The Dominion - June 2013

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June 2013

The Outlook - June 2013


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The Outlook - June 2013

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THE OUTLOOK ADVERTISING INFO Please support the advertisers that make The Outlook possible. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact our sales office at 888-687-6444 or The advertising deadline is the 20th of the month prior to the issue.

ARTICLE INFO The Outlook is mailed monthly to all Dominion residents. Residents, community groups, churches, etc. are welcome to include information about their organizations in the newsletter. Personal news for the Stork Report, Teenage Job Seekers, recipes, special celebrations, and birthday announcements are also welcome. To submit an article for The Outlook, please email it to The deadline is the 20th of the month prior to the issue.

DIRECTV is rolling out the RED CARPET Pricing exclusively for Residents

IMPORTANT NUMBERS EMERGENCY NUMBERS EMERGENCY................................................................911

Fire....................................................................................... 911 Ambulance........................................................................... 911 Police Dept – Non-Emergency.............................210-207-7273 Fire Dept – Non-Emergency................................210-207-7744


Chief of Security..................................................210-268-9932 Main Gate................................ 210-698-2997 or 210-698-2998 North Gate............................... 210-698-7812 or 210-698-1224 South Gate...........................................................210-698-5323


City Customer Service..........................................210-207-6400 Solid Waste (Trash)..............................................210-207-6428


Cedar Elm Postal Office.......................................210-641-0248


Peel, Inc...............................................................512-263-9181 Advertising............................................

MISSION STATEMENT The Outlook, For The Dominion The mission of The Outlook is to provide The Dominion Community with one source of local news content that is written by Dominion residents. Our goal is to help build the community by connecting local businesses with residents and residents with relevant neighborhood information.

"Be the community."

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Do you take great photos?

Do you take great photos? Would you like to see your photo published on the next cover? We are looking for great cover photos for upcoming issues of The Outlook. Our deadine for submittal is always the 20th of the month prior to the issue. All photos should be submitted electronically by the deadline date in high resolution (300 dpi) to Portrait (vertical) photos work best. To view other photos submitted please visit TheDominion, and view any of the past newsletters. By submitting your photo you agree to allow your photo to be published in future issues of The Outlook or other Peel, Inc. publications. Call 512-263-9181 to find out how to have your business featured on the cover of The Outlook. The Outlook - June 2013



THE DOMINION NEWS A Dominion HOA Publication | May 2013

SECURITY UPDATE The purpose of this communication is to inform you of the current actions being taken by the board on issues related to security. The security committee and select members of the board of directors are in the process of reviewing professional security consultants to help us better understand our current and future security needs. After a board of directors review of a recently completed internal security committee study, it was determined that there was the need for a more complete understanding of Dominion Security prior to making any major security decisions. The board determined that a short term professional consultancy was appropriate. As you know, security is a high priority representing 42% of our annual budget. It is essential that we have a complete 360 degree understanding of our current and future security requirements as possible. Be assured, that your board is tirelessly working on this important issue and as we progress on the security initiative, we will communicate our major findings to all residents. FERAL HOGS As many of you have heard, we have an issue with feral hogs and their little piglets causing damage to common area landscaping as well as homeowner’s lots. Feral hog (Sus scrofa) management in Texas and throughout the southeastern United States is increasing due to the prolific breeding potential and environmental impacts caused by the species. This free ranging, non-native, invasive species exhibits one of the highest reported reproduction rates of any ungulate. When hogs were introduced into the United States in the 1500’s, they were beneficial to early settlers because of their importance as a meat source and adaptability to the environment. Release or escape of then domestic hogs has led to their current expansion. In Texas, feral hogs are reported to cause nearly $52 million in annual agriculture damage with higher reported damage in farming areas. This is equivalent to approximately $7,500/landowner in damage since feral hogs occupy largely private lands. As the population of feral hogs continue to grow, so will the conflict with agriculture and wildlife requiring more attention from natural resource managers. Feral hogs may appear basically the same as domestic hogs and will vary in color and coat pattern. A mature feral hog may reach a shoulder height of 36 inches and weigh from 100 to over 400 pounds. The extreme larger hogs are generally not far removed from domestication. Males are generally larger than females. European wild hogs are about the same size; however, their legs and snouts are usually longer and they have a larger head in proportion to the body. Their body is covered with long, stiff, grizzled colored hairs,


