Trinity Episcopal School Viewbook

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Trinity Episcopal School 3901 Bee Cave Road, Austin, TX 78746 | Phone: 512.472.9525, Fax: 512.472.2337

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Chapter I: Inquisitive Minds


Chapter II: Inspired Imaginations


Chapter III: Ready for Rigor


Chapter IV: Empowered Spirits


Chapter V: Prepared for Life


losing Thoughts: C A Note From the Head of School



Preface Founded in 1999 with a single classroom of thirteen first graders and two teachers, Trinity has quickly grown into a bustling community of more than 400 families blessed with a beautiful campus and the best of resources. Throughout its years of growth and change, Trinity has steadfastly manifested four core values: a Christian foundation accepting of all faith traditions, enriched academic excellence in rigorous learning programs, authentic regard for the value of diversity, and heartfelt commitment between Trinity and each family. Most important, Trinity knows and embraces its reason for being—excellence in service to children. Our every decision and action centers on the fulfillment of our mission: to nurture each child— academically, physically, emotionally, and spiritually—every day. We accept this mission enthusiastically and with gratitude, honored to answer the highest of callings.





Inquisitive Minds Pendo’s story

I definitely know Trinity has helped me grow as a person. Some of the lessons I have valued the most and put into my own life are to be yourself, express your feelings and opinions freely, and don’t try to be perfect because only the best of people learn from their own mistakes. In acting classes, for example, I learned to be myself and to not be afraid to get creative with my work. In English and history debates and group discussions, I’ve learned to open up to the class and express my opinions, questions and emotions toward conflicts and finally, in science and math I have learned it’s okay to make mistakes. Trinity is the right school for me (and should be for anyone) because of the small class sizes, the family-like atmosphere, and the extremely fun people, classes, and activities. — Pendo Mugofwa, 7th Grade


Innovating for Excellence Trinity’s educators continually research and evaluate curricula and teaching practices in order to ensure the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of all aspects of their work with students. The faculty embraces a “growth mindset”— a willingness to work hard, take risks, learn from mistakes, and constantly seek improvement. Independent research, book studies, and group participation in educational conferences feed enthusiastic faculty discussions and lead to continuous refinement of existing programs or new directions. Teachers collaborate extensively as they study and design lessons, honing one another’s ideas with constructive criticism and supportive feedback.


Inquisitive Minds Children are natural discoverers. They eagerly seek and absorb experience, restlessly questioning “Why?” and “How?” Excellent teaching serves their curiosity with a well-crafted balance of challenge and support.

Trinity’s moderate class sizes, rich and engaging learning environment, and carefully designed curriculum offer each child an appropriate fit. This “just right” proportion of caring attention and room to grow furthers their natural curiosity, day by day. The right fit requires thorough knowledge of each individual as a learner. Trinity’s educators go to great lengths to assess and understand each child’s strengths and needs, learning style, talents, and interests and to apply these measures in planning for optimal growth.

Teachers regularly share data and observations in thoughtful deliberation of each student’s needs. These discussions, together with parents’ insights, inform each teacher’s daily practice and ensure that each child’s development is organic, efficient, and rich, year after year. It is our aspiration, and our commitment, to graduate students with the best of academic foundations and with an ever-deepened desire for learning.

“Trinity’s educators go to great lengths to assess and understand each child’s strengths and needs, learning style, talents, and interests.” 7



Ella’s story

Inspired Imaginations

I have been at Trinity since kindergarten, and art and acting are my favorite activities because they help me express myself. I love Mrs. Renwick’s art class because we try lots of different kinds of art and get to study famous artists. My favorite is Leonardo da Vinci; I loved learning about his life and his amazing inventions and designs. Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time in the after-school acting program. We did the play Alice in Wonderland, and I got to act in it and it was GREAT! We got to do makeup and stage designs and had rehearsals; it was so much fun! Acting has taught me to try new things I normally would not have the guts to do. This year I’m also excited because I get to take guitar lessons and participate in the STEMGirls program. Trinity is helping me grow as a person because it pushes me to try my hardest and offers me lots of choices. Also, the teachers here never give up on you. Just like my sister and my two cousins before me, I love going to Trinity. — Ella Hentschel, 4th grade



Discovering Gifts A balanced experience of academics, arts, and athletics engages Trinity students broadly, providing opportunities for each child to find and develop his or her own unique strengths and talents. Students are encouraged to give everything a try. Rotating schedules ground students in the visual arts, theatre, and choir, while physical education classes build fundamental skills and introduce a range of sports activities. Electives and extracurricular activities permit students to eventually specialize, choosing among various athletic teams, theatrical productions, and musical performances. No-cut policies ensure that every committed student is able to participate.


Inspired Imaginations Change is the new constant in our lives. Developments in global economic competition and automation technology have dramatically affected career prospects, permanently shifting the jobs paradigm.

