Incredible english 2 class book

Page 1


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1.1 Listen ond soy who. Listen qnd sing the song.

0uqot@tto \trIXr,0{t0}O 1$-ttDtl,t9t 6

Mr Fixit




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:: :it'll :i,:r '-::rl , i:i ::r '

6 Listen ond sing the song. 'r)r's

Hello,what'syour name? Hello,comeand playl Hello,don't be shyl Comeand be myfriend!



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Nfecrsuring ;7 Listen ond sqy the chqnt. ".ir.s

t Reod ond say who.


29- Martin 28 27 26 25 24 23 2221 2019181716151413 12 11 10-

l'm 1 metre 14centimetres.

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l'm 1 metre 8 centimetres.

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Mqke o number gome.

t'm 1 metre 29 centimetres.

Co\our' l'm 1 metre 21centimetres.


Cut ou t. *

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.:.,, 9 .-. -. .

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10 Find pairs of words thot stqrt the sqme.

'v t 1i


r 1l Listen qnd find. Listen qnd sing the song.

r--l [:


, cushion

e utrltrcleird

' r:hcrir_1

, hed

Lookat the book abouthamsters.


Books canhelp.

Hello,Harry! 4 Some or different?

v Oh,no.Whereis he?

g tshein thecupboardz

tshe underthechair? No!


tookat the book abouthamsters. Mumcanhelp.

ls he underthebed? No !


5 Listen ond find. Say the number. 'r)

Bm 6 Listen ond soy the chant. 't))

Bigbooks,smallbooks, gookson the shelf! Books arefun, gooks canhelp!


Roorns in qrt 7 Listen, find and sqy. .r)


Raormin grooklyn Edward Hopper

9 Moke a colloge.


Model with unfinished self-portrait copyright David Hockney

8 Reod, look ond find the mistqkes. Picture 1: The room is blue. It's got o block window. It's got 0 bed ond o smoll toble. It's got 6 pictures. Picture 2: It's got o smoll tqble. It's got o vose. It's got ct mirror. Picture3: It's got o bed. It's got crrug. It's got 3 voses.It's got o big toble ond o smqll toble.


Write. if''t1(-

10 Find the odd one out.



g g al









""".i nl ill Listen ond find. Listen ond sing the song.


skipping rope





tr@ :dr

-\ l/a -Vr.


1oand play,Norton.

Nowshe'sgot a kite,too! got a veryspecial kite! She's


+ Find and soy who. V

Go and play,Norton.

Look,it's Poppy. got a scooter! She's A newscooterl

Oh,it's Bing. He'sgot a skateboardt

g I wantto playt

Nowshe'sgot a kite,tool

kite! She'sgot a veryspecial

D Listen and soy the chqnt. 'Dr.z+ l'

I likeskipping,


1 , 2 , 3!

i' r;

I want Lucy ln with met

) \

/ a)







g'l t* Bflf*' llh, .


Lvtcy, Goodbye, Waveat mel Goodbye, Lutcy, 1, 2 , 3!

Venn diograrns 7 Listen qnd find. .tt)rze helicopter "


9 Mqke o Venn diogrom. Diogrom 2


green toys

,.- ,"8




Reod, find ond sqy.


Toyswith two ryneels.;& Toyswith four wheels.'.i Greentoys with two wheels.


Redtoys with four wheels. \

10 Find 3 words thqt stort the sqme.


A ."9'




/\i rhe yvl)tjli-re ?s-:,'l: r'zz Listen ond find' 'D) Listen qnd soy the chont. '$ tze

Let'splaya game! It can can

ls it a bat? can'tfly. It'sbrown.Whatisit?

I know!ft'sa monkey. Canyou talk?

Monkey canyou talk likeme? Canyourun andwalklikeme? Canyoujump andclimba tree?


It'sred... andgreen... andyellow.



Canit flyzls it a parrot?


No! ft's Mr Fixit!


took in the kit!

I Some or different? V

I know!lt's o monkey.



