Pearson Middle East

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Learning for everyone, everywhere, and in everyway

Pearson has spent decades in the Middle East, working with learners, educators, parents and governments to unleash the power of education in changing lives and transforming communities.

Learning isn’t a destination, starting and stopping at the classroom door. It is a never-ending road of discovery, challenge, inspiration, and wonder. For many people, learning is the route to a job to support their family or the skills to help them progress in their career. For others, it’s simply a passion for discovery. Learning opens up opportunity and enriches every stage of life. Helping people along this path of discovery and inspiration, Pearson cultivates a love of learning that enables a lifetime of progress. Because wherever learning flourishes, so do people.

The challenge for education here is not just about providing access, but also ensuring progress.

As the world’s learning company, we’re committed to helping people across the Middle East learn—whenever, wherever, and however it suits them. We undertake comprehensive and complex groundwork with our clients to understand their precise needs and expectations, creating solutions that map to the specific needs of their learners. Our products and services are carefully researched, expertly developed, and continually improved to ensure that they deliver the best possible learner outcomes and enable people across the Middle East to make progress in their lives.

Here is how we are doing it. This is a guide to the Pearson offering in the Middle East, demonstrating our suite of capabilities, all tailorable to meet the specific needs of the region’s learners. And of course, we are here to help, so contact us to find out how we can match a bespoke solution to your need.

Creating a generation of learners ready for the 21st Century Equipping people with the skills they need for employment is a global challenge. It’s vital for economic success, and it transforms the lives of families. Across the world, 290 million young people are out of work. At the same time, almost 40% of employers tell us they can’t fill their vacancies. The latest figures from the World Bank put youth unemployment at 21 percent in the Middle East and 25 percent in North Africa – the highest rates in the world. Every day, we work with learners, teachers and employers to create solutions that help bridge this divide. We know that for most of our learners, education and training are a means to an end - a job that supports them and their family - employability is therefore the ultimate purpose of what we do.

Never before has it been so important to embed employability and workskills at the heart of a student’s learning experience. And never has the need been more pressing to encourage today’s students to choose qualifications and career paths that align with the demands of our region’s industries. We also need to ensure that those in the workforce are given the opportunity to continually develop their skills, regardless of age, sector or profession. Pearson works closely with governments, educators and institutions throughout the region to make a prosperous future for our young people a reality, giving them the skills, qualifications, tools and resources necessary to enter employment and carve out rewarding careers.

The power of English Learners, employers and governments throughout the Arab World understand the important role English language can play in life, in business and in the global economy.

Pearson has used its 150 years’ experience to develop an ecosystem that provides learners and educators in this region, and all around the world, with scalable solutions that help foster outstanding English language teaching, learning and assessment, and much more. From digital resources to professional development, from localised texts to globally tested assessments, Pearson can offer EL T tools that make learning English language learning fun and effective. Our ELT resources cover the entire educational spectrum and are utilised everyday by people looking to make progress in their lives.

Making good teachers great World-class learning resources and curriculum Pearson is perhaps best known for its state-of-the-art learning resources resources which have engaged, inspired and motivated learners for generations. We have combined our far-reaching international experience with decades of local knowledge to create resources that truly meet the unique learning needs and challenges of the region. Our learning resources are utilised by educators and learners across the Middle East, from pre-school, through to higher education and professional training. Our resources are available as print, blended or fully digital programmes, catering to the different learning needs of different learners.

We also offer a highly popular custom design process, building resources that meet the exact learning needs of Middle Eastern learners, in ways that are both culturally sensitive and engaging. Whether you are a primary or secondary educator, we also offer curriculum resources to meet your needs across many curricula. In addition, we can work with you to design a custom curriculum that engages and motivates learners to achieve their very best.

