Wood Glen - October 2012

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Wood Glen

Official Publication of the Wood Glen Property Owners Association

October 2012 - Volume 6, Issue 10

Greetings Wood Glen Neighbors Well, we made it through Summer in pretty good shape and I am certainly looking forward to cooler Fall weather! If we could coax a little rain out of the sky that would be even better. I hope that everyone had a good time at the Labor Day event at the Amenity Center. Many thanks to Gloria Gomez, Darlene Snow, their families, and volunteers who helped put it all together. The turnout was pretty good and I’m told that everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Over 300 hamburgers and hot dogs were served so I don’t think anyone went home hungry! The Social Committee is planning the Octoberfest event now but we don’t know if we’ll get enough volunteers to actually have the event. They need help setting up, managing activities, serving food & beverages, take down, and clean up. Each event this year has been run by fewer people than in years past and it’s gotten to the point that we might have to cancel certain events if we don’t get enough volunteer participation. If anyone is interested in helping out, even for just a couple of hours, please contact Darlene or Gloria. They can certainly use the help and we’d like to keep these social functions going. By the time you receive this newsletter the fence replacement project for 2012 will be complete. Viking Fence replaced approximately 1760 feet of 15 year old fence during this effort. We will of course be budgeting for more replacement next year probably the remaining sections of Creek Bend. We’ll be sure to let you all know when that project has been approved and scheduled by the Board. I wanted to remind everyone that we’ll be having the Annual Association Meeting on Tuesday, October 23rd, at the Wingate Hotel Conference Center at 1209 North Interstate 35, at 7:00 p.m. The conference room is upstairs across from the elevator. This is the same location that was used last year. We’ll give an overview of the budget, projects completed during 2012, and a forecast for Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

activities planned for 2013. Come out if you can! Hmmm……...I forgot about that Mayan Calendar thing on December 21st. I’m going to assume that we will all still be here in 2013 so yes, we will provide a forecast. :) A few items from the Board meeting in August: The management company is running out of keys for new residents for the tennis court. The original locksmith has gone out of business and these are security keys that cannot be duplicated. The decision to be made is spend approximately $2000 to re-key the tennis court and the restrooms at the Amenity Center or forego that and move up the date of installing the card reader originally scheduled for 2013. I have requested bids from the security company and the electricians to dig the trench, install the wire, and card reader. The electrician has found that an underground electrical wire feeding the tennis court has gone out of service and needs to be replaced. We will attempt to combine the repair expense with the card reader project to save money since we’ll have a trench ready and can simply add conduit. The lights at the entrance to the subdivision need to be repaired and some need to be replaced. The electricians have submitted a work order to complete the work in September. The outside security lights at the Amenity Center were replaced in September as well. The tennis court net had to be replaced due to normal wear and tear. Work orders from the landscape company are pending to repair the irrigation lines/heads and replace the sod on Creek Bend between FM 3406 and Falkirk Dr. Also to install a drainage ditch between the rock wall and flower bed at the entrance to correct a flooding problem. I wanted to mention that we discovered two tents and a makeshift shelter set up in very thick brush in the greenbelt along FM 3406 (Continued on Page 3) Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - October 2012 1

Wood Glen BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Eric Boren........................ eric_boren@sbcglobal.net Vice President: Treasurer: Wayne Solum.............................. wsolum@juno.com Secretary: Lela Solum..........................lelasolum@austin.rr.com Section 1: Eric Boren......................... eric_boren@sbcglobal.net Section 2: Sean Copeland.........................place2wg@gmail.com Section 3: David Schell................................ dschell@gmail.com Section 4: ...................................................................... OPEN Section 5: Donna Tucker................ donnatucker@austin.rr.com Section 6: Rod Kerr.......................................rod_kerr@shi.com Section 7: Christopher Loft..........................chrival22@aol.com Member at Large: Wayne Solum................. wsolum@juno.com

COMMITTEE CHAIRS Modifications: Sam Myers .................. slmyers58@earthlink.net Pool/Amenity Center Karen Fischer...............................................kfischer4@att.net Landscaping / Greenbelt: Karen Fischer...............................................kfischer4@att.net Social Events: Gloria Gomez........................ gloria@pizzazzproductions.com Communications: Donna Tucker............................ donnactucker@austin.rr.com ...........................................................donnate@austin.rr.com Ant Bait Control Program: Leslie Myers..........................................myersls@earthlink.net Care Calendar: Denise Ferguson.............................. dferguson@austin.rr.com Welcome Committee: David & Elaine Lloyd.............................Lloyd1111@aol.com

Do You Have Reason to Celebrate?

