The Dominion - February 2012

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OUTLOOK News for the Residents of The Dominion

February is American Heart Month Submitted by Karen Behrend

February is American Heart Month! Here are some facts and tips to help you keep your heart healthy and help prevent Heart Disease.

COOL HEART FACTS: o The heart beats 2.5 billion times in a lifetime (65 yrs) (if you take care of it, maybe more!) o It takes 23-24 seconds for a drop of blood to circulate through the entire body o Your body pumps 1 million barrels of blood in a lifetime! o Your body has 60,000 miles of blood vessels o Every day over 650 Americans have coronary bypass surgery. RISK FACTORS: I. Unalterable Risk Factors you CAN NOT change: o Family History (father/brother had heart disease before age 55, or mother/sister before age 65). o Gender (men have a higher risk) o Age (Men over 45 and Women over 55 are at increase risk) II. Risk Factors you CAN alter: o High Blood Pressure (three readings at 140/90 in a month, see your doctor) o Smoking (#1 preventable cause of heart attacks in the US. Smokers have a 70% great risk than nonsmokers). Tough habit to break, but sooner or later you will quit! o Cholesterol (Blood cholesterol of 200 mg/dl is desirable, 239 mg/ dl is borderline and 240 mg/dl+ is high) Know your numbers and get a complete breakdown of your total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and Triglycerides. Have your doctor explain the numbers to you! o Obesity (more than 30% of your desirable weight) Eating too much of the wrong foods can make you fat! Focus on 5 fruits or veggies a day for the next 20 days.

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

o Physical Inactivity (Choose to move! 30-60 minutes 3-4 times a week!) III. Other contributing Factors o Diabetes o Stress/Tension o Hormonal Factors o Alcohol Primary Risk Factors have the strongest relationship to heart disease (family history, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and physical inactivity), when two or more of these are present, the likelihood of heart disease greatly increases.

10 TIPS TO HELP DEVELOP HEALTHY HABITS AND PREVENT HEART DISEASE IN YOUR FAMILY Take care of your heart and your children’s hearts by: 1. Regular daily physical activity (walk, bike, hike together) 2. Participate in age-appropriate sports, lesson or clubs. Let kids try a variety and find what they like 3. Participate in household chores (the physical kind) 4. Follow a healthy diet; low in fat and high in complex carbohydrates. Be supportive. Focus on positive instead of negative. Praise for a job well done! 5. Don’t reward kids with food…find other ways to celebrate! 6. Be supportive. Focus on positive instead of negative. Praise for a job well done! 7. Limit TV, video game and computer time…disconnect from it! 1-2 hours a day max! 8. Be a positive role model and practice what you preach 9. Set goals and limits. Daily activity, 1-2 desserts a week 10. .Learn CPR. The next life you save may be someone you love!

The Outlook - February 2012





EMERGENCY NUMBERS EMERGENCY................................................................911

FOR SALE: Furniture - Louis XVI style, 19th century chairs, table, and sofa for sale. Professionally appraised. For more information, please call 210-698-1487.


WANTED: Dog Walker/Runner - Looking for someone who will walk and run my Australian Shepherd female daily. She is 3 months old, very active and full of energy. If you are interested please call (210) 363-0883. I live at the Cottage Estates.

Fire....................................................................................... 911 Ambulance........................................................................... 911 Police Dept – Non-Emergency.............................210-207-7273 Fire Dept – Non-Emergency................................210-207-7744 Chief of Security..................................................210-268-9932 Main Gate................................ 210-698-2997 or 210-698-2998 North Gate............................... 210-698-7812 or 210-698-1224 Automated Service...............................................210-698-9744


City Customer Service..........................................210-207-6400 Solid Waste (Trash)..............................................210-207-6428


Cedar Elm Postal Office.......................................210-641-0278


Peel, Inc...............................................................512-263-9181 Advertising............................................

FOR SALE: Multiple Items - Lexington Bedroom set King size, 4 poster beautiful carved bed with 2 large, matching nightstands with marble tops. Paid over $4,000 new at Stowers, asking $2,200. Antique Victrola working condition, records included, asking $150. 2006 SunnyBrook/Mobile Scout 5th Wheel RV Model 31BWKS. Original owner, non-smoking, 2 A/Cs, 3 Slides, King bed, pristine condition. Perfect for fantastic camping or to keep at the Ranch or Hunting Lease. NADA value $34,000, asking $28,900. Please call Anne Handren at 688-4114 for more information or a picture.

Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used

bike...) run at no charge to The Dominion residents, limit 30 words, please e-mail

MISSION STATEMENT The Outlook, For The Dominion The mission of The Outlook is to provide The Dominion Community with one source of local news content that is written by Dominion residents. Our goal is to help build the community by connecting local businesses with residents and residents with relevant neighborhood information.

"Be the community."

ARTICLE INFO The Outlook is mailed monthly to all Dominion residents. Residents, community groups, churches, etc. are welcome to include information about their organizations in the newsletter. Personal news for the Stork Report, Teenage Job Seekers, recipes, special celebrations, and birthday announcements are also welcome. To submit an article for The Outlook please email it to The deadline is the 20th of the month prior to the issue.


The Outlook - February 2012

BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS WATSON & WATSON INTERIOR IMAGES: In Boerne. Specializing in Upholstery and Antique Restoration. We make custom Bedding and Draperies. 10% off materials w/ this ad. We are a Hunter Douglas Priority Dealer selling Blinds, Shades and Shutters. Store location , 437 Turner Ave. Boerne, TX., 830 249-2759.

Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for

profit) are $50, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office at 512-263-9181 or

Remodeling by Julian

kitchen & bath designs

Julian M. Alvarez, Jr. Licensed, Insured cell: cabinets counter tops painting tub enclosures

210.865.0500 shower stalls shower pans siding windows



carpet ceramic tile wood floors cork

sheet vinyl vinyl tile vct laminate floors Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

THE OUTLOOK The Dominion News

A Dominion HOA Publication

Submitted by The Dominion HOA Board of Directors JANUARY 2012 - HAPPY NEW YEAR

The HOA Staff and Board hopes that all of the membership had a wonderful, peaceful and joyful holiday. We want to thank all of the members who contributed to the Employee Holiday Fund this year. Your contributions represented a special thanks to all of the G4S and HOA staff personnel who insure everyday that our security and home values are protected and maintained. Your contributions generated approximately $24,000 to be shared by all of the G4S and HOA staff employees. They are all very grateful. The 2012 year will have a unique set of challenges as does each year. However, we are also looking forward to accomplishing some significant milestones in refurbishing part of our aging infrastructure such as streets, common ground landscaping, bridges, lighting and irrigation. We also will see the full implementation of the new security QuickPass system and software which will improve our overall security. Every new year also has an election for three directors to the HOA Board as three existing terms expire. The strength and commitment

of the HOA Board and its standing committees are paramount to the financial health and homeowner values within our community. We want to recognize the many association members who serve on the HOA committees and give their time and energy to make the Dominion the premium community that it is in San Antonio. Elections will be held in the March/April timeframe for three director positions and the reconstituted Board will appoint Committee chairs shortly thereafter. Please consider how you can serve your community as either a Director on the Board or a Committee member. The Standing Committees are as follows: SECURITY Development and Strategic Planning Landscape Finance and Contracts Neighborhood Outreach Architectural Control External Relations Human Resources (Continued on Page 4)

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San Antonio|210.678.6711 The Outlook - February 2012


THE OUTLOOK The Dominion News- (Continued from Page 3) COMMUNITY MANUAL

In response to the 82nd Texas Legislation Session, the HOA publicly filed the Dominion HOA Community Manual on December 21, 2011 in the official records of Bexar County. An electronic copy of the Community Manual can be found at the Dominion HOA website at, www. or you may request a hard copy at the HOA office under the new policy for record inspection, retention and copying. The Dominion Community Manual is a complete collection of the association’s rules, regulations, policies and procedures affecting owners, residents, builders, developers, and their invitees. With this filing, the Dominion HOA has created several new policies (listed in last month’s Newsletter) to be consistent with the new HOA legal requirements and has reviewed all of it existing policies to also be consistent with new legal requirements. The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) review procedures received a significant amount of revisions to enhance the overall efficiency of the process as well as additional specificity for submission requirements. Anyone planning on submitting a new home building proposal or modification to an existing home, including structures in the yard, should consult the revised ACC checklist contained in the Community Manual. New or existing pet owners should review the Pet Policy where some modifications were also made.