Effective educators are fundamental to successful educational outcomes, at all levels. Part of what makes a good teacher great is their passion for wanting to continually learn and improve, making them the best teacher they can possibly be. We see all of the time the difference teachers like this make in the lives of those they teach, inspiring and motivating learners to realise their potential and exceed their learning ambitions. More than ever there is a need here in the Middle East for great teachers. Teachers who have the skills and the tools to embrace the latest pedagogies, the most dynamic resources and the most efficacious digital tools. Teachers who have the drive and the knowledge needed to enact educational reform and change the future of a whole generation. Pearson works with schools, universities, colleges, education ministries and governments across the region to make good educators great. Educator development for educators and school administrators is at the heart of what we do. Whether it is a course for an individual or a specially designed education reform project for thousands,

Pearson has the global expertise and regional experience to make any educator development programme a success. Our expert team works with schools every day to determine their exact requirements, undertaking in depth needs analyses and rolling out comprehensive school improvement services designed to help schools and educators excel in the 21st Century and beyond.

Qualifications that mean something – to learners and employers With over 5,400 centres in 92 countries, schools, colleges, universities, governments, training providers and employers around the world trust Pearson’s globally recognised qualifications as a mark of quality, credibility and excellence. Our reputation is built on our decades of experience in all corners of the globe. Every year, we award more than 1 million BTEC vocational qualifications and process more than 9 million exam scripts. Whether its academic or skillsbased qualifications, from primary school through to post-graduate study, we offer the world’s largest range of internationally accredited qualifications - helping learners of all ages and abilities achieve their learning goals. Here in the Middle East, our qualifications have equipped thousands of people with the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed to progress onto the next stage of their education or career. Our qualifications are recognised by top universities all around the world and are viewed by employers as a sign of real-world skills and workplace expertise.

Next generation assessment Our assessment solutions have moved far beyond the “fill in the bubble” testing of days gone by. Institutions across the Middle East rely on Pearson testing and assessment because our innovative, technology-driven, performance based assessment systems are highly effective and accurate measures of what students can do and know they are no longer a one-dimensional snapshot of student achievement.

Like our stakeholders in this region, we believe assessment and testing solutions should help learners become problem solvers and critical thinkers and prepare them for life and work in the 21st Century. At the heart of each of our assessment solutions is a commitment to fostering and measuring 21st Century skills and readying learners for future education or career success. Learning outcomes are at the heart of every assessment solution Pearson creates - whether it is for a kindergarten student or university graduate.

Unleashing the promise of technology in education From how we find our way around an unfamiliar city to how we book a taxi, we live in a world made simpler by algorithms and big data. And there’s no shortage of on-going, breath-taking discoveries: Google’s selfdriving car, a deep learning machine that can teach itself chess in 72 hours, robots folding towels and, we’re sure, more to come. In a world where digital tools support virtually every part of our lives, why is it that the full power of such tools has yet to be unleashed to those who might benefit most - educators and learners? With smarter digital tools offering up the promise of learning that is more personalised, inclusive and flexible, it has become critical that we – and particularly teachers, learners and parents – have a firm understanding of what these tools can do, and how they work.

All across the Middle East, educators and learners are coming to realise the benefits digital innovations can make in improving learner outcomes. Pearson is committed to providing the region with the most up-to-date, effective and efficient digital resources for all levels of education - making learning more fun and more efficacious. Our resources are designed to make the jobs of educators and administrators easier so that they can concentrate on the most important aspect of their work - helping learners succeed. Our digital resources are opening up a whole new world of learning and allowing people of all ages and backgrounds to achieve their educational goals and realise their potential.

So whether it is eBooks, teacher aids, learning management systems, online and blended learning platforms or homework and tutorial systems, Pearson has a solution that can meet individual learning needs and overcome specific teaching and learning challenges.

The Pearson Promise As the world’s learning company, we can help make a difference. But we also know that the challenges are too immense to tackle alone. So we’re fostering a global community of teachers, parents, students, governments, institutions and businesses, who can help us find the answers and deploy the solutions. Together we aim to achieve our Efficacy Growth & Impact Goals, empowering the lives of 200 million learners by 2025 in critical ways including:

• Access to high quality primary, secondary and postsecondary education. • Success in education through enhanced literacy, numeracy, knowledge and skills. • Progress as a result of education into a first career or advancement in career. Meeting the global demand for education will make us a more profitable company, profits which we invest back into improving education for everyone - to ensure that the ultimate prize is a better world for us all to live in.

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