Cultural Events in Pécs - 2009.

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PÉCS, THE BORDERLESS CITY Pécs, the centre of the South Transdanubian Region in Hungary is one of the oldest settlements of the country. The city is rich in historic monuments and boasts a cultural life that is affluent even by national standard. Pécs hosts numerous festivals and other cultural events year after year, which characterizes the traditionally vivid intellectual life of the city. It was not without a reason that in the fall of 2006 the Council of Ministers of the European Union awarded the European Capital of Culture title to the city of Pécs for the year 2010. By the title Pécs has become one of the most significant centers of art and culture in Hungary. In 2010 Pécs will celebrate as European Capital of Culture, presenting its genuine treasure – the cultural heritage of the city – to the world. The notion of the borderless city carries the message of openness in all

fields of life, as well as the ability to incorporate and be receptive. The city of Pécs emphasizes the importance of 2010 being more than just a one-yearlong festival season in the history of the city, but it should be the starting point and the strengthening force of long-term procedures. This has given the idea of the so-called preparatory years. These “years of trial” preceding the 2010 ECoC title year have the role of gradually guiding the audience back or into the cultural institutions and event centers of the city. The affluence and wide scale repertoire of the events are meant to awake and strengthen the demand for consumption of quality cultural events as well as to gain civil supporters and make it a practice for the economy sector to be involved in cultural life as well. Based on the thematic system of the pre-

paratory years in Pécs 2006 was the year of cultural heritage. The following year was spent in the spirit of learning how to benefit from such heritage in today’s society. In 2008 we began to apply the acquired knowledge and experiences to draw the attention to the fact that our health as well as the environment is vulnerable. The main topics of the year 2009 are spiritual; dealing with faith, historical experience, and getting to know our heritage even deeper, commemorating the millennium of the foundation of the Episcopate of Pécs. Beyond the main theme of the year, however, the calendar of 2009 offers events from all other fields of life as well. We invite you to have a great time in Pécs2010 European Capital of Culture already in 2009. Visit us and be part of the extravaganza.


If you wish to receive more information on the program Pécs2010 Eureopean Capital of Culture, please, send us your post and e-mail adress to or to Pecs2010 Management Centre, H-7621 Pécs, Maria str. 9, or subscribe to our newsletter at



THE 1000 TH ANNIVERSARY OF OUR DIOCESE In 2009 the diocese of Pécs celebrates its 1000th anniversary. Pécs is the only diocese in Hungary whose year of foundation we know. The details of its founding document have been preserved in later certificates. The founding ceremony took place in the Castle of Győr on April 23 1009, in the presence of Bishop Azo of Ostia, the Papal Legate. It was then that the boundaries of the see were defined and Bonipert made its first bishop. This, the year leading to 2010 when Pécs becomes the European Capital of Europe, has been named the Year of Religion and Culture in honour of the millennium, and will be celebrated through a number of events.

RELIGIONS IN AFRICA – AFRICAN BELIEF SYSTEMS MARCH 20 Stepping into its third season, the high-quality, nationally-distributed magazine Afrika Tanulmányok (African Studies) devotes a special issue to the world religions and the beliefs that hold the smaller tribes together, as well as their role in everyday life. A small conference is being organised in conjunction with the thematic issue. Organiser: IDResearch Kutatási és Képzési Kft.


MARCH 23 19.00 BARTÓK HALL Programme: works by Corelli, Couperin, Händel, Purcell, Charpentier and J. S. Bach A Pécs Spring Festival event Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre


MUSIC OF THE LOST WORLD M A R C H 2 5 1 9 . 3 0 G R E AT H A L L O F T H E P É C S U N I V E R S I T Y FA C U LT Y O F MEDICINE (POTE AULA) A concert of scenes into the world of klezmer with the help of cantors. With: Moshe Schulhof, Tsudik Greenwald, Yaakov Rosenfeld, David Weinbach, László Fekete – voice, Tamás Dunai and the Budapest Klezmer Band (artistic director: Ferenc Jávori) A Pécs Spring Festival event Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre

BORGES: THE GOSPEL OF ST. MARK PREMIER: APRIL 3 A performance by the Janus University Theatre based on the short story by Borges, “The Gospel of St. Mark”. The production was created in cooperation with the Marosvásárhely University of Theatrical Art. Organiser: Alternative Theatre Workshop Foundation, Janus University Theatre


CITY OF ORGANS APRIL 1 - DECEMBER 31 With the operation of the Angster Organ Factory, established in 1867, Pécs is justified in calling itself a city of organs. A basis for the honour lies in the number and beauty of its organs. Visitors can acquaint themselves with the organs of the Basilica, the Inner City Church, the Franciscan Church, the Lyceum Church, the Pauline Church and the Piusz Church on these Organ Walks. Organiser: Diocese of Pécs

DEDICATIO ECCLESIAE APRIL 3 19.00 CATHEDRAL MUSEUM A Corvina Consort concert A Pécs Spring Festival event Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre


APRIL 7 19.30 PÉCS BASILICA With: the Grazer Kapellknaben (Graz Boys’ Choir) and the Capella Calliope chamber orchestra (artistic director: Anke Schittenhelm) Conductor: Matthias Unterkofler A Pécs Spring Festival event Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre


EASTER ORNAMENTAL WONDERS APRIL 3 - JUNE 27 Temporary exhibition of the Zengővárkony Art Eggs Collection in the Lenau House. The majority of the works on display are of sacred origin, some of them ancient and others calling forth the Christian Easter festival, and are ornamented with motifs and colours. Organiser: Nikolaus Lenau Association for Public Education, Art Eggs Collection

EASTER GALA CONCERT APRIL 18 PÉCS BASILICA Davor Bobić: The Isaiah Oratory – world premier Conductor: Zsolt Hamar With: Andrea Meláth – alto, Alessandro Codeluppi – tenor, Berislav Jerković – baritone, the Brevis Children’s Choir, the J. J. Strossmayer Academy Choir (choral director: Antoaneta Radočaj) Organiser: Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra – Pécs

CHURCH HISTORY CONFERENCE IN PÉCS APRIL 21 A conference jointly organised by the dioceses of Gyulafehérvár and Pécs on the theme of the mutual thousand years of the two dioceses.


