Derby Academy Viewbook

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Our Mission Derby Academy is a coeducational Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8 school that nurtures the development of the child by providing opportunities for the maximum intellectual, emotional and physical growth of each student. Our dedicated faculty inspires students to discover the joy of intellectual curiosity, mastery of learning skills and service to the community. Students are also guided toward an awakening sense of personal responsibility in order to prepare them to make ethical and mindful contributions in an increasingly interdependent world.

Derby Academy is a leading academic institution with a challenging curriculum that prepares students for the rigors of secondary school and gives them the foundation to be effective leaders in a rapidly changing society. Our faculty will help students master the skills and concepts that ignite a passion for lifelong learning and responsible citizenship. We are committed to creating and sustaining an inclusive, equitable community that values diversity and multiculturalism and provides maximum opportunities for learning.


“Derby Academy’s small school community is an ideal environment in which to foster a child’s love of learning, natural curiosity and active participation. Our approach is focused on learning rather than teaching, and pushes both teachers and students to think across disciplines, geographic barriers and cultures. In keeping with our motto, ‘Improve Both Mind and Heart,’ Derby is a school in which strong interpersonal relationships and rigorous programs complement to ensure that children flourish.” J O H N H O U G H T O N , S E N I O R A D M I N I S T R AT O R

discover derby

a brief history

diversity statement

Derby Academy was founded in 1784 by

At Derby Academy, we recognize and value

Madame Sarah Derby and is New England’s

the characteristics that contribute to each

oldest coeducational institution. Sarah Derby’s

individual’s full identity, to include race, gender,

vision to establish a private town academy in

age, ethnicity, religion, culture, nationality,

Hingham was kept alive over the years by some

family structure, language, sexual identity,

of our country’s most illustrious citizens, including

socioeconomic background, physical differences

John Quincy Adams. Today, Derby is located

and learning styles. Our mission is to cultivate a

on a beautiful 27-acre campus in Hingham.

school community infused with a multiplicity of voices and perspectives. By moving beyond individual experiences, we learn to think critically, adapt, communicate, collaborate, imagine, understand and grow. Our goal is to create a safe and welcoming environment where each person freely brings his or her whole self to school each day, confident that every individual will be respected. We believe that being a truly inclusive community requires constant attention, at times involving moments of uncertainty and misunderstanding. We dedicate ourselves to use conversation as a catalyst for the growth and change we seek.

discover this... Technology: There’s no escaping its importance, and that’s why new technology is found everywhere at Derby. Young students use creative mobile technology to practice skills, learn research strategies and express their ideas. Older students readily adapt to a practically book-less environment, using iPads for daily classes, homework, research, presentations and projects. 3

A strong combination of academic, artistic, athletic and extracurricular programs at Derby enable each child to become a confident individual. Our faculty and staff hold our students to a high academic standard. We are a unique learning community that is grounded in traditional values and committed to the cutting-edge of innovation, ensuring the most effective experience for all students. Beginning in 2014, Derby students have access to our new Innovation Center, a state-of-the-art facility designed to foster the collaborative problem-solving skills that encourage innovation. This vibrant space provides students and their teachers with flexible space and integrated technology for group work, and hands-on and multidisciplinary activities.


Discover the fun of working together to solve a problem.

“At Derby, the key to the success of our teachers is the emphasis placed on exactly how a student learns, not just what the student learns. Experiential learning is everything.� L I S A B A X T E R , 3 R D G R A D E T E A C H E R , 25 Y E A R S AT D E R B Y


high value learning Teachers plan curriculum to provide students a solid base of knowledge and lessons in creative problem-solving and critical thinking. At Derby we want our students to think like scientists, authors, mathematicians, historians and artists.

discover this... Global Swap Shop: In looking at the global economy, Grade 5 students discover economic relationships among countries all over the world. They recognize the interdependence of nations and the importance of sharing resources. For our popular International Night, students design a business for their chosen country based on its resources and needs, and then partner with a classmate to design an entirely new country!


“As a teacher at Derby, I make sure that what I teach and how I teach crosses as many disciplines as possible. I’m constantly asking myself how I can include my colleagues and their efforts in what I’m teaching. The wonderful result is that students discover new passions they never knew they had!” MARK RABUCK, PERFORMING ARTS TEACHER

12 Y E A R S AT D E R B Y


one student at a time Derby teachers are always bringing fresh ideas into the classroom. They encourage students to follow their passions and let their imaginations take flight. They challenge students and encourage them to take ownership of their education. It is impossible for children to be overlooked in the intimate classrooms that exist here. The close relationship between teachers and students allows even subtle indicators of progress or difficulty to be noticed. This awareness means that teachers can work with each child to become a successful independent learner.

discover this... Opportunities to explore: All students are required to engage in co-curricular activities, so they can discover their talents. Athletics, field trips, group projects and community service all help students learn the value of cooperation and the importance of reaching beyond themselves to build relationships with others. While we encourage and reward individual talent and results, we place the highest value on teamwork, fair play, respect and persistence.