Modern technology puts vast amounts of information within quick and easy reach and connects us in social networks, transforming our means of productivity. Increased international connectivity and social diversity enrich our lives and challenge us to learn from each other. Empathy and creativity are powerful tools for adapting to change and head every list of essential skills for the 21st century. Imagination is at the root of each of these critical capacities. Imagination is woven throughout Trinity’s curricula and appears in many forms. Fine Arts classes draw inspiration from masterpieces in visual art, music, and theatre and provide space and support for students’ creativity to take wing. Their works — on stage,

in chapel, on our walls, and on our web site — bring great delight to the community. Imagination fuels writing and discussion in every area of the curriculum. Whether creatively composing stories or thinking deeply about a topic of study, students exercise flexible thinking, originality, and empathy in their communications. Nothing about Trinity is “in a box.” Teachers and students work within a model of education that is open, challenging, and allows for deep learning to be propelled by true imagination.

“Imagination fuels writing and discussion in every area of the curriculum.” 11



Dan’s story

Ready for Rigor

Trinity fulfills its mission because each member of our community assumes an active role in each child’s education. I consistently benefit from the contributions of other teachers and parents in the community. It’s extremely rewarding to see students transfer their learning from one classroom to another and into other activities in the larger community, and Trinity’s unity around its mission makes this possible. I feel so fortunate to work with colleagues who share a passion for excellence and intellectual growth! Teachers consistently stretch themselves and inspire one another at Trinity. The curriculum is excellent, but what really brings it to life is the creative spark that each teacher brings. Our classrooms are dynamic, exciting, and fun! — Daniel Imburgia, Middle School History Teacher and Advisor



Ready for Rigor Each academic discipline is defined, in part, by the core of essential knowledge and skills that it represents — the cumulative accomplishments of generations of mathematicians, scientists, writers, artists, scholars. We stand, as Isaac Newton said, “on the shoulders of giants.” Mastery of these essentials is every child’s birthright; facilitating this mastery is every educator’s sacred trust. Our duty, though, extends well beyond teaching the established content of the disciplines. We must cultivate in our children the intellectual standards and values that are at the heart of

our academic heritage. We must teach them to think; this is the essence of rigor. Trinity’s educators do this teaching every day, in each classroom. We structure the school environment for thinking — communicating it as a goal, valuing it, making time for it. We guide our students to think mathematically and scientifically, to think like writers, historians, artists. In doing so, we engage them more meaningfully in learning, and we prepare them for masterful participation in an ever-changing, ever more complex world.

“We structure the school environment for thinking—communicating it as a goal, valuing it, making time for it.” 14

“The greatest thing about teaching at Trinity

is I never have to look far to be motivated. We are constantly inspired to push ourselves, to look for ways to improve our lesson plans and to learn from each other through cross-platform and interdepartmental collaboration and teamwork. ”

— Trudy Pzynski, Middle School Math Teacher and Advisor

“Our teachers create a warm, productive learning environment a foundation from which our students can flourish. Our lessons evolve as the students grow; kids and teachers think and discover together.” — Rebecca Hughes, 2nd Grade Math and Homeroom Teacher

“At Trinity, teachers are continuously challenged to think critically about the way in which they deliver instruction. The overarching approach to instruction is unwaveringly child-centered. With this approach, teachers better understand the way in which learning occurs.” — Kevin Moore, 4th Grade Math and Homeroom Teacher




Anaya’s story

Empowered Spirits

Anaya has developed a love for Trinity and a real sense of belonging. She is proud and fond of her school and her extended Trinity community. Her education truly is a partnership between the Trinity community and the parents. It is amazing how the teachers know the children and how the community is actively involved in enriching her experiences. By facilitating exposure to different ideas, interests, people, activities, and more, we feel there’s no other place in Austin that really prepares children to compete and succeed in a global society the way Trinity does! Faith and diversity were two of the deciding factors for why we chose Trinity for Anaya. We love how everyday chapel inculcates faith into the daily lives of children, and quite often you will see us attending the morning service with her. And Trinity embraces diversity—it is integrated into the fabric of how the school is run. We see diversity across race, ethnicity, religion and socio-economic background here, and are certain that Anaya views her school environment no differently than home, thereby enhancing her comfort level. Trinity is an integral part of who Anaya has become and will be in the future. Her confidence, academic prowess, social maturity, and awareness of the surrounding community have all increased over the last year. She is starting to exhibit leadership qualities and striving for more independence. Teachers here are the kind of people who have mastered the art of balancing compassion and motivation. — Christy Balaji, Mother of 1st Grader Anaya



Valuing Differences Trinity’s community embraces each of its members with respect and appreciation. Caring is at the core of our values, reflected equally in our Christian foundation and our commitments to family and diversity. In their Lower School classroom communities and Middle School advisories, students are taught the values of mutual acceptance and respect — and of caring for those beyond the school community. In daily chapel, students, faculty, and families celebrate both our unity and the richness of our differences.


Empowered Spirits Above all, we want security, happiness, and faith for our children. Our faculty and staff partner with parents and the larger community to create a safe and caring environment, one in which every young person will thrive. An atmosphere of cheerful exuberance and warmth is the norm at Trinity and is a natural product of the school’s resolutely positive culture.