Lookin the kit! It canclimb. It can'tfly. It'sbrown.

It'sa zebra. Canyou talkz

Canit talk?ls it a parrot?

Listen qnd soy.


Our visit toThe U)iutife Park





a li on C a n S d im .

Tnter€sting laetz

a parrot can't sulim'

can it fly?

Int€r€sting faetz a giraf$e cdn'+sulim.

Canit swim? C anit c limb? I don't know.

A p e ng ui n?

I tt t

\l ll v

r rr : \ '- r



Interesting faetz a penguin ean't fl!.

Tnt€r€sting (actt a snake can\ ru^.

6 Listen ond sing the song. 'l)t'ss



Themonkeysays 'Lookcarefully.' Canyou do this? Canyou do this? I can, I can't, Andthat'sOK. I c an , I can't, we all canplayt




t' & y'

Drqwing 7 Listen ond find. .r)


Draw a pengurn.

Drorru the wing5,


beok, egesond feet. \ \

I Reod and find. t e**-'

1 My porrot hos got o green toil ond red wings.


My porrot has got yellow wings ond o greenheod. My porrot hos got o red heod ond on orongebeok.



My parrot hqs got o blue toil ond o yellow beqk. Write'

10 Find the odd one out.



ri J

Listen ond find.


Listen ond sing the song.

r. 3 6


shorpeners morbles

Weneedfelt tips. CanI havesix felttips,please?

Balloons! Weneedballoons! CanI haveten balfoons,please?


Yellow, red, greenand blue, felttips,badges, stickers, too!

Surprise!Happy Birthday!

Whata lovelysurprise! Thankyou,everybody! + Find ond soy who.

ry took- balloonst

W CanI haveser/en badges,please?

Lotsof balloons!

W{ oh,dear.No balloons ffr! ry tookin thekitlLookin thekitt W whata lovelysurpriset

BaffoonslWeneedballoonst please? CanI havetenballoons,


Listen qnd say the number.


r 3e

6 Listen qnd sing the song. r)

Let'smakea cardforMum. Yes,OK! Let'smakea cardfor nlum. Yes,OK!

Let'smakea cardandsay 'Hopeyouhavea happyday'. Let'smakea cardfor Mum. Yes,OK!

o oo

oo o


oo C)

oo o


t) -(



Listen qnd find.

Reod qnd sqy Yes or No.


L2 (pounds)

f,l (pound)



ffi :.{@



@ Z Con she buy o bodge?

9 Moke some coins.


i :t:r'

-a'] "

.. t:Y ':itt" .l- , J-ifr.

3 Con he buy stickers?

Con she buy crshorpener?

5 Con he buy o keYring?


10 Find pairs of words thot stort the sqme.







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- IJt-rlci-ui-r-rle

2.r Listen and find. .i!:r Listen qnd sing the song. tiiz'z



Look!A flsh!

' l. t



r \(//

Doyou likeflsh,

Yes,I foveflsh.

Mr Fixit?

welldone,Titch. 4 Some or different?



No,thankyou. I don'tlikeeggs.


I likecheese.

Never mind. ,-et's now. havethesandwiches )o youwanta cheese sandwich?


eggfor me,please!


Doyou liketuna, Mr Fixit?


Yes,I lovebread.

z.s 5 Listen ond find. 'tt)

6 Listen ond sing the song. 'tt)z.e

Eggsand cheese for lunchtoday, Eggsand cheese for lunchtoday, Eggsand cheese for lunchtoday, I'm tryingsomething newtodayl






Listen ond find. Say





_{ f


Reod qnd find.

1 2 3 4

Moke o food colloge.

My meol hos got meot ond vegetobles. My meol hos got fish, vegetoblesond fruit. My meol hos got fruit ond doiry. My meal hos got cereol,vegetobles and doiry. .



picture. _:nd -o. Y\.