The Outlook - June 2013

long side whiskers, a longer straighter tail, and a nape on the neck giving the European hog a razorback, sloped appearance. The crossing of European and feral hogs often produces an offspring with some European characteristics. Feral hogs are more muscular than domestic hogs, and have very little fat. Hogs have four continuously growing tusks (two on top, two on bottom) and their contact causes a continuous sharpening of the lower tusks. They have relatively poor eyesight but have keen senses of hearing and smell. Feral hogs are capable of breeding at six months of age but eight to ten months is normal, provided there is good nutrition. Under poor habitat conditions, sows have been known to eat their young. Gestation is around 115 days with an average litter size of four to six, but under good conditions may have ten to twelve young. While capable of producing two litters per year, research has shown the majority of sows have only one per year. Young may be born throughout the year with peak production in the early spring. The young are born with a 1:1 male to female sex ratio. Feral hogs generally travel in family groups called sounders, comprised normally of two sows and their young. Mature boars are usually solitary, only joining a herd to breed. Feral hogs are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. They are very opportunistic feeders and much of their diet is based on seasonal availability. Foods include grasses, forbs, roots and tubers, browse, mast (acorns), fruits, bulbs and mushrooms. Animal matter includes invertebrates (insects, snails, earthworms, etc.), reptiles, amphibians, and carrion (dead animals), as well as live mammals and birds if given the opportunity. Feral hogs are especially fond of acorns and domestic agricultural crops such as corn, milo, rice, wheat, soybeans, peanuts, potatoes, watermelons and cantaloupe. Feral hogs feed primarily at night and during twilight hours, but will also feed during daylight in cold or wet weather. Feral hogs are found in a variety of habitats from moist pine forests in East Texas to the brush country of South Texas. They prefer bottomlands such as rivers, creeks, and drainages when available. Hogs are generally found in dense vegetation cover often associated with water, but also do well in drought prone environments. During hot weather, feral hogs enjoy wallowing in wet, muddy areas and are never far from dense protective cover. They will concentrate in areas of food availability, especially where there are nut producing trees or agricultural crops. Their home range is based mainly on food availability and cover. It is usually less than 5,000 acres, but can range up to 70,000 acres. In general, boars have a larger home range and will also travel greater distances. For more information visit wild/nuisance/feral_hogs/ Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.


Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District Water Conservation Audit The sweltering days of summer are just around the corner and with increasing temperatures, come increasing pressures on our aquifers to meet water demands. Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District (TGRGCD) would like to ask for your help in reducing that demand on groundwater. We offer a free on-site consultation to identify problem areas that could be resulting in higher water usage to home or business owners residing within our District. Following the visit, we offer recommendations to help reduce water usage both inside and outside the home and a “goody” bag full of conservation-related items, including a hose timer, moisture meter, and low-flow showerhead. We would love to work with you on conserving our water resources and helping potentially reduce your water bill as well! To schedule a visit, give us a call at 210-698-1155! To learn more about Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District, please visit us at

