Stone Canyon - December 2012

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Stone Canyon Neighborhood Newsletter

December 2012

Volume 7, Issue 12

Official Publication of Stone Canyon Homeowners Association

Holiday Lights and Decorations Contest by Joanie Brown and Amelia Dansby In order to make sure that the word is spreading that we’re trying something new for our Holiday yard recognition, this month’s article is basically a replay of November’s: Instead of choosing 1st/2nd/3rd place winners and 5 Honorable Mention for overall recognition as in previous years, we’re attempting to accommodate varying “style” preferences among our residents by dividing recognition into 4 specific categories. * Individual Categories: 1. ELEGANT….Will Cover the “pretty” wow “Currier-and-Ives” type homes. 2. FAMILY FRIENDLY….Will cover fun “eye candy” for youngsters and young-at-heart (i.e. Inflatable globes and figures; Santa/Elves/Toys/Flashing Lights/Fun Yard Ornaments; accompanying music) 3. BRIGHTEST LIGHTS….Will cover “over-the-topbrighter-than-the-norm”; with all the LED bulbs out there, this category seems appropriately “current.” 4. BEST STREET….Will cover cul-de-sacs, coves and stretches of streets where multiple adjoining homes show obvious, defined coordination among all the neighbors; but no “missing links” in the chain, please. * Special Yard Signs: We’ll have special Stone Canyon Holiday-themed yard signs, identifying each Category and its 1st Place and Runner-Up. In “Best Street” category, one sign will be placed at entry to winning cove, cul-de-sac, or beginning of selected stretch of homes identifying Category and 1st Place or Runner-Up. * Voting and Recognition Procedures: 1. Each of our four Yard of the Month teams will be assigned

(Continued on Page 2) Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Welcome Winter! I hope you had a lovely and bountiful Thanksgiving! It’s such a nice holiday to help us get ready for winter. Here are a few things you might want to consider as winter approaches. A resident called to tell me about a very unpleasant experience with ceiling rats. She’s had repeated “break ins” and the need to have the service of an exterminator several times. The exterminator mentioned that varmints and critters are stressed from the impact of the drought and desperate to find homes, water and sustenance. The best strategy is prevention. If you have trees or shrubs near your house, keep trimmed to at least 4 feet from house to prevent access to vents etc. If you compost, you should use a container to prevent animals from using it as a food source. Don’t let pet food sit out. Remove food after you’ve fed your animals. Don’t allow water to collect in any kind of container. If you have a pond or water feature, cover with wire mesh. Produce left rotting in a garden is a food source and should be discarded. If you hear noise in the ceiling at night, you may need to set traps or call an exterminator. For more tips you can Google ceiling rats. You’ll find much more information than you ever wanted! We’ve entered the season when the temperature drops below freezing. It’s a good idea to cover outside faucets to prevent breakage. You can purchase thermal covers at hardware stores or improvise. I use hoods from parkas that we no longer wear. Breakfast with Santa is around the corner. Join the fun on December 8th, from 9 to 11:30am at the Fern Bluff MUD Community Center. Look on our website for information on how to contribute to our Adopt-a-Family effort. For cost savings, we are cancelling the adult Holiday party this year. One of our residents is helping organize food collection for the Round Rock Serving Center through our neighbor, (Continued on Page 2) Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - December 2012


StoneSTONE Canyon CANYON Owners & Association Management Teams

STONE CANYON OWNERS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President/Recreation/Landscape Jessica Vice President/Capital Improvement/Maintenance Dwip Treasurer/ACC/Publicity Director Greg Parliamentarian/Neighborhood Watch/YOM/Website Vicky Secretary/Pool/Newsletter Rich COMMITTEE CHAIRS ACC Richard Recreation Laura Swimming Pool Greg Yard of the Month Joanie Brown & Amelia Dansby....... Maintenance Al Landscape Cathy Soukup.................................. Neighborhood Watch Joanie Brown................. Newsletter Judith Horton ................................. Good Neighbor Laura Kouns ................................... Webmaster Ron Kellam.........................

