Throughout this Annual Report, you will find highlighted words and phrases that link to various pages on our website. These links will provide you with even more interesting and informative information about the work of the Foundation. We encourage you to explore them all.
photo: James Pursey
executive message
After more than 20 years of fighting for children living with HIV, we at the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation are excited to report that there is global momentum to end pediatric AIDS once and for all. Under the leadership of Michel Sidibé, executive director of UNAIDS, and Eric Goosby, U.S. global AIDS coordinator, a global task team developed a first-ever global strategy to end pediatric AIDS. Endorsed at the United Nations High Level Meeting on AIDS in June 2011, this plan provides a road map to reduce new pediatric HIV infections by 90% and to reduce HIV-associated pregnancy-related deaths by 50% by 2015. To support the implementation of the plan, a global steering group, composed of leaders from United Nations member states, civil society organizations, women living with HIV, philanthropic organizations, the private sector, and international organizations, has been set up. The Foundation is honored to be part of such an important initiative and that our offer to house its secretariat has been welcomed. We all share the same goal: keeping mothers healthy and their children free of HIV. In the pages that follow, as well as in the expanded information on our website, pedaids.org, you’ll see how the Foundation’s research, international programs, and global advocacy efforts are leading the way. You’ll meet some people who have been affected by our work and who have shared their stories to motivate and inspire others to get involved. And you’ll see that with your continued support, we can build upon this momentum and realize our ultimate goal of eliminating pediatric AIDS. Our work is possible because of the generosity of many donors. This year, we are particularly grateful for an exceptional gift from a family in Los Angeles. We thank them, and all our supporters, for their continued commitment to mothers and children around the world. Sincerely,
cover photo: James Pursey
Charles Lyons, President and Chief Executive Officer Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
MOMENTUM to save a child
n 1981, Elizabeth Glaser was infected unknowingly with HIV through a blood transfusion and passed the virus to her daughter, Ariel, and her
son, Jake. When Ariel died of AIDS, Elizabeth joined with her two best friends, Susie Zeegen and Susan DeLaurentis, to create a foundation to save Jake and other children living with HIV. They fought for research, demanded that scientists work together, and gave those children most in need a voice. Because of Elizabeth Glaser and other leaders in the field, today almost every baby in the United States is born free of HIV.
photo: Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
International Programs
I’m honored to tell you about the incredible impact of the foundation’s international hiv/aids programs.
’m from Tanzania, and where I come from people feel it’s the end of the world when they find out they are HIV-positive. It’s the way I felt. At the
time of my pregnancy 14 years ago, children who were born in Africa to mothers living with HIV became infected as well, and died as young children. But thanks to the Foundation’s work around the world, it’s a very different story now. The Foundation has become a trusted partner with host governments to provide a full range of life-saving services to ensure that babies like mine are born free of HIV, and children and mothers who are already infected get the medicine they need to stay healthy and strong. I can tell you personally what an incredible gift it is for an HIV-positive mom to have a healthy baby. It’s a gift every mom deserves. And it’s a gift you’re
giving by supporting the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.
to learn more about fortunata and our international programs, please visit our website www.pedaids.org photo: Morgana Wingard, ©ONE | Morgana Wingard ONE Campaign
Since it
the Foun in its HIV All data through December
ts International programs began
ndation has reached the following milestones V prevention, care, and treatment initiatives: 31, 2010
• The Foundation worked in 17 countries around the world. Foundation programs supported more than 5,400 sites. • In 2010, more than 2.4 million women accessed Foundationsupported services for prevention of mother-to-child transmission. Since the beginning of its global programs, Foundation support has provided more than 11.6 million women with the services to prevent the transmission of HIV to their babies. • In seven years, Foundation-supported care and treatment programs, focused on children and their families, have reached more than 1.2 million individuals, including nearly 100,000 children. Since enrollment began, more than 664,000 individuals have begun life-prolonging antiretroviral treatment — and more than 53,000 are children under the age of 15. 7
MOMENTUM to Help Children and Families Around the World
The answers that would save the life of my son and every other child with AIDS would only come from research. – Elizabeth Glaser
ust 10 years ago, many experts said that we couldn’t have the same success we have achieved in the United States with other children and families
around the world who needed help – but we believed otherwise. With the help of committed donors who share our belief, the Foundation today works in 17 countries, including those most severely impacted by the AIDS pandemic. In the past decade, we reached more than 11.6 million pregnant women with the services they need to have healthy babies.
photo: James Pursey
Research Programs
lucas & lee
We’re excited to tell you about the Foundation’s research programs.
f it weren’t for Elizabeth Glaser and all the research that has been done for children with HIV, we wouldn’t be alive today.