What is it like to host an au pair? By Rosemary Terpolilli

Busy parents are always looking for a little help taking care of their children. One childcare option that is frequently overlooked is hosting an au pair from a foreign country. An Au Pair is a young adult from another country who provides live-in childcare services and a cultural experience while living with the family. Typically the age of an au pair is from 20-24 years old, they must be fluent in English plus have a driver's license and be willing to stay with the host family for at least 12 months. Au pairs are carefully screened by a government regulated au pair program and must meet the qualifications for experience and training. The host family must meet certain requirements as well, such as submitting an application, providing a private bedroom (room and board) for the au pair and completing an in-home interview. Plus there are regulations to comply with the U.S. Department of State, including limiting the au pair work hours to a maximum of 45 hours a week and 10 hours a day. One leading agency is AuPairCare, their website is a good resource to learn more about hosting and au pair qualifications. And it is helpful to learn more from current host families and their stories. Most host families enjoy the flexible work schedule that an au pair provides and the unique interaction of learning from another culture in their home. The types of families that make a good fit should: • Have an understanding and open attitude about other cultures • Enjoy a flexible schedule that au pairs provide for their childcare needs • Be willing share their family and community interaction Military families frequently embrace the au pair opportunity. They have been world travelers and appreciate the cultural experience. Because military families may not live near relatives and they need the extra help at home when one spouse is deployed, having an au pair can help to maintain a stable household. Check to see if the agency offers military discounts as well as discounts for families with twins and multiples. Each family has to determine what childcare arrangement works best for them. It is good to know all the options and to discuss with your family. Rosemary Terpolilli has been a Dominion resident for over 15 years and is a current Area Director for AuPairCare as well as a freelance writer for

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

The Outlook - June 2013



Burglaries in The Dominion Since the beginning of the year, there have been 11 burglaries in The Dominion. Your homeowners association is working to tighten security while the police continue to follow leads to apprehend the culprits. SAPD is only sharing very limited information about the cases consistent with their policy of not revealing any investigatory leads that could impede the investigation. The areas burglarized have been The Gardens, The Estates, The Vineyard Estates, Andalucia, Renaissance, Renaissance Ridge and Pavilions. Homes have been entered through back doors or windows. In most cases glass has been broken to enter. Some homes had activated alarms while others were on the house watch program administered by the Dominion security vendor. Most homeowners were reported to be out of town. Expensive jewelry, accessible safes, and money have been stolen from some of these homes. Fortunately no one has been hurt.

It is recommended to all residents to be especially vigilant and continue to take every security precaution: 1) Leave lights on in the evening and when away. 2) Set your security alarm. Make sure your system is monitored and your monitoring company has your current information. If you have your alarm set up to contact Dominion Security during an alarm activation, please have the phone number changed to the North Gate, 210-698-7812, during the Main Gate renovation. 3) Keep all doors and windows locked. 4) Be watchful of any unusual happenings in your neighborhood. 5) Report any suspicious activity immediately to Dominion Security at 210-698-7812. SAPD will likely start a more active policing of The Dominion as an additional safety measure. SAPD may stop Dominion residents and guests for traffic or other infractions of the law. Let's all work together to keep our neighborhood safe and secure!

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The Outlook - June 2013

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The Outlook - 5/3/13 June 2:24 2013 PM 7

THE OUTLOOK Runner¹s Knee Pain Usually Linked To Foot, Hip Problem If running is turning into a pain in the knees, it might actually be the hips that need your attention, according to an expert at Baylor College of Medicine. When runners have knee pain, it's usually related to foot or hip problems, according to Dr. Joseph Chorley, associate professor of pediatrics – adolescent and sports medicine at BCM and Texas Children's Hospital. If a runner is not in control at the foot, ankle or hip, the knee is what gets twisted, has to overwork and develops irritation. Chorley makes the following suggestions: • Stretch properly before running • Don¹t increase mileage by more than 10 to 15 percent per week • Walk when knee pain begins • Replace shoes every six to nine months or every 500 miles • Know what your foot type is and be sure you have proper cushioning • Consider cross-training and strengthening exercises to help strengthen the core, glutes or hamstrings Multi-vitamins are helpful for all runners and fish oil is good for long distance runners However, there are some symptoms that may indicate a more severe problem that should be seen by a sports medicine physician: • Fluid accumulating in the knee • Painful popping or a mechanical sensation • Someone who had a previous structural injury such as torn ACL or PCL that¹s now experiencing pain.