KEY CONTACTS In an attempt to make things easier to find, we have provided some key contact information for various organizations that you might need to contact.  If you have a suggestion for information to add, please contact the web committee. HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION: Bob Nardo - Goodwin Management............... 512-852-7965 ................... 11149 Research Blvd Suite 100, Austin, TX 78759 Payment Address: Stone Canyon / Goodwin Management, Inc. P.O. Box 203310 Austin, TX. 78720-331 Governmental Agencies: Fern Bluff Mud..............................................512-238-0606 ................ 7320 Wyoming Springs, Round Rock, TX 78681 City of Round Rock......................................512-218-5400 ............................... 221 East Main Street, Round Rock, TX Williamson County Commissioners Office....512-248-3238 ............ 400 W. Main St., Ste. 216, Round Rock, TX 78664 Williamson County Constable (Robert Chody) 512-248-3239 ....................211 Commerce Cove, Round Rock, TX 78664 Williamson County Sheriff’s Office (Non-Emergency)..........................................512-943-1300 Williamson County EMS (Non-Emergency)..........................................512-943-1264 Round Rock ISD.......................... (512) 464-5000 ext 1311 .....................Round Rock Avenue, Round Rock, TX 78681 Misc. Services: Gas Line Malfunction..... (Business Hours) 1-800-460-3030 .............................................(After Hours) 1-800-817-8090 Street Light Repair - TU Electric................1-800-242-9113 Texas Utilities (TXU).................................1-800-368-1398 Southwestern Bell.......................................1-888-294-8433 Time Warner Cable.......................................512-485-5555 Williamson County Road and Bridge............512-943-3330



Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - December 2012

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Stone Canyon Lights and Decoration (Continued from Cover Page)

Welcome Winter! (Continued from Cover Page)

a specific category from which to nominate 3 homes, totaling 12. 2. All committee members will then view the 12 nominated homes and vote for 1st place and Runner-up in each category. There will be 4 1st place and 4 Runners-up—a total of 8 homes recognized and awarded signs. Unfortunately, as in the past, we have no budget for holiday gift cards. * Window for Nominating/Final Voting: In order to allow reasonable amount of time for residents to put all lights and decorations in place, our nominating and final voting dates follow. If you want to be considered, be sure to have lights lit, action figures and music going (if planned) and ready by 6:00 pm each evening. And do pray for “no rain” during this week. 1. Nominating: evening, Fri/Dec 14th thru evening, Sun/Dec 16th. 2. Final Voting: evening, Mon/Dec 17th thru evening, Thurs/ Dec 20th. 3. Yard Signs will be delivered on Fri/Dec 21st. As soon as final voting is complete, we’ll mass e-mail the winners and addresses so you’ll know exactly where to look for the kinds of lights that “turn” you and your family on. We hope this will increase the fun for everyone. After year’s end, we want you to let us know what you think. We definitely encourage your feedback.

King of Kings Church. They will be Caroling for Cans in our neighborhood on Sunday, December 9th from 5 – 6:30pm. On December 2nd they’ll be placing hangers on doors to provide information on how to participate if you want to help out. Last year they collected 431 lbs of food in our neighborhood. I want to reinforce something Joanie Brown mentions in her Neighborhood Watch article. Per a conversation with the MUD Security Committee please take extra caution to prevent car burglaries. A deputy from Williamson County mentioned car break-ins increase during the winter. Good news! The Fern Bluff MUD is arranging for a collection of e-Scrap…or electronics recycling. You’ll be able to drop off computers, ink and toner cartridges, copy and fax machines, stereo equipment, battery backups, digital cameras, circuit boards, disks and dvd’s, hard drives, cell phones, televisions, scanners, phones, iPods, and mice. If you’re uncertain about an item, bring it in and they’ll let you know if it’s recyclable. We don’t have a confirmed date and time but most likely it will happen 2nd week of January. To receive notice from the MUD sign up at We’ll also post on our website: If you haven’t signed up yet, I urge you to sign up for both. It is the fastest way to reach residents to distribute information quickly. Dwip Shah has resigned from the Board of Directors. We’d like to thank Dwip for his service to the community. Please contact: if you are interested in being considered for a position on the board. Not much time remains to contact us as we’ll vote at our next meeting on December 4th, 5:30pm at the FBCC. We usually meet at 6:30 but because of scheduling conflicts the meeting is being moved to 5:30. Because we did not post the agenda for our November meeting, we conducted a working session. All of November’s agenda will be covered at our December meeting. We will vote on the budget for 2013 and elect a new director. Take care and happy holiday season to all. Jessica Stempko, SCOA Board

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Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - December 2012



Stone Canyon

Crossword Puzzle

Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.


