Save the Date!
Wimbledon Champions Annual Holiday Party SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8TH, 2012, 7:00PM
Home of Jerry and Doris Edmonds 16318 Cochet Spring Drive Your invitation with all the details will be delivered in November by your block captain. Please come and celebrate the holiday spirit with your neighbors! Adults only please, Cocktail Attire
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Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - October 2012
CHAPARRAL MANAGEMENT....................281.537.0957 Rebecca Frazier............................................................ Ext. 24 rfrazier@chaparralmanagement.com NEIGHBORHOOD COMMITTEES Newsletter Contact Sharon Connors................................................281.374.8877 Contact for Chaparral Management Tom Worley......................................................281.370.8264 Landscape Gayle Jennings.................................gmjenn65@sbcglobal.net Kelli Adams..................................... kelliadams@sbcglobal.net Contact for MUD 316 Jimmy T. Watson...............................................281.379.2252 Advisory Gayle Jennings.................................gmjenn65@sbcglobal.net Block Captains Jean Kuecher............................................. jkpuppet@aol.com Communications (Public Relations & Signage/Web) Gayle Jennings.................................gmjenn65@sbcglobal.net Yard of the Month Gayle Jennings, Doris Edmonds Newsletter/Directory Sharon Connors..............................sharonconnors@msn.com Kelli Adams..................................... kelliadams@sbcglobal.net Security ............................................................................................ Social Cheryl Garza................................. cheryl.garza@sbcglobal.net Women's Coffee Jean Kuecher............................................. jkpuppet@aol.com EMERGENCY.................................................................911 Harris County Constable..................................281.376.3472 Sergeant............................................................281.376.3472 C.C.E.M.S........................................................281.440.4300 N.W. Hospital...................................................281.440.1000 Poison Control Center......................................800.222.1222 Republic Waste..................................................281.446.2030 Fire (Klein VFD)...............................................281.251.0101 Water/Sewer Repairs.........................................281.374.8989 ......................................................................281.379.6948 Centerpoint.......................................................713.207.7777 Street Light Repair............................................713.207.2222 Cypress Creek Library.......................................281.376.4610
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SCHOOLS Mittelstadt Elementary......................................832.484.6700 Kleb Middle......................................................832.249.5500 Klein High........................................................832.484.4000 NEWSLETTER PUBLISHER Editor..............................................sharonconnors@msn.com Peel, Inc...................................................... www.peelinc.com Advertising....................................................... 888-687-6444 2
Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - October 2012
Copyright Š 2012 Peel, Inc.
Yard of the Month OCTOBER 2012
Congratulations to Greg and Pam Sanford at 16214 Wimbledon Champions Dr. in the Traditional Section! The Sanford’s moved to this section from the Park Section late last year. They have been diligently working to improve the landscape of their new home. This yard abounds with wellmanicured Dwarf Yaupon, Dwarf Chinese Holly, Arborvitae, Indian Hawthorne and Nandina. The evergreen shrubs are complimented by mounds of yellow Coleus, variegated Caladiums and pink Knock-Out Roses that are intermixed throughout the gardens. Their Oak Tree is surrounded by a bed of Dianthus and two large Podocarpus trees frame the front of the home. Lighting illuminates the landscaped stairway to the front entrance topped by urns overflowing with Bougainvillea. For their efforts, the Sanford’s will receive a $50 gift certificate from, our Yard of the Month sponsor, Plants For All Seasons and have their address highlighted on our neighborhood marquee on Cypresswood Dr.
Plants For All Seasons—Louetta 6610 Louetta Spring, TX (281) 370-6390 plantsforallseasonslouetta.com
Serving You 7 Days A Week!!!
