The world of sharing

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Napster The world of sharing

Sharing is enjoying something with others




Our Past

Our Transition

02 Our History

06 08 10 16

Who We Were Who We are Now Who We are Talking To We are Heading Toward a New World of Sharing



Our Standards

Our Future

22 26 28 32 34 36 42 44 50

54 59 73 91 97

The New Logo Anatomy of The Logo Alternative Versions of The Logo Logo Sizing Logo Don’ts Typographic Standards Colors Image/Graphic Style Business System

A World of Sharing Napster Skill and Knowledge Napster Culture Napster Story Napster Assets


Our Past

02 Napster

Our History Our Past

Napster was founded in June 1999. We started with a simple idea, to create a program that allowed computer users to share and swap files, specifically music. The idea came from the frustration of finding specific music to listen to over the internet. Napster was an online file sharing service focused on sharing MP3 files. On Napster, people were able to access each other’s hard drives and download music from each other for free. By doing so, Napster operated as an illegal business and faced numerous copyright law suits from record companies.

Napster made it relatively easy for music enthusiasts to download copies of songs that were otherwise difficult to obtain, like older songs, unreleased recordings, and songs from concert bootleg recordings. Some users felt justified in downloading digital copies of recordings they had already purchased in other formats, like LP and cassette tape, before the compact disc emerged as the dominant format for music recordings.

03 Napster

Our Past





Napster is launched. We were the first massive scale peer-topeer network focused exclusively on sharing music — MP3 files, mostly.

An appeals court decides mostly in the record labels’ favor, and orders Napster to monitor the service and block access to copyrighted files. In March, Napster shuts down its service to comply with the injunction.

Roxio buys Pressplay, a failing subscription music service started by major labels Sony and Universal, for about $40 million in cash and stock, and relaunches it under the Napster brand name.

Best Buy buys Napster for a $121 million ($54 million after accounting for Napster’s cash). At that time, Napster had about 700,000 subscribers.




Heavy metal band Metallica sues Napster after finding a leaked song, “I Disappear,” being distributed before it was officially released. Lars Ulrich testifies before the Senate later that summer, earning the perpetual scorn of music fans who don’t want to pay for music.

Napster announces plans to sell its service to Bertelsmann, and files for bankruptcy in June. But a judge blocks the sale and orders Napster to liquidate in September.

Roxio changed its name to Napster, and focusing exclusively on the digital music subscription business.

Roxio, a maker of digital music software, buys the Napster brand and logo for about $5 million.


Our Transition

06 Napster

Who We Were Our Transition

YOUNG INDIVIDUAL SECRETIVE INDEPENDENT Napster was a music file sharing service where people sit at home and download the music they want from others hard drive. By sharing music over the internet and don’t encourage people to interact with each other, Napster consider as individual personality. Also, Napster’s image was all about being secretive and for the youth. In the past Napster is pretty much a business for teenagers that have desire for music.

07 Napster

Our Transition

Photos above are just to represent the look and feel of the old Napster

08 Napster

Who We Are Now Our Transition

SOPHISTICATED SOCIAL COMMUNITY The new Napster will keep the soul of the old Napster. The new Napster will offer users a new experience of sharing. We provide an opportunity to share what you have with others and for others to share what they have with you. The new Napster is not only about sharing music but also about sharing things you have to people who need them. We know that there is a lot of people out there need is to connect you to them. So, enjoy your day of sharing. Since we’ve grown up, Napster now has a new character or personality. We are sophisticated, more social, follow the rules and we love community.

