Wildhorse - May 2012

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WILD May 2012




Volume IV, Issue V

Official Publication of the Wildhorse Homeowners Association

Open Board Meeting Note: Date/location/time to be determined at a future date. Please check email, Facebook and community signs for exact meeting information. The Wildhorse Board will hold its second open board meeting. The meeting is available to all homeowners to attend. The board has decided to change the meeting schedule going forward to quarterly meetings. This change was needed to better accommodate the varying schedules of members of the board. Please know that the board can be reached anytime at board@wildhorsecommunity.com. Please come out and see your representatives in action. To ensure an orderly meeting, the board has developed standing rules which all in attendance are required to follow. Please review the following rules prior to attending the meeting. STANDING RULES FOR A REGULAR/SPECIAL MEETINGS

The Board believes it can best serve the community if all Board meetings are conducted in an orderly manner, and requests your full and complete cooperation in this regard. It is important for Board members to hear from members who have information regarding the community. Here are standing rules presumed a requirement of all in assembly at the meeting. • If homeowners wish to address the board prior to the start of the meeting, they must sign in with their name, address, email address (if available), and topic to be discussed. • Any member wishing to address the board shall speak no longer than three (3) minutes per lot. No member may speak more than twice on any one subject, and no more than three (3) minutes each time, and must be recognized by the chair prior to speaking. • All remarks must be directed to the Board. Remarks must be courteous in language and expression. At no time shall a speaker allude to others by name, address, or to motives. • The audience will not be permitted to interrupt nor question any speaker. • After the speaker has finished addressing the Board, the Chair will recognize the next person to speak. • Members in the audience will refrain from engaging in conversation among themselves or otherwise disrupting the meeting. (Private conversations among members in the audience are distracting to the conduct of the meeting. If members of the assembly wish to carry on a conversation with one another, then they must move away from the meeting area). • In case of a serious disorder or other great emergency, the chair has the right to declare the assembly adjourned to some other time (and place if necessary), if it is impracticable to take a vote, or in their opinion, dangerous to delay for a vote. • The Board of Directors reserves the right to comment on any concerns that are presented either at the meeting or through other forms of communication at a later date. Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Wildhorse HOA 2012 Pool Schedule SPORTS PARK:

April 14th-April 30th Weekend hours................ 11 am – 8 pm May 1st –May 31st Weekday hours................ 7 am – 12 pm Weekend hours.................. 7 am – 9 pm Memorial Day (May 26, 27 & 28th) Weekend hours....................... 7am-9pm June 1st Hours................................ 7am – 12pm SUMMER SEASON

June 2nd – August 26th Weekday hours.................. 7 am – 9 pm Weekend hours.................. 7 am – 9 pm Pool Closed for Cleaning...............Tuesday August 27th-September 2nd Weekday hours.................... 7am – 7pm Weekend hours....................... 7am-9pm Labor Day(September 3rd) .............................................. 7am-9pm September 4th-September 30th: Weekday hours.................... 7am – 7pm Weekend hours....................... 7am-9pm September 30th: POOL CLOSES Weekend = Saturday and Sunday Weekday = Monday-Friday (The 2012 pool schedule is subject to change) (Continued on Page 2)

Wildhorse Messenger - May 2012



HOA Board

Chris Winnier.......................................................... President Enrique Yanes....................................................Vice President Emmanuel Beauchef..................................... Member at Large Nathan Lester............................................... Member at Large Arthur Canizales.......................................... Member at Large To contact the board, email: board@wildhorsecommunity.com OPEN............................. Communications Committee Chair communication@wildhorsecommunity.com Lory Simpkins..................................... Pool Committee Chair pools@wildhorsecommunity.com OPEN....................................Public Works Committee Chair publicworks@wildhorsecommunity.com Hilda Black..........................................Recreation Committee recreation@wildhorsecommunity.com Adalberto Ramirez............................. Safety Committee Chair www.wildhorsecommunity.com OPEN............................................... Social Committee Chair social@wildhorsecommunity.com

Important Numbers Bexar Co. Public Works.....................................210.465.4528 ...................................................... (shredding, graffiti, etc.) Bexar Co. Sign Dept.........................................210.465.0536 ........................................... (report damaged/missing signs) CPS...................................................................210.353.4357 ................................................... (report street light outage) Sheriff - Non-Emergency...................................210.335.6000 Spectrum Mgmt. Association............................210.494.0659

Newsletter Information Publisher Peel, Inc........................ www.PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181 Article Submission..... communication@wildhorsecommunity.com Advertising................................ advertising@PEELinc.com

ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Interested in submitting an article? You can do so by emailing communication@wildhorsecommunity.com or by going to: http://www.peelinc.com/articleSubmit.php. All news must be received by the 9th of the month prior to the issue. WILDHORSE IS ON FACEBOOK! VISIT WWW.WILDHORSECOMMUNITY.COM TO JOIN!