PÜSPÖK VÁR MUSICAL EVENINGS M AY- S E P T E M B E R Open-air musical performances and concerts in the gardens of the Bishop’s Palace

BOUNDLESS MYSTERIUM F R O M M AY 3 , M O N T H LY A L L Y E A R R O U N D . We try to find the points of contact among various regions, denominations and rituals at the better and lessknown sacred sites of Pécs. Organiser: OPUS Foundation

PETER-PAUL DAYS JUNE 27-29 A three-day celebration of the Basilica’s Saint’s Day, with organ and other concerts and performances. Organiser: Pécs Bishopric



T. S. ELIOT: MURDER IN THE CATHEDR AL DR AMATIC POEM 2009 END OF AUGUST - PÉCS BASILICA AND THE BASILICA SQUARE The high-quality main event of the series accompanies an interdenominational conference and is the motor to cementing links between the diocese of Pécs and Canterbury. The performance is a joint production with participants from Beregszász, Debrecen and Pécs. Organiser: Pécs Third Theatre

SAINT STEPHEN’S DAYS AUGUST 20-23 The Diocese celebrate the one-thousandth anniversary of the founding of the Pécs Bishopric by King St. Stephen with a series of stage performances and concerts in the Basilica and Saint Stephen’s Square. The millennium Holy Mass will be held in the square in front of the Basilica at 10.30 on August 23 www.

TAIZÉ CONVENTION IN PÉCS OCTOBER 23-25 Building upon the wonderful experience of the convention held in Pécs 20 years ago, young people come together from all over Hungary and the neighbouring countries.


PÉCS SPRING FESTIVAL MARCH 15 - APRIL 7 One of our main strivings in this, the opening event of the season, is to present the traditional cultural and artistic treasures of the world, primarily of Europe. Our cavalcade of events includes a concert by the Salzburger Festival Ensemble, an evening of contemporary ballet by the Trey McIntyre Project, a dance production by the Don Cossacks Art Ensemble and a jazz-world music concert by Habib Koité & Bamada. This combined arts festival provides space for classical, contemporary, jazz and light music productions, dance and folk evenings, chamber and choral concerts as well as for exhibitions. Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre;

3 R D INTERNATIONAL JAZZ WEEKEND MARCH 20-21 Following the successes of the previous years, once again international and Hungarian stars will be performing to the jazz-loving public within the framework of the Spring Festival. Two world-ranking French bands, the Richard Galliano Tangaria Quartet and the Jean Luc Ponty Project, will appear on the stage of the Uránia Cinema, as well as Germany’s cream of power-jazz, the Jazz Pistols, and the newly regrouped Trio Yengibarjan with Mihály Dreschand and the cimbalom player Miklós Lukács. Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre


17 TH FR ANCOPHONE WEEK MARCH 16-21 Concerts, theatre productions, film evenings, sporting and gastronomy at this series of parallel events for the Spring Festival and the French Theatre-Playing Festival Organiser: Alliance Française de Pécs

20 TH FRENCH THEATRE-PLAYING FESTIVAL MARCH 19-22 The annual theatrical festival for learners of French, with 11 Hungarian and 6 foreign groups arriving from Spain, France, Montenegro, Algeria, Romania and the Czech Republic. The venue for the events and co-organiser is the Youth House. Concerts, plays and films every evening – all in French. Organiser: Foundation for French-Language Student Theatre

e-mail: Éva Vatai, organiser,


BARTÓK AND KODÁLY WORKSHOP WITH PÉCS CHOIRS APRIL 3-5 In the course of the workshop Hungarian and foreign conductors will develop their knowledge with the pick of Pécs choirs and conductors. As a worthy end to the event the results of the work will be performed to the public in a gala concert. Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre

NATIONAL STUDENT THEATRICAL FESTIVAL APRIL 16-19 During the festival Hungarian student theatre groups will give their productions which will be judged by a prestigious panel of adjudicators. In addition to the competitive section training sessions will be led under the direction of professionals in the field. Organiser: Youth House of the Pécs Youth Centre, Apollo Cultural Assoc.


PÉCS UNIVERSITY DAYS APRIL 22-25 The Pécs University Days has been an important event for the students of Pécs since the mid-90s. During the festival some 40 bands take the stage, among them ten foreign ones. Alongside the quality light music performances, a number of accompanying events representing a number of branches of the arts can be found in the three marquees erected in the grounds of the Tannery. Organiser: Pécs University Students Union

10 TH PÉCS SCHOOLCHILDREN’S FILM FESTIVAL APRIL 25 A one-day festival for primary and secondary schoolchildren advertised together with the Foundation for a Visual Education. Some 70-80 previously adjudicated films will be shown to the public. Organisers: Youth House of the Pécs Youth Centre, Foundation for a Visual Education


BATTA DEM 2009 3 R D PÉCS INTERNATIONAL REGGAE FESTIVAL M AY 1 - 2 In this year, in addition to the concerts and sound systems, space will also be devoted to talks, an exhibition and forum, a talent contest for bands as well as health-programmes. Organiser: InterMagyar Cultural Association, Youth House of the Pécs Youth Centre

10 TH IBERO-AMERICAN WEEK M AY 4 - 8 The aim of the Ibero-American Week is to present events of quality from the Spanish and Portuguese world in order to promote cultural connections and cooperation between Central Europe and the Ibero-American world. The Week’s academic convention will be attended by the Spanish and Portuguese Embassies, Pécs’s Hispanic societies and events by the Zoltán Kodály Grammar School. Organiser: Pécs University Ibero-American Centre


PLAN 2009 SCIENCE FICTION FESTIVAL AND SYMPOSIUM M AY 6 - 9 As a continuation of the highly successful PLAN4 festival of 2004, the Pécs University Students Union is creating a unique programme at a number of the city’s popular venues. PLAN2009 is a tight festival for the dissemination of public education, at once a symposium, a meeting for writers and readers and a film week in the name of science fiction and a possible/expected future. Organiser: Pécs University Students Union

PÉCS LITER ATURE FESTIVAL M AY 2 0 - 2 3 In the streets and squares, the schools and universities and the coffee-houses of Pécs you will find readings by actors and contemporary authors, podium conversations and exhibitions. Organiser: Pécs House for Art and Literature, Jelenkor Foundation

PÉCS FOLK DAYS INTERNATIONAL FOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL M AY 2 8 - 3 0 The oldest important festival in Southern Transdanubia, began in 1986. Each year the Folk Days produces a cavalcade of the greatest names in the vocal and instrumental music of the Hungarians and peoples of the Carpathian Basin living inside and across the borders, as well as providing an opportunity to become acquainted with the musical traditions of other Hungarian peoples and further-off, more exotic cultures. Venues: Pécs Synagogue, Pécs Youth Centre, Pécs National Theatre Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre


21ST PÉCS INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER CHOIR COMPETITION AND SYMPOSIUM OF SACRED MUSIC M AY 2 8 - J U N E 1 Our city calls upon the best Hungarian, European and international amateur vocal groups and chamber choirs to convene here. The country’ musical traditions, culture, famous composers and performers have always played an important part in any estimation of Hungary’s status. The music history of Pécs is especially rich in this respect. This year, on the 1,000th anniversary of the founding of the Diocese of Pécs, the traditional competition is connected with a symposium of sacred music. Organiser: Educationalists’ Centre Assoc.

