Title: International Conference on Clinical Pediatrics
Date: June 15-16, 2020
Venue: Vancouver, Canada
Conference Website: https://pediatrics.peersalleyconferences.com/
Theme: Enlightening the Advancements and Exploring the New Horizons in Pediatrics
Target Audience: Pediatricians , Neonatologists , Pediatric Surgeons , Pediatric Nurses , Child Neurologists , Pediatric Residents , Pediatric Oncologists , Neurological Surgeons , Child Cardiologists , General Physicians , Neonatal Oncologists , Neonatal Nurses , Infant Dermatologists , Pediatric & Neonatology Professors , Academics , Research Associates , Pediatric Medical Fellows
Day 1: Opening Ceremony | Keynote forum | Speaker sessions | Group photo | Lunch | Workshop
Day 2: Keynote forum | Speaker sessions | Group photo | Lunch | Workshops | Young Research Forum | Best Poster Competitions | Award Ceremony
To join your peer researchers, to share and learn, you are requested to submit your abstract proposal to pediatrics@meetingsengage.com