Wildhorse Messenger - May 2012

Wildhorse Pool Schedule - (Continued from Cover Page) TIMBER COUNTRY May 1st – May 31st Weekday hours...........................12pm – 9pm Weekend hours..........................12pm – 9pm Memorial Day (May 26th, 27th and 28th) Weekend hours............................... 7am-9pm June 1st Hours.........................................12pm – 9pm SUMMER SEASON June 2nd – August 26th: Weekday hours........................... 7 am – 9 pm Weekend hours.......................... 7 am – 9 pm Pool Closed for Cleaning...................... Monday August 26th: POOL CLOSES

ADULT SWIM There have been many requests for adult swim-only time in the community in the past. New for 2012 is exclusive swim time for the adults in the community outside of normal operating hours. This benefit will begin May 1st and run until August 31st. Times will be divided among AM and PM swim times. The schedule is as follows: AM Adult Swim - at Sports Park Pool Wednesday & Fridays........................6-7am PM Adult Swim - at Sports Park & Timber Country Pools Fridays & Saturday evenings............. 9-10pm Again, these are additional hours added to the schedule. Time was not taken away from the regular swim hours. Adults, please utilize these times. Families with children, please respect the adult swim hours. Enjoy! POOL CARD REGISTRATIONS

If you missed the 8 scheduled opportunities to register your pool card for 2012, fear not. If you wish to use the pools this year, you may obtain the 2012 pool sticker at Spectrum. Their office is located at 17319 San Pedro, Ste. 318, San Antonio, TX 78232. This may be obtained during the hours of M-F, 9:00AM – 5:00PM. Cards and stickers will not be provided should an account have a balance. Please contact the Accounts Services at 210-494-0659 prior to visiting their office. Forms are available online at both Wildhorse and Spectrum’s website. They are www.wildhorsecommunity.com and www.spectrumam.com. We also ask that respect is shown to Aquatica Pool Management’s staff. There have been reports of disgruntled behavior by those attempting to gain access to the pool. Entrance will not be permitted without a registered/activated card and a sticker. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

WILDHORSE UPDATE ON VIA The BOD received communication regarding the results of the second survey that was sent to Wildhorse and surrounding neighborhoods regarding the potential of having a VIA transit line on Wildhorse Parkway. The following is a summary of the history of this issue and the results of the second survey. In response to customer requests, in 2009 the Route Planning department hypothesized that VIA could pick up many riders at no cost in added bus hours by re‐routing route 660 off of loop 1604 for about one mile between Braun road and Shaenfield road, and putting it on Wildhorse Parkway where it would be more accessible to residents. In order to estimate ridership, in July 2009 a survey was sent by mail to all houses within one fourth of a mile of the proposed route segment. This indicated that 18 households in the area have people who take the bus now, though they must walk up to 1.5 miles to do so. After responses were screened for circumstances that work against use of bus service, it was estimated that such a route change would yield added passenger trips as follows: On the work trip side: 47 new customers, commuting 178 person‐days a

week, or 356 one‐way trips. On the leisure trip side: an added 432 person‐ trips per week, out of 246 people in 103 households. For budgetary reasons action on this was delayed until 2011. In May 2011 VIA held a public hearing a few miles away, at which six people spoke about the proposed Wildhorse / route 660 change. Four of the six spoke against it, and the change was pulled from the August signup agenda. A second survey was done, this time not to estimate ridership but to ask whether people in the neighborhood favor or oppose bus service. There were 547 responses out of 3,643 homes (15%).48% favor bus service down Wildhorse Parkway while 39% oppose it. Those opposed to the service argue that the bus is a threat to pedestrians and children, that buses do not belong in residential areas or near schools and that bus riders are dangerous criminals and trashy. Those that are in favor of the bus route plan to use the bus as a means of transportation. At this time, there is no indication of what VIA is planning. We will continue to report on this issue.

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Free April 2012 Report on WildHorse House Prices If you’re curious about what you WildHorse homes like yours are selling for in today’s market. Plus: Get a free Report with up-to-the-minute statistics based on all the homes For Sale and Sold in WildHorse over the last 3-months in all price ranges. To Get your Free April 2012 Report on WILDHORSE House Prices Just go to .......


Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. and its affiliates, Mayfield Village, OH. Auto insurance prices and products are different when purchased directly from Progressive or through independent agents/brokers. Homeowners insurance underwritten by Homesite Group Incorporated, Boston, MA, and IDS Property Casualty Co., DePere, WI, and their affiliates, who are not affiliated with Progressive and are solely responsible for claims. Product and discount availability varies by state. 10A00164.BQ (03/10)

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Reports Provided by Bobbi Terry, Realtor®, CRS, USAA Relocation Specialist Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors®, © 2011 Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale.