A world class educational experience awaits young learners at Derby. Our excellent academic programs begin in the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten classrooms of our Primary School. Our distinctive Primary School program builds a solid foundation of academic and social growth, creating a platform for learning that endures well beyond Kindergarten. From as early as Pre-Kindergarten, Derby students learn to cooperate and respect themselves and others. Essential social skills are integrated into all aspects of the school day, guided by the principles of The Responsive Classroom.


Discover that sharing can lead to lifelong friendships.

“ We are happy we made the decision to send our children to Pre-Kindergarten at Derby Academy. During these formative years, the school provides a warm, nurturing environment with small class sizes and dedicated teachers. The faculty develops a connection with each child to foster her/his academic and social growth. We believe the Primary School at Derby has built a solid foundation for our children’s future success.” A L O K A A N D K I R K W O L F O R D , PA R E N T S

primary school

language and math Our Language Arts curriculum encourages children to see, hear and use language to develop literacy skills and a life-long love of reading. Children listen to an excellent storybook, identify characters, setting and story sequence, then bring it to life by acting out the story in a Reader’s Theater. Math comes to life for our Primary School students through hands-on activities that teach counting, measurement, number comparison and graphing. In the fall, students visit our school garden to measure, compare and chart the height of sunflowers, then harvest and count seeds by ones, fives and tens to fill


seed packages.

We used the Poly Vision board to zoom in on planet Earth. I learned to segment and blend words. I measured the sunflowers that we grew in the school garden. I made a math game to take home and play with my family. My friends and I built a huge city using all the unit blocks.

morning meeting At Derby, classes gather as a whole each morning to greet one another, share news and warm up for the day ahead. Morning Meeting not only improves student-teacher interactions and classroom organization, but teaches children the importance of community building, an increasingly crucial skill for success in the 21st century.

discover this... For Derby parents, "back to school" takes on a whole new meaning. Whether you join a Pre-Kindergarten class for a cooking lesson, or work behind the scenes at the Derby Fall Fair, you'll have ample opportunity to contribute to your child's learning experience. From traditional Back-to-School nights to Parents Visiting Days to Pot-Luck Socials to June’s Derby Day processional, we offer numerous parent-inclusive events allowing you to become an active member of our unique community.

For more information, please visit:



Derby’s tradition of academic excellence continues in the Lower School, where the curriculum focuses on harnessing the natural energies that drive the cognitive, social and physical development of children in Grades 1 through 3. At Derby Academy, we use the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) in our Pre-Kindergarten—Grade 5 classrooms. IPC is a series of themed units that engage children in project-based learning that integrates, math, science, social studies, arts and technology.


Discover the joy of learning

“ I cherish the responsibility of teaching students to discover their own voices and to be independent as they investigate the world around them. No child can hide at Derby. If a child is struggling, teachers offer learning strategies that tap into the child’s strengths to solve difficult problems at every stage of learning. The level of self-confidence exhibited by our students makes teaching here a joy!� E L L I E D E V I N E , 2 N D G R A D E T E A C H E R , 30 Y E A R S AT D E R B Y

lower school

international primary curriculum IPC units begin with an exciting “entry point” and follow with investigations, research and problem-solving. For example, in the “Magic Toymaker” unit, students visit the Children’s Museum in Boston to explore the world of toys in different times and places. Back in the classroom, children and parents work in teams to research, design and construct simple toys for our Toy Fair. Lower School classes come to the Fair to “shop,” and our young toymakers learn to price and sell their items, count “money” and make change.

LOOK WHAT I DID TODAY... I wrote a letter to my Senator about the importance of conserving water. I organized and summarized the characters, setting and plot on my story map. I learned that the different phases of the moon have an effect on tides. I gathered information about red, green and yellow apples in a blind taste test and presented my findings on an Excel pie chart. I earned my white and yellow belt in music in “Recorder Karate.”

discover this... Social Curriculum: At Derby Academy, we adhere to the principles and practices of The Responsive Classroom. The Responsive Classroom approach is based on the premise that children learn best when they build academic, social and emotional skills in a safe and strong school community.

