Hunter's Chase Gazette
HUNTER'S CHASE The Official Newsletter of the Hunter's Chase HOA
September 2011 Volume 1, Issue 3
Have a howling good time and help the Central Texas SPCA save homeless pets in our community. This year’s event will be bigger and better than ever on Saturday, September 10th at Old Settler’s Park in Round Rock, Texas. The morning starts with a 2K pledge walk for homeless pets and then the festival fun begins. We’ll have music, food, vendors, fun games and activities for kids, activities for dogs, low cost microchipping, a costume contest for dogs and humans, and much more. The top fundraisers in the 2K pledge walk will win great prizes! Please visit for more information. GIRL SCOUT YARD SALE - SEPTEMBER 10TH
Saturday September 10th 7am-11am | Pond Springs Elementary School 7825 Elkhorn Mt. Trail - Back Parking Lot DEERPARK’S RCNA RANGER 5K RUN - SEPTEMBER 24TH
Race Day is September 24th | Start time is 9am. Please join us either running or walking this certified 5K. Proceeds go towards Deerpark Middle School’s Physical Education Program. Go to to register. CARFIT EVENT FOR SENIOR DRIVERS - OCTOBER 8TH
8:30am - 12:30pm | Reavis Rehab & Wellness Center | 1250 South A.W. Grimes Blvd. Round Rock, TX 78664 | 512-381-1744 | | At a CarFit event, a team of trained technicians and health professionals work with senior drivers to ensure they “fit” their vehicle properly for maximum comfort and safety. Drivers can improve their safety by ensuring their cars are properly adjusted to meet their specific needs. A proper fit in one’s car can greatly increase not only the driver’s safety but also the safety of others. A CarFit check takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. Call 381-1744 today to sign up for this no cost CarFit event at Reavis Rehab & Wellness Center. CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT - OCTOBER 14TH
River Place Country Club 346.1114 | Friday, October 14, 2011 | Sign in: 10:00AM | Shotgun start: Noon | Step-aside scramble | Questions to or call 512-258-3709. All proceeds will benefit Kristy Renee Bell. Her arm was severely injured in an accident. By the grace of God, there was an EMT nearby who attended to Kristy’s life-threatening situation. She was flown to Scott & White Trauma Center in Temple, Texas. Although they were unsuccessful, a medical team made every attempt to save her arm. Kristy’s care and physical therapy will be extensive and ongoing. You can help us provide the alteration equipment needed to allow Kristy to regain her independence and help her family cover the enormous medical expenses. HUNTER’S CHASE POA POOL CLOSES FOR THE YEAR - OCTOBER 23RD WINTERFEST IN THE PARK – HUNTER’S CHASE POA PARK 1-3PM - DEC. 17TH To submit an event visit Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
By J. D. Hedges
The energy and entertainment that a bird feeder brings to your backyard far outweighs the potential drawbacks that bird poop might have on your home’s feng shui. Gardeners will appreciate the biodiversity a feeder brings, because birds are voracious bug eaters. A birdfeeder is an avian doorbuster special. Birds come for the free food and stay for the stinkbugs. Wild birds are also the perfect pets for those of us too irresponsible to keep carnival goldfish alive. If you forget to feed wild birds for a couple days, PETA won’t come knocking on your door. As soon as the food is back, so are your pets. More of a cat lady than a bird person? Well, birds provide hours of entertainment for your furry friends. You cats will be mesmerized in your windowsill like a kid in front of a Marie Callender’s pie case. Albeit a kid that wants to stalk and kill a pie, (Continued on Page 3)
Hunter's Chase Gazette - September 2011
Hunter's Chase Gazette CONTACT NUMBERS & IMPORTANT INFO Hunter’s Chase Yahoo Newsgroup Hunter’s chase POA website - UTILITIES Springwood LD Manager Margaret Wingrove.................. Crossroads Utility Services Co. New Management Company........................ 512-246-1400 email: 512-246-1900 Electricity City of Austin...................................................... 476-7721 Gas Atmos Energy............................................1-888-286-6700 Water/Wastewater (City of Austin) Emergency........................................................... 912-6000 Trash/Recycling Texas Disposal Systems ....................................... 421-1340 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HC HOA Goodwin Management Inc. 512-502-7503 Estates of HC POA CA Managers: 512-288-2376 DEED RESTRICTIONS VIOLATIONS contact 246-1400*, *You will be referred to phone # to call. Deed Documents, - Download the file HCA.GOV.xx.19840530.CCRS.pdf SCHOOLS Pond Springs Elementary................................. 512-464-4200 Deerpark Middle School.................................. 512-464-6600 McNeil High School........................................ 512-464-6300 OTHER Crime Stoppers........................................... 1-800-253-STOP County Commissioner Lisa Birkman, Pct. 1 .....................733-5384 fax; 733-5380 Animal Control....................................................... 943-1389 Spicewood Springs Branch Public Library ........................ 8637 Spicewood Springs Rd 512-974-3800
HOA BOARD - prior to June 11th 2011 elections Darin Siefkes ( President Calandra Bradford ............................................Vice President Brian Martin.............................................................Treasurer Brian James ..............................................................Secretary To reach any one of the board members please contact Carmen Glassinger at HUNTERS CHASE POA COMMITTEES Residents interested in joining a committee should contact Darin Siefkes at 1. Neighborhood Watch - will assist with implementing a neighborhood watch program 2. Amenities (Pool, Park & Tennis) - will be responsible for maintenance and improvement suggestions to the Board 3. Events - responsible for determining which neighborhood events to plan and carrying out the planning and execution of the events (neighborhood garage sale, christmas caroling, potlucks, etc) 4. Architectural Control Committee
NEWSLETTER INFO EDITOR Brian James ............... PUBLISHER Peel, Inc........................................................ 888-687-6444 Advertising................................
ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Interested in submitting an article? You can do so by emailing or by going to http://www. All news must be received by the 9th of the month prior to the issue. So if you are involved with a school group, scouts, sports etc – please submit your articles for The Subdivision Name. Personal news for the Stork Report, Teenage Job Seekers, special celebrations and military service are also welcome.
View the current issue of the Hunter's Chase Gazette on the 1st day of each month at 2
Hunters Chase Gazette - September 2011
Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
Hunter's Chase Gazette Every Home Needs a Birdfeeder! - (Continued from Cover Page) and then leave it on your doorstep as a present. Speaking of kids, you can use your feeder to educate your children about nature and help them identify the birds they see. You can be your own Jack Hanna or, with a little more yelling, Dora the Explorer. You won’t need a degree in ornithology either, because out of every 100 birds you see at your feeder, I’ll bet 92 and a half of them will be a combination of these: • Pigeons (usually gray Mourning Doves) • House finches (those little red-chest fellows) • Crap sparrows (they’re really called House sparrows but, let’s be honest, nobody likes them) Those bird species might lack some character, but they make up for it in noisy, fluttery advertising for your feeder. Other birds visiting our area feeders this time of year (based on my backyard) are blue jays, cardinals, chickadees, lesser goldfinches and titmice. (Titmouses? Titmoose? I’ll research that for next time.) You don’t have to limit yourself to those birds either. Your local birding shop or gardening center usually has a copy of the Local Birds of Central Texas quick-guide card. Plus, the experts at the bird shop can suggest various kinds of feed to coax different birds to your yard. Just spend fifteen minutes talking to a wild bird expert. They’d love it, and you might learn something.
If biodiversity, entertainment, and education aren’t enough to convince you to get a birdfeeder, consider this. Our neighborhood houses a lot of birds, and perhaps by supplying them food on a quasi-regular basis you can protect yourself and your home from a possible Hitchcockian-style bird uprising. “Isn’t this the human that provided the gluten-free menu?” “Why, yes, how thoughtful. We’ll peck his eyes out last.” In conclusion, you can liken a backyard birdfeeder to one of those mine-for-gemstone roadside attractions. Most of the color flowing by is recycled dirt, but every once in a while, you find a small ruby that catches your breath. And when you run across such a gem, you
So How’s Real Estate in Hunters Chase?
Active (as of August 8) Pending (under contract) Sold 2011 (Jan‐Aug) Sold 2010 (Jan‐Dec) Sold 2009 (Jan‐Dec) Sold 2008 (Jan‐Dec)
# of Homes
12 3 21 31 28 28
Avg. Price
$217,291 $200,767 $198,680 $213,174 $211,328 $202,878
As a Hunters Chase resident who has lived right here on Partridge Bend for many years I have a vested interest in this community and my neighbors!
How does the future look?
While the number of homes sold so far this year have kept pace with the past few years it looks like the average sales price is slipping down. With 4 1/2 months of inventory and an average time on market of 74 days compared to 58 days last year, buyers can be more particular and will prefer an updated home over one that is not. Homes with updates such as granite counters & hard flooring are typically selling faster than homes without them.