Wildhorse Messenger - May 2012


WILDHORSE At no time will any source be allowed to use the Wildhorse Messenger contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in the Wildhorse Messenger is exclusively for the private use of the Wildhorse HOA and Peel, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.




www.yourwildhorserealtors.com Todd Monistere 210.663.1166 mtoddm@satx.rr.com

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Home Team

of America

ACC Approval It’s the time of year when homeowners are making improvements to the outside of their homes. These improvements are important and highly encouraged. It helps to keep the neighborhood fresh, pretty and inviting. Please remember that your improvements must maintain the harmony and integrity of our community. Please submit all improvement requests to the ACC committee. The forms can found at www.spectrumam.com. For those of you planning to stain your fences, below is a list of the HOA approved fence stains. • Behr semi-transparent natural cedar • Wood Defender Sierra semi-transparent • Olympic Desert Sand semi-transparent • Olympic Caramel semi-transparent • Olympic Cedar Natural tone semi-transparent • Olympic Sierra semi-transparent & some semi-transparent redwood stains • Kwal lost luggage (the color along Wildhorse Parkway)

Farewell to Tyler Horner The Board of Directors would like to thank Tyler Horner for his service to the Wildhorse community as a director. Tyler completed his two year commitment to the BOD, and decided not run again due to other commitments. Among the many contributions Tyler had on the committee, he was pivotal in the reestablishment of the Safety Committee. Tyler has also indicated a willingness to remain active in the community. Thank you, Tyler and we wish you and your family all the best.

Communication in Wildhorse In order to stay current with the happenings in our community, there are many sources of information.

• Community website - www.wildhorsecommunity.com • Monthly newsletter - available at www.peelinc.com • Facebook group - To join the group, go to www.wildhorsecommunity. com and click on the Facebook icon. Also, send your name and address to communications@wildhorsecommunity.com for faster admittance into the group. • Email notifications from Spectrum - Steps to Register: Log on to www.spectruamam.com | Complete the online registration | A password will be sent to the email address provided | Once the email is received you will have access to your account which will also allow you to make payments online | Please feel free to contact the Accounts Services Department by calling 210-494-0659. Please take advantage of all of these resources. There is no longer an excuse to say that you did not know about something.

Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale.


Wildhorse Messenger - May 2012

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

WILDHORSE Annual Meeting Recap We would like to welcome Nathan Lester and Arthur Canizales as the newest members of the Wildhorse Board of Directors. These candidates were selected to serve the community for one year terms. Returning members included Chris Winnier (2 years), Enrique Yanes (2 years), and Emmanuel Beauchef (1 year). Due to previous member departures prior to the end of their term, it was decided at this meeting to return to the initial terms outlined in the governing documents. Going forward, all future members will be awarded 2 year terms to ensure that no more than 3 new members are elected yearly. The Community Development Committee presented plans for Sports Park development. At this time, the only approved improvement is the completion of the walking trail. Other proposed projects include shades at the playground area, more pavilions, and a fitness park. Please see our website www.wildhorsecommunity.com to view the PowerPoint presentation.

NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE CRIME WATCH Please be aware that there is an increase in awareness of criminal mischief and activity throughout Wildhorse during the day. Streets reporting incidents include: Sandlet Trail, Palomino Bend, and Country Shadow. Notices are coming in through our community Facebook page where you can get the most up-to-date reports. You can find a link to join this group at www.wildhorsecommunity.com. For faster admission into the group, please send an e-mail to the communications committee (communications@wildhorsecommunity. com) with your name and address as this is a closed group. HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTIONS TO PROTECT YOUR HOME & BELONGINGS.

• Lock your car doors when parked on the street or driveway. • Do not leave valuable items in plain sight in your vehicles. • If you have an alarm, set it whenever leaving your home. • Turn on outside lights in the evenings. • Make your home look occupied even when no one is home • Close your garage door even if you are in the backyard or briefly running an errand. • Don’t leave things in front of your home. • Remove all pamphlets from your doorway • Remove the newspapers from your front door. • Tell neighbor(s) when you will be away. • Trim bushes in front of home to prevent an intruder from hiding. We are still in need of block captains for several streets throughout the community. Please visit the website to see if your street is covered. If not, volunteer and be a part of the solution to crime in our community.

