Know the Major Causes of Conflict

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Know the Major Causes of Conflict

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The manager is the most important person to be consider in an organization because with all it skills he also posses conflict resolving skills which helps to resolve conflict at the organization. Every manager should first try to identify the real problem then they identify the causes of the problem and at the end they apply remedies. By identifying the real causes they understand the nature of the problem which helps them to take preventive measures in near future so that the conflict may not arises again.

Check Out Some of the Major Causes of Conflict ………

Lack of I nvolvement in I nformation Study have been found that if the employees found them that they experience repeated changes without prior notice or information about certain decisions then conflict may be started among the employees and manager.

I nability in Resources Arrangement Certain conflict may be started among the employees with the management professional if there are deficit in resources. I f the employee feel that they lacks necessary resources in order to complete the work then conflict would start in the organization and it could bring a great discomfort and greatest misfortune to the organization. So beware at for the lack of availability of resources.

Personal Problems among the Employees

Sometimes personal problems could be a great problem at the place of an organization. I t becomes worse when people bring stress from outside and include this at their work and workplace. This process may arise the conflicts among co- workers and it always hampers the work. I t also increases the differences among the employees and makes the work culture worst at the organization.

Hopeless Management Procedure There are occasion when conflict could be arises from improper manager at the organization. I f the manager is not aware of there duties and responsibilities then it would hamper the decision making process and overall area of working strategy. Employees would loose necessary confidence from its manager and conflict would begin at the organization.

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