Please call me today at 576‐1504 to find out how much your home is now worth in this market
Keller Williams ‐ 12515‐8 Research Blvd #100 Each office is independently owned and operated
Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
Laurie Flood, Realtor
® 576-1504
Hunter's Chase Gazette - September 2011
Hunter's Chase Gazette Manners Calling... Are your teenagers home? For most of us, our teens could use a little extra help in the manners department, and generally, that’s okay. While kids are expected to “be kids,” those who don’t learn to wait their turn in line or chew with their mouths closed may face bigger challenges later in life. It’s no doubt that children who develop good manners early on are more likely to grow up with respect for others, and have more confidence in school, their friendships, and later on in their careers. The challenge lies in making etiquette - what is sometimes perceived as antiquated and well, let’s face it, boring - actually fun, interesting and relevant to today’s teens’ lives. Directors, Courtney Duncan and Marisol Foster of the National League of Junior Cotillions – West Austin Chapter (NLJC) are dedicated to just that. “Cotillion was a fun, learning experience for me that has had a big impact on my life. My favorite part of Cotillion as a student was getting the experience of formal dancing, dining and manners and applying it to everyday life, “ says Matt Davis, a former Cotillion Student, and currently an outstanding Lake Travis High School student. Matt isn’t an alone. Earlier this year, 155 students enjoyed the Winter Ball, A Venetian Masquerade, at the Barton Creek Country Club, which included a five-course instructional dinner and ball at the end of the season. “Every year, we are amazed at the transformation of the students as they show us their best manners and moves on the dance floor,” says Foster. “Cotillion is our attempt to give teens the confidence they need to enjoy and feel comfortable in every social situation, both on and off the dance floor.” The lively conversations during the formal dinner and echoes of laughter during Snowball Dance Contest confirmed just that. The NLJC’s unique classes for middle school 6th, 7th and 8th grade students offer a three-prong approach to social graces education – life & communication skills, modern etiquette, and dance. The Junior Cotillion season is held at the Barton Creek Country Club, and consists of six instructional classes/dances and a Winter Ball. The curriculum includes a variety of topics, including interviewing tips, body language, international & traveling courtesies, introductions, the art of conversation, personal presentation, and electronic, dating and dining etiquette. For those of you who don’t remember, while dining out, the napkin is left on the chair if you’re planning to return to the table, and placed on the table if you are leaving for good. In addition to life skills and etiquette, a variety of dances are also taught: the Foxtrot, Waltz, Swing, Cha-Cha, Salsa, Texas Two-Step, and other popular line dances – all of which are danced to top 40, family-approved tunes. Parents, watch out, you may be surprised at how fast your children pick up these skills – they might even agree to teach you a dance or two. While membership into the NLJC is invitation-based, classes are open to any interested 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student. “The purpose of the formal invitation is to make Cotillion a special experience for each student, from the initial point of communication, to the big end-of-season event, the Winter Ball,” says Duncan. Any parent interested in learning more about the program can contact Courtney Duncan or Marisol Foster at 512.369.8302, or at Please visit our website at for more information about the program. Class enrollment is limited, but registration is available online with the registration code: westaustin. “Cole Claunch, Chloe Larson, Tucker Folsom, and Marlena Markland enjoy the Sunday Bar at the West Austin Cotillion Ball at the Barton Creek Country Club. Photo by Caroline Mowry.” 4
Hunters Chase Gazette - September 2011
by Robin Dwyer RN I have lived in the Canyon Creek subdivision in Austin since 1994. When I moved in the neighborhood, I had a five year old daughter and had another daughter soon after. The neighborhood at that time was fairly new with a lot of young families with small children. I was seemingly unaware of the dangers of sleeping with my children in an adult bed or the dangers of my child sleeping in a crib with beautiful bedding, stuffed animals, plush blankets and toys that we all purchase when our children are born. I wanted to write this article for the residents to help and educate in hopes of preventing tragedies that I have investigated over the last seven years as my job as an Investigator for the Travis County Medical Examiner’s Office. I want mothers and fathers as well as siblings, grandparents and babysitters to be aware of the dangers of unsafe sleep environments with babies and young children. One of the most pleasurable experiences is cuddling and bonding with an infant. This article is in no way discouraging breast feeding, bonding or cuddling with your child. Babies should be placed alone on their back in a safety approved crib or bassinet for sleeping. This is the safest way for a baby to sleep to prevent accidental deaths by suffocation. Many times babies are placed in adult beds with thick comforters, pillow top bedding and many pillows. It is also not