Chapel grounds our lives in faith and community. Students, faculty, and families come together each day to share lessons, prayers, hymns, and celebration in Lower School and Middle School services. All-School Chapel commemorates special occasions and provides cherished opportunities for the entire community to share God’s love and light. Service programs permit our students to give of themselves and to form meaningful connections within and beyond the school community. Students in both Lower School and Middle School have opportunities to serve as acolytes in chapel. Connections Days and mentoring programs enable older students to support their younger Trinity friends by joining them in fun and inspiring

activities. Middle school students elected to Student Council serve the student body by planning social activities and boosting school spirit. Members of No Place for Hate® promote respectful relationships and positive attitudes within the student body, and our Model United Nations team extends this commitment to thoughtful stewardship and civic responsibility to the larger world. Students volunteer to serve Austin’s homeless citizens by participating in the Mobile Loaves and Fishes program or at Trinity Street. They collect books and food for El Buen Samaritano’s annual Thanksgiving drive, help maintain state parks on Earth Day, and contribute in other ways, as circumstances warrant, to the community beyond Trinity. 19




Prepared for Life Jeffrey’s story

Basketball is my favorite sport, and I’m a point guard, which puts me in a leadership position every time I’m on the court. I enjoy the responsibility of helping lead my team to a win, or through a loss. Helping less experienced teammates find their courage and navigate the court I think is one of my strengths, although I have much to learn yet. Coach Washington has taught me many things; however the most important of his lessons has been “to know my personnel.” He has trusted me with the leadership of his team every year, even when I didn’t believe I was ready for it. As a result, it has helped me compete at a much higher level. He is one of many teachers at Trinity whose lessons I will probably never stop using. The school definitely helped me grow as a person in many ways. Trinity expects us to have a strong moral compass, and they spend lots of time and energy teaching us to understand right and wrong and our obligations as citizens. I left Trinity knowing the importance of my contributions to my family, community, nation, and even the world. Trinity did a great job of teaching me how connected we all are and how important it is to always have the good of the greater community in mind. — Jeffrey Gary, 8th Grade


Building Character and Connections Trinity aims to develop students who are both excellent thinkers and excellent citizens. The rigor of our academic curriculum is matched with high standards for personal development. We seek to cultivate in our children those qualities of character that will best prepare them for lives of virtue and of service to their families and communities. The members of our community conscientiously model and nurture in our students such qualities as integrity, courage, confidence, resilience, empathy, responsibility, respect, caring, and ethical awareness. Understanding that none of us is ever quite perfect, and regarding mistakes as necessary opportunities for learning, we practice the gentle discipline of correction and amends. We have found this approach highly effective and are proud of our students’ growth; we believe in them and are confident that our work with them is a secure investment in a brighter future. 22

Prepared for Life Trinity honors each child’s potential with high expectations, in every area of endeavor. We expect each student to engage fully with the learning community — exerting whole-hearted effort, taking appropriate risks, making necessary mistakes. We seek to foster in each student a lifelong love for learning and to prepare each for a lifetime of success and fulfillment.

The skills of leadership and teamwork play an increasingly important part in our children’s preparation for success. Trinity’s classrooms buzz with collaborative activity. Small groups engage in hands-on exploration or develop creative products. Whole classes dig deep in thoughtful discussion or simulate historical events. Students learn the dynamics of cooperation even as they learn the content of their study. Extracurricular activities amplify the collaborative nature of the school experience. As members of a sports team or a play’s cast, students learn to depend upon one another and to be dependable, practicing to perfection and then performing under pressure.

Today’s children prepare for life within the most connected society in human history, one in which neither physical distance nor cultural difference presents any real barrier. This circumstance is both exciting and daunting; the world is at our doorstep, with many languages and many ways. We must get to know them. Trinity’s students have a strong start. Social studies lessons explore diverse cultures and civilizations, past and present, identifying and celebrating both their commonalities and distinguishing features. Language lessons link our locally-dominant tongue, English, with its roots and its parallels. Latin students connect with the roots, turning a “dead language” into the fertile soil of poem and prose; Spanish and Mandarin connect us with friends, near and far.


At Trinity we provide an educational experience that allows each child to thrive. Our students are nurtured by teachers who practice both the art and the science of education. We are committed to an academic program that reflects innovation based on solid research, fosters critical thinking, embraces creativity, and, above all, responds to the needs of our students. Trinity, as a community grounded in faith, is dedicated to the success, well-being, and happiness of every child whose care is within our trust. We celebrate and value diversity, practice compassion, and develop a sense of mutual respect and responsibility for the world we share. There is a magic to the Trinity experience. Trinity students are excited about learning, ready for a challenge and, when they leave us as graduates, ready to successfully navigate their expanding world. 24

— Marie Kidd, Head of School

Design and photography: Š Peapod Design, New Canaan, CT

A Note From the Head of School

Trinity Episcopal School 3901 Bee Cave Road, Austin, TX 78746 | Phone: 512.472.9525, Fax: 512.472.2337

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