The Foundation is working to find better ways to stop moms from passing the virus to their babies, the way we were infected. The Foundation is funding projects to ensure that children have access to better pediatric treatments because we know that kids with HIV in poor countries are not as lucky as we have been. The Foundation is supporting the development of a safe and effective pediatric HIV vaccine, and doing research in Africa to make sure those programs are as effective as possible. I am sure we can speak for all the kids in the world living with HIV when we say thank you very much for your generosity and for caring about
kids like us.
to learn more about Lucas and Lee and our Research programs, please visit our website www.pedaids.org photo: Dan Watkins
Without treatment, almost half o will die before their second birth
But reaching these children is a major challen
of all children born with HIV hday.
nge in many countries throughout Africa. The Foundation conducted a study in Kenya to find the most effective way to reach HIV-infected babies. The results of the year long study proved that the best way for infants to get consistent HIV care is by receiving treatment with their moms at maternal/child health clinics. Thanks to this finding, more children living with HIV will get the medicines they need to
LEad long, healthy lives. photo: James Pursey
for the ultimate goal: end pediatric aids
If we can share our wisdom, our light, our love in the smallest ways – I know the world will be a better place. – Elizabeth Glaser
he world has come a long way in the fight against pediatric AIDS. But despite our progress, 1,000 children are still infected with HIV
every day. Every one of these infections is preventable. Now is the time to realize the promise of a world where no baby is born with HIV. We have the science. We have the medicine. We have the momentum. We can end pediatric AIDS.
photo: James Pursey
Global advocacy
I’m excited to tell you why global advocacy is so important to the Foundation’s mission to end pediatric AIDS.
ne thing I learned from Elizabeth Glaser is that one person can make a difference. She was the first person to give children like me
a voice. She inspired, motivated, and fought for those who couldn’t fight for themselves. That’s what advocacy is all about, and that’s what the Foundation is doing all around the world. The Foundation’s public policy and global advocacy efforts work to challenge national governments and international organizations to commit the political and financial resources necessary to ensure that children are made a priority in the battle against HIV and AIDS. The Foundation is actively involved in legislative activities with the U.S. Congress, working to ensure that the voices and needs of women and children are included in global health policy. Now I’m trying to follow in Elizabeth Glaser’s footsteps, and I ask you to join me. Thank you for everything you’ve already done and everything we will continue to do together.
to learn more about Cristina and our Global Advocacy programs, please visit our website www.pedaids.org photo: Gregory Cowley Photography
building on its work in the united
global advocacy efforts in 2010 focused on cr of policy makers and key influencers.
d states, the foundation’s
reating partnerships and shifting attitudes To build political momentum, the Foundation participated in the 15th African Union Summit, which inspired African leaders to recommit to improving medical care and services for those living with HIV. In addition, the Foundation and several African first ladies worked together to prioritize HIV-positive children and families on the political agendas of African countries. Through these and other advocacy efforts, the Foundation is urging global leaders to
take action.
photo: James Pursey
We are so grateful to some very sp Foundation bring the promise of a h families around the world. ViiV Healthcare Since 2010, ViiV Healthcare has provided important support to expedite access to HIV testing, care, and treatment for infants and young children in Lesotho, Malawi, and Swaziland. Through this partnership, the Foundation has been able to pilot innovative approaches to reaching the most vulnerable children and families with life-saving services. Our partnership with ViiV also supports advocacy efforts to address policy barriers and support the prioritization of pediatric HIV care and treatment policies in other Foundation-supported countries. The Foundation also is partnering with ViiV’s Positive Action for Children Fund to provide technical assistance to community-based organizations in Kenya and Malawi.
Johnson & Johnson Since 2002, Johnson & Johnson has partnered with the Foundation to reduce mother-to-child transmission in 10 countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Since its inception, this important partnership has contributed to reaching more than 2.5 million pregnant women with life-saving testing, care, and treatment services. Through Johnson & Johnson’s support, the Foundation also has carried out myriad activities to support capacity building, technical advocacy, information sharing, and documentation around the adoption and implementation of revised WHO guidelines across its country programs. The partnership also supports the provision of training and mentorship aimed at increasing the management and leadership skills of HIV program managers.