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Wimbledon Champions Yard of the Month As fall ushers in with a hint of cool weather, you will be spending more time outdoors and thinking about that fall color you may want to add to your gardens and front porch! This season gives us an opportunity to start fresh with bright color and new plantings in our yards. I would like to remind you of what the criterion is for choosing Yard of the Month. Please keep this in mind as you shop for new plants and flowers for your gardens. What is the criterion to win The Yard of the Month? We look for a yard with the best overall appearance where the lot stands out as the most pleasing in the area. We consider if there is good landscape design, healthy looking plants and seasonal color. Is the yard neat and well maintained? Are there any weeds that need to be removed or plants that need to be replaced or trimmed? Are the sidewalks and driveway neat, edged and free of stains? Is the garage door kept closed and trash cans, and yard equipment put away? Bonus points are given if the yard consistently looks good and has been recently upgraded and/or the homeowners are known to do some or all of the yard work themselves. To be eligible the homeowners must be up to date with their homeowners’ dues and not have any current deed restriction violations. Why should we have a Yard of the Month award? To recognize and reward homeowners that go above and beyond what the deed restrictions require. The award encourages all homeowners to have good landscaping for all of us to enjoy which in turn helps show case our neighborhood and maintain our property values. How often may a homeowner or section win Yard of the Month? A homeowner is considered if they have not won the award in the previous twelve months and preferably not in the last two years. Based on the number of homeowners in each section, we consider homes in WC Gardens 1-2 times a year, WC Park 4-5 times a year, WC Estates 2-3 times a year and Wimbledon Champions (ungated section) 5-6 times a year. If there isn’t a yard in a section that warrants a Yard of the Month award then the next section of homes in the rotation is chosen. What do you win if your home is selected for Yard of the Month? You will receive a gift certificate from, our Yard of the Month sponsor, Plants For All Season for $50. The Yard of the Month sign is placed in your yard for one month and recognition of your address as Yard of the Month is placed on the marquee on Cypresswood Drive for the entire month. You also receive the appreciation of your neighbors for providing them with a beautiful view. Nominate a neighbor If you feel a neighbor of yours is worthy of this honor, please contact Gayle Jennings @ gmjenn65@sbcglobal.net. We will check that they meet the above criteria and consider them for the next award. All sections of our subdivision are judged between the 1st and 6th of every month for the next month’s award. Keep this time frame in mind as you plant your flowers. Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - October 2012
WIMBLEDON CHAMPIONS "Shalom" Hi Jewish Community. Let's get connected! To share Shabbat dinners... Chanukah parties... Passover seders... or simply get together! Interested? E-mail us at shalom.cypress.tx@gmail.com
FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS (FAN) OF FM1960W Please join us for ‘Friends and Neighbors of FM1960 Women’s Club’ on the first Tuesday of the month (Sept.-May) at 9:30 a.m., The Christus Center, St. Ignatius Catholic Church, 7810 Cypresswood Drive, Spring. Our program for Tues, Oct. 2nd, will be Carmalyn McCracken who will present ways to “Find Joy in Our Lives”. Her presentations are designed to be thought-provoking and fun-filled. For more information please call Pat, 832-422-3469.
Northwest Forest Republican Women Ted Cruz has been invited to be our speaker for the Monday, October 8th Republican Women's Meeting. Reservations are required. We meet the 2nd Monday each month at 11:00AM, Shirley Acres, lunch is $16 and the food is great! Reservations need to be in to Rita Huggler @281-586-9282 by the Wednesday before meeting. Ask questions we can give you answers
Street Parking Is Prohibited In Wimbledon Champions Article II, Section 2.1 M of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Wimbledon Champions states that no on-street parking will be allowed overnight, or for a period of six (6) hours during the day, or by the same car on a daily basis without specific written approval of the Board. Remember, complying with these rules is a big part of what makes your neighborhood such a desirable place to live.
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Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - October 2012
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KlebFest Festival
SAVE THE DATE for the KlebFest Festival and Holiday Marketplace to be held on Saturday, December 1, 2012. Please contact Susan Lidback (lidbacks@yahoo.com) for Vendor and Sponsor information spots are filling! Kleb PTO Lara Schwarz Daughters of the American Revolution, , in September the San Jacinto Chapter celebrated the 225th Anniversary of the signing of the Constitution & the Bill of Rights. They commerated the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812. Thursday, October 20th at 6:30 San Jacinto members will welcome St. Representative Patricia Harless as our featured speaker. Membership is based on direct lineage to a Revolutionary patriot. Our members can help in the lineage process. All ladies interested in membership in our lineage society should contact Kristie Campbell, San Jacinto Chapter Regent. SanJacintoDAR@gmail. com or 713-882-3746. For more general information about DAR visit www.DAR.org.
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Houston Northwest Delta Gamma Alumnae Join us for a fun evening of Tailgating (without the game!) October 11, 2012 at 6:30 pm Cindy Formas' home go to houstonnorthwest.deltagamma.org for more information. We look forward to seeing you!