09 Napster

Our Transition

Photos above are just to represent the look and feel of the new Napster

10 Napster

Who We are Talking To Our Transition

The Housewife

NEIKO 38 Years Old Housewife Loves Cooking

• She just married an American man, and moved to America to live with her husband. She still talks to her friends in Japan via Facebook everyday because she likes to share her experience in the US. • She has a passion for cooking and she often exchanges recipes with friends because she likes the idea of sharing. • She likes to talk to people around her neighborhood about random things to make a good relationship with them. • She still doesn’t have many local friends because she just settled down. She found that there are a lot of

people that come from diferent cultures and she likes to talk to and exchange culture with them. • She likes to bring her friends Japanese food because she thinks it’s a good way to share Japanese culture. • She enjoys going to neighborhood meetings because she likes the idea of everyone exchanging their opinions to improve the area. • She likes to send postcards to her friends in Japan because she wants to share American culture, moment in places and give tangible thing to her friends.

11 Napster

Our Transition

The Weekend Volunteer SUSAN 28 years old Barista Loves helping people

• She likes volunteering her time on weekends because she enjoys meeting people and doing good things together. • She keeps in contact with friends that she met while volunteering because she likes to exchange news about volunteering. • She likes to talk to strangers on the bus because she likes to share her stories with people. • She has a passion for helping people and making the world a better place because she likes the idea of

sharing what we have with others without expecting anything from them. • She likes to work as group because she thinks exchanging everyone’s ideas is good. • She lives far away from her parents so she calls her parents and tells them her stories at least once a week. • She always offers her seat to the elderly on the bus.

12 Napster

Our Transition

The Social Networker

STEVE 26 Years Old Art Student Enjoys Friend’s stories

• He is on his computer or phone all the time. Even when he is on the bus he likes to chat via Facebook and never looks around until he needs to get off because he feels like he is connecting with his friend when he reads their posts. • He likes almost every photo on Instagram. He also likes to comment on his friend’s posts even if they are not his close friends because he thinks that makes him still keep in touch with friends. • The first thing he does after waking up is check his phone because reading his friends posts on Facebook is like an update on the news in the morning.

• He likes reading articles on the internet and sharing them with friends. • When he posts something on Facebook, he waits for likes and comments because it makes him feel like his friends still connect with him. • He likes to talk to people because he is interested in making new friends and exchanging experiences. • He often goes to events that he found on internet just because he likes the idea of making connections at the events.

13 Napster

Our Transition

The Soccer Mom

JESSICA 32 years old Housewife Likes learning new things

• She is a mother of two kids. She planned to have two kids after she got married because she likes the idea that kids could play with each other and tell each other stories when they grow up. • She likes to talk to other parents about what is really good for their kids because she thinks exchanging stories is like learning something new. • She likes to find good things for her kids and when she finds interesting things she always sends them to friends that also have kids.

• She is a house wife that need to drive her kid to and from school everyday. On weekends, she sends her kid to learn how to draw. • She likes to post photos of her kids on Facebook and write stories about them because she loves to share her good stories to friends. • She donates her kid’s clothes that are too small to other kids that need it because she likes the idea of sharing.

14 Napster

Our Transition

The Local Blogger

NICOLE 28 Years Old Writer Passion for handcrafting

• She is a part time blogger that has a passion for handcrafting because she likes the idea of combining things together and sharing them with people. • She is always looking for new techniques to use in her projects and sometimes exchanges knowledge with someone that is also interested in handcrafts. • She often goes to a workshop on weekends because she thinks it’s a good way to share her experiences with people. • She likes to be busy, she writes a blog and answers

questions after work everyday because she wants to keep in touch with her blog followers. • She likes to explore the city and talk to people be cause she will learn new things from it and sometimes she finds suppliers for her project. • She often gives her handcrafted products to her close friends because she thinks handcrafted stuff is meaningful and her friends will like it. • She likes surfing on internet and she found that there are a lot of people that are interested in handcrafts like herself.