The Stavros Niarchos Foundation The Stavros Niarchos Foundation funded the Foundation’s International Leadership Award (ILA) program in 2010. The Stavros Niarchos Foundation’s outstanding, first-time support will facilitate a three-year ILA focused on international work in the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission, and care and treatment of HIV and AIDS. ILA recipients are researchers, clinicians, or implementers in resource-poor settings who have the potential to develop and manage programs that will assist in the elimination of pediatric AIDS in the countries where they live.
pecial friends who have helped the healthy future to children and The Walt Disney Company The Walt Disney Company is one of the Foundation’s most valued partners, serving as the title sponsor of the annual A Time for Heroes Celebrity Picnic from 2006 through 2011. In addition to providing monetary support for the Foundation’s work, Disney also brings its unique magic to our events with reading areas, princess activity castles, pirate ship booths, and a host of Disney stars. Disney brightens the lives of children and families around the world through charitable outreach, community initiatives, and the Disney VoluntEARS program.
Children’s Investment Fund Foundation In 2010, the London-based Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) awarded the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation the first year of a transformative five-year grant to support the government of Zimbabwe’s national efforts to accelerate the scale-up of more effective antiretroviral regimens to reduce HIV transmission from mother to child and to ensure that HIV-positive mothers can access treatment for their own health. Our partnership also aims to ensure that lessons learned from Zimbabwe will be used to implement similar programs in other high-burden countries and to strengthen efforts to end pediatric AIDS globally. Zimbabwe was chosen for a number of reasons, but particularly because of its high rate of HIV infections, its large unmet medical needs, and the opportunity it presents to build on the notable success it has had in reducing adult infections over the past decade.
Thank you to our special friends momentum To end pediatric aids.” Greater than $1,000,000 The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation Johnson & Johnson PATH UK Department for International Development UNICEF United States Agency for International Development United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ViiV Healthcare
$100,000–$999,999 Abbott Fund Bank of America Catholic Relief Services Alexandra and Steven Cohen Communications Workers of America Susan and Nicholas Hellmann Jane Louise Hemphill Trust Jewelers for Children Jhpiego Macha Research Trust The Nduna Foundation Partners in Health Pediatric AIDS Coalition at UCLA PSI Stavros Niarchos Foundation UNFPA The Walt Disney Company 22
Dana Wilkey and John S. Flynn World Health Organization
$1,000–$99,999 Donna and William Acquavella The Ahmanson Foundation Alpha Epsilon Phi American University Dance Marathon Amgen Foundation Bijan Amini and Marcie Goldstein Anne Claire Lester Foundation Laurie and Thomas A. Antonellis The Apatow Family Foundation Arleen Armstrong The Armstrong-Nickoll Family Foundation Abbe and Adam Aron Atlantic Coast Media Group, LLC Debbie and Mark Attanasio The Auen Foundation Maria L. and Phillip D. Baker Baldwin-Wallace College Dance Marathon Barbara Bell Trust Cristen and Nigel Barker Barkin, Perren, Schwager & Dolan, LLP Willow Bay and Bob Iger Judi Beck and Tom Alberg Sarah and George Beeler Susan and Bill Belfiore Bell Family Foundation
Carolyn and John Benitez Maryly and Peter Benzian Miraya Berke Cary Berman Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Sharon Birch Black Student Union at Alfred State College Bloomberg Alanna and Chandler Bocklage Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Ronald L. Book Boston University Dance Marathon Patricia and Harold Bosworth Bridewell-Henning Foundation Bridgestone Americas Trust Fund Brotman Foundation of California Christina Brown Gary D. Brown Harvey Brown Brown United, Inc. Mona and Stephen Bruce Build-A-Bear Workshop Foundation Becky, Carol, and Jeff Burch Sally and Bob Burkett Michael Burns Debbie and Jim Burrows Lisa and Rob Cannon Capital One Bank Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielberg Franklin J. Carmel