/Gi -":'r'/!t:-t

Cut out.


rz \y



10 Find the odd one out.



-*f F"J d{ ,*d"

Listen ond find. zs Listen qnd soy the chqnt.




I lovefairst Doyou like


Music,hot dogs Rides andfun Something here Foreveryone!

Areyou hungryZ Areyou thirsLy?

I don't likefairs.

Wow!lt's fantastic!

oh, no.I'm scaredl. I don'tfikethis!


-rokin the kit,mitch oh, fook!

Thankyou,Mr Fixit!

\re you happynow,lrttitchZ + Find qnd soy who Doyou like fairs, Mitch?



I'm dizzy.I don'tfikethis.

Ef *o*! ft's fantastic!


g I don't likefairs.

Thankyou,Mr Fixit! It'sgreat!

Areyou happynow,Mitch?

z-rs 5 Listen qnd soy the number. 'D)

What'sthe matter? Areyou sleepy?


z.ts 6 Listen and sing the song. 'D)

Smileat mewhenI feelsad, I feelsad, I feelsad, Smifeat mewhent feelsad, NowI feelbetter.

Playwith mewhenl feelbored,

Talkto me whent feelcross,

;gt,; uoldmy handwhenl feelscared,

Music Listen and find. Soy.

V ft"r^/


Drow o picture. Reod, listen and find.


con heor o piono. When heor this music I feel sleepy. con heor o flute. When heor this music I feel dizzy. con heor o guitor. When heor this music I feel sod. con heor o xylophone. When heor this music I feel hoPPY. 5 I con heqr o violin. When I heqr this music I feel scqred.

Coloq" I



Wri:r-. *;ff'



10 Find poirs of words thot stort the some. g+ $

1 Listen qnd find. 't))z.zo z.zt 2 Listen ond sqy the chqnt. 't))





Oh, no!A hole!

Goaway,Norton . I'm busy. l'm reading. Look,fookl

t'm doingmy homework. Goawayl

It'sraining!lt'sraining! It'sraininga lot! Stopraining!Stopraining! Stop!Stop!STOP!

,Vhat'sin the kit today?

4 Sqm e or different?


Oh, no! A house!

Stopthat, Norton. I'm cooking.

Goaway,Norton.l'm busy. l'm reading.

W tookin the kit!


I'm busy.l'm paintingl

Listen qnd find. Soy the letter.


Co mea nd h elp ! l 'm in t h e ga rde n. l can 't .


l'm doingmy homework.


z.zs 6 Listen ond sing the song. 't))

oh, t'm lyingon the sofa. I'm sittingin the sun. I'm boredof doingnothing. Let'sgo out and havesomefunt


o rc




tl' .i$' a







)lt , ry;t'l


Q *{lr



Uses of water Listen qnd find. Soy. 'tt)z.ze


9 Make o wqter meter.

hqve o bath

litres 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2

g Add.


wosh my honds

8 Reod, look qnd soy. Whot are you doing? 1 You need 4 litres of woter. 2 You need 30 litres of woter. 3 You need 90 litres of woter. 4 You need 6 litres of woter. 5 You need 15 litres of woter.

10 Find the odd one out.





l \ r 'r i't p '\




2 ulrl

1 Listen ond find. .tt) 2 Listen qnd sing the song. 'tt)z.ze


toke a photo


oh fook!She's swimmingl Welldone,Titch!

l'm swimming. tookat me! tookat me! tookat me!

He'sswimming. Justlikeme! It'sfantastic!


PoorNorton. l'm swimming,too! tookat mel


He'swatching. Hecan'tswim.

Lookin your kit, Mr rixit. WOW!A poolfor wortont

Thisis foryou,Norton! Nowl'm havingfun!

Happyholidayt 4 Find and soy who.



oh fook!she'sswimmingt

t'm swimming,too! tookat mel




WOW!a poolfor wortonl

what'sNortondoing? He'swatching. Hecan'tswinn.


5 Listen ond find. ',t)z.3z

Where's Sam? Overthere!