15 Napster

Our Transition

The (New in Town) Worker

SIMON 35 Years Old Web developer Loves taking photos

• He is a web developer because he likes the idea of instantly sharing information. • He is new in town, he got a job and needed to move to the city for work. He found his new apartment building fill with potential friends. • He explores the new city on weekends after he settled down and found that there are a lot of people that have the same interests as him. • He usually goes to a coffee shop because he likes people-watching and the idea of people from different careers working in the same place. • He keeps contact with his friends in the city he

comes from via Facebook because he wants to keep in touch with them and also update them on how life is going. • He likes to take photos and share his stories in the new city via Facebook and Instagram because it’s an easy way to share his life with friends and it makes him feel like he is still connected with them. • He likes to talk to his coworkers about random things because he likes to know about their opinions and he learns new things from the conversation.

16 Napster

Our Transition

We are Heading Toward a New World of Sharing


Skype Myspace Youtube


Unsophisticated Yousendit Spotify

Old Napster



Dropbox Pandora

17 Napster

Our Transition


Meetup New Napster



Unsophisticated Yelp

Twitter Facebook Skype



Flickr Slidesahre




18 Napster

Our Transition

High Activities



Unreliable Youtube

Pandora Spotify

Limewire Old Napster

Low Activities

19 Napster

Our Transition

High Activities

Meetup New Napster




Unreliable Skillshare




Low Activities



Our Standards

22 Napster

The New Logo Our Standards

+ N Napster was created in 1999. The old mark of Napster represents the business of sharing music and listening to music so it’s the symbol of a cat wearing headphones with italic san-serif typeface that give it a feeling of motion. Our logo didn’t change until now. We are coming back with a new strategy and also a new mark. The new Napster mark is simpler and represents our new purpose of sharing experiences together.

The symbol in the logomark comes from the core idea of Napster, to enable people to share their experiences together. The arrows represent the interaction between people. Making the mark a memorable symbol is most important so we incorporated the letter N into the logomark.

23 Napster

Our Standards

24 Napster

Logo Sketches Our Standards

25 Napster

Our Standards

26 Napster

Our Standards

Anatomy of the Logo


Clear Space Clear space is the area that will not have any elements on it. This will help the logo from distractions from other elements.



27 Napster

2x Our Standards







28 Napster

Our Standards

Alternative Versions of Our Logo

For consistency, our logo with a blue symbol and dark gray logotype should only be used on white background. When using the logo in photographs and other solid color backgrounds, the logo needs to be convert to black or white.

Signature The signature mark should be used whenever possible. Also, this should only be used on white background.

Symbol The symbol should be used for the app icon or everything on mobile.

29 Napster

Our Standards


Lateral Logo The lateral logo should be used in long horizontal layouts that don’t have much space on the top and bottom.

Logotype The symbol should be used for the app icon or everything on mobile.

30 Napster

Our Standards

30% or less

31% or more

Black Logo Black logo must be used on a light color background (same value as 30% black or less) or a bright photograph.

31 Napster

Our Standards

White Logo White logo must be used on a dark color background (same value as 31% black or more) or a dark photograph.

32 Napster

Logo Sizing Our Standards

We think ahead for the different uses of our logo. So, we have the regulation for logo sizing. In different media or different size of work we will need to use logo in different size, to fit the area best and our logo still legible we need to follow these standards.

Standard Size The standard logo size has a width of 1 inches.

Minimum Size We limit minimum size of the logo to ensure that the logo is legible and recognizable. The minimum size has a width of 0.5 inches.

33 Napster

Our Standards


Standard Size


Minimum Size for Signature Logo

Start using lateral logo when the width of signature logo need to be smaller than 0.5”

Minimum Size for Lateral Logo

34 Napster

Logo Don’ts Our Standards

Napster logo must always be easy to read and recognizable. For the consistency of using our logo, don’t do any of this.

35 Napster

Our Standards

Do not rotate the logo

Do not distort the logo

Do not outline the logo

Do not use other colors

Do not drop shadow

Do not use gradient effects

Do not put shadow in the back

Do not crop the logo

Do not create a pattern with the logo

Do not tranparent the logo

Do not put the logo on gradation background

Do not put the logo on any pattern or busy background

Do not put signature logo on black background

Do not put logo on the background that has same color as the logo

Do not put the logo on a background that cause poor legibility

Do not make soft edge in the logo

36 Napster

Our Standards

Typographic Standards

AaBb Museo

Museo is a serif typeface used for headline and subhead. Museo typeface represents our brand personality really well. The curve in Museo typeface emphasise Napster’s friendly and fun but sophisticated personality. Also, Museo is available in wide range of weight.