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Advertise Your Business Here 888-687-6444 Wildhorse Messenger - May 2012


WILDHORSE 18 Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument Submitted by Rich Keith Jeremy Spicer, Vandegrift High School Director of Bands, is dedicated to teaching music. He says, “Music is a part of everyone’s life in some form. The study of music and all of the arts is critical to the complete education of society...it allows humans the tools to stir feelings and create emotion.” This article will provide you with 18 benefits of playing an instrument and will hopefully give you a better sense of appreciation and pride for music. 1. Increases the capacity of your memory. Research has shown that both listening to music and playing a musical instrument stimulate your brain and can increase your memory: Preschoolers who had weekly keyboard lessons improved their spatialtemporal skills 34 percent more than the other children. Not only that, but researchers said that the effect lasted long-term. If you learn how to play an instrument, the parts of your brain that control motor skills (ex: using your hands, running, swimming, balancing, etc.), hearing, storing audio information, and memory actually grow and become more active. 2. Refines your time management and organizational skills. Learning how to play an instrument requires you to really learn how to be organized and to manage your time wisely. A good musician knows that the quality of practice time is more valuable than the quantity. 3. Boosts your team skills. Team skills are a very important aspect of being successful in life. Playing an instrument requires you to work with others to make music. In band and orchestra settings you must learn how to cooperate with the people around you. 4. Teaches you perseverance. Learning to play an instrument takes time and effort, which really teaches you patience and perseverance. 5. Enhances your coordination. The art of playing an instrument requires a lot of hand-eye coordination. By reading musical notes on a page, your brain subconsciously must convert that note into specific motor patterns while also adding breathing and rhythm to the mix. 6

Wildhorse Messenger - May 2012

6. Betters your mathematical ability. Reading music requires counting notes and rhythms and can help your math skills. Studies have shown that students who play instruments or study the arts are often better in math and achieve higher grades in school than students who don’t. 7. Improves your reading and comprehension skills. Research shows that children exposed to a multi-year program of music tuition involving training in increasingly complex rhythmic, tonal, and practical skills display superior cognitive performance in reading skills compared with their non-musically trained peers. 8. Increases your responsibility. Playing an instrument comes with its responsibilities. Students must maintain their instrument and must remember music events (like rehearsals and performances) and making time to practice. 9. Exposes you to cultural history. Students learn a variety of music types such as classical traditions, folk music, medieval, and other genres. Music itself is history. 10. Sharpens your concentration. Playing music by yourself requires you to concentrate on things like pitch, rhythm, tempo, note duration, and quality of sound. Playing music in a group involves even more concentration. 11. Fosters your self-expression and relieves stress. It’s your instrument, so you can play whatever you want on it! The more advanced you become on an instrument, the greater you’ll be able to play what you want and how you want. 12. Creates a sense of achievement. Overcoming musical challenges that you thought you’d never quite master can give you a great sense of pride about yourself. 13. Promotes your social skills. Playing an instrument can be a great way to enhance your social skills. Some of the best people join bands and orchestras, and many times the lifelong friends you make here become like family. 14. Boosts your listening skills. Although it’s pretty obvious, playing an instrument requires you to listen very carefully to things. Examples

are learning how to hear when you’re playing a wrong note in order to correct yourself, tuning your instrument, and playing with ensemble group. 15. Teaches you discipline. Practicing often and working on the hard parts of music and not just the easy and fun stuff requires discipline. 16. Elevates your performance skills and reduces stage fright. One of the goals of practicing so much on your instrument is so that you can perform for others. The more you get up in front of people and perform, the more you’ll reduce any stage fright. 17. Enhances your respiratory system (wind instruments only). If you have a good music director/tutor, you should hear them tell you quite often to “use more air!” Breathing exercises are highly recommended for musicians, and they can really strengthen your respiratory system. 18. Promotes happiness in your life and those around you. Playing a musical instrument can be very fun and exciting. Not only is it fun to play music that you enjoy, but it feels wonderful to hear an audience applaud you for giving a great performance. Mr Spicer adds, “I cannot imagine my life, or society, without music...it has defined me in nearly every way possible.” Adapted from an article by by Michael Matthews. For the full article and sources visit http:// www.effectivemusicteaching.com/articles/ directors/18-benefits-of-playing-a-musicalinstrument/

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.


Did you know that drowning is still the #1 cause of accidental death for children under 5 and the #2 cause for children ages 1-14? Join us as we celebrate May as National Water Safety month. Please keep your family safe around water and have the Best May Ever!






Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.







308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717




Can you believe this real estate market?? Believing in it is how I make a living! 10718 Pony Mesa $134,.900 1572 square feet 3 bedroom/ 2 bath/ 2 car garage Spacious kitchen, walk-in pantry, study, 2” blinds, neutral paint and carpet. Large wooden deck in backyard with room to entertain. Qualifies for zero down 100% USDA loan.

Patti Bennett, Realtor®, ABR, GRI, SRES One number any time:


Patti@ForSaleByPatti.com If your property is listed with a real estate broker please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other real estate brokers. We are happy to work with them and cooperate fully.


Wildhorse Messenger - May 2012

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

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