however through a preferred initial minimalists style of thinking I was encouraged.
Architectural Fundamental I
I accomplished an understanding of the basic key fundamentals of the designing process in architecture from my first studio. Having the ability to combine the skills of design in theory and practical forms was most rewarding.
Architectural Fundamentals II
Moving on to the second of this three part studio sequence I developed the ability to apply an intuitive conceptual approach to my design process. I was challenged to introduce an abstract approach to my symmetrically linear comfort zone. Form is to Function as Function is to Form. The third installment allowed me to develop the ability to gather a comprehensive appreciation for the importance of a well thought out site analysis and taking on the challenges of designing for the client. Once complete, having had a good balance of design studios, my success has been found in a solid foundation for the advancements offered through architectural design studios to come.
Design Process
Building type: Library Architectural detail: Atrium and roof detail
Building type: Water treatment facility Architectural detail: Conceptual form meets function Architectural Fundamentals III Building type: Private residence Architectural detail: Duel level urban environment
Architectural Fundamentals I
Fall 2008
Architectural Fundamentals II
Winter 2009
Architectural Fundamentals III Spring 2009
This electronic design course was my first formal introduction using Building Informational Modeling (BIM) software programs. Revit was the BIM designated for this course. This course allowed advancement in my digital design techniques. On display are a selection of drawings that I produced for a private residential property.
Design Process
Electronic Design I
Fall 2009
Electronic Design I
Fall 2009
Construction Technology I
Construction Technology II
Environmental Control I
Visualization in Electronic Design
Architectural Design Studio I
Architectural Design Studio II
Architectural Design Studio III
Architectural Design Studio IV
Architectural Design Studio V / VI
Major Curriculum
The first installment of the construction technology sequence introduced me to building materials and placed an emphasis on how they are used in both masonry and wood construction. I left the course with an additional understanding of the various constructed structural and nonstructural assemblies that form a complete building. Ruled hard line ink drawings on velum were the highlight of my craftsmanship skills as this method of producing detailed drawings was encouraged. Construction Technology II provided the opportunity for me to build upon the knowledge I gained from Construction Technology I and Graphics for the Building Arts in my drawing skills as well as provided an introduction to utilizing AutoCAD to produce construction drawings. Practical use of actual building materials and the manner in which they are combined in the process of constructing a building was appreciated and rewarding.
Design Process
Construction Technology I Hard line ink on vellum Construction Technology II Building type: Commercial / Retail Architectural detail: Cast on site concrete / Steel construction Building material use: Wood Masonry
Construction Technology I
Spring 2009
Egress Plans
Construction Technology II
Winter 2010
Environmental Control I was an introductory to the basics of the design issues that I would need to consider in my design process. This course provided me with the knowledge required to establish the desired thermal comfort levels of a building to meet its occupancy needs.
Sun Study Model
Using energy sources, a site investigation and the confines of an existing building I was able to analyze the requirements to suggest what sustainable heating and cooling systems would be required to establish a functional and economic resolution to the closed environments air. On display are images of a group sun study and designed shading device performed on a preexisting building. My role in this group assignment varied from the sun and shading device research to the model building and presentation.
Design Process
Environmental Control I
Winter 2010
Environmental Control I
Winter 2010
This was an advanced course in electronic design and allowed me to explore the use of visualization and 3-D design using Revit, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. The combination of these electronic design tools made it possible for me to visually communicate my architectural design ideas in a professional presentation format. On display is the retouched facade of the existing abandoned structure shown below which was created using various Photoshop and InDesign techniques.
Design Process
Visualization in Electronic Design Fall 2010
Visualization in Electronic Design Fall 2010
The sequence of Architectural Design Studio continues to provide me with the necessary tools to solve the complex problems associated with the design of specific building types and varied landscapes. I have had the pleasure of choosing a well rounded selection of studio classes, each offering their own share of challenges that I have overcome. As I have taken part in the sequence of studios I continue to improve my design developments. Studio I placed an emphasis on designing a specific building type for a state government client base to be used by the public. Studio II placed an emphasis on landscape and designing in and of the landscape for a specific building type.
Architectural Design Studio I Building type: Visitor pavilion Architectural detail: Nature reserve Architectural Design Studio II Building type: Spa resort Architectural detail: Carved alabaster Architectural Design Studio III
Studio III placed an emphasis on structure and designing a program for mixed use building type to be viewed as a welcoming facility to the surrounding community.
Studio IV placed an emphasis on an egress system and layout for a mixed use building type.
Architectural Design Studio IV
Studio V and VI were comprehensive upper level studio sequence which placed an emphasis of introducing MEP design considerations.
Building type: Mixed use Architectural detail: Urban multi level Hostel
Building type: Architectural detail:
Art and cultural center Theatre and museum
Architectural Design Studio V / VI Building type: Religious Research Institute Architectural detail: Temporary Housing
Design Process
West 1/8" = 1'-0"
Architectural Design Studio I
Fall 2009
Architectural Design Studio II Winter 2010
Architectural Design Studio III Spring 2010
Architectural Design Studio IV
Fall 2010
Architectural Design Studio V
Fall 2011
Architectural Design Studio IV
Winter 2011