For more information, please visit: 17


In our Middle School, children make the exciting transition from basic cognitive, emotional and social development to more sophisticated intellectual learning and interaction with peers. Along with our accelerated math, lab science and literature courses, Derby Middle School faculty also teach IPC thematic units such as “Moving People,� where students explore voluntary and forced migration of human populations. Activities include constructing emergency shelters that could be used after an earthquake, and researching the migration of ideas from ancient civilizations.


Discover the thrill of pushing your limits

“Derby is a place where children find their voices. It is a school that delivers an incredibly positive environment, where students and teachers are tolerant and very open-minded. I love that Derby encourages students to be free thinkers, and gives them an excellent educational foundation combined with the real-world skills needed for success in our rapidly changing society.� kathy rose, parent

middle school

taking responsibility Building upon The Responsive Classroom approach in Pre-Kindergarten—Grade 3, Middle School students enjoy a social curriculum that includes weekly advisor sessions, regularly scheduled grade-level class meetings and outdoor education experiences that take place off-campus. Students learn to negotiate new relationships, find healthy

planning ahead Grade 4—6 students develop strong study skills and time management strategies that establish a solid foundation to tackle the academic demands of the Upper School.

ways to handle peer pressure, solve problems collaboratively, grapple with issues of right and wrong and understand their growing responsibilities to themselves and to their community.

Extracurricular, community service and student leadership activities all provide a well-rounded experience for each child.

LOOK WHAT I DID TODAY... I discovered that we need to become less dependent on fossil fuels. I made a book trailer in English depicting the life of an American Revolutionary solider. I designed and programmed a “walking bot” robot that moves without wheels in Engineering and Design.

discover this... eCybermission: This is a national, web-based competition that challenges children to tap into their creativity and knowledge of science, technology, engineering and math. Recently, a team of three ambitious Grade 6 students called the Wind Wizards entered the idea of mounting a windmill on an electric car. We’re proud to announce that they won First Place in the state of Massachusetts!

I used my math skills to measure and create patterns for my unique pillow design in Sewing. I delivered a three-day weather report in Spanish using the SMART board. For more information, please visit: 21


Our dynamic Upper School program is designed to help students in Grades 7 and 8 develop into strong independent learners—students who possess excellent study skills and who are confident self-advocates. They are taught to think critically, write accurately, analyze carefully and use technology wisely. Derby Upper School students graduate with the equivalent of a full year of high school-level math, foreign language and physical science. Upper School teachers foster collaboration to solve problems and an appreciation of different cultures, both essential skills for success in secondary school and beyond.


Discover the ability to question thoughtfully

“ Derby teaches you how to best manage your time, and now I feel like I’m ready for the challenges of high school. Besides the classes here, this place is totally open to any talent you may have or desire to try out new things.” TA I , 8 T H G R A D E

upper school

LOOK WHAT I DID TODAY... I used rotational symmetry to create my personalized face card in art studio. I used my iPad for my science class presentation on genetics. I designed the set and ran the lights for the Upper School musical. I learned how to annotate when I have a moment of metacognition while reading.

guidance and communication Derby’s faculty and staff strive to create and

I created a video-editorial on the Arab Spring for my history class website.

sustain a common vision and effective partnership with every family. Teachers, advisors and administrators meet and communicate regularly with parents about their child’s school experience.

discover this... A group of seventh and eighth graders traveled to Boston University Academy to participate in its first Model United Nations conference. Playing the role of United Nations diplomats, representing countries from around the world, the students tackled hard-hitting international issues/crises in various United Nations committees. Over 150 students from ten different schools attended the conference, and Derby Academy’s delegation proudly earned two major awards.

For more information, please visit: 25

Derby Academy has a flourishing arts program that combines traditional disciplines and contemporary tools to help children develop their innate talents, self-expression, confidence and creativity. Derby students learn how to present their ideas personally, working through their initial hesitant steps to gain confidence and self-mastery in front of audiences. They experience the hard work of focused practice and rehearsals to enjoy the satisfaction of turning in a great dramatic or musical performance. In the visual arts, they discover that true artistic expression requires the disciplined development of technical skills that will help them convey their personal vision.


performing: hey, look at me! From the youngest Pre-Kindergarten children to accomplished Grade 8 students, everyone participates in a number of all-school performances and events, including choral and band concerts, stage shows and visual art exhibits. Additionally, Derby has a long-standing tradition of encouraging small groups and individuals to perform for the student body and faculty at our Morning Meetings. Every spring, the Derby community celebrates their talent, creativity and hard work at the annual Arts Night and Arts Morning.

discover this... “I discovered my love of art at an early age as a student at Derby Academy and since that time, my passion has become my profession.� Peter Williams, class of 1959. On Stage at Derby: Some of our recent shows include Anything Goes, Oklahoma!, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, The Little Mermaid, The Sound of Music and Alice in Wonderland.