Going forward, the electronic version of the Community Manual will be updated as any changes are made by the Board. The membership will be notified via email as those changes are made. The membership will also be notified by email on the date and agenda for all monthly HOA Board meetings. Similarly, the HOA website will contain messaging on these same items. It is important for the HOA office to have an email address for each homeowner so you can be properly notified of all HOA activity. You are also encouraged to visit the HOA website for access to the HOA messaging board as well as the Community Manual, QuickPass Security System, other Security services and potential future services such as an electronic directory, neighborhood maps, your billing and account information, etc. GENERAL MANAGER SEARCH The HOA Board is actively involved in a formal search for a new General Manager to replace Fred Gonzalez. In December, Fred took on a new opportunity working for the Altezca Condominiums Group in the Grand Hyatt Hotel. We wish Fred well and thank him for his 6 years of dedicated service to the Dominion community. The Board is working with several key contacts within the association manager community. Our job opportunity and position description have been circulated through these contacts to prospective applicants to determine a level of interest and the development of a short list of

candidates to consider. Consistent with the Dominion being the premium community in San Antonio, we are looking for a top notch candidate with the appropriate skills, experience and professional property management certifications for the job. SECURITY Transmitters/New QuickPass System All Dominion residents are reminded to obtain the new QuickPass transponders for entry into The Dominion. These new transponders are smaller and will soon replace the existing plastic transmitters. The new transmitters are $35 each and may be obtained at the HOA office. For those residents with questions about the new transponders and the accompanying new entry system at The Dominion, the HOA will be sponsoring a “Tagging Party” to be held on January 21, 2012 at the Dominion HOA office and again on February 11, 2012 at the Dominion Country Club. A resident training class will also be offered on February 11, 2012 along with the tagging event. This will give residents an opportunity to speak with representatives of QuickPass and to ask questions about the new QuickPass access control system. It will also be an opportunity to purchase and have installed the new transponders. The HOA is aware certain vehicles have windshields that make it difficult/impossible for the new transponders to operate—this is also true of the black, plastic transmitters. (Continued on Page 6)


The Outlook - February 2012

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THE OUTLOOK The Dominion News- (Continued from Page 4) There is a license plate mount containing a transmitter that will be available for such vehicles. However, this license plate mount will only be provided for those vehicles which have windshields that do not allow the sticker transmitter to function properly. Please contact the HOA office for further information about this. The HOA will be announcing, in the near future, but after the “Tagging Party”, the date when the existing plastic transmitters will no longer operate. This means after that date only vehicles with the new QuickPass transponders will be able to pass through the resident entry lane at the security gates. Also, remember the new QuickPass transponders become inoperable if removed from the windshield. One of the purposes of the new QuickPass system is to eliminate the use of any “hand held” transmitters---for obvious security reasons. The QuickPass Visitor Access Control system is web based and accessible through the Dominion HOA website. This is an excellent tool to manage your permanent, temporary or duration visitors directly and over the internet. You should have previously received correspondence from the HOA office with your QuickPass user name and password in order to use the software. Once you have connected with the software, you can personalize your user name and password for ease of remembering them. If assistance is needed, please contact the HOA office.

Trusted Vendor Program Your HOA is in the process of formulating a “Trusted Vendor” program which will provide an opportunity for residents and certain vendors to purchase the new QuickPass transponders. Thus certain housekeepers, maintenance workers, etc will have an opportunity for entry into The Dominion through the resident entry lane based on a certification of the homeowner or owner of a business with several clients within The Dominion. There will be time of day restrictions as well as qualifications for use of these transponders. Details on this and the related costs will be forthcoming. Extra Holiday Security Patrols Your HOA authorized extra security patrols during selected days of the recent holiday season which we believe were very useful. The HOA is studying ways to have more roving security patrols throughout the neighborhood. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION The installation of the new landscape and irrigation in the center islands of the main entrance to The Dominion is well underway. The new irrigation system has been installed and awaits final inspection by the City of San Antonio. The next steps are to install the soils and (Continued on Page 7)

FOUND! Next To Willie’s in Leon Springs. 24200 IH-10 West 210-687-1122 Open Every Day.

If you spoil your pets, you will love Fetch & Friskers. Top of the line merchandise. Fresh “barkery.” Made to order Birthday Pupcakes. Unparalleled selection of clothing, bedding, carriers, gifts, dishes, leashes, collars, bones and toys. Pet Registries. Gift Baskets and more. Shop with your pet! Come. Sit. Stay. Soon.

