Wood Glen - June 2013

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Wood Glen

Official Publication of the Wood Glen Property Owners Association

June 2013 - Volume 7, Issue 6


Wood Glen! By the time you read this, the kids should be out of school. Congratulations to all those who have graduated and soon will be entering the next phase in life. For some of our kids, that may be migrating from one level of school to the next, be that preschool to elementary, elementary to middle school, middle school to high school, or high school to trade school or college. For others, that may be putting an end to their formal education and entering the work force. These milestones in life are always faced with mixed emotions, excitement for successfully completing the task at hand, anxiety over what comes next, and sadness that things have to change. As a reminder, the “Pruning Guidelines for Prevention of Oak Wilt in Texas” suggest to avoid pruning oak trees from February 1 through June 30. If you need to prune your oak trees, see if you can hold off for a few more weeks. However, if you can, it is best to prune your trees during the fall and winter when they are not stressed by the hot, dry weather. We finally resolved the issues with migrating our website and the new site can be found at http://www.woodglen.org. If you haven’t had a chance to sign up for an account yet, please do so. The website has a link to various pages on the lower right corner. Links to our policies, forms, and section maps can be found under “Member Resources”, and contact information for Board Members and other useful numbers can be found under “Neighborhood Information”. The new site includes features such as a “Neighborhood Forum” and a “Pet Directory, which can be found in under “Member Resources”. The Neighborhood Forum allows residents to post and discuss information that is of interest to the neighborhood. Please be courteous and respectful to your neighbors. If you wouldn’t say something to someone in person and in front of all your neighbors, you probably shouldn’t post it on the Internet. Over the next few months, I hope to use the “Neighborhood Forum” and other features to get your input and feedback on some of the things that the Association is doing. The Pet Directory is a place where you can post information about your pets. Our hope is that if your pet ever Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

wanders off, anyone who finds them can look in the pet directory, identify your pet, and return it. One of the reasons we switched to the new site is the ability to updating information more efficiently. With our old site, it was necessary to have the provider make any changes. Due to the cost involved, this limited changes to the website. With the new site, we can make updates directly, eliminating delays and reducing costs. Our hope is to provide a lot more information about the workings of the Association in a timely manner. For example, as the Board prepares and reviews polices, I plan to post drafts on the Policies page and start a discussion in the forum for feedback. That way, we can consider the feedback before we take a final vote on implementing the policy. We recently formed a Green Belt Planning Committee to develop a Green Belt Management Plan. The plan outlines a vision for maintaining the green belt that balances our needs to comply with various regulations with the desire to maintain the green belt in a natural state. A draft is available from the Policies page on the website and you can share your comments in the Forum or directly with any of the Board Members. We are coming up on our one-year anniversary with our management company, CMA. I have started a discussion on website to solicit feedback. If you have any opinions or comments please visit the website and respond to the topic on CMA or send your comments to me or another Board Member. We have replaced the Association fence along Creek Bend Blvd between Falkirk Dr and Rio Brisas Cv. Also, there was a section further down that was blown down in March that was replaced. We are planning to replace the remaining Association fence in phases to avoid the need to tap into the reserve funds, so that completes our fence replacement project for this year. The next phase is planned for the first part of next year. - David Schell Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - June 2013 1

Wood Glen BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: David Schell................................ dschell@gmail.com Vice President: Eric Boren..................eric_boren@sbcglobal.net Treasurer: Wayne Solum.............................. wsolum@juno.com Secretary: Lela Solum..........................lelasolum@austin.rr.com Section 1: Eric Boren......................... eric_boren@sbcglobal.net Section 2: Sean Copeland.........................place2wg@gmail.com Section 3: Bob Hill..................................bobhill64@gmail.com Section 4: David Schell................................ dschell@gmail.com Section 5: Donna Tucker...............donnactucker@austin.rr.com Section 6: Matt Baker................... matthewbakerpe@gmail.com Section 7: Wayne Solum.............................. wsolum@juno.com