For more information, please visit: 27

Athletics play a very important role in the education and overall development of each student at Derby Academy. In the context of healthy competition, students not only improve athletic skills but also gain self-awareness and appreciate the value of sports and physical activity in their daily life. Athletics offer students opportunities for success beyond the classroom, as they develop a sense of teamwork and school spirit, leadership qualities, self-discipline and heightened self-esteem.



derby teams Derby Academy fields the following teams that compete in the Independent School League (ISL): Fall Boys Soccer Girls Soccer Field Hockey Cross Country Rugby Winter Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Co-ed Ice Hockey Pilates/Yoga Sports Training

Spring Baseball Softball Boys Lacrosse Girls Lacrosse Rugby

athletic facilities Derby has four athletic fields and one practice field. The McKelvey Gymnasium contains two regulation size courts that convert into four practice basketball courts and the Sadler Fitness Room. Along with the Hersey Gymnasium, the facility allows most of Derby's athletic teams to compete and practice on campus. The Ice Hockey team uses a local facility while Cross Country hosts its meets at nearby Bare Cove Park.

discover this... Rugby Tour: During a recent Spring Break, the Derby Rugby Team became the first U.S. team of Grade 7—8 players to travel to Ireland and play against an Irish school team. The team also met and stayed with Irish host families and toured some of the country’s most beautiful castles.

Check out our game schedules at 29

Encouraging the social and emotional development of students is a priority at Derby. The adults in the community model caring and respectful behavior that in turn inspires students to be kind and supportive of each other. The Responsive Classroom Curriculum, Morning Meetings and Advisory Program provide curriculum activities that explicitly teach the social skills that students need to be productive, collaborative and cooperative members of a community. Active participation in projects that serve others in the school or broader community is an integral part of daily life here, and teaches students that they can have an impact on the world beyond school. Students of all ages engage in collecting school supplies for Cradles to Crayons, donating clothes to Wellspring, serving dinner at Father Bill’s Food Pantry or supporting disaster relief initiatives.


getting involved Derby Academy encourages all of its students to get involved and try new things. Some of their options include: A Cappella Group Chess Collected Works (literary magazine) D-Team (community service) Jewelry Making Nautical Club Model Rocket Building World Awareness Club.

discover this... The Edward R. Foley Citizenship Prize: Every spring, a member of the Grade 7 class is chosen as the recipient of the Edward R. Foley Citizenship prize. This award is given to the student who has best exhibited the principles of respect and kindness towards others, consistent with the school’s 200 year-old motto to “Improve Both Mind and Heart.” The Prize is accompanied by a monetary award, which recipients have directed toward charitable causes such as the Fisher House Foundation, Nakuru Baby Orphanage in Kenya and Boston Children’s Hospital. 31

We work closely with students to help them find the right secondary school to continue their education after graduation. Derby students qualify to attend a variety of schools — independent, parochial and public — and we help them select the school best suited to their talents, learning style and interests. Derby graduates distinguish themselves in academics, athletics, the arts and leadership at the secondary school level as a result of the strong foundation provided during the elementary and middle school years. Some of the prominent schools our graduates attend include Phillips Academy, Middlesex School, Boston College High School, Milton Academy, Noble and Greenough School, Notre Dame Academy, Phillips Exeter Academy, Tabor Academy, Winsor School, Thayer Academy and St. Paul’s School.

discover this... “In addition to the stellar education that our son has received, Derby has been a special part of our lives, and we will be forever grateful to the faculty and families that have made these years so special for us.” Lynn & Chris Carroll, Parents of a Derby graduate, Class of 2012.


Design and primary photography: © Peapod Design, New Canaan, CT Copywriting: Michael Smolen

“ I am so grateful for my experience at Derby. From my early years in the Lower School and through the Middle and Upper Schools, I learned to appreciate others, respect my teachers and value the quality education I received every single day. Now that I am in high school at Milton and the work load has increased, I am especially thankful for the time management skills I learned at Derby. It is a very special place and I will always credit it for giving me the strong foundation needed to reach for higher achievements.” M A D E L I N E M . M U R P H Y, C L A S S O F 2012

56 Burditt Avenue | Hingham, MA 02043 781-749-0746 |

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