Whitby School - Ways of Giving Brochure

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Investing in Our


Ways of Giving

Engaged in


Whitby School inspires academic excellence, independence and a passion for learning while motivating our students to confidently take action as contributing members of a diverse global community.

Your contributions make this a reality!

For over 50 years, the generosity of previous and current generations of Whitby families have allowed us to honor the vision of the founding families, and create a school focused on the educational and personal development of each child, within a strong and thriving community.

Our children have benefited from the generosity of families over the years, and now it’s our opportunity to support the school. Investing in the school ensures that we continue Whitby’s wonderful legacy, both now and for future generations of students and families. We welcome you to be as engaged as your time, talents, and resources permit. There are several opportunities to contribute and financially support Whitby throughout the year. Each has a particular purpose and timing, but they are all essential to supporting and strengthening the school, both during the current year and into the future.

Engaged Community

Ways of Giving There are several ways to make a gift to our school: - Direct Gifts - Planned Gifts - Volunteering of Your Time and Skills We look forward to your participation in giving, as part of the Whitby Community, in those areas of interest to you, and in the form and as your means permit.















All financial contributions to Whitby are outright gifts and are tax-deductible, subject to any tax deduction limitations within the appropriate tax jurisdictions.

Over $15 million in generous donations reinvested within the last 10 years: Renovations of Founders Hall, Caedmon Hall, Gym Stepping Stones Playground Enhancements; New Performing Arts Center and Library IB Certification, Montessori Training, Millenium Promise Initiative Muscle Room, Whitby Garden, Campus Beautification Partnership Programs, Professional Development, Financial Aid Support Investment in Curriculum Enhancements: Math & Science, Athletics, Music Investment in Technology in the Classroom, Security System Enhancements New Science Equipment, Performance and Studio Arts Enhancements, Additional Language Books and Curriculum Support


Achievers Direct Gifts Whitby Annual Fund – Recurring, yearlong fundraising campaign supported by all members of the Whitby community (parents, alumni, friends, faculty and staff). Gifts to the Annual Fund constitute the most important source of unrestricted funds available to the School outside of tuition, to both support the operating budget and enhance every aspect of the Whitby experience. Our goal is 100% participation. Spring Benefit/Gala – Major social event to celebrate the successes of the year, and come together as a community. Organized by the Parents Association, and attended by families, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of Whitby. Funds raised by this event support the operating budget and dedicated restricted purposes, as well as specific Strategic Plan Initiatives.

Capital Campaign – Multi-year strategic fundraising effort used to request significant support from the Whitby community towards specifically identified long-term initiatives (new and improved facilities, capital improvements, restricted funds and endowments) to preserve Whitby’s legacy well in to the future. Whitby Angels Fund – Donations to this fund provide Whitby with additional flexibility to enhance the curriculum and campus. Donations to this fund are separate from Annual Fund and Capital Campaign gifts, and require a minimum donation of $30,000. Whitby School Legacy Lecture Series – Parents and alumni are encouraged to support this initiative to further the mission of Whitby, both beyond the campus, and beyond 8th grade. Funds go toward a speaker series to expand Whitby’s presence and educational focus into the greater Fairfield and Westchester communities.

Inspired By

Discovery Planned Gifts Planned giving provides Whitby School with income while providing economic benefits to your estate. Estate planning is constantly changing, so please consult with your financial advisors to consider options that would benefit you most. Options to consider include the following: Bequests – cash, property or share of an estate in your will - allows you to make a gift in the future to Whitby without affecting your cash flow or portfolio now. Charitable Gift Annuity or Charitable Remainder Trust – allows you to retain income benefits from the assets you give to Whitby, and thus provide a larger gift. Charitable Lead Trust – support programs at Whitby for a fixed period of time with the principal going to your heirs.

Gifts of Life Insurance – create a policy or donate a paid-up policy whose coverage you no longer need.

Ways of Giving Direct Gifts Cash or Checks – Cash or checks may be made payable to the Whitby School. Online Giving – Whitby accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express. To make an online contribution, please go to www.whitbyschool.org/onlinegiving Matching Gifts – Many companies will match contributions made by an employee (or by an employee’s spouse) to a not-for-profit institution. Gift of Securities – Gifts of appreciated securities are an excellent way to make a gift. Donors receive a deduction for the entire amount of the stock transferred and avoid taxes on capital gains. Please contact the Development Office for assistance.

Thank You for Your Continued Support as a Member of the Whitby Community! Whitby is very grateful to all of the families that have supported the School over the years, and we thank you in advance for considering giving to one or more of these important initiatives during the upcoming school year. If you or your spouse is associated with a company that matches charitable donations, please ensure you take advantage of the generosity of your company, as your gifts can be doubled, and in some instances tripled, by your employer. The Development Office is available to assist with these requests. If you have any additional questions, wish to make a gift of securities, or wish to discuss how best to support Whitby, please do not hesitate to contact in confidence the Development Office, at development@whitbyschool.org or 203-302-3958.

Our Children are Our Inspiration

969 Lake Avenue Greenwich, CT 06831 www.whitbyschool.org For more information on giving opportunities available at Whitby School, please contact the Development Office, at development@whitbyschool.org or 203-302-3958. All requests for information will be kept confidential.

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