SYNOPTIC 2009 VISIONAUDIAL ART MEETING JUNE This year the former media arts event appears in the form of selected screenings and accompanying musical performances from international works of video art. The event revolves around the theme, “Instable”, to which the art works react from political, social and individual aspects. Organiser: SosemArt Cultural Association


9 TH POSZT – PÉCS NATIONAL THEATRICAL CONVENTION JUNE 4-13 The Pécs National Theatrical Convention is the largest and most outstanding event in the Hungarian theatre world. The season’s best productions – this year based upon the selection by Attila Janisch, holder of the Béla Balázs award, Director of Merit – appear in the adjudicated programme, and include performances by Hungarian language theatre productions from beyond the border. The competition consists of 5 theatre and 5 chamber theatre performances as well as one theatre and one chamber theatre production from beyond the border. The various prizes to be collected by the competing productions are decided upon by a panel of actors and the public. Alongside these, there are some 160-170 OFF (“Outside the National Festival Festival”) events. During POSZT Pécs becomes the Theatre Capital. Organiser: Pécs National Theatrical Festival Kht.

PROMENADE FESTIVAL JUNE 13-21 Our traditional summer festival awaits you in the centre of the historic city of Pécs with a series of high quality events. Alongside the world music and jazz concerts, the best of Hungary’s light music bands and invited noted foreign performers appearing on the large Promenade Stage, talented local bands take the Barbican Dyke Stage, together with the events of the 4th European Festival of Contemporary and Improvised Music ensuring the public solid entertainment. Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre


PÉCS OPEN-AIR PLAYS JUNE 15 - AUGUST 15 Looking back over a past of more than 30 years, each year the Summer Theatre Plays represent a wide palette of the arts through 6-7 new, quality productions. The open-air performances offer pleasant summer entertainment on the open-air stages in Káptalan St., at Tettye and in the Anna Courtyard. Programme details from the website and leaflets.

3 R D FOLK & ROLL FESTIVAL AND MUSICAL TR ADITIONS EVENT JUNE 26-27 This talent-hunting and developing event continues, built upon the foundations laid in 2007. For the third time young talents and well-known musicians take the festival stage in the Barbican Dyke. Organiser: Youth House of the Pécs Youth Centre


PÉCS – ARS GEOMETRICA 2009 – 3 R D INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION AND WORKSHOP INTER ACTIONS AND BORDER CROSSINGS IN ART AND SCIENCE JUNE 18-20 The aim of the programme, held for the first time in 2007, is to draw the attention of a wide circle to the results of interactions between representatives of the arts and the sciences and to present the varied opportunities for applying mutual thought. Alongside the open conference talks there is an exhibition, open-air workshops led by academics, artists and educationalists, public lectures, concerts, presentations, film screenings and interactive games. Art-Science-Innovation in the school, out in the open and in the exhibition space. Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre

ROCK MAR ATHON J U LY 6 - 1 2 Apart from the international and Hungarian professional rock performances (130-140 bands) a further 40 groups are given the chance to perform in the Malomvölgy Arboretum in the heats of Local Heroes, one of Europe’s talent-hunting series of events. Each year the event is attended by some 20.000 visitors. Organiser: R.R.M. Foundation

ICWIP – INTERNATIONAL CULTUR AL WEEK IN PÉCS J U LY 1 8 - 2 6 One of the most well-known and popular festival in the international university and youth community in Central Europe and in the Alps-Adria Region. Organiser: SIEN Foundation


OPER ALIA – THE WORLD OPER A COMPETITION J U LY 2 5 - A U G U S T 1 Founded by Plácido Domingo to discover and honor the best new young Opera singers of today, the main goal is to attract singers of all voice categories and from all around the globe and make them be heard by a panel of distinguished international Opera personalities, in the most prestigious and competitive forum in the world. After Paris, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Madrid, Mexico City, Quebec, in 2009 Pécs is honoured to organise this magnificent event.


FESTIVAL WITH A MEDITERR ANEAN FEEL AUGUST 20-22 Music, dance, a cavalcade of events and a handicrafts fair await you on the Promenade of the Hungarian city with a Mediterranean atmosphere. In accordance with tradition, the city’s August 20 celebrations will take place within the framework of the festival. Organiser: Pécs Youth Centre

3 R D FESTIVAL OF SACRED MUSIC SEPTEMBER 6-13 The festival will show the many-faceted nature of sacred music in the churches of Pécs, in the liturgy and in church concerts. Organiser: Saeculum XXI Bt.

Tel.: 72/325-064


JAZZ CONTACT SEPTEMBER 11-13 A jazz talent-hunting competition series with the professional support of MR3 Bartók Radio, where the jazz formations pit their wits against a panel of well-known musicians and the Pécs public. Organiser: Pécs Youth Centre

HERITAGE FESTIVAL – PÉCS DAYS SEPTEMBER 17-27 The Heritage Festival-Pécs Days is the oldest festival in the region established since the political changes. The main creative elements of this highly popular inner city event with its great tradition are the opening light music concert, the Wind Orchestra Gala, the Ethnic Minority Days, the Veteran Vehicles Rally and the Festival of Vine and Wine. Meanwhile, around the stages set up in the immediate vicinity of the World Heritage sites, the historic environment is brought alive with bustling humanity. Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre


PÉCS INTERNATIONAL DANCE MEETING SEPTEMBER 22-26 The Dance Meeting displays the limitless variety of shade in Pécs’s dance culture and international dance art. At this event virtually every branch of dance art is represented by the best Hungarian dance groups with the participation of dancers from European countries and their cultural capitals. Organiser: Pécs Ballet Foundation

14TH EUROPEAN FESTIVAL OF CONVIVIAL SONG SEPTEMBER 25-27 This festival, the only one in Europe exclusively for male voice choirs and vocal ensembles, has been organised every year since 1993. In addition to their independent programmes, the participating groups together present the gems from the genre of international and Hungarian convivial song. The event provides quality entertainment not only for the people of Pécs, but along the Villány-Siklós and the Szekszárd wine routes and is seen as a tourist attraction, while for the some 300 foreign participants it is an opportunity to become more closely acquainted with some of our country’s wine regions. Organisers: Pécs Male Voice Choir Foundation, Pécs Cultural Centre

MUSEUMS AUTUMN FESTIVAL OCTOBER 1 - NOVEMBER 15 Temporary exhibitions, concerts, events and guided tours await the museum-going public. Organiser: Baranya County Museums Directorate, Janus Pannonius Museum


MOVEAST 5 TH INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL OCTOBER 6-13 It is unique in Europe that within one single event the Hungarian and international profession and the public can view the entire film production of the previous year. Organiser: Pécs Filmünnep Kht.;