View answers online at DOWN ACROSS 1. Incline 1. Tack 2. Change 5. Giant 3. Small particle 9. Philippine dish with marinated 4. Compass point chicken or pork 5. Night bird 11. Journalist's question 6. Body snatcher 12. Tiny insects 7. Cultivate 13. Cut of beef 8. Volcano 14. School group 10. Change into bone 15. South 16. Musical productions 17. United States 18. Canadian prov. 18. Bottle need 19. Palladium (abbr.) 20. Upset 20. Many 22. Cow's chow 21. Perfect 23. Year (abbr.) 22. Captain (abbr.) 24. Computer makers 24. Institution (abbr.) 27. Brews 25. Swain 29. Sleep disorder 26. African country 31. Parent teacher groups 28. Fast plane 32. Strong rope fiber 30. Pastry 33. Bend 34. Decorative needle case © 2006. Feature Exchange

At no time will any source be allowed to use the Stone Canyon HOA Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association and Peel, Inc. The information in the newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association residents only.

The challenge is to fill every row across, every column down, and every 3x3 box with the digits 1 through 9. Each 1 through 9 digit must appear only once in each row across, each column down, and each 3x3 box.

HOLIDAyWishes2012 Each year, neglected and abused children in the Austin area must be removed from their homes by Child Protective Services caseworkers. Separations occur all year, but it is especially difficult during the holidays. Partnerships for Children is making a difference in the lives of these children and we invite you to join us by participating in our Holiday Wishes program. With your help, how many children can we impact this year? Please contact us at:



Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - December 2012


The goal is to fill in the grid so that every© 2006. row, Feature everyExchange column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Each digit may appear only once in each row, each column, and each 3x3 box.


✓ SPONSOr a child by purchasing items from their wish list

✓ MAkE a donation and we will shop for you ✓ DONATE general© 2006. giftsFeature for Exchange children that are not matched with community donors ✓ OrGANIzE a drive to collect gifts commonly requested on children’s wish lists Thank you for your support! Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Stone Canyon Kids get your List Ready for Santa! Saturday December 8, Breakfast with Santa, starting at 9am and ending at 11:30. Santa would love to see you! Choirs from Fern Bluff Elementary, Chisholm Trail Middle School and Round Rock High School will be performing during the event. Round Rock donut holes, apple juice and coffee will be served. This event also serves as a way to give back to those less fortunate. We will be collecting items and gift card donations for The Baptist Children’s Home; Trinity Nursing Home; Round Rock Serving Center Food Pantry and for several families who have a child or children attending Fern Bluff elementary. Family 1: has 3 kids Would really appreciate laundry detergent, fabric softener, dish washing liquid, or similar type of household products Family 2: has 4 kids Family could use gift cards for gas and a microwave, as theirs recently broke. Family 3: has 4 kids, Household Items Needed: cups, coffee cups, pots and pans, forks and spoons, bowls, utensils

towels, toaster, bath mats, shower curtain Family 4: grandparents raising two boys Nursing Home – always needs items like: soap, cozy socks, shampoo Round Rock Serving Center – canned food items This is a very worthwhile event each year. Individuals from our neighborhood come together and make a huge difference in the lives of others. I would like to thank everyone for their kindness and for thinking of these families. If you would like to be involved in any way, please contact Laura Kouns at 733-1659 or (collect needed items, host gift card parties, work the event etc) Please note: We are not going to have the Adult Holiday Party this year. We seemed to run out of time for planning it this year. We do hope to setup up some sort of adult event after the first of the New Year. Look for the details in the Newsletter.

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Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - December 2012


Stone Canyon NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH by Joanie Brown With all the hustle and bustle of the upcoming Holidays, it’s more important than ever to use extra caution when entering and leaving your home. Please remember this is also the season for increased theft and other types of criminal activity. Be aware of anyone paying unusual attention to your habits or those of your neighbors. Williamson County Sheriff’s Dept requests we continue to stress the following reminders: * Autos: Preferably, keep vehicles parked in locked garage. When parked outside, ensure doors and windows are locked, your car alarm is “on” and remove or keep articles out of sight. * Homes: Keep all home and garage doors/windows locked, especially at night. Remember to lock the door leading from the garage into your home. Set your house alarm, both at night and when you’re away; if you don’t have an alarm already installed, seriously consider one and have it monitored by your installer and local authorities. * Doggy Doors: Keep them secured when your family and pet(s) are tucked in for the night, and especially when you’re away from home. Since most of these doors are large enough for a small person to work their way into a house, several homeowners have told me they also block the opening with a heavy piece of furniture when they’re away for an extended period. Reminder: Several citations/tickets have been served to residents and visitors in our community for parking their autos facing oncoming traffic. Remember that when parking on the street, ensure you and your visitors park against the curb facing in the direction of the ongoing traffic pattern. Another shout-out for coverage of following streets: *Part