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The Outlook - June 2013

(210) 698-6333 Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

THE OUTLOOK Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District Water Conservation Audit The sweltering days of summer are just around the corner and with increasing temperatures, come increasing pressures on our aquifers to meet water demands. Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District (TGRGCD) would like to ask for your help in reducing that demand on groundwater. We offer a free on-site consultation to identify problems areas that could be resulting in higher water usage to home or business owners residing within our District. Following the visit, we offer recommendations to help reduce water usage both inside and outside the home and a “goody” bag full of conservation-related items, including a hose timer, moisture meter, and low-flow showerhead. We would love to work with you on conserving our water resources and helping potentially reduce your water bill as well! To schedule a visit, give us a call at 210-698-1155! To learn more about Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District, please visit us at

Our tradition of quality food and service for a wide variety of events. We also offer delivery to make your family gatherings simple and unbelievably delicious. Our friendly drivers unload and display your order buffet style in disposable aluminum containers, making cleanup a snap!

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The Outlook - June 2013



Health Briefs Older adults express anxiety in different ways While there are several factors that can cause anxiety in older adults, it can be difficult to identify because they express anxiety in unique ways, according to an expert at Baylor College of Medicine. According to Dr. Melinda Stanley, professor in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at BCM, common types of anxiety disorders in adults include: -Generalized anxiety -Specific fears and phobias -Social phobias -Post-traumatic stress disorder Anxiety symptoms that older adults and their family members should watch for include: -Shortness of breath -Increased heart rate -Dizziness -Difficulty sleeping -Muscle aches and pains Anxiety is not a normal part of aging and can be treated. The first important step is to have a physical exam. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a treatment option that teaches learning skills to manage anxiety. Skills that can help reduce anxiety include relaxation, changing thoughts, facing fears, learning how to solve problems and learning behaviors to improve sleep.


The Outlook - June 2013

Allergy prevention, management tips It is important for parents to remember the basics about prevention and management of allergies, said a pediatrician from Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Armando Correa, an assistant professor of pediatrics at BCM and a pediatrician at Texas Childrenšs Hospital, offered the following tips: -Seek immediate medical attention for difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, tongue or other extremities. -Consider short-term medication for symptoms such a runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing. -If symptoms persist, contact your pediatrician. -For children under the age of 2 experiencing allergies, always seek medical attention. -Help manage environmental allergies by avoiding places that have just been cleaned or places where pets frequent. Correa also offered tips on food allergies: -If your child has multiple or severe allergies, they should always carry an injectable medication. -Always read the food labels and be aware of where foods are manufactured. -Consider allergy testing for children with severe or multiple allergies. Always consult a pediatrician on questions related to allergy prevention and management.

Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.


Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

The Outlook - June 2013


THE OUTLOOK Older Adults Express Anxiety In Different Ways While there are several factors that can cause anxiety in older adults, it can be difficult to identify because they express anxiety in unique ways, according to an expert at Baylor College of Medicine. According to Dr. Melinda Stanley, professor in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at BCM, common types of anxiety disorders in adults include: • Generalized anxiety • Social phobias • Specific fears and phobias • Post-traumatic stress disorder Anxiety symptoms that older adults and their family members should watch for include: • Shortness of breath • Difficulty sleeping • Increased heart rate • Muscle aches and pains • Dizziness Anxiety is not a normal part of aging and can be treated. The first important step is to have a physical exam. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a treatment option that teaches learning skills to manage anxiety. Skills that can help reduce anxiety include relaxation, changing thoughts, facing fears, learning how to solve problems and learning behaviors to improve sleep.


The Outlook - June 2013

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.


PERSONAL CLASSIFIEDS CAR FOR SALE 2009 Maserati Quattroporte with only 21,600 miles Color: New Green New Sand Interior Wood Trim, Hands Free System, Nav., Audio HD, CD, Bluetooth Phone, IPod, MP3, Rear Camera, All Upgrades. $69,900, Call Mike at (210)863-5237 FOR SALE - Selling my collection of Lalique, Baccaret Erte Bronzes, Sehring Bronzes and many pieces of art work unframed. Other antique items available. If interested, please call Jackie at (210) 698-7071 FOR SALE - Two custom made chairs, purchased from Stowers 28" x 48". Like new condition, silk fabric, solid maple wood arms/legs. Stylish addition to any room, $499.00 each or $900.00 for the pair. OBO, for more information call Gill at (210) 349-3493. FOR SALE - Beautiful Henkel Harris mahogany dining furniture including 6 Chippendale side chairs, 2 Chippendale arm chairs, sideboard, and double pedestal dining table. Great condition. $12,000. OBO ($30,000.+ new) for more information, please call (210) 698-2901. FOR SALE - Vintage American Antique Armoire 45" Wide X 80" Deep $800.00 FOR SALE - Custom made furniture grouping - excellent condition barely used - mostly admired. Plush chenille sofa w/pillows - 2 oversize club chairs - oversize round cocktail table-arm chair - tuscan style bench - lg potted palm, Olhausen black laminate accu-fast pool table - Harley Davidson high-top table w/2 stools. Come see... all offers considered. For more information, please call Stacee at (210) 698-6980.