37 Napster

Our Standards

Museo 100

headline, subhead and quotes

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

Museo 300

headline, subhead and quotes

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

Museo 500

headline, subhead and quotes

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

Museo 700

headline, subhead and quotes

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

Museo 900

headline, subhead and quotes

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

38 Napster

Our Standards

AaBbC Museo Sans

Museo Sans is a sans-serif typeface used for body text and captions. Museo Sans goes well with Museo that we use for headline and subhead because it was designed by the same designer. Museo Sans also add the feeling of sophisticated and serious to our brand. Moreover, Museo Sans is available in wide range of weight.


39 Napster

Museo Sans 100

body text, captions

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

Museo Sans 300

body text, captions

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

Museo Sans 500

body text, captions

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

Museo Sans 700

body text, captions

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

Our Standards

40 Napster

9/15 Museo Sans is a sans-serif typeface used for body text and captions. Museo Sans

Our Standards

goes well with Museo that we use for headline and subhead because it was designed by the same designer. Also, Museo Sans is available in wide range of weight.


type size 9 pt, leading 12 pt

Museo Sans is a sans-serif typeface used for body text and captions. Museo Sans goes well with Museo that we use for headline and subhead because it was designed by the same designer. Also, Museo Sans is available in wide range of weight.

The Example Use of Body Text Using the type size with the appropriate leading as our example would keep everything we do consistent and also looks better than matching the type size with inappropriate leading. As you can see the top and the bottom row are the wrong uses of type setting for body text for our brand. The type looks crowded and hard to read when you use 9 pt type with 10 pt leading. Also, the typeset looks really loose and there is a lot of white space when you set 9 pt type size with 15 pt leading.

9/10 Museo Sans is a sans-serif typeface used for body text and captions. Museo Sans goes well with Museo that we use for headline and subhead because it was designed by the same designer. Also, Museo Sans is available in wide range of weight.

41 Napster



Museo Sans is a sans-serif typeface

Museo Sans is a sans-serif typeface

used for body text and captions.

used for body text and captions.

Museo Sans goes well with Museo

Museo Sans goes well with Museo

that we use for headline and subhead

that we use for headline and subhead

because it was designed by the same

because it was designed by the same

designer. Also, Museo Sans is available

designer. Also, Museo Sans is available

in wide range of weight.


type size 10 pt, leading 13 pt

Museo Sans is a sans-serif typeface used for body text and captions. Museo Sans goes well with Museo that we use for headline and subhead because it was designed by the same designer. Also, Museo Sans is available in wide range of weight.

in wide range of weight.


type size 11 pt, leading 14 pt

Museo Sans is a sans-serif typeface used for body text and captions. Museo Sans goes well with Museo that we use for headline and subhead because it was designed by the same designer. Also, Museo Sans is available in wide range of weight.



Museo Sans is a sans-serif typeface used for body text and captions. Museo Sans goes well with Museo that we use for headline and subhead because it was designed by the same designer. Also, Museo Sans is available in wide range of weight.

Museo Sans is a sans-serif typeface used for body text and captions. Museo Sans goes well with Museo that we use for headline and subhead because it was designed by the same designer. Also, Museo Sans is available in wide range of weight.

Our Standards

42 Napster

Colors Our Standards

Pantone 3115 U C:70 M:0 Y:0 K:0 R:0 G:190 B:240 HEX 00C0F2

Color is one of the elements that represent our personality. Blue and gray color represent sophisticated. At the same time, yellow and orange communicate our fun and friendly personality. Our primary colors are blue, gray and yellow. Using those colors together can represent our character well. But sometimes we need to bold something, so orange is our secondary color that we add to our brand for accenting purposes.

