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JCI’s Global Initiative in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Business Recovery

Gastronomic Passport JCI | JCI Joaçaba, JCI Herval and JCI Luzerna, Brazil

With this project, JCI Joacaba, Herval and Luzerna sought to ignite their local economy through supporting local restaurant businesses. By using the concept of food passports and coupons, they encouraged people to try new foods and engage with businesses who struggled after the pandemic. They increased the number of customers for many restaurants, including one restaurant that had a special JCI gastronomic coupon used 100 times by different customers in 60 days.


Thinking Forward | JCI London, United Kingdom

The “Thinking Forward” project was a multilayered endeavor that brought much needed guidance during 2021. First, with the help of BPP University School of Business and Technology, JCI London created a mentorship program that provided training and apprenticeship to students across the United Kingdom. Through this event they were able to

Olah | JCI East Java, Indonesia

provide students with opportunities to enhance their skills, become career ready and receive valuable experience on the job. Later in the year, JCI London worked together with LinkUp London and sent out videos once every week to provide Business Strategy tips to Non Profit Organizations across London. JCI London was able to reach over 50 Organizations by providing them with various tips about finance, risk management, IT, human resource and more.

strategies for interviews and other important skills. During this project, with the help of a local and public relations consultant, JCI Rosario hosted four workshops. Participants left the training fully equipped with the knowledge needed to enter the job market.

Care and Dare 2021: Empowering Working MOMs | JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes, Hong Kong

During COVID-19, one in four women considered downsizing their careers or leaving the workforce entirely because of intensified work, childcare and housework pressures. JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes wanted to help working mothers regain their confidence and actively rejoin the workforce. They held a Mother’s Festival Workshop, a mom-trepreneur bazaar that attracted over 1000 visitors, and launched a “Women Sustainable Career Pledge” where 65 companies promised to implement family-friendly initiatives that help women continue to develop their career after giving birth.

Data ANALYTICS with Microsoft ExcelBeginners and Intermediate JCI Garden City and JCI Trans-Amadi, Nigeria

JCI Garden City sought to empower their members to become financially and economically independent via professional reconversion. To accomplish this task, JCI Garden City organized a one day virtual course on data analytics with Microsoft Excel taught by experienced certified trainer Amaka Ifebunandu. This event provided the education opportunities for and professional reconversion necessary for the growth of JCI members.

Mental Health Awareness

TalktoDok Online Medical Mission | JCI Alabang, Philippines

As private hospitals and government facilities quickly became overwhelmed by COVID-19, JCI Alabang knew they had to come up with a plan to save more lives. With this in mind, they created TalktoDok, a free online telemedicine platform that harnesses the power of volunteerism by creating access to healthcare to all Filipinos, especially the marginalized sector of society. The TalktoDok platform became an avenue to help anyone in the Philippines, even those in the shanties with limited access to healthcare facilities, to talk and consult with volunteer doctors about their mental and physical health problems through the use of their mobile phones. Thousands of Filipino lives were saved by TalktoDok, impacting the lives of 2,320 patients saved as well as over 138 doctors and eight nurses.

Projecting Projects | JCI Wignacourt, Malta

JCI Wignacourt partnered with 230 Works to organize a day of training focused on different timely themes under the mental health awareness umbrella. Topics included “Racism in Malta,”

#TeLoDoyParaPensar | JCI San Martin, Argentina

“Youth Mental Health,” “Strengthening Selfconfidence” and more. Participants were assigned a theme and a partner with the task of creating a project, which they later pitched to a panel of judges for the opportunity to win a prize.

Olah was a project created by JCI East Java to help cooperatives transform into digital platforms using either Android or iOS. It also helped cooperatives manage their finances better. This was especially important given that cooperatives support the Indonesian economy up to 5.1% of Indonesia’s GDP. Through this project, JCI East Java was also able to apply blockchain technology to increase security and overall uplifted local businesses to new heights.

The main objectives of this project involved raising awareness on the importance of mental health and promoting good habits related to physical, psychological and social well-being. This was done through the dissemination of videos on social networks with professionals who addressed mental health from different areas, providing practical advice to the community with a massive reach.

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