s. your support fuels the CBS Robert Certilman Angela A. Chao Ariane Chee Carl Chernoff Steven Chew Gina and Mark Chiaviello Lori and Harper Chozen Sara Christison-Rino Claire and Theodore Morse Foundation David Clark Hui Su Clarke Clinton Family Foundation Tracy Cohen and William Ludel Columbia University Dance Marathon Convergent Wealth Advisors Core Club Creative Artists Agency The Crown Family Marc Damerjian Karen and William T. D’Anjolell David Del Beccaro DeLuxe Laboratories Harriet and Jeffrey Dennis DePauw University The Devlin Foundation Andrea DeVos Jennifer Devries Douglas Foundation Mollie, Hayden, Jordan, and Jackson Dunn
Zak Dychtwald Eddie Money Entertainment, Inc. Elsberg Family Foundation Anne and Jeffrey Elton Mary and David Emmerling The Entertainment Industry Foundation Epic Systems Corp. Exponential Entertainment Inc. Arielle Feit Anne and David Feld Leonard Fichter Barbara and Bill Fischer Fischer Travel Enterprises Gregory Fisher Marianna and David Fisher Thomas M. Fontana For A Cause, Inc. Harrison Ford Foursight Foundation Jennifer Fox and Thomas Murray Fox Entertainment Group David Frankel Jean and Gregg Frankel Mark Fried Linda and Roger Friedman Lori and Simon Furie Agnes Gabrielsen Eva Gabrielsen Gagosian Gallery Cynthia and Patrick Gartland George H. Scanlon Foundation
Claire Gerhard and Charles Lyons Linda and Bob Gersh Jami Gertz and Tony Ressler The Gesswein Family Trust Maneesha and Vishal Ghiya Richard A. Gibbs Susan and Anthony Gilroy The Glickenhaus Foundation Global Impact Paul Goldenberg Jay G. Goldman Gary Goldring Charles Goldstuck Google Gordon H. and Karen M. Millner Family Foundation Goren, Marcus, Masino & Jacobs Gorfaine/Schwartz Agency, Inc. Sherry Grant and Jay Roth Gray Consulting GreaterGood.org Greene, Broillet, Panish & Wheeler LLP Groundwater and Environmental Service, Inc. Mary Beth and Russ Hagey Melissa Hanlin Sharon K. and Daniel C. Hardy Iwalani and Timothy Harris Harry Joe Brown Jr., Foundation Hatboro-Horsham School District Ellen and Andrew Hauptman HBO
The Heidtke Foundation, Inc. Sandy Heller Helping Hand Foundation Frances and Donald Herdrich Susan Hickey Jennifer and Jason Hochberg Janet Horenstein Andrea and Craig Horowitz Howard G. Smith Revocable Trust The Hughes Family Madeleine Hulstrom ICM, Inc. The Iota Nu Chapter of Phi Sigma Sigma Jehangir Dinyar Irani Raymond J. Iwanowski Cory Jachnuk Lenel James Janus et Cie Jen Family Charitable Trust Jerome & Ilene Cole Foundation J. F. Kapnek Charitable Trust The John and Maria Laffin Trust Betty Wold Johnson Cindy and Darrell Johnson Lisa and Paul Johnson Lori M. Johnson John W. Carson Foundation Sonia and Paul Tudor Jones II Joseph & Helen Komarek Foundation Eleanor Kane Steve Kass and Wayne Kass Arielle Katz Marilyn and Jeffrey Katzenberg Michelle, Caitlin, Michael, Courtney, and Nick Keller The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation Deborah and Richard Kereluk Paulette and David Kessler Erica and Donald Kieffer Johanna and Marshall Kiev 24
Jena and Michael King Lauren and Richard King Sarah Kishner Lisa and Bradford Klassman Joshua Knox Kodak Sonali Kohli Lisa and Victor Kohn Hannah Kopeikin KPMG, LLP Sandra Krause and William Fitzgerald Steve Kriz Elizabeth and Solomon Kumin Yael and Amnon Landan Linda and Marc Lawrence The Lawrence & Sheri Babbio Foundation Tea Leoni and David Duchovny Joshua Levin Sasha Levine Scott Limbacher Alice Lin The Lincy Foundation L’Institut de Medicine Tropical Lionsgate LittleMissMatched Kelsie Lofland Longo Toyota-Scion-Lexus Jenny Lorant and Ken Grouf Lord and Taylor Louise P. Hackett Foundation M2 Music, LLC Anne L. MacPherson Macy’s Foundation and the Bloomingdale’s Fund of the Macy’s Foundation Ginger G. Magures Diana Maiman Malkin Family Foundation Robert Mansbach Giovanna Marchese Marcolin USA, Inc.