Pantone Cool Gray 11 U C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:80 R:90 G:90 B:90 HEX BBBDC0

Pantone 605 U C:0 M:10 Y:100 K:0 R:255 G:220 B:0 HEX FFDD00 Pantone P 27-8 U C:0 M:75 Y:100 K:0 R:240 G:100 B:35 HEX 808284

44 Napster

Image/Graphic Style Our Standards

Graphic elements that we use in our design come from the symbol in the logo. We start from taking the arrow lines and make it a shape and then scale and rotate it. The reason that we changed the form that we took from the logo is to get the graphic elements to relate to the logo but not distract from it.

45 Napster

Our Standards

Use any of these graphic elements to represent Napster personality in the design.

46 Napster

Our Standards

Acceptable Use

Acceptable Use

Acceptable Use

Graphic elements that we use in our design come from the symbol in the logo. We start from taking the arrow lines and make it a shape and then scale and rotate it.

Graphic elements that we use in our design come from the symbol in the logo. We start from taking the arrow lines and make it a shape and then scale and rotate it.

Acceptable Use Napster graphic element is mostly used to indicate headlines and use to make the layout look more dynamic to suit our personallity. Moreover, the Napster graphic elements can also be used in any of our primary and secondary colors. The Napster line graphic element can be adjusted to make an end longer to fit the media the best but cannot adjust the angle at the end that looks like an arrow.

Graphic elements that we use in our design come from the symbol in the logo. We start from taking the arrow lines and make it a shape and then scale and rotate it.

47 Napster

Our Standards

Acceptable Use

Acceptable Use

Graphic elements that we use in our design come from the symbol in the logo. We start from taking the arrow lines and make it a shape and then scale and rotate it.

Graphic elements that we use in our design come from the symbol in the logo. We start from taking the arrow lines and make it a shape and then scale and rotate it.

Acceptable Use

48 Napster

Our Standards

Acceptable Use Sometimes we will need images to support the communication, message or to tell another side of the story. In these cases, we need to use images to fill the shape.

49 Napster

Our Standards

50 Napster

Business System Our Standards

51 Napster

Our Standards


Our Future

54 Napster

The New Way to Share Our Future


The old Napster was all about sharing whatever music that we had with others. Now, we expand on that idea of sharing and connecting. Napster is creating a new world of sharing where we can share whatever we have with with friends over any distance.

55 Napster

Our Future

Knowledge and Skill


What we have



56 Napster

Our Future

Current Friends

Knowledge and Skill




People that can become a friend

Worldwide Friends


Book Club


Music Club


Online Photo Gallery


Online Photo Gallery


Skill Classroom


Movie Club


Online Talented Service


Online Talented Service


Book Club


Skill Classroom


Online Lesson


Online Lesson


Online Recipe Sharing


Online Culture Photo Sharing


Language Community


Language Community


Culture Classroom


Cooking Classroom


Karaoke Center


Online Recipe Sharing


Online Culture Photo Sharing


Culture Classroom


Online Chat


Online Chat


Online Chat


Napster Cafe


Napster Smartphone


Napster Smartphone


Napster Smartphone


Napster Postcard


Napster Gift Card


Bartering App


Online Shopping


Donation Center

10 Lending Service




57 Napster


Online Recipe Sharing


Online Shopping Service Service for people to shop with the concept of buying one they will give one to another


Donation Center


Online Bartering Service App where people can post what they have to barter and what they want to barter for. People can exchange their stuff using an automoted matching system


Online Photo Gallery where people that have skill in photography post their photos. People that have the same interests can view the photos and leave comments.


Online Talented Service where people that have talent in something can share what they can do. And then people that need help with a specific skill can be helped.


Karaoke Center The karaoke will have every country’s song list. It’s a place where friends from different countries share their culture through songs.