OSIJEK – NOVI SAD – PÉCS JAZZ BRIDGE OCTOBER 16-17 Built upon the blossoming jazz music life in the region and a display of interest, the present two-day event takes a selection of interesting and fresh projects from the Southern Cultural Belt (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia) and the international musical stage. Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre

INTERNATIONAL STUDIO THEATRE FESTIVAL NOVEMBER The basis of the festival is the Bárka International Theatre Festival, held every November, some of the performances of which are hosted in Pécs. In this way they enter the international blood circulation, and the local population can become acquainted with the cream of the present European Theatre, while Pécs artists can participate in the creation of a joint production. Organiser: Pécs “Third Theatre”


EAST-WEST PASSAGE 2009 BALK AN WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL AND 3RD MEETING AT THE BALK AN GATEWAY INTERNATIONAL, INTERDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 5-7 Theme: Cultural Difference and Identification: Religion – Nation – Ideology Year by year the programme produces an increasingly broader perspective of the cultural variety of the Balkans. This intercultural patchwork of concerts, conference speeches, contemporary art exhibitions, film showings and dialogues between artists and thinkers has not merely contributed to the expression, “Pécs as a cultural gateway to the Balkans” within the Cultural Capital of Europe Programme. Fused together, the events of the two striking archways that form the programme of the East-West Passage – the Balkan World Music Festival and the Meeting at the Balkan Gateway International, Interdisciplinary Conference – at once serve to demonstrate and construct within the public conscience the inseparable interaction in the space occupied by Balkan literature, philosophy, politics and art. Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre, Sensus Research Group


HUNGARIAN CULTURE DAY JANUARY 22 The city’s cultural institutes celebrate Hungarian Culture Day with special events.

10 TH TOURIST GUIDES’ DAY MARCH 7 For World Tourist Guides’ Day free guided tours around the city are organised to show hidden features and secrets that do not meet the eye on ordinary days. Organisers: The Pécs-Baranya Tourist Guide and National Tour Guide Non-Profit Company, Pécs Cultural Centre

EASTER OUTSIDE THE THEATRE APRIL 6-9 This folk art event for children is an Easter Week tradition in Pécs’s inner city. Over the four days the folk customs associated with Easter come to life, there are productions by Pécs’s puppet companies, displays of egg-painting, a crafts fair and community dances by Pécs’s primary schools’ dancers. Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre


WORLD MUSEUM DAY M AY 1 7 On this day the museums offer a variety of events connected with the Pécs Museum Collections and the exhibitions can be visited free of charge. Organiser: Baranya County Museums Directorate

ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF HANDICR AFTS IN THE CARPATHIAN BASIN M AY 2 9 - J U N E 1 One main event of the Promenade is the Whitsuntide Fair, held on May 30-31, in which the handicraftsmen and –women display their skills and offer their wares. Whitsun folk customs are brought to life with the help of children’s dance groups, puppeteers, folk music groups and tradition-bearing wind bands. The yesteryear bustle of the fair is brought to life with stilt walkers, fairground entertainers and street comedians. A conference of the master craftsmen’s skills past and present and an exhibition will be held in the Cathedral Museum. Organisers: Pécs-Baranya Chamber for Handicrafts and Industry, Baranya County Museums Directorate, Pécs Cultural Centre, Pécs University and the Pécs Bishopric. Main Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre


ZSOLNAY OPEN DAY JUNE 27 AND SEPTEMBER 19 Visitors can visit the listed factory courtyard buildings decorated with pyrogranite, the fountains and the sculptures. Guided tour groups depart continuously from the factory’s southern (37, Zsolnay St.) and the northern (72, Felsővámház St.) entrances between 9.00 and 13.00.

MUSEUM NIGHT JUNE 27 Today the museum collections are open to visitors in the evening hours, giving a special atmosphere to your visit together with the special events organised for the occasion. Concerts, literary evenings and children’s events in the gardens of the historic buildings of “Museum Street” (Káptalan St.) will complement presentations of art exhibitions by museum experts. Organiser: Baranya County Museums Directorate


SEPTEMBER 19-20 All over the country, on the third weekend of September, hundreds of public buildings, libraries, cultural centres, monuments and residences will be open to the public. A number of Pécs’s buildings have joined he series of events.: the museums, the Pécs/Sopianae Heritage Nonprofit Kft., Pécs Cultural Centre, Baranya County Centre for Culture and Tourism and many others.


WORKS-MUSIC-PICTURES OCTOBER 1-3 On the occasion of World Music Day we have called together to a variety of the city’s venues young creators and performers of music, fine and photographic art, literature and dance. Organiser: PÊcs Cultural Centre


OCTOBER 9-16 The one-week series of events runs along two lines. On the one, the construction of economic and partnership relations, while on the other cultural events: concerts, photographic exhibition, a conference, a competition, forums and gastronomic events. Organiser: Baranya-Cheshire-Warrington Non-profit organisation for the Development of English-Hungarian Relations.


PÉCS ADVENT DECEMBER 6-22 A chance to hear the actors, musicians and choirs of Pécs in this advent programme in the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul. Meanwhile the aroma of mulled wine and pastry horns tempts the passers-by. Organiser: Diocesan Events Organiser and Programme Office


DECEMBER 12-13 A display of the best wines of the region and Baranya County, new wines tasting contest, the art of wine-tasting, literary and musical evenings, wine-tastings with entertainment. Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre


DECEMBER 29 Bóbita Puppet Theatre bids farewell to the Old Year in programmes for both young and old. Morning and afternoon events for children – puppet performances, a play-house, fun park, handicraft activities – while in the evening guests are treated to an adult production and a concert. Organiser: Bóbita Puppet Theatre


BAR ANYA GYPSIES SPRING FESTIVAL APRIL 10-11 8th Baranya general knowledge quiz. Finals and gala. The Award for Services in Aid of the Gypsies of Pécs, charity concert. Organiser: Cultural and Public Educational Association for Gypsies

WHITSUNTIDE GALA M AY 3 1 To date, the Nikolaus Lenau Society for Public Education has organised more than 20 Whitsun Gala performances in Pécs, in which Hungary’s best ethnic German soloists, groups, choirs and dance ensembles take the stage and provide a taste of the Swabian cultural heritage. Organiser: Nikolaus Lenau Society for Public Education


PROMENADE CONCERTS IN THE INNER CITY JUNE 7 - AUGUST 30 These summer Sunday evenings call forth a real fin-de-siecle atmosphere when the best of the region’s wind groups, among them some famous concert wind orchestras, give open-air concerts. In this event series the area’s miners’, firemen’s, municipal and German minority wind bands assist in preserving this veneered part of the musical heritage of the early 20th century. Organisers: Pécs German Local Authority, Pécs Cultural Centre