What'shedoing? He'stakinga photo.






Th uouq^, L1t,l*Trdlttl)

z'zz 6 Listen and sing the song. 't))


) .l


f. t ',


\a*ffi3 O ar



)i tJ tr


here, Summer's Let'splayin thesun. Wecan swim,we can float, Wecanjump,wecanrun. Butthesunis hot, the rules, Soremember ln thegarden,at the beach,and


t t,

e d*@@# ffiK*$HdffffiH*ps mw€$m, ffi#.Hsjj..trs 3 Listen ond find. 't::z.g+



. FL

9 Mqke o spinner.


'rd/ Gluethe string.




I Reod ond fin{. 1 He'sriding q horse.He'sin squore81. 2 She'sploying with o boll. She'sin D3. 3 He's climbing o tree. He's in A3. 4 He's swimming in the river. He's in A3.



10 Ploy silent Bingo.

Reod ond sov true or fqlse.

lt's got 5 stors. lt's got 1 ongel. It's got 6 snowflokes. It's got 4 condles. It's got 4 presents. It's got 7 bolls. It's got 9 Iights. It's got 3 bells.

Listen ond sing the song.


2. 3 6

Listen qnd soy whqt colour.


Reqd qnd qnswer. Is the yellow egg on the tqble? Is the grey egg in the box? Is the block egg under the flowerpot? Is the brown ond white egg on the flowers? Is the blue ond yellow egg under the tree? Is the pink ond white egg in the bosket?





Listen qnd find.

2 Look ond onswer.

1, --=t'-*p .::-.J

err sJ:

J'/-IT JJJ] J] 1 Reqd. Then listen ond soy who. '

I'm Kirstie. I'm from

I'm Ashok. I'm from Indio. l'm 7. This is my friend, Somod. He's 8.


Scotlond.I'm 10.This is mY I sister,Molly. She's10 too. I


! I'm Silvio. I'm from Peru. I'm 8. This is my

r Ghonq. I'm 8. These ore friends, Sqmuel qnd | ! -y Jotrn. They're both 8.






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,* 6 * * -# q

r f r:c{câ‚Ź3' !

& . - x* * - *


2 Reod ond soy who. 1 This is my bedroom.I've got o computeron my desk. My fovourite teddy is on my bed. This is my bedroom. I shoremy bedroomwith my brother. I love cricket.I've got o cricketpicture on the woll. This is my bedroom.My fovourite colour'sred. I like music.I've got o CD ployer. I 4 This is my bedroom.It's got two bedsond o shelfwith books. ; ! It's got o rug. I shore my room with my brother. s -rr

-r --r


JJ uJr-rt!/

c ulJrl tt y

z.+r 1 Reod. Then listen qnd soy the animql. .t))



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I h i s i r c r c ;o l d c n e c r q lt ,. I I ht ' r ' livt . in S r o llcr n r l.

j I hi s i r cr <obr rr. t I hi r is tr l ic; t' r. , I lt t' r' l ivt' in l nrl i tr. t---

:, j

I ll


? ---

I h i s i s c t j tt gu t tr . l I h i s i s c t fl o m i n go . I I h ey 'l i v e i n I' er u. I

5 lr ld t : le n r i




I h i s i s o c h o m r : le o l r . I h is is c t n e le l lh o n t. Ih c r ' l iv e in ( ih c t t tt t.


2 Reod and find the onimals.


rt',green.It con chongecolour.

2 lt's yellow ond it's got block spots.It con run fost. It's very dongerous.: ,

3 It's long. It's block ond white. It con swim. It's very dongerous.



', 4 It's brown. It's got big eyes.It con run fost.

, J

' ' , ( )a r: i t JJ slu' /J




-J -!





z'+z 1 Reod. Then listen and soy which festivql. 'D) - - - - - _a



I l ris is l lr c I li t; lr lr rr tt l (, rr n r( ' \. I s tt l t 'sl i r tr l

i rr \to l l tt tttl .

i. .

o f lir ; l r t s ' I lr is ir l) ir r t t li. I t ' r t r t t ' rt ir t t l I I t r r r ll ir t t lt t lt ' st ir t t l in lrt t lit r.