Online Culture Photo Sharing The place for people from different countries to share photos that relate to their culture and other people can learn their culture from photos.




A way to share our stories with someone we care. The postcard will be available online. Each card will have text to show how we feel so people can choose the card according to their feeling and match the message on the card.

Book Club where people get together and share knowledge about books they read


Language Community

Napster Digital Postcard


Napster Gift Card A way to share money with someone we care. The gift card can be used at Napster Cafe and Online Shopping.

where people get together to teach and learn languages

Online Chat Service where people can talk and exchange their stories by both text and video


Movie Club

Napster Smartphone A tool to connect. Use it for sharing stories through voice, photo and text.

where people get together to share movies they made

where people can donate things



where people get together to share music they made

Platform where people in different countries can share their exotic recipes


Music Club

Lending Service Platform where people can post what they have and are willing to lend. Other people can borrow that stuff.

Environment 1

Cooking Classroom A room in Napster Cafe where people can book to come to teach or learn how to cook exotic food.


Napster Cafe A place where friends share their stories. Also, there are classrooms that teach people different subject each week


Culture Classroom A room in Napster Cafe where people can book to come and teach or learn culture.


Skill Classroom A room in Napster Cafe where people can book to teach or learn any skill they desire.

Education 1

Online Lesson where people can post what they want to learn and what they can teach so people that match will meet each other and exchange knowledge.

Our Future

Knowledge and Skill

61 Napster

Music Club Our Future


Napster music club provides a great experience of sharing music you made with people also interested in music. We provide the music room for our members to enjoy each others music. It is a great place to make new friends and get great feedback from them.

64 Napster

Skill Classroom Our Future


Napster’s skill classroom is in the Napster cafe. Whenever you find someone to teach a skill, you will be able to reserve the classroom and share whatever skill you have. Most of the time people have a hard time learning something new. You can help people get better at something here.

Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality. — DALAI LAMA

68 Napster

Talented App Our Future


Napster Talented app is a platform where you will get the experience of sharing and be proud of yourself. We created the talent app for those who really want to share their skills by helping people who need it. You will need to login to your account and set what skill do you have. Then other users that need help will be able to send you a message and ask if you are available to help them out.

02 Napster Chapter



74 Napster

Karaoke Center Our Future


Napster Karaoke is a place for you to share your culture with your friends. Singing songs in your language is a great way to show your culture. Moreover, singing as a group of friends from same country will be more fun and more sharing.

78 Napster

Language Community Our Future


Napster’s Language Community is a place for you to come and teach others your language. At the same time you can learn other languages from them too. It’s a fun community where you can learn and teach at the same time.

82 Napster

Cooking Classroom Our Future


Napster’s Cooking Classroom is a place that we provide in the Napster Cafe. Whenever you find someone that needs you to teach them to cook exotic food from your country, you will be able to reserve the classroom and come share cooking tips. We have all of the appliances so you just bring your own ingredients and get started.

86 Napster

Culture Photo Sharing Our Future


Napster culture photo sharing is a platform where you post your photos about your culture to bring the new experience and perspective to your worldwide friends. At the same time, you also learn other cultures through your worldwide friends photos.

A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people. — MAHATMA GANDHI


93 Napster

Napster Cafe Our Future


Napster Cafe is a place where you can have a cup of coffee and share your stories with friends. At Napster Cafe we serve coffee and pastries that are freshly made and will make your stories more enjoyable.


98 Napster

Donation Center Our Future


Napster’s Donation Center is a place where you can bring your old stuff that you don’t want anymore. After that we will seperate the stuff into categories and delivering them to your friends across the world who need it. We have a lot of connections around the world so we know who needs help and where they are.

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. — WINSTON S. CHURCHILL Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1940-1945)

By giving people the power to share, we’re making the world more transparent. — Mark Zuckerberg

Let’s share it


Designed and printed by Chananya Weerawong Printed on Moab Entrada Rag Bright 190 paper Photographs from and First published December 2014

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