Stephanie Marglin and James Hughes The Margot Sundheimer Foundation Mark Brown Photography Martin James Marsh Erica and Samuel Martini Cynthia and Scott Matte MAXIMUS Foundation M. Bastian Family Foundation Catherine and Tom McBeath Kathleen McGrath Diane and Michael P. Mcguire The Megan and Lawrence Foley Family Foundation Patricia and Pete Meyers Lavonne L. Michaud and Gregory M. Bloom Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Milken Family Foundation Susan Miller Michelle and Jonathan Mitchell Heather and Steven Mnuchin Monsignor Edward Pace High School, Inc. Vizhier and Andy Mooney Morningside Foundation Ann and Jerry Moss Anna Musky-Goldwyn Mutual Benefits Corporation The Nathan P. Jacobs Foundation NBA/WNBA Candace Nelson Newedge USA, LLC New England Pension Consultants, Inc. New Solutions Marketing, Inc The New York Community Trust John Nguyen NIH – Office of AIDS Research Nordstrom Marilyn Knight North Nova Southeastern University Dance Marathon Gerald S. O’Loughlin
The Omicron Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi Oopsy Daisy, Fine Art for Kids Debbie and Gregg Oppenheimer Victoria Orso Sally Palmbaum Ginger and Stuart Pape Linda Pawlik and Robert Picardo Laura Pennycuff and Sander A. Glick Patty and Greg Penske Amy and Joseph Perella Ronald O. Perelman Philotic, Inc. The PIMCO Foundation Plato Malozemoff Foundation Poor Cat Designs Mary Ellen Powers and Daniel C. Sauls Claudia Pruett Cristina Pruett The Randi & Clifford Lane Foundation Raynie Foundation Red Soles Winery R. G. Laha Foundation Linda and Patrick Robinson Sheri L. Rosen Irene and Joe Roth Ann and Robert Rowlands Kristin Rumery Lynne Gertmenian Rumery Cheryl and Haim Saban Shireen and John Sabat Sage Foundation Richard Sakai Ronald S. Saks The Samuel Goldwyn Foundation SBGN Strategies, LLC Heather and Paul Scharre Catherine Schepis
Harris Schwartzberg and Family Maria Teresa N. Seesink Gina Shaffer Miranda and Harry Shapiro The Shapiro Family Charitable Foundation Grace T. Shen Shout! Factory, LLC Mace Siegel Wendy and Ozzie Silna Colleen and Paul Simon Dina and Charles Simonian Skip Hop Karen Smith-McCune and Mike McCune Jill and Scott Spiwak Stamps.com Shayna R. Steelman The Steve Tisch Foundation Sarah Sullivan Sun Shine On You Foundation Susan Daniels Family Charitable Foundation Paula Sutter Marcia and Timothy Swanson Katherine Sziraczky Tapestry Networks The Theodore Rosenberg Charitable Foundation Thomas Safran and Associates Tickets for Charity, LLC Maggie H. Tittler The Tuso Family Donald J. Tweedie UC Berkeley Dance Marathon UDANCE Marathon Debbie Ulrich United Way Universal Studios Pilar Vargas-Vermund and Sten Vermund
Shiva Vasishta Lisa and Alexander Vreeland Martha and Alex Wallau The Walter Reade Foundation Christa Waltersdorf Erin Ward Warner Hall House Laura and Casey Wasserman Webkinz Foundation Annette and David Weil Gail and Irving Weintraub Wells Fargo Foundation Alex and Jeffrey Wetzel Marsha and Robin Williams Cyd Wilson The Windfall Foundation Margo and Irwin Winkler Karen, Lauren, Matthew, Cate, and Rick Wolfen World Bank Community Connections Fund Gloria Nagy Wurman and Richard Saul Wurman Neil Yaris Sarah Yoon Susie and Peter Zeegen Bobbi and Walter Zifkin The Zilber Family Foundation The Zingale Family Zinkia Entertainment, SA
For more information on ways to give, please visit our website www.pedaids.org/donate
Financial Overv Total revenue 2005–2010 160
Statement of finan
$ million
140 120 100
80 60
Cash and equivalents Contributions and other receivables Other assets
40 20 0
In 2010, the Foundation’s revenue totaled $151.3 million
Allocation of expenses Management, general, and administrative 9%
LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Total liabilities Net assets – unrestricted Net assets – temporarily restricted Net assets – permanently restricted TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS
Statement of A
Fundraising 2%
Program services 89%
The Foundation is dedicated to maximizing the amount of funding for program services while ensuring appropriate management oversight and controls. In 2010, 89% of expenditures were for program services.
Program services Management, general, and administrative Fundraising TOTAL EXPENSES Change in net assets
view S
ince its inception, the Foundation has been dedicated to raising funds to prevent new HIV infections and bring hope to children and families living with HIV and AIDS.