I h is is t h r' lt 'rl ivr r l o l lnt i I lt r r . r n i o r St r n l' t, , rr ivrr l. lr' r t r rt lr tt r r lt , slir r r l in l' t ' r t t .

IT I I lr ir is l lr ) n l( ) \ \ o . ll' s tt ( , lt tr r r r r . It t r r vcsl l cr ti vr r l it t I -----J

2 Reod. Who's speoking? - i ,-

i t My Dod'sweoring o kilt. He'sploying the bogpipes.











\ 2 My sister'sweoring new clothes.She'slooking of the lights. l

I 3 My Dod'sploying the drum. He'sin the porode. 4 My sister'sweoring o crown.My brother'sweoring o iaguor mosk.

Big books,smoll books, Look on the shelfl Booksore fun, Bookscon help!

Poge3 Mondoy, Tuesdoy, .D)r.z Weanesdoy,Thursdoy, Fridoy,Soturdoy, Sundoy,

Poge7 Hello,whot'syour nome? .D)r.a netto, comeond ployl Hello,don't be shy! Comeond be my friend!

Poge19 Comeond ploy, comeond ploy, ;;l) t.zo We'vegot lots of toys todoy. Here'sq skoteboord,here'so bike, Here'so frisbee,here'so kite. Comeond play, comeond play, We'vegot lots of toys todoy. Here'so yo-yo, here'so boll, Here'so skipping rope for you oll.

Let'srun ond jump ond ride our bikes, Kick o boll ond fly our kites, Wotch TV ond stoy the night, Come qnd be mv friend!

P o g e8 II, 7 2 ,1 3, L 4 , 7 5 , .D t.g L6, 77, 18, 79,20, 2 t,2 2 , 2 3, 2 4 , 2 5 , 26,27,28,29, 30.

Poge23 I like skipping, 't))r.z+ 7 , 2 ,3 ! I wont Lury In with me! Ridea scootel Ridea troin, Ridea bike, Now spellyour nome!

Poge11 Hey ho, this is my treehouse. 't)) Hey ho, hove o look ond see! I've got o bed ond o toble ond o shelfond o cupboord, A rug ond o cushion ond on old wooden choir. Hey ho, this is my treehouse. Hey ho, hove o look ond see!

Poge15 Big books,smoll books, .D) Bookson the shelfl Booksare fun, Bookscon help! Booksobout onimols, Booksobout stors, Booksfull of stories, Booksfull of cors. Booksobout children, Booksobout birds, Booksfull of pictures, Booksfull of words.

L - U- C - Y Goodbye,Lury, Wove ot me! Goodbye,Lucy, L , 2 ,3 !

Page 27

Wolk like o penguin,

.D)r.zt FIy Iike o bot,

Run Iike o zebra, Stretchlike o cot, Swimlike o dolphin, Slidelike o snoke, Tolk like o porrot, Countto eight... 1 ,2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ,8 1 .

Page31 The monkey soys .r) 'Now oll wotch me.' The monkey soys 'Look corefully.' Can you do this? Con you do this? I con, I con't, And thot's OK. I con, I con't, We oll con ploy! Who's the monkey now?

Page 35 I wont stickers,

.r) I wont morbles, I wont bolloons, And key rings too. I wont dinosours, I wont bodges, I wont felt tips, Whot obout you?

Page 39 Lett mqke o cord for Mum.

.r)r.+o Yes,OK!