FOLK DANCE EVENINGS IN THE INNER CITY JUNE 10 - AUGUST 26 The dancing house tradition has been present in Pécs since the mid-1970s. Since 1997 this has been continued with a series of programmes which nurture through integration the Hungarian ethnographic groups and the minorities living in Pécs, Baranya and the region, as well as the dancing heritage of European and occasionally more distant peoples. The dancing houses are a truly intercultural milieu, creating an effervescent summer evening atmosphere every Wednesday on Theatre Square. Organiser: Pécs Cultural Centre


GYPSY LEGACIES JUNE 2-6 A Gypsy Whitsuntide, open-air Mass, a conference and the first performance of the Gypsy Passion come together In this suburban festival and youth meeting, as well as the regional final of the Dancing Land folklore festival. Organiser: Social and Educational Methodological Centre for Gypsies

PÉCS CROATIAN DAY JUNE 14 You can see open-air displays by amateur folk dance and music groups and an art exhibition at this, the most attended and popular event of the Croatians living in the region. Organiser: August Šenoa Croatian Club of the Pécs Cultural Centre

WELCOME, GENTLE GUEST! – CROATIAN DAY SEPTEMBER 19 For the 14th time the tradition-bearing dancers and musicians of the Croatian-speaking territories of the neighbouring countries meet together. Organiser: Tanac Cultural Society


PÉCS NATIONAL THEATRE New performances: Main theatre Zsolt Pozsgai – Tibor Nagy – Iván Bradányi: The Kid – musical, Director: Tamás Balikó Arthur Miller: The Crucible - drama in two parts, Director: János Mohácsi Maurice Ravel – Balázs Vincze: Bolero / Carl Orff – István Herczog: Carmina Burana – ballet Otto Nicolai: The Merry Wives of Windsor – opera, Director: Attila Toronykőy Thomas Vintenberg – Mogens Rukov – Bo Hansen: The Celebration – drama, Director: Imre Csiszár Viktor Jacobi: The Marriage Market – operetta Chamber Theatre Bertolt Brecht – Kurt Weill: Threepenny Opera – 3 pinchpenny opera in 2 parts, Director: Attila Béres Zoltán Egressy: Portugal – tragicomedy Carlo Goldoni: The Liar – buffoonery, Director: Iván Funk Chamber ballet Other performances: Mihály Eisemann – Károly Nóti – István Zágon: Hippolyt, the Butler – musical comedy, Director: Tamás Balikó Ferenc Sánta – Kornél Hamvai: The Fifth Seal – play, Director: Tamás Balikó Georges Feydeau: Le Dindon (The Turkey) – buffoonery, Director: Attila Béres Jacques Offenbach: Hoffmann’s Tales – opera, Director: Imre Halasi Balázs Vincze: Spartacus 2076 - ballet, director-choreographer: Balázs Vincze István Mohácsi – János Mohácsi: The Imaginary Invalid – comedy, Director: János Mohácsi Katalin Vajda: Lovers of Ancona – musical comedy, Director: Tamás Balikó


PÉCS THIRD THEATRE Own productions: Lajos Parti Nagy: The Ibusár Stop - Director: János Vincze Zoltán Egressy: Portugal – tragicomedy - Director: János Vincze Ágnes Nemes Nagy – Zoltán Bókay: Aunty Bors – musical adventure in one part - Director: Zsolt Steiner Guest productions F.G. Lorca: The Home of Bernarda Alba – drama A production by the Novi Sad Theatre Director: Radoslav Milenkoviæ The Wonder – Play based upon Tamási’s The Singing Bird Sepsiszentgyörgy Áron Tamási Theatre Director: László Bocsárdi István Tasnádi: Hungarian on the Moon – comedy A performance by the Tatabányai Mari Jászai Theatre and Kamara Savaria Director: Árpád Árkosi Other performances: György Spiró: Prah – comedy György Spiró: Quartet – comedy Zoltán Egressy: Sorrel and Chips – tragicomedy István Örkény: The Tóts – tragicomedy The Two Faces of Piaf – chansons and glimpses into the life of Edith Piaf Katalin Thuróczy – Zoltán Papp: Keszekusza – musical ecotale drama Andor Szilágyi: Oleander and Flax Petals – love story Frank L. Braun – Zoltán Bókay: The Wizard of Oz – musical story


JANUS UNIVERSITY THEATRE Schiller: Intrigue and Love - Director: János Mikuli Jarry: Ubu In Chains - Director: Imre Katona István Örkény: Steve in the Storm of Blood - Director: János Mikuli Plautus: ‘Miles Gloriosus’ - Director: András Ernő Tóth I.L. Caragiale: The Lost Letter - Director: János Mikuli Dürenmatt: The Great Romulus - Director: János Mikuli

PÉCS CROATIAN THEATRE New performances Tahir Mujièiæ: Goldoni & Gozzi play – comedy, Director: János Szikora Josip Cveniæ: Sex and Hunger - play, Director: Zoran Mužæ Mavro Vetranoviæ – Vajmil Rabadan: Star of Bethlehem, Director: István Filákovity Anton Pavlovics Chekhov: My Roses Bloom Beautifully – the story of the love between Chekhov and Olga Knjipper – a performance in Hungarian, Director: József Bodonyi Other performances N. Gernet – T. Gurewicz – D. Foretic: The Muddy Duckling – play for children, Director: Petar Surkalovic S. Mrožek: Emigrees – drama, Director: Zelimir Oreskovic E. Kishon: Marriage License – comedy, Director: Robert Raponja Karagiæ: The Honest Cheat – popular drama, Director: László Bagossy Sr.


BÓBITA PUPPET THEATRE New productions László Galuska: Markalf, Lord of Dreams - Director: Kata Csató The Three Little Pigs and the Wolf – adapted for the stage by Viktória Nagy and Jankó Schneider A Christmas Tale - Dramaturg-Director: Tamás Boglári János Arany: The Devil of Jóka - Director: Gábor Sramó An Tale of Adventure in Fairytale Land Children can play with the characters in the stories recognised from the Bóbita stage. The storyline takes you to the scene of seven different stories in the Fairyland set up in the open air. Other performances György Schwajda: Matty the Gooseherd - Director: Jankó Schneider Katalin Varga - Ilona Szász: Wishy Washy’s Laundry – The Fox Fairy - Director: Gábor Sramó Dóra Gimesi: The Palace of the Dragon King – oriental tales - Director: Ágnes Kuthy György Fábián: When I Was a Little Girl - Director: Rita Bartal Kiss The Brothers Grimm – Tibor Zalán: King Thrush-Beard - Director: Ágnes Kuthy Limitlessly – light and shadow play for the over 14s, directed by Peter and Zsenya Pasov