We want to hear from you! Email: donnatucker@austin.rr.com to let the community know!

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NEWSLETTER INFO Editor Donna Tucker....................................donnactucker@att.net Publisher Peel, Inc........................ www.PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181 Advertising........advertising@PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181 2 Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - October 2012

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Wood Glen Greetings Wood Glen Neighbors (Continued from Cover Page) in mid-September. At first we thought one site might be a homeless camp and we asked the police to check it out. It turns out that both sites were being used by teenagers as some sort of hangout. We suspect that the kids using these sites are from the neighborhood across FM 3406, east of the elementary school, since several footpaths seem to lead through the drainage tunnel under the railroad overpass. Parents, I don’t know if any of our kids are involved but you might want to have a word with your teens just to let them know that the area is being monitored. And the folks who live at the east end of Inverness Dr. and Wood Glen Dr. should be aware that those camp sites are less than 100 yards from their back fences. I’m a little uncomfortable with teens running around unsupervised in that area of the greenbelt in the middle of the night. And yes, we found some beer cans and other things. The police are monitoring the situation. I don’t want to make too big a deal out of this. Kids will be kids and teens will be teens. I know because I was a rambunctious teenager myself (back in the old days I might add!). Having said that, we do have a safety problem and maybe a little mischief problem. We can’t allow that kind of activity. All it would take is an untended campfire to cause a very big problem. Enough said!

One last item. Our new fences are looking very nice and add a lot to the neighborhood’s appeal. I’d like to ask those residents whose property adjoins those new fences to please consider trimming the trees and bushes from coming into contact with the wood. Moisture from the plants can cause damage over time. Our contractor pointed out several areas along Plantation Dr. that need a few branches trimmed here and there and showed me how damage can build up over time. The fences are a big investment for the Association. A little maintenance can help us extend the life span of the fences by a few years. That’s it for this month folks. I hope to meet some of you at the Annual Association Meeting in October. Bring your questions and concerns and we’ll try to address them. Have a great Fall! Thanks, Eric

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Wood Glen At no time will any source be allowed to use The Wood Glen Newsletter's contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in the Wood Glen Newsletter is exclusively for the private use of the Wood Glen HOA and Peel, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.

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4 Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - October 2012


Boxelder bugs are dark brownish-black insects with orange markings around the edges of the thorax and wings. These bugs are about ½ an inch long as an adult. Nymphs, or immatures, look similar to adults, but are smaller, do not have fully developed wings which allows you to see their bright red abdomen. While boxelder bugs typically do not cause damage to the landscape or structure, they may become a nuisance in and around homes from fall until spring. In the fall, adults and large nymphs gather in large numbers to move to areas to overwinter. Boxelder bugs spend the winter in cracks and crevices in walls, around door and window casings, tree holes and in debris on the ground. Sometimes they will try to move indoors to overwinter. On warm days from fall until spring, adult boxelder bugs will emerge from their overwintering location to warm themselves in the sun. Removing female boxelder trees from the area may solve problems with large, repeated infestations of boxelder bugs. Hiding places can also be reduced or eliminated by removing debris such as boards, leaves and rocks from the area as well as sealing and cracks and crevices around the home with caulk or expanding foam. If chemical treatment is desired treat overwintering areas with chemicals containing active ingredients such as pyrethrin, cyfluthrin, bifenthrin, carbaryl or acephate. For more information or help with identification, contact Wizzie Brown, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Program Specialist at 512.854.9600. Also check out www.urban-ipm. blogspot.com The information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understandingthat no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service or the Texas A&M AgriLife Research is implied. Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. Copyright Š 2012 Peel, Inc.

Wood Glen


Helping Parents Understand the Signs

Has your child suddenly had declining grades or unexplained injuries? Have they purposely been trying to avoid school? They could be the victims of bullying. “Bullying is a widespread problem among children, especially teenagers,” says Beth Nauert, M.D., a Texas pediatrician. “Bullying should always be taken very seriously by parents, educators, and the authorities.” BULLYING SIGNS Children who are bullied are repeatedly exposed to aggressive, negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and have difficulty defending themselves, says Dr. Nauert. Some clear signs of bullying that parents should watch for include: • unexplainable injuries, • lost or destroyed clothing, books, electronics, or jewelry, • feeling sick or faking illness, • changes in eating habit, • difficulty sleeping or frequent nightmares, • not wanting to go to school, • running away from home. ACTION PLAN FOR PARENTS Because children who are bullied may be reluctant to talk about it, parents who suspect bullying should take immediate action to help their children, says Dr. Nauert. “Parents need to find out from their child who is doing the bullying, whether the bullying was verbal, physical, or cyberbullying, and where and when the bullying is happening,” she says. “They should then speak with their teacher, principal, school administrators, or local law enforcement.”