Let'smoke o cord for Mum. Yes,OK! Let'smoke o cord ond soy 'Hope you hove o hoPPy doY.' Let'smoke o cord for Mum. Yes,OK! Let'smoke o coke for Grondmo. Yes,OK! Let'smoke o coke for Grondmo. Yes,OK! Let'smoke o coke ond soY 'Hope you hove o hoPPYdoY.' Let'smoke o coke for Grondmo. Yes,OK! Let'smoke o bodge for Dod. Yes,OK! Let'smoke o bodge for Dod. Yes,OK! Let'smoke o bodge ond saY 'Hope you hove o hoPPYdaY'' Let'smoke o bodge for Dod. Yes.OK!

Page 43 Welcometo the sandwich shoP.

.tt)z.z EIEIO.

Come ond tell me what you wont. EIEIO. I've got cheeseond funo, I've got sordinestoo. Chicken,tomoto, White breod,brown breod... Welcometo the sondwich shoP, EIEIO.

Page47 Eggsond cheesefor lunch todoY, .t)z.o Ah-hum, Ah-hum. Eggsond cheesefor lunch todoY, Ah hum, Ah-hum. Eggsond cheesefor lunch todoY, I'm trying something new todoY! Ah-hum, Ah-hum, Ah-hum. Con I hove o little bit? Ah-hum, Ah-hum. Con I hove o little bit? Ah-hum, Ah-hum. Con I have o little bit? Look of me, I'm eoting it! Ah-hum, Ah-hum, Ah-hum. Well, I like eggsond I like cheese, Ah-hum, Ah-hum. Well, I like eggsond I like cheese, Ah-hum, Ah-hum. Well, I like eggsond I like cheese. Con I hove some more now Pleose? Ah-hum, Ah-hum, Ah-hum.

Poge 51 If you're happy

.t1) Clop your honds! lf you're dizry Hold your heod! If you're cold Swing your orms! If you're sleepy Go to bed! If you're sod Rub your eyes! If you're cross Stomp your feet! If you're thinty Hove o drink! If you're hungry Eot, eot, eot!

Poge55 Smileot me when I feelsod, ,t))z.t+ I feelsod, I feel sod, Smile ot me when I feel sod, Now I feel better. PIoy with me when I feel bored, I feel bored, I feel bored, Ploy with me when I feel bored, Now I feel better. Tolk to me when I feel cross, I feel cross, I feel cross, Tolk to me when I feel cross, Now I feel better. Hold my hond when I feelscored, I feel scored, I feel scored, Hold my hond when I feel scored, Now I feel better.

Page59 Point o picturel .tl)Z.Zt Reodo book! Ploy on the computer! Help Mum cook! Moke o model! Wotch TV! Do o puzzle! Ploywith mel

Poge63 Oh, I'm lying on the sofo. .l) Z.ZS I'm sitting in the sun. I'm boredof doing nothing. Let'sgo out ond hove somefun! Oh, I'm running in the gorden. I'm climbing up o tree. I'm hungry ond I'm thirsty. Let'sgo ond hove our teo! Oh, I'm pointing lots of pictures. I'm ploying with my kite. I'm sleepyond it's bedtime. Let'sgo to bed - goodnight!

Page67 I'm swimming. .t))z.zl Smilepleoser I'm eoting. Smilepleoser I'm writing. Smilepleoser Smilefor your photo now, pleose. I'm flooting. Smilepleose! I'm reoding. Smilepleaset I'm drinking. Smilepleose! Smilefor your photo now, pleose.

Page7l Summer'shere, t)) Z.ZS Let'sploy in the sun. We con swim, we con floot, We con jump, we con run. But the sun is hot, Sorememberthe rules, In the gorden,ot the beochond the swimming pool! Weor o T-shirt, Weor o hot, Put creom on your foce, On your legsond your bock. Drink o lot of wote4 Rememberthe rules, In the gorden,ot the beoch,ond the swimming pool!