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The Outlook - February 2012

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THE OUTLOOK The Dominion News- (Continued from Page 6)


n i g r s Nig p S no



mixes for the new beds and turf: install new conduits for improved lighting: and finally the installation of the new landscaping. The completion of the entire project has been somewhat delayed due to evaluation of the enhanced lighting plans which are currently under review for final approval. The weather has been very cooperative and SAWS returning to Stage 1 will improve the ability to increase watering for the establishment of the new landscaping before next summer. The landscape contractor, Maldonado, has received a waiver from SAWS to water extensively for three weeks after installation. Thereafter, Maldonado will “hand water” as necessary before setting up watering on the Stage 1 schedule. All landscape installations will be covered by a 1 year warranty by Maldonado. The additional sites targeted for new irrigation systems are those sections of The Dominion which show many irrigation flags. All wiring and sleeving has been completed and these systems should be up and running by month end. The Landscape Committee also met with a tree arborist from the Texas Forest Service. He gave a good bill of health for the trees in our common areas and he was pleased with how the new irrigation systems have been installed in such a manner as to protect the tree roots. The river rock which has been installed in some of the tree wells of the center islands will not harm the live oaks, which are the hardiest of trees, and he gave advice about proper cleaning of these rocks over time to ensure the continued health of the trees. Later this week, work will begin to clean the Cantera stone on the bridge as you enter The Dominion. This work should be completed by the end of the month. Repair on a few of the bridge’s sculptured stone pieces, bridge lighting and finial repairs on the entry monuments are also being looked at for consideration. Sincerely, Richard Dietz, Chairman The Dominion Homeowners Association, Inc.

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The Outlook - February 2012


THE OUTLOOK Dominion Neighborhood Real Estate Update Report date range is all activity for 2011 (1-1-11 to 12-31-11)

Here is a quick look at Dominion properties SOLD in the years past: HOUSES:

Year Units SOLD Price per foot --------------------------------------------------------------2007 78 $181.87 2008 74 $174.87 2009 53 $161.84 2010 80 $162.21 2011 64 $164.21 LOTS:

Year Units SOLD Price per foot ---------------------------------------------------------------2007 20 $10.43 2008 9 $10.58 2009 3 $7.56 2010 14 $8.50 2011 16 $5.84

HOUSES: 64 houses Sold: Sold price range Low $260,000 High $3,000,000 - Median price range $627,500 Price per sq. ft. Low $78.53 High $402.14 7 Houses Pending: List Price range Low $379,900 High $1,195,000 – Median price range $531,995 Price per sq. ft. Low $101.33 High $208.62 88 homes Active for sale: List Price range Low $369,000 High $2,750,000 – Median price range $759,950 Price per sq. ft. Low $107.12 High $500.90 LOTS:

51 Lots active for sale: List Price range Low $85,000 High $1,500,000 – Median price range $199,000 Median price per Square Foot $10.10 0 Lots pending: 16 Lots Sold: Sold Price range Low $69,900 High $360,000 Prepared By: Matthew Resnick on 1/18/12 All information provided by MLS & other sources buyer should independently verify same before relying thereon.


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The Outlook - February 2012

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

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NOW Salon 9091 Fair Oaks Parkway Suite 205 Fair Oaks Village Shopping Center (210) 698-3815 Conveniently located at I-10 and exit 546 The Outlook - February 2012


THE OUTLOOK THE DOMIONION HOA NEW QUICK PASS SECURITY PASSES The new Quick Pass Security System is in and up and running. Only thing left is for every resident to have a new pass attached to their automobile’s windshield. Photo are of the first Tag Party this past Saturday, January 21 Next party will be announced in the DHOA newsletter which is sent to you by email and is on the DHOA website: PROBLEM:

In the very near future, the old passes we have now (referred to as clickers) will be turned off, deactivated. This means you will not be able to use them. SOLUTION:

Come in to the DHOA office and have your new pass attached to your car. No appointment is necessary. Just bring your auto, old pass (clicker) and proof of insurance. Fill out the form, make you payment and Lucy or other staff members will do the rest. The new transponder installation is quick and easy.

Happy motoring in and around The Dominion.