October is National Bullying Prevention Month

Make an impact. Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - October 2012 5

Wood Glen

Crossword CROSSWORD Puzzle PUZZLE ACROSS DOWN ACROSS DOWN 1. Legume Shopping mallpiece 1. Charge 1.1.Nativity scene 4. Rolled up paper 2. Swiss mathematician 5. Syrian bishop 2. Competition at the Greek Carry 3.games Open 9.10. Against 11. Irrational fear 4. Energetic 10. Landing 3. Capital of the Ukraine 12. Wing 5. Amulet 11. Leaves 4. Symbol 13. Animal disease 6. Fleece 12. Boom box 5. Expression of surprise 14. Gentle breeze 7. Off-Broadway award 13. 6.8.Emblem 16.Allure Eastern Time Fish stories 15. 7.9.Pickle juice 17.African Region antelope Endure 16. Polite 8. A ball out 18. Military policeman (abbr.) 15. Held of bounds (2 wds.) 18. green (abbr.) 10. violently 20.Leafy Deutschmark 19.Twist School group 21. Marry 14. Ripper 22. Meat alternative 21. Nautical "friend" 22. 17. 26.Esophagus Slumber 23.Strums Eight 26. 18. 29.Woken Bayer's competitor 24.Slough Female singer ___ Apple 28. 19. ___, philanthropist 31.Goad Pilot 25.Ross Single 29. 20. 33.Type Pull of tooth 26.Gods Space ship builders 34.Refer Seed remover 27.Brand Declare positively cookie 30. 23. of sandwich 35.Posttraumatic East northeast stress 28.Seaweed Landingsubstance 31. 24. 36.disorder Gully 30.Cabana Roman emperor 25. 37.Sieve Little bit 32.Blue Hoopla 32. 27. © 2007. Feature Exchange

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ACROSS DOWN 1. Legume 1. Shopping mall New Listings and Sales 4. Rolled up paper 2. Swiss mathematician 10. Carry Open Rock!! up in3.4. Round 11. Irrational fear Energetic 12. Wing 5. Amulet 13. Animal disease 6. Fleece 14. Gentle breeze 7. Off-Broadway award 16. Eastern Time 8. Fish stories 17. Region 9. Endure 18. Military policeman (abbr.) 15. Held 20. Deutschmark (abbr.) 19. School group 22. Meat alternative 21. Nautical "friend" 26. Slumber 23. Eight 29. Bayer's competitor 24. Female singer ___ Apple 31. Pilot 25. Single Austin Board of Realtors 33. Pull 26. Space ship builders 34. Seed remover 27. Declare positively 35. East northeast 28. Landing 36. Gully Roman emperor Call or Email30.me 37. Little bit 32. Hoopla

today for a free consultation!

© 2007. Feature Exchange

6 Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - October 2012

© 2006. Feature Exchange


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Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Wood Glen WOOD GLEN CARES! We Care Calendar for Wood Glen. What is it: The Care Calendar is an online calendar. If you have a special need (for example, you have a new baby and few meals would be very helpful) you would contact me either by phone (671-8467) or my email dferguson@austin.rr.com. I would then set up the calendar with your needs (meals) and the times/dates that the meals would be needed. Families in our neighborhood would be made aware of your need. Families who are able to help would then go online, pull up the calendar and fill in the date and the meal they would be providing. Or you could call me with the information and I would be happy to fill in the calendar with the information. Very easy! If you have any questions please call me.


Event Pictures!!

Do you have a picture of an event that you would like to run in this newsletter? Send it to us and we will publish it in the next issue. Email the picture to donnactucker@ a u s t i n . r r. c o m .Be s u re t o include the text that you would like to have as the caption. Pictures will appear in color online at www. PEELinc.com.

Denise Ferguson

Your friends are our friends! Call today to learn about our referral program!

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Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - October 2012 7

Wood Glen

308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717





8 Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - October 2012

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