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Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - October 2012
Houstons Northwest Chamber of Commerce Announces CreekFest Race Series – A Local run through our magnificent Outdoor Hike & Bike Trails and Marketplace
Houston, Spring, Klein, Cypress - The Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce CreekFest Houston 2012 on Saturday, October 13, 2012 from 10 am– 5 pm This celebration of the Arts and Outdoors in Northwest Houston will be held along the parkway between Collins Park and Meyer Park along Cypresswood Drive, rain or shine. This year CreekFest will include an Adventure Race Series. The race series is organized by Wade Woehrmann a representative of the Texas Adventure Racing Club. The race series is intended to show the community the 46 miles of hike & bike trails available for everyday use through an Adventure Race, Duathlon, 5k/10k Run. Registration is available on Active.com. Members of the Texas Adventure Racing Club set out to the trails on Saturday, August 18th to test the waters. Members involved were Wade Woehrmann (Race Coordinator), Vanessa Rowden, Mike Bateman and Kelley Simmons. Rosemary Hickman, Education Director for the Pearl Fincher Museum and CreekFest Committee Chair got on the trail for a dry run. The Adventure Race will take place in and around Collins Park and on Cypress Creek. Racers can expect the race legs to include - 4K to 6K trail run, 2k to 4k paddle along Cypress Creek, 8k to 10k mountain bike section, 3k to 5k urban scavenger hunt. The Duathlon will consist of a 5k run and a 3k paddle down Cypress Creek and a 1k run to the finish. There will also be family races for those who want to just get outside including a 5k/10k run. Team Registration is available. Sign up online at www. CreekFestHouston.com After the races, enjoy the many activities CreekFest has planned for you! This FREE family event is designed to: Celebrate the wonderful outdoor amenities that make Northwest Houston a great place to live, work and play; Promote area visual and performing arts and artists; Create awareness and encourage usage of Precinct 4 Collins Park and the Hike and Bike Trails along Cypress Creek; Raise money for the economic development initiatives of the Chamber and local charity; and help build a new perspective and community pride for the Cypress Creek Cultural District and Northwest Houston’s Town Center. Proceeds from the CreekFest art auction will directly benefit the economic viability of Northwest Houston. For information about this event call the Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce at 281-440-4160, or visit the website at www.CreekFestHouston.com. The following is a general schedule of events for the festival.
Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - October 2012
8 am - CreekFest Adventure Race, Duathlon, 5k/10k Run presented by Lone Star College University Park (Registration 6:30 - 7:30 am Sign up online at www.CreekFestHouston.com) 10 am - 5 pm CREEKFEST -Cypress Creek FACE Free Children’s Series Concert 10 am Soul Street Dance Co. • The Centrum -CreekFest Marketplace (Merchants and Visual Artists) Cypress Creek Christian Community Center Gym and Festival Grounds -Book Walk 11 am - 1 pm & Art Hunt 2 - 3pm Barbara Bush Library -Face Painting & Children’s Activities Cypress Creek Christian Community Center Youth Building Presented by Friday Night Live -Chalk Artists Various locations throughout the festival -Museum Family Day Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts Food Vendors and Local Entertainment available throughout the day Have you wanted to try a new gym class or athletic activity? From Zumba to Yoga, CreekFest 2012 will feature continuous free athletic courses classes throughout the day to get you back in shape. The Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce has enjoyed over 38 years of service in Spring, Klein, Champions, FM 1960, FM 2920, SH 249 and Sam Houston Tollway Corridors. The Chamber has over 700 members and is committed to its mission of developing successful businesses and a thriving community.
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Dear Neighbors On August 17, 2012 I talked to FEMA in Denton, Texas and they informed me they were proceeding in asking a federal judge to allow them to appoint a five person Scientific Resolution Panel to resolve the Cypress Creek Water Shed calculations. FEMA is asking for this panel because the Sierra Club has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Bridgeland Development. If the judge grants approval of this panel, FEMA would then have 150 days, (approximately 5 months), to get this together. FEMA would select two of the panel members with outsiders selecting the other three members. How long it would take this panel to resolve their findings is unknown, and nobody was willing to even give me an estimate of how long it might take. I have mailed a registered letter to the judge asking her to deny FEMA’s request and to put an end to all the procrastination that has been involved in trying to get this issue resolved. It is my understanding that if the judge denies FEMA’s request, then we will still be on track to have the official maps in November 2012! I do not know when the hearing will be but I have asked the judge for her comments. I hope she will respond and I will pass her comments on to you. Best Wishes, Jimmy Watson, President MUD #316
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The Cypress-Tomball Democrats will hold their next monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 17th, at Rudy’s Grill & Cantina, 11760 Grant Rd., Cypress, TX 77429. A meet and greet will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by the general meeting at 7:00 p.m. The monthly meetings always feature an interesting and informative guest speaker. All are welcome to join this growing club. For more information, contact Olga Moya at cytomdems@yahoo.com. Linette Roach Cypress-Tomball Democrats 281-587-8442 (P) 281-880-6302 (F) linette.roach@sbcglobal.net
Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - October 2012
Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - October 2012
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.