(Continued on Page 11)

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TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin. 10

The Outlook - February 2012

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

THE OUTLOOK New Quick Pass Security Passes- (Continued from Page 10)

Above: The Dominion HOA staff explains the new transponder system. Top Left: Lucy helps a homeowner test their new transponder on the gate arm. Top Right: After testing the gate arm, its time to permanently install the transponder Right: Sylvia assists a homeowner with his vehicle information.

Get Ready for the Holidays! I wanted to let you know that I am running Carpet City,my father’s flooring business here in San Antonio. We have been in business since 1964. If you need any commercial or residential flooring please give us a call! I have had the pleasure of helping many Dominion residents over the past year!

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210.679.7412 The Outlook - February 2012


THE OUTLOOK At no time will any source be allowed to use The Outlook contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in The Outlook is exclusively for the private use of Peel, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. * The Dominion HOA does not endorse any of the advertisers contatined in The Outlook.

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The Outlook - February 2012

What Causes Sensitive Teeth & What To Do About It Do you experience discomfort in your teeth? Do you find it difficult to drink icy or hot beverages? You may have a case of sensitive teeth. Luckily, it’s very treatable. Find out what causes sensitive teeth and how to change your habits to avoid sensitivity. What does it mean to have sensitive teeth? If you experience pain or discomfort when consuming foods or beverages that are hot, cold, sweet, or sour; when brushing or flossing; or even when breathing sharp, cold air, you may have sensitive teeth. What is the reason for sensitive teeth?


• Over-brushing – brushing your teeth too hard may wear down enamel or irritate the gum line, causing it to recede and expose the tooth’s sensitive roots. • Cracked teeth – a crack or chip in your tooth may expose the underlying dentin or may fill with bacteria from plaque, causing the nerve to inflame. • Teeth grinding – over time, grinding or clenching your teeth can erode enamel and expose dentin. • Gum disease – gum disease leads to tooth decay which breaks down enamel; gum disease can also lead to infection which may attack the tooth’s roots or cause the gum line to recede. • Tooth whitening – using products with peroxide or baking soda can seriously aggravate exposed roots or dentin. • Age – studies have shown that tooth sensitivity occurs most often in people between the ages of 25 and 30. It is possible to experience tooth sensitivity after routine dental procedures such as the placement of a filling or crown, tooth restoration, or even tooth cleaning. Such sensitivity is temporary; if it does not cease after four to six weeks please consult your dentist. How should I take care of my teeth if they are sensitive? Tooth sensitivity is very treatable, no matter what the cause. Here are a few remedies you can take advantage of at home: Try a desensitizing toothpaste which contains chemicals that block sensations like hot and cold from reaching the nerves in your teeth. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush that will be gentler on both your teeth and gums. Switch to a fluoride mouthwash. Avoid acidic foods such as tea, tomatoes, and citrus fruits. Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice every day and flossing once daily. Depending on the cause and severity of your sensitivity, you may benefit from professional treatment. If you suffer from sensitive teeth, please be sure to contact your dentist. We can set up an appointment to discuss what is bothering you and determine the best way to address the problem. Submitted by Dr. Flury Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.


- Kids Stuff-

Section for Kids with news, puzzles, games and more!

"Mom!" you yell down the stairs. "Where's my math book? I can't find it and the bus is coming! Please help me ... it's an emergency!" It is kind of an emergency with the bus coming and all, but what about a medical emergency? That kind of emergency is usually more serious. If you don't have your math book or miss the bus, that would be bad. But a medical emergency means someone needs care from a doctor right away. Let's find out the right thing to do. Q U I C K T H I N K I N G : W H AT WOULD YOU DO? Liz and her little brother Jamie are out for a walk. Jamie decides to race ahead down a very steep hill. He's running pretty fast when he suddenly trips. Over and over he falls, rolling down the hill at high speed until he's sprawled out on the sidewalk at the bottom. Liz rushes to her brother's side, hoping that he's OK.Then she sees some blood on the pavement. And Jamie isn't moving at all.What should she do? First things first: Liz should call for help right away. Calling for help is the most important thing a kid can do in an emergency. If you are going to be the one making the emergency phone call, here's what to do: • Take a deep breath to calm down a little. • Tell the operator there's an emergency.

