How to identify a real pearl stone

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How To IdenTIfy a Real PeaRl STone

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PRoceduRe To IdenTIfy a Real PeaRl STone

• X-Ray TeST • Sun-TeST • dRIll TeST of THe PeaRl STone • coolneSS TeST of THe PeaRl STone • weIgHT TeST of THe PeaRl STone HTTP://PeaRl.oRg.In

X- Ray TeST • In THIS eXPeRImenT a PeaRl STone IS Placed undeR THe ScanneR of X-Ray macHIne a Real PeaRl STone wIll ReSPond wITH THe gRey lIgHT In THIS TeST. moReoveR, a PeaRl STone wHIcH IS SynTHeTIc wIll demonSTRaTe BoTH SolId wHITe on THe negaTIve and Black on THe PoSITIve PRInT.


Sun TeST of PeaRl STone • In oRdeR To PeRfoRm THIS TeST, you can SImPly PuT you PeaRl STone undeR THe lIgHT of THe Sun. caTegoRIcally, If IT SeemS To you THaT youR PeaRl STone IS PeRfecTly Rounded and doeS noT Hold any vaRIaTIon aS faR aS SHaPe and coloR of THe STone IS conSIdeRed, So unfoRTunaTely IT IS a fake PeaRl STone.


dRIll TeST of THe PeaRl STone

• a SynTHeTIc PeaRl STone wIll Have a laRge Hole aS comPaRe To THe ceRTIfIed PeaRl STone. moReoveR, THe dRIll Hole of THe fake oR In oTHeR woRd SynTHeTIc STone IS caTegoRIcally RougH and noT BeIng In THe PeRfecT SHaPe. So IT IS one moRe cHaRacTeRISTIcS wHIcH could Be eXamIned In oRdeR To evaluaTe THe qualITy of THe PeaRl STone.


coolneSS TeST of THe STone

• To cHeck qualITy of THe STone Hold few BeadS of fReSHwaTeR PeaRl STone In youR Hand, If you feel BeadS of PeaRl cool BefoRe geTTIng waRm. IT IS naTuRal fReSHwaTeR PeaRl STone.


cHeck THe SHaPe of THe PeaRl STone

• To cHeck wHeTHeR STone IS Real oR fake. eXamIne THe SHaPe of THe STone. If eacH Bead of PeaRl STone IS PeRfecTly Round. THen IT IS fake STone oTHeRwISe IT IS oRIgInal STone.


• call-uS: +91-9216116688 • • weBSITe : HTTP://PeaRl.oRg.In HTTP://PeaRl.oRg.In

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