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

FOR SALE - 8 large ornamental black iron garage door hinges. Cost $75 each, sell $25 each. These are like new. Scroll design – 8” wide at the widest end. 18” long. These are to be used on a flat, not paneled door. For more information, please call (210) 6980533 Peggy Bland. FOR SALE - Brand New ornate mirror 4ft. high by 3ft. wide with attractive design, List Price (tag on mirror) is $2400. Will sell for $1200. ( From Louis Shanks). For more information, please call Anna at (210) 698-1194 or (210) 260-0606. FOR SALE - Century Furniture & Other pieces for 18th Century Style Pieces in Pristine new condition. Large dining room table with 2 extensions. 8 armless chairs, 2 chairs with side arms, 2 piece curio cabinet (upper and lower), Buffet, Buffet Server with cabriole legs, Coffee table (for living room) with glass insert, Side table (for living room), Drum table (round). The asking price is $12,500 for all pieces. (The original price was more than double).It is a very elegant set of furniture pieces which belongs in a traditional elegant estate. The seat cushions are immaculate in a light teal blue shade of chintz. There is a hint of stripes in soft beige hues. The wood finish is in a darker shade of brown, table and legs have cabriole design and elegant wood carvings. Will be happy to show by appointment only, please call (210) 912-6489. FOR SALE--Six tickets to the Texas A&M/Alabama Football Game. Row 1, Section 144 (near the 40 yd line). Call Bob at (210) 549-2398.

The Outlook - June 2013


THE OUTLOOK At no time will any source be allowed to use The Outlook contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in The Outlook is exclusively for the private use of Peel, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. * The Dominion HOA does not endorse any of the advertisers contained in The Outlook.

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Volunteer - Donate COLINSHOPE.ORG

5 years ago this month, Colin Holst tragically and silently drowned at the age of 4. 10 Texas children have already drowned this year. Be a Water Guardian and help prevent children from drowning. Ongoing: Volunteers needed to stuff and distribute water safey packets Ongoing: Colin's Hope Athlete Ambassadors needed! Now-June 18: Discount Schlitterbahn Tickets for sale. June 18: World’s Largest Swim Lesson at Schlitterbahn Waterpark New Braunfels July 1: Colin’s Hope Got2Swim Lake Austin 4 Miler (solo or relay) July 21: Colin’s Hope Kids Got2Swim Pure Austin Quarry Lake





The Outlook - June 2013








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The Outlook - June 2013




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Custom home, perfect for entertaining with lots of light & high ceilings. Timeless architectural details with custom built-ins, a spacious kit., wet bar, luxurious master suite, his & hers California closets & 2 bdrms upstairs. Fully fenced yard shows large outdoor living, Efficient, low-maintenance home. MLS# 994595

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Modern beauty with an open & airy floor plan. Floor to ceiling windows, architecturally designed ceilings throughout, concrete floors, custom built-ins & wine cellar. A streamlined kitchen is outfitted with exotic granite counters. European spa-like master suite leads to 3 bdrms, each with private baths. MLS# 968897

lots available for sale: 139 Westcourt Lane - MLS# 895897 - $129,000 | 19 Highgate Drive - MLS# 932358 - $180,000 38 Royal Heights - MLS# 946142 -


The Outlook - June 2013

$350,000 | 40 Devon Wood - MLS# 970982 - $400,000

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