• Say your name and where you are (the exact address if you know it). • Explain what happened and how many people are hurt. (The operator will need all the information you can provide, so give as many details as you can.) • Stay on the line until the operator says it's OK to hang up. After calling for help, your first thought might be to rush over to the person who's injured. But stop and look before you do. Make sure the scene is safe. If it's not, wait in a safe spot until a grown-up or an emergency team arrives. If the scene is safe, and as soon as Liz is sure someone is calling 911 – or she has called it herself – she could return to her brother and wait until help arrives. (She shouldn't move her brother at all because he could have a neck or other bone injury. Moving someone who has that sort of injury can make it much worse.) She can help him feel calm by being calm herself. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY The best way to handle an emergency is to be prepared for one. Knowing what to do ahead of time can help you stay in control so that you can help. Here are some suggestions on how to be ready to help in an emergency: When you are outdoors, make sure you are in an area where you can call out for help even if you don’t have a phone with you.

• Know how to dial 911 or your local emergency number. In most areas in the United States, it's 911. • If you have one, carry a cell phone or know how to use your parent's cell phone. • Learn first aid. Look for basic first-aid classes with your local Red Cross, the YMCA or YWCA, the Boy or Girl Scouts, 4-H clubs, your local hospital, and other organizations. Or ask your school nurse to have a first-aid class just for students in your school. It's scary to think about someone getting hurt. But the truth is that accidents can and do happen. They happen when people are being careless and careful. Sometimes, kids are the ones who get hurt. Sometimes, grown-ups get hurt. Either way, it's good to know what to do if someone needs emergency medical help. Even though you're a kid, you can make a big difference by doing the right thing. Reviewed by: Kate Cronan, MD • Date reviewed: August 2007

Be a Hero the Smart Way In an emergency, a kid might think about playing the superhero by driving a car or racing into a burning building. Do do it! you could cause another accident or make the situation worse. If you get hurt, too, who will call 911?

This information was provided by KidsHealth, one of the largest resources online for medically reviewed health information written for parents, kids, and teens. For more articles like this one, visit or  ©1995-2006. The Nemours Foundation

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The Outlook - February 2012



Attention KIDS: Send Us Your Masterpiece! Color the drawing below and mail the finished artwork to us at: Peel, Inc. - Kids Club 308 Meadowlark St Lakeway, TX 78734-4717 We will select the top few and post their artwork online at DUE: February 29th

Be sure to include the following so we can let you know! Name: _________________________________________ (first name, last initial)

Age:__________ Email Address: __________________________________ [This information will only be used to notify you or your parents if your artwork was selected.]

DOM 14

The Outlook - February 2012

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The Outlook - February 2012




308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717






REALTOR ®, GRI, Green, CHMS, SRS Cell: 210.849.8837 Email:

“ xceptional Service with Results!”

IH-10 CORRIDOR San Antonio • Offered at $1,447,000

Custom-built, 4 bdrm, Spanish Hacienda on 4+ acres of land, includes 2 controlled-access gates. Flagstone terrace reveals breathtaking views of the hill country, fireworks over Fiesta Texas & views of downtown San Antonio. MLS# 895880

THE DOMINION San Antonio • Offered at $695,000

SA Business Journal Top 20 Residential REALTOR® SA Platinum Top 50 REALTOR® Texas Monthly Five Star REALTOR®

VINEYARD ESTATES IN THE DOMINION San Antonio • Offered at $2,497,000

Private estate, perfectly located. Multiple alfresco terraces overlook Camp Bullis, which deliver pure privacy. Estate captivates luxury, complete with a majestic pool/spa, winning The Best in Show Design Award in 2007! Price Reduced by $300,000! MLS# 895881

UNDER CONTRACT! THE DOMINION San Antonio • Offered at $497,000

Dominion custom home on a cul-de-sac lot with mature Award-winning custom designed garden home on a large trees & Chicago brick inside & out. Granite kit. opens to lot with controlled access & mature trees. Open floorplan a family room with courtyard views, separate dining & with lots of light shows off beautiful tile floors, custom study. Great lighting shows off beautiful custom molding. molding & built-ins. Large island kitchen includes granite, Luxurious master suite & all secondary bdrms have their Jenn Air & separate dining. Private study, plus a game own bath! Extra living & game room. Walk out terrace room upstairs makes a great private retreat. MLS# 919201 provides incredible views! MLS# 921938 16

The Outlook - February 2012

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

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