KERESZTHUZAT COMPANY: NO NEWS M AY 1 8 A N D 2 5 The KeresztHuzat Company will perform No News, a musical-theatrical improvisation based upon Örkény’s OneMinute Stories, on five occasions at Pécs’s World Heritage Site, the Cella Septichora Visitors Centre The actors direct attention to the physical cultural heritage and extend an intellectual experience to every generation, but expressly it will be the thinkers of the future, secondary-school pupils and university students, who will be touched by the strength of art. Director: Richárd Büki

BASIS PROJECT – LET’S FILL THE EMPTY SPACES! FROM JUNE The project seeks out alternative functions for empty buildings – the Zsolnay Factory, the Amusement Park, the Coal Control Building etc. – and public spaces in Pécs, forms a self-organising, active creative circle for Pécs, nurtures a new generation in cultural life, creates meeting places for young creative minds and groups, redefines and destroys the divisions between the various branches of the arts and presents to the public new expressions of theatre and art. Organiser: Empty Space Theatrical Society


CENTR AL EUROPEAN TOUR OF THE LAPTOPORCHESTER BERLIN APRIL 14 Laptoporchester Berlin is Europe’s first audiovisual laptop ensemble. The artists use notebooks as musical instruments. With the assistance of Contemporary Audio-Art the orchestra interprets or deconstructs works of various genres. Their tour takes them to Ústi nad Labem, Pécs, Osijek and Plovdiv. Organiser: Nikolaus Lenau Association for Public Education ,

PANNON PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTR A– PÉCS CONCERTS Ethos et Spiritus The discarded telephone receiver that symbolises this season turns our attention to the necessity of withdrawing from the noise of the world, of looking inwardly at ourselves. Of hearing what is really important. We trust that our evenings together filled with music will help you to enjoy an even more fulfilled life. The Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra takes to the sage with such conductors as Zsolt Hamar, Zoltán Kocsis, Gergely Ménesi, Christian Gansch and Howard Griffiths, with guests performers Sharon Kam – clarinet, Attila Fekete – voice, Xavier de Maistre – harp, Ildikó E. Janzsó – cello. The vocal ensembles After Crying and UniCum Laude appear in the Cross-over production and there will be a concert with the Amadinda percussion group. In the series of events celebrating the millennium of the Pécs Bishopric Davor Bobiæ’s Isaiah Passion (world premiere) will be performed in the Basilica and afterwards in a number of Croatian towns.


The Help! Serious music! season ticket concerts are for all those who are not familiar with serious music but are open to getting to know it. The orchestra has open rehearsals in front of the public while conductor Zsolt Hamar and moderator Csaba László introduce the audience to the not-so-serious secrets of serious music in an entertaining fashion. This series of concerts held in the great hall of the Apáczai Education Centre is primarily for families. In the “Give Ear” in the Cella Septichora the public can meet and talk with the conductors and soloists. Detailed information about the events can be found on the orchestra’s website and leaflets. Organiser: Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra – Pécs

CONCERTS ORGANISED BY THE FILHARMÓNIA DÉL-DUNÁNTÚLI KHT. The Budapest Festival Orchestra (Conductor: Iván Fischer), the Orfeo Orchestra and the Purcell Choir (Conductor: György Vashegyi), the Orchestra of the Budapest Philharmonic Society (Conductor: János Kovács), the National Philharmonic Orchestra (Conductor: Zoltán Kocsis) and the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra (Conductor: Stephen D’Agostino) perform at these “Mester” season ticket holders concerts, with ranking soloists Akiko Suwanai – violin, Ildikó Komlósi, Eszter Sümegi and others. In the spring and autumn concert series Csaba Király performs all of Schubert’s and Haydn’s most important piano sonatas, while the Bartók String Quartet, Béla Drahos, Jenő Jandó and others perform at the solo evenings. For children there is a Haydn memorial programme, an introduction to the organ and Szélkiáltó’s Vers és dallam (Poem and Tune) performance. Organiser: Filharmónia Dél-dunántúli Kht.


SZÉLKIÁLTÓ’S 35 TH BIRTHDAY CONCERT NOVEMBER 9 Csokonai-Award winners, Pécs’s Szélkiáltó celebrate their 35th anniversary with a large-scale jubilee concert. Their guests will be those performers with whom they have performed and worked over their long career.


ART – ART EDUCATION – THE PAINTER FERENC LANTOS IS 80 YEARS OLD FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 15 The city of Pécs and all those familiar with his work celebrate the artist in a series of exhibitions and an academic conference on art. The exhibition of selected works by Ferenc Lantos provides the nucleus for the astonishing happenings in following which we can acquaint ourselves with the way of thinking that has raised the master to one of the most important creative lights of our age. Organiser: Parti Gallery, ANK Ferenc Martyn Free Art School, Pécs Gallery, Közelítés Arts Association

WORLD PRESS PHOTOGR APHIC EXHIBITION APRIL 8-29 The Cella Septichora is the final stop of the world tour of the World Press Photo 2008 exhibition. The exhibition displays the prize-winning works of the world’s biggest and most prestigious press-photo competition. Organiser: Pécs/Sopianae Heritage Nonprofit Kft.

YOUNG CONTEMPOR ARY POSITIONS M AY 8 - 3 1 Radically critical contemporary art unceasingly reflects upon social reality and everyday provoked situations. The initiative presents works by the young Hungarian generation of artists that criticise and judge the society which reflects the reality surrounding us. Following the exhibition in the Zsolnay Factory the works will be displayed in September in the Jeune Création Européenne (Montrouge, France). Organiser: Ferenc Martyn Foundation for the Education of Free Art



(IN)DIFFERENCE – INTERNATIONAL MEDIA ART EXHIBITION M AY 5 - J U N E 2 The exhibition brings together the photographic and video work and installations of Hungarian artists (mostly from Pécs) and those of the Ruhr (mainly Dortmund and Essen). The works in the photo exhibition are by young artists who are either studying or have graduated from the Arts Faculty of Pécs University, the Budapest University of Fine Art and the Photography Dept. of the Dortmund Art Conservatory, while the videos and installations are the invited works of artists from Hungary and the Ruhr region. Organiser: Hajnal Szolga

THE POWER OF COLOUR – A CHANGE OF PACE J U N E 1 0 - J U LY 1 0 The expression of the monumental strength of painting, works by present and past students who have stepped beyond the bounds of a doctoral school with their large-scale plane and coloured spatial creations. Open consultations with themes related to the works: the relation between the physical environment and colour, the relation between particular open spaces of Pécs and other European locations and colour, the relationship between the coloured, painted surface and present-day art. The Exhibition will take place in the Zsolnay factory. Organiser: Arts Faculty, Pécs University