COMMITTEE CHAIRS Modifications: Sam Myers ....................................... slmyers58@earthlink.net Pool/Amenity Center/Landscaping / Greenbelt: Karen Fischer...............................................kfischer4@att.net Social Events: Gloria Gomez......................... gloriasproductions@gmail.com Communications: Donna Tucker..............................donnatucker@austin.rr.com ...........................................................donnate@austin.rr.com Ant Bait Control Program: Leslie Myers..........................................myersls@earthlink.net Welcome Committee: David & Elaine Lloyd.............................Lloyd1111@aol.com

MANAGEMENT CO. Certified Management of Austin (CMA) 9600 Great Hills Trail, Suite 100E Austin, TX 78759, Tel: (512) 339-6962 Fax: (512) 339-1317, Email: frontdesk@cmaaustin.com Contact: Jennifer English

NEWSLETTER INFO Editor Donna Tucker......................... donnactucker@austin.rr.com Publisher Peel, Inc........................ www.PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181 Advertising........advertising@PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181


to Becoming an Organic Gardener For every small step in the right direction, there is eventually a large reward. When we make even the most minor changes in the way we live our lives, eat, exercise and spend time with our families we will eventually create a change for the better if that is our intention. As with any real change, it begins with a thought that is followed by an action, you start small and keep going. Becoming an organic gardener is an excellent way to make an enormous impact with a few small changes. Commercial and residential landscaping has become one the most environmentally destructive forces on the Earth over the past 60 years. With the gross over use of commercial and residential chemicals, acres and acres of water wasting lawns where wild flowers, native grass and trees once grew, and the use of non-native plants that have wreaked havoc on our Eco systems, we have gotten off course. Depressing right? Yes,… but it can be corrected one yard at a time, so let get started… Tip 1 – Plant only native and adapted, non-invasive plants in your garden: Planting non indigenous plant life means you will have bug issues, water and soil problems and potentially cause invasions of species that have no checks or balances in our Eco system. Tip 2 – Water on a regular schedule: Stressed plants are prone to attack by pests because a weakened plant is a vulnerable one. I water my native and adapted garden (shown below) once a week on schedule to the depth of one inch and make sure the plants do not go into stress mode (sleeping plants and leaves) to avoid pest issues. During the hot Texas Summer, certain plants may require a more frequent watering but over watering is as bad as under watering so do not assume the plants need it, watch them and feel the soil with your hands to really know what they need. Tip 3 – Compost every Spring: Compost really can save the world. Compost is any organic matter that provides nourishment to the plants. This can be bagged, bulk, grass clippings, pine straw or decaying leaves. If you are composting edible plants always use organic compost so you are not exposing your plants to any chemicals the compost may have from animal matter that may have been used. Compost your tree rings, lawn, plants, garden, etc. This should be done in the cooler months when temps are in the late 60's- mid 70's consistently. Composting too early can promote growth that may freeze, composting in the heat can burn your plants. Tip 4 – Fertilize with liquid seaweed: Never use chemical fertilizers , liquid seaweed is not only a foliar and flower feed, but it feeds the soil, the mycorrhizal fungi and healthy bacterial growth necessary for a healthy soil. It is also a cellular strengthener that helps reduce stress in the plants from extreme heat and cold which in turn also serves as a pest control by strengthening the plant leaving it less vulnerable to attack. (Continued on Page 3)

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Wood Glen (Continued from Page 2) Tip 5 – Mulch every Fall: Mulch is one of the most important elements of a successful garden and it is very important to maintain a depth of 4-6". Mulch prevents weeds, keeps moisture in the soil, reduces temperatures and protects the plants roots. It is also creates an environment for nutrients (bacterial and Fungi) your plant needs to be healthy. Tip 6 – Space your plants properly: Proper spacing of your plants is crucial to their over all success. Over crowding can promote disease (fungus), creates unnecessary maintenance issues and competition for light and air. Tip 7 – Do daily walk through, use organics and practice: Walking though your garden on a daily or weekly basis allows you to find pest problems before they are out of control. Once a pest or disease issue has been detected, locate an organic remedy online. All you do is type in the problem and it gives you a result. You can order your product online, or if you’re in a hurry for it, take the name of the product and a leaf sample or photo of your problem plant to a local nursery for recommendations. Finally, always use “Integrated Pest Management”. Simply put, this is a method of using organics, beneficial insects, companion plants or traps first, then chemicals as a last result.

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Tip 8 – Know who