of West Magic Mountain and Herb Cove *Part of Wildwater Way *Lake Pines *Alwin *Cloud Peak and Cove *Box Canyon Terrace *Niagara Falls *Laughing Water *Rosebud Place *Portion of Fern Bluff Ave between west and east ends of Sea Ash *Full Moon Trail and Cove *Cool Canyon *Two Jacks Trail If you can help out by covering any of these areas, please let me know. The Bottom Line: Touch base with your neighbors, especially new ones, to keep each other up to date on community issues and concerns, especially safety-related. “Word of mouth” among our residents has proven to be the fastest and most effective means of bringing attention to and sharing information about what’s going on. Our Neighborhood Watch network is THE major weapon we can use against anyone who threatens our community. It’s our way of staying aware and keeping our neighborhood the safe place we want and need it to be for each other and our families. Important Info to Post: In the event of an emergency, home or auto burglary, any suspicious persons or activity, first and foremost consider your own safety; don’t confront unless you have to. DO call police. Even if a suspected perpetrator is gone, it’s necessary to file a police report. If possible, please notify your Block Captain and your neighbors so the word can be passed through our N.Watch network. Thank you. Joanie Brown….. ; hm: 733-2913; cell: 784-3512


Ryan Lundberg Sales Manager

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Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - December 2012

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Stone Canyon

ACROSS DOWN ACROSS DOWN 1. 1. Charge 1. Nativity scenecheese piece Syllables used in songs (2 wds.) 1. Soft white 5. 5. Syrian bishop 2. Competition at the Greek Dress 2. Arabian 9. Against games 9. Time periods 3. Mutton 10.10. Landing 3. Capital Satan 4. Facetof the Ukraine 11.11. Leaves 4. Symbol Tap in lightly 5. Jewel 12.12. Boom 5. Expression Adultbox insect 6. __ -gardeof surprise 13.13. Allure 6. Emblem Prioress 7. Severity 15.15. African 7. Pickle juice Todayantelope 8. Wispy Chapel 16.16. Polite 8. A10. ballRender out ofharmless bounds (2 wds.) 10,000 squared meters 10. 14. Soft drink brand 18.18. Leafy green Twist violently Cutting tool Lacked 21.21. Marry 14. 17. Ripper Scents Hurry 22.22. Esophagus 17. 18. Strums Small herring Deport 26.26. Woken 18. 19. Slough 28. Two 20. Tic tac'sphilanthropist competitor 28. Goad 19. Ross ___, 29. Fish tank dweller 23. Pear shaped instrument 29. Type of tooth 20. Gods 30. Volcano 24. Alley 30. Refer 23. Brand of sandwich cookie Otherwise stress Close substance the door hard 31.31. Posttraumatic 24. 25. Seaweed 32. Hold 27. Be disorder 25. Cabana 32. Sieve 27. Blue View answers online Prmrs_66435 _- Rdns Gen Ad #1802 THIS AD CAN NOT BE EDITED7.5 at x5

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ACROSS DOWN 1. Syllables used in songs (2 wds.) 1. Soft white cheese 5. Dress 2. Arabian 9. Time periods 3. Mutton 10. Satan 4. Facet 11. Tap in lightly 5. Jewel 12. Adult insect 6. __ -garde 13. Prioress 7. Severity children are learning things8. I never 15.My Today Wispyimagined they could learn at this in their lives. My preschooler write his name and recite his alphabet 16.point Chapel 10.can Render harmless numbers. I also have a 15-month olddrink who isbrand learning his shapes and 18.and 10,000 squared meters 14. Soft 21.colors. Cutting 17.Primrose Lackedis teaching my children. It’stool just amazing how much 22.—Scents 18. Hurry Jude & Ethan’s Mom, Primrose Parent 26. Small herring 19. Deport 28. Two 20. Tic tac's competitor Primrose School of Round 29. Fish tank dweller 23. Pear Rock shaped instrument 30.15925 VolcanoGreat Oaks Drive 24. Alley 31.Round OtherwiseRock, TX 78681 25. Close the door hard 32. Hold 27. Be

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Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - December 2012

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