PÉCS GALLERY January 14 – February 13 Exhibition of the works of sculptor István Böszörményi (Pécs) January 23 - February 15 DLA 2005-2008 – Exhibition of master work February 20 - March 15 80 years old! – Exhibition of the works of Ferenc Lantos (Pécs), Munkácsy Award-winning painter March 20 - April 11 Joint Exhibition of the works of painters János Dréher and H. Zsigmond Serényi (Budapest) April 17 - May 10 Exhibition: János Nádasdy (Hanover), artist May 15 - June 6 Presentation of the works of Pécs University Faculty of Arts Master Class DLA students June 8 - June 21 POSZT – All the World’s a Stage! – Painters’ Contest and Exhibition July 10 - August 2 Exhibition of the works of Ferenczy Award-winning ceramist Sándor Molnár (Pécs) We wish the artist a happy 60th birthday September 1-28 Zsolnay – pARTly different October 2-25 Contemporary Hungarian Photography 2009

PÉCS KISGALÉRIA (SMALL GALLERY) May 8–31 József GYÉCSEK (Szentgotthárd), painter June 5–28 Barna BENEDEK, Linda ARTS, Ditty KETTING, András WOLSKY (Pécs-Tilburg-Rotterdam-Budapest), painters July 31 – August 23 Exhibition of the works of graphics artist Kari Piippo (Finland) September 25 – October 18 (In the Várfok Gallery) Exhibition of the works of the painter Endre Rozsda (1913-1999, Paris) Organiser: Pécs Galéria and Workshop for Visual Art


HATTYÚHÁZ EXHIBITION HALL Until January 15 “Little Warsaw” art group January 25 - February 16 Exhibition, Katarina Rothers and József Szolnoki February 20 - March 15 Graphic work of Ferenc Lantos (within the framework of the Lantos lifework exhibition) March 19 - April 15 Exhibition of the works of Károly Hopp-Halász, Munkácsy Award winning artist April 23 - May 15 Temporary city (MédiaGyár 2009) May 20 - June 15 Exhibition of German Contemporary Art: Dresden, Munich, Ruhr Region June 18 - July 15 Diploma work of Pécs University Art Faculty students July 20 - August 20 “Mecseki anzix” – membership in focus September 10 - October 5 Exhibition of the works of Munkácsy Award-winning artist László Valkó October Exhibition of Contemporary Serbian Art November–December Exhibition of the photographic artist Chantal Maes (Brussels) Közelítés Mûvészeti Society

BAR ANYA COUNTY MUSEUMS DIRECTOR ATE JANUS PANNONIUS MUSEUM The Janus Pannonius Museum is one of Hungary’s most important set of museum collections. Its first permanent display was opened in 1904, and at present it nurtures the five most important branches of the museum profession. Its collections, exhibitions and related publications are cared for by the professional staff of the departments of archaeology, ethnography, modern and contemporary history and fine and applied arts. Our aim is the collection, preservation, scientific cataloguing and display of the sources and material world of past ages. Pécs exhibition sites: Archaeology Museum, Museum of Roman stonework finds, Renaissance Museum of Stonework Finds, City History Museum, Natural History Museum, Ethnographic Exhibition, Mecsek Mining Exhibition, the Mosque of Jakovali Hassani, the Csontváry Museum, the Gallery of Modern Hungarian Art I, 1890-1950 and the Gallery of Modern Hungarian Art II, 1955-2001, the Vasarely Museum, the Exhibition of Zsolnay Ceramics and Erzsébet Schaár: Utca (“Street”)


WORLD HERITAGE MUSEUMS, PERMANENT EXHIBITIONS Archaeological work on the city and cemetery of Sopianae (Roman Pécs) has a centuries-long history. In the 4th century the city community erected a significant number of grave structures in the old cemetery. The size and wealth of these memorials are outstanding, and the tombs, crypts and chapels are both architecturally and artistically unrivalled works which have formed a part of the UNESCO World Heritage since 2000. In the spring of 2007, thanks to a European Union project, the Cella Septichora Visitors Centre was opened which, with the opening up of the catacombs, one can view in this underground archaeological site the newly excavated Cella Septichora – (seven-arched chapel), the Pitcher crypt, the Peter-Paul crypt, the octagonal sepulchral chapel and the numbered crypts III, IV, XIX and XX. The entrance to the Visitors Centre can be found on the upper promenade of St. Stephen’s Square (Szent István tér). The Early Christian Mausoleum, the largest of the painted sepulchral structures, can be approached via a separate entrance nearby in St. Stephen’s Square.

THE SEVEN ARCHES OR SEPTEM ARTES LIBER ALES PROJECT ALL-YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMME SERIES The Cella Septichora, a seven-arched structure with a unique ground plan, is one of Pannonia’s most important sacred buildings, being constructed upon numerical symbolism. In this, the year of religious culture, we connect the two-thousand-year history of the city with innovation in art. In the spirit of Septem Artes Liberales we open the “hidden treasures” of Pécs to art that knows no limits, is fresh and improvisitive in nature, in order to leave a mark on the arenas of the new community. Organiser: Pécs/Sopianae Heritage Nonprofit Kft.


FISHING ON ORFŰ JUNE 18-20 The second time that the “Fishing on Orfû” alternative light music festival has been held. The three-day event takes place on the Orfû Panoráma Camp Site. Some 80 bands will perform on the 3 large and several smaller stages. (Kistehén Dance Band, Vad Fruttik, Bori Péterfy and the Love Band, Kispál és a Borz, Kaukázus, Quimby, etc.) Besides the concerts there will be all-day open-air events and a talent contest is also planned. Organiser: Fishing on Orfû Kft.

7 TH INTERNATIONAL BLUEGR ASS AND ACOUSTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL J U LY 3 1 - A U G U S T 2 - A B A L I G E T, O P E N - A I R S T A G E The event is mainly all about the bluegrass style, but some 20 bands and performers will be performing a number of other genres – acoustic blues, country, folk. Apart from the concerts performed on the Abaliget open-air stage each evening the festival-goers can take part in communal music-making, forums, exchanges of experience and workshops. Organiser: Abaliget Parish Council


DEVIL’S CAULDRON FESTIVAL AUGUST 5-9 “If one person dreams, that’s just a dream, but if a number all dream at the same time, that’s the beginning of reality.” (Hundertwassert) The BÁRKA Theatre, with the aid of Pécs and other Baranya institutions, has discovered a new port to drop anchor at in the Southern Transdanubian Mediterraneum, in the Devil’s Dyke lying between Villány and Nagyharsány. After last year’s great success, in 2009 we await cauldron dwellers to 5 days of quality, combined arts events. There is a good likelihood that the Devil’s Cauldron Festival will become a place of pilgrimage for the arts and of course for lovers of good wine. And as Lajos Nagy Párti said in his festival welcome laudation, “The pilot wishes you all good entertainment, and the Bárka a good harbour for many years to come, for it’s not enough to voyage, it is also necessary to anchor. Organiser: Bárka Kht.