Poge75 ChristmosDoy is here ogoin, .tl) Lightsshine in the streets. Storsond bells ond condles, On our Christmostree. ChristmosDoy is here ogoin, Lights shine in the streets. Hoppy Christmaseveryone, Peoceto you ond me.

y -l-st-tlJ )lttJt e -Jl_r_iltJ_]tJ_t t Iz; t it ir .t- tl '

Doys of the week: Mondoy Tuesdoy WednesdoyThursdoy Fridoy Soturdoy Sundoy Chorocters: Flo Fred Bing Titch Poppy Mr Fixit Norton Mitch Numbers: 13-30 Meosuring: metre centimetre


What day is it today? How old is he / she? He / She's...


t J' i JJ Jt l )


Is he / she in / on / under the table?

Toys:scooter kite skoteboord skipping rope yo-yo boot frisbee boll bot bike Tronsport: Iorry helicopter plone motorbike von wheel

-He / She'sgot a ... :, !

l J J.

i tl l)i j t

It can... It can't ... Can it...?/ Yes/ No. r ,!

Furniture: bed cupboord toble box choir shelf cushion sofo rug House:window picture mirror vose door

t ', t: '):

Wild animals: dolphin bot zebro crocodile snoke porrot penguin monkey lion giroffe Ports of on onimol: winos toil beok feothers

! J-ra i J. \t9

Can I have...? Yes,here you are. No, sorry. PIuraI nouns

Smqll toys: shorpeners rubbers stickersmorbles bolloons bodaes dinosours key rings felt tips figures Numbers: 31-100 Money: pound p

Food: cheese tuno chicken tomotoes sordines sousogesrice breod Iettuce eggs Food groups: meot fish doiry fruit vegetobles cereol

Areyou...? Yes./ No,I'm ...

Feelings:sod happy scored cross bored sleepy dizzy hungry thirsty hot cold Musicol instruments: violin piono flute xylophone guitor

What are you doing? l'm

Indoor octivities: wotch TV reod ploy on the computer do my homework cook moke o model point sleep do o puzzle play o game Uses of woter: wosh my honds hove o shower wosh up cleon my teeth hove o both litre

He / She' What's he / shedoing?

Outdoor octivities: swim floot write o postcord eot on ice creom drink o milkshoke reod o comic listen to the radio wotch hove o shower toke o photo Children's gomes: play leopfrog ploy morbles donce ploy with o top



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Theauthorsand.publisherswouldliketo thankthefollowingteachers for their helpin developingthe course:Catherine Anner, Agnieszka Bajerlain, Sonia Bonjorn, RosarioBrondolo,ClaireCarril Ramaand all at ColegioAlca in Milladoiro, KarolinaGogolewska, BeataChmielewska,JoannaCudowska-Kolendo, Joanna Herok, Aine Kiely, Gladys Ledwith, Silvia Luppi, MagdalenaLapczuk, Julie Mills, Izabela Pastewska,Szymon Polakowski, Ewa Rowirlska, Richard Savage. Sarahwouldliketo thankboththeteamat OxfordUniversityPressand aIIfteelancers professionalism and invaluable whohavecontibutedto theprojectfor their enthusiasm, input to thecourse Main illustrations W: GustavoMazali pp 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 (charactersl,77,12, 13,74, 7 9,20, 27 ,22, 27, 28,29, 30, 3 5, 36,37, 38, 43,44, 45,46,51, 5 2, 53, 54,58 (characters), 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 67, 68, 69, 75, 76, 77 Otherillustrotionsby: Aardvan pp 78, 26, 42, 50; BeccyBlake pp 7, 75, 23, 37, 39, 47, 55, 63, 71: ChristianeEnge{Ihorogood pp 32, 33, 79; Bill Greenhead/ lllustration p 54 (hand):Brian Leepp 78,79,80, 81, 82, 83 (waterbackground); Simon Smith p 70. Coverillustrationby: Custavo Mazali Commissionedphotogrophy: Gareth Boden, all make and do photography pp 9, , 7 7,24, 25,47(c oi ns ),49s7,65, 73iMM Stud ios,pp 8, 40, 41, 49 ( food);Phil Jamespp 24, 25 (greenbike). TheFixit Gameposter arnvork by Gustavo Mazali

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