advisable to prop an infant on a couch with pillows. The infants can fall into crevices of the couch and also spaces between a headboard/sideboard. Below are facts and figures depicting the harsh realty of what is happening in Texas and in Travis County and recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics to eliminate the risk factors and create a safe place for your baby to sleep. Every year babies die from suffocation while they sleep. In Texas, on average, a baby dies every other day while bed-sharing with an adult or another child. These figures, researched by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, are alarming and the trend is increasing. According to the Texas State Child Fatality Review Team’s 2009 Annual Report, 86% of accidental infant suffocation deaths were sleep-related, with 81% of these deaths occurring in an adult bed. Right here in Travis County, between 2008 and 2010, 43 babies suffocated in an unsafe sleep environment -- 74% died in an adult bed with 63% dying while bed-sharing. Last year 17 babies, the size of a kindergarten classroom, died of suffocation in an unsafe sleep environment. Bed-sharing is a controversial topic and some groups promote the practice for the purposes of bonding, and more frequent and extended breast feeding. Research completed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (Continued on Page 6) Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
Hunter's Chase Gazette
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Hunter's Chase Gazette - September 2011
Hunter's Chase Gazette Is Your Baby... - (Continued from Page 4) Sudden Infant Death Task Force leads to their position that “there is growing evidence that bed-sharing, as practiced in the United States and other Western countries, is more hazardous than the infant sleeping on a separate sleep surface and, therefore, recommends that infants not bed-share during sleep. Infants may be brought into bed for nursing or comforting but should be returned to their own crib or bassinet when the parent is ready to return to sleep. The infant should not be brought into bed when the parent is excessively tired or using medications or substances that could impair his or her alertness.” A FEW AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS RECOMMENDATIONS:
Babies should sleep in a separate safety approved crib or bassinette in the same room as the parent or caregiver. Bed-sharing is not recommended. Infants be placed on their back for every sleep (for naps and at night.) Use a firm crib mattress made for the crib (there should not be greater than 2 fingers width or 1 inch between the mattress and the crib railing). If the baby leaves an indentation, then the mattress is not firm enough. The mattress should be covered by a fitted sheet leaving no wrinkles. Soft objects and loose bedding, such as pillows, quilts, stuffed toys, pillow-like bumper pads, sheep skins and blankets be kept out of the crib. Continue the “Back to Sleep” campaign. Parents should tell others who care for their baby of these risk factors and how they want their baby to be placed to
sleep. This information is extremely important and everyone who takes care of a baby should know the difference between a safe and unsafe sleep environment and what to do to make it safe for a baby to sleep. Keeping babies safe during sleep is as easy as your ABC’s. Your baby should sleep….. A - Alone, on his or her B - Back, in a safety approved C - Crib (or bassinette), with the D - Dangers (soft bedding materials, stuffed toys, pillow, blankets, comforters, sheepskins, bumper pads, cords) E – Eliminated. A good night’s sleep is a safe night’s sleep! USEFUL WEBSITES: (American Academy of Pediatrics) (Centers of Disease Control) (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) (Consumer Product Safety Commission) (Juvenile Products Manufacturers Assoc.) Please check out the Safe Sleep section in the Safe Living section on the Travis County Medical Examiner’s Website at for additional information and posters.
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Hunters Chase Gazette - September 2011
Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
Hunter's Chase Gazette 2011 SWIM SEASON
May 7 through October 23 | Hours: 6am to 9pm Pool Closed on Tuesdays | Adult Swim Only: 6am to 9am POOL PAVILION RESERVATIONS GO TO WWW.LIFELINEAQUATICS.COM
1 - Select Community Services 2 - Select Amenities/Pool Event Rentals 3 - Select top Drop Down Site box to locate your POA facility name (Hunters Chase). The POA home page gives a detailed description of pavilion rental procedures. 4 - Select Pavilion Rentals tab on the left 5 - Select Register Now to complete the reservation If you have questions, contact Lifeline Aquatics, as follows: Angie Payne | Aquatics Program Director | Lifeline Aquatics 877-354-1313 | Fax: 512-869-6291 | NEED AN ACCESS CARD FOR THE POOL OR TENNIS COURTS?
Go to to eSign required forms - FASTEST WAY TO GET AN ACCESS CARD! Owners now have the option to access and eSign Pool Wavers at To submit a pool waiver on the owner will follow these steps: Click on Association - Obtain transaction code from DocuSign - Paste transaction code from email into DocuSign form - Complete the DocuSign transaction
Copyright Š 2011 Peel, Inc.
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Hunter's Chase Gazette - September 2011
Hunter's Chase Gazette 308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717
Hunters Chase Gazette - September 2011
Copyright Š 2011 Peel, Inc.