4TH INTERNATIONAL WIND MUSIC CONVENTION AUGUST 20-22 Since 2006 the Fekete Gyémánt Fúvószenekarért Egyesület (Society in aid of Black Diamonds Wind Orchestra) has been consciously preparing for the 2010 Cultural Capital of Europe programme. In 2009, for the fourth occasion, the convention has swollen in numbers and venues, gradually raising the artistic level. German, Austrian, Polish, Slovakian, Serbian, Croatian and Hungarian bands will participate in the programme, performing before the public in Pécs, Bogád, Pereked, Mánfa, Magyarhertelend, Pécsvárad and Romonya. Organiser: Cultural Non-Profit Society in aid of the Black Diamonds Wind Orchestra


JANUARY January January January January

14 22 23 25

- February 13 Exhibition of sculptures by István Böszörményi Hungarian Culture Day - February 15 DLA 2005-2008 – Exhibition of master work - February 16 Exhibition, Katarina Rothers & József Szolnoki

April April April April April April

17 - May 10 Exhibition, János Nádasdy, artist 18 Easter Gala Concert 21 Church History Conference in Pécs 22-25 Pécs University Days 23 - May 15 Media Factory 2009 (Temporary City) 25 10th Pécs Schoolchildren’s Film Festival



February 20 - March 15 Exhibition of the painter Ferenc Lantos is 80 years old

May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May

MARCH March March March March March March March March March March

7 10th Tourist Guides’ Day 15 - April 7 Pécs Spring Festival 16-21 17th Francophone Week 19 - April 15 Exhibition of the works of Károly Hopp-Halász 19-22 20th French Theatre-Playing Festival 20 Religions in Africa – African belief systems 20 - April 11 Exhibition, János Dréher & Zsigmond H. Serényi 20-21 3rd International Jazz Weekend 23 The Holy Sacrament (London Baroque & Julia Gooding) 25 Music of the Lost World

APRIL April April April April April April April April April April April

1 - December 31 City of Organs 3 Borges: The Gospel of St. Mark 3 - June 27 Easter Ornamental Wonders 3-5 Bartók and Kodály Workshop with Pécs choirs 3 Dedicatio Ecclesiae 6-9 Easter outside the Theatre 7 J. Haydn: Stabat Mater (Graz Boys’ Choir) 8-29 World Press Photographic Exhibition 10-11 Baranya Gypsies Spring Festival 14 Central European tour of the Laptoporchester Berlin 16-19 National Student Theatrical Festival

1-2 Batta Dem 2009 3rd Pécs International Reggae Festival 3 Boundless Mysterium 4-8. 10th Ibero-American Week 5 - June 2 (IN)difference – International Media Art Exhibition 6-9 Plan 2009 Science Fiction Festival and Symposium 8-31 Young Contemporary Positions 8-31 Exhibition of József GYÉCSEK , painter 15 - June 6 Presentation of the artworks of DLA students 17 World Museum Day 18 and 25 KeresztHuzat Company: No News 20 - June 15 Exhibition of German Contemporary Art 20-23 Pécs Literature Festival 28 - June 1 Chamber Choir Competition & Symposium of Sacred Music 28-30 Pécs Folk Days International Folk Music Festival 29 - June 1. One Thousand Years of Handicrafts in the Carpathian Basin 31 Whitsuntide Gala - September Püspökvár Musical Evenings

JUNE June June June June June June June June June

2-6 Gypsy Legacies 4-13 9th POSZT – Pécs National Theatrical Convention 5-28 Barna BENEDEK, Linda ARTS, Ditty KETTING, András WOLSKY 7 - August 30 Promenade Concerts in the Inner City 8-21 POSZT – All the World’s a Stage! – Painters’ Contest 10 - July 10 The Power of Colour – A Change of Pace 10 - August 26 Folk Dance Evenings in the Inner City 13-21 Promenade Festival 14 Pécs Croatian Day


June June June June June June June June June June

15 - August 15 Pécs Open-Air Plays 18 - July 15 Diploma work of Pécs University Art Faculty students 18-20 Fishing on Orfű 18-20 Pécs Ars GEometrica 2009 26-27 3rd Folk & Roll Festival and Musical Traditions Event 27-29 Peter-Paul Days 27 Museum Night 27 and September 19 Zsolnay Open Day Synoptic 2009 Visionaudial Art Meeting Basis project – Let’s Fill the Empty Spaces!

JULY July 6-12 Rock marathon July 10 - August 2 Exhibition, ceramist Sándor Molnár July 18-26 ICWIP – International Cultural Week in Pécs July 20 - August 20 “Mecseki anzix” – membership in focus July 25 - August 1 Operalia – The World Opera Competition July 31 - August 23 Exhibition, graphics artist Kari Piippo July 31 - August 2 7th International Bluegrass and Acoustic Music Festival

AUGUST August August August August August

5-9 Devil’s Cauldron Festival 20-22 4th International Wind Music Convention 20-22 Festival with a Mediterranean Feel 20-23 Saint Stephen’s Days T. S. Eliot: Murder in the Cathedral

SEPTEMBER September September September September September September

1-28 Zsolnay – pARTly different 6-13 3rd Festival of Sacred Music 10 - October 5. Exhibition, artist László Valkó 11-13 Jazz Contact 17-27 Heritage Festival – Pécs Days 19-20 Cultural Heritage Days

September September September September

19 Welcome, gentle guest! – Croatian Day 22-26 Pécs International Dance Meeting 25 - October 18 Exhibition, painter Endre Rozsda 25-27 14th European Festival of Convivial Song

OCTOBER October October October October October October October October

1-3 Works-Music-Pictures 1 - November 15 Museums Autumn Festival 2-25 Contemporary Hungarian Photography 2009 6-13 Moveast 5th International Film Festival 9-16 12th British Days 16-17 Osijek-Novi Sad-Pécs Jazz Bridge 23-25 Taizé Convention in Pécs Exhibition of Contemporary Serbian Art

NOVEMBER November November November November

5-7 East-West Passage 2009 9 35th birthday concert of Szélkiáltó International Studio Theatre Festival - December Exhibition of the photographic artist Chantal Maes

DECEMBER December 6-22 Pécs Advent December 12-13 The Magic of St. Lucy’s Day December 29 15th Winged Pig Day


Photos: Károly Csonka, Csaba Gyarmati, Norbert Horváth, Lajos Kalmár, Ferenc Kálmándy, László Körtvélyesi, Pesti András, László Simara, László Tóth Graphic design: Print: Pécs Partners Ltd. Edited by: Pécs Cultural Centre Translation: Andrew Clifford Rouse Published by: Mayor’s Office of Pécs, Pécs2010 Management Centre Nonprofit Ltd.



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