This commitment continued in 2010, when the Foundation received total revenues of
ncial position
more than $150 million. The continued growth of Foundation revenues represents the contributions of individuals, corporations, foundations, and international organizations, as well as ongoing support from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the United States
8,440,632 23,705,160 4,360,950
Agency for International Development (USAID) through the President’s Emergency Plan
Revenue diversification continues to be a focus of the Foundation. In 2010, the Foundation
for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).
partnered with non-US government-funded donors such as Children’s Investment Fund 22,457,786 12,312,255 1,645,502 91,199 36,506,742
Foundation (CIFF), Johnson & Johnson, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, ViiV Healthcare, and the Walt Disney Company. This increased diversity of funding sources is making our programs more effective and ensuring that more children and families are served through the Foundation’s research, advocacy, and international prevention and treatment programs.
In 2010, the Foundation also continued to ensure that the majority of every dollar raised goes directly to programs that are reaching as many children and families as possible. Of the Foundation’s total expenditures, 89% went to our lifesaving efforts around the world, 136,005,216 15,331,051 20,406 151,356,673
and our financial performance and accountability are recognized by leading charity rating organizations, earning us the highest rating of four stars from Charity Navigator and an accreditation from the Better Business Bureau. The Foundation’s 2010 financial statements were prepared in accordance with accounting
129,162,911 13,500,404 2,651,959
principles generally accepted in the United States of America and were audited by Ernst & Young, LLP.
145,315,274 6,041,399 For complete audited financial statements for the foundation, please visit our website www.pedaids.org
THank you to the staff and volunteers of the foundation, whose personal commitment to the cause continues to drive our projects and programs around the world. board of directors Paul Michael Glaser Honorary Chairman of the Board
Actor/Director/Producer Santa Monica, California
David Kessler
Chairman of the Board Professor University of California, San Francisco San Francisco, California
Willow Bay
Co-Vice Chair of the Board Freelance Reporter and Author Los Angeles, California
Russ Hagey
Co-Vice Chair of the Board Chief Talent Officer & Partner Bain & Company Los Angeles, California
Peter Benzian*
Secretary of the Board Managing Director Burford Group, Ltd. San Diego, California
Bill Belfiore
Bob Burkett*
Charles Lyons
Senior Advisor to the President Georgetown University Washington, D.C.
Mark Dybul Senior Advisor to the President Co-Director, O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law Georgetown University Washington, D.C.
Jeff Elton Co-Founder and CEO KEW Group, LLC Cambridge, Massachusetts
President and Chief Executive Officer Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Washington, D.C.
Joseph (Mike) McCune Professor of Medicine Chief, Division of Experimental Medicine University of California, San Francisco San Francisco, California
Stuart Pape Partner Patton Boggs, LLP Washington, D.C.
Jennifer Fox Managing Director Deutsche Bank New York, New York
George W. Wellde Jr.**
Vice Chairman, Securities Division
Annie Hill Secretary-Treasurer Communications Workers of America Washington, D.C.
Goldman Sachs & Company (Retired) New York, New York
Paul Johnson
Susie Zeegen* Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Los Angeles, California
Chief Executive Officer kglobal Washington, D.C.
Bobbi Zifkin
Managing Director Tullett Prebon New York, New York
Marina del Rey, California * Term ended June 2011 ** Elected June 2011
Senior leadership team Charles Lyons
Laura Guay, MD
President and Chief Executive Officer
Vice President, Research
Alan Greenberg, MD
Trish Devine Karlin, MBA
Senior Technical Advisor, George Washington University Partnership
Vice President, Global Business Planning
Catherine Wilfert, MD
Ric Marlink, MD
Scientific Director Emerita
Senior Advisor, Medical and Scientific Affairs
Nick Hellmann, MD
Elizabeth Penniman
Executive Vice President, Medical and Scientific Affairs
Vice President, Public Policy, Advocacy, and Communications
Philip O’Brien
RJ Simonds, MD
Executive Vice President, Communications, Advocacy, and Development
Vice President, Program Innovation and Policy
Carlos Carrazana, MBA, MPH
Tami Ward-Dahl
Chief Operating Officer
Maurice Adams Vice President, Country Management – Africa
Anja Giphart, MD, MPH Vice President, Program Implementation
Vice President, Administration and Human Resources
Colleen Zakrewsky Vice President, Development and Marketing
photo: James Pursey
www.pedaids.org 1140 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20036 t 202.296.9165 f 202.296.9185 e info@pedaids.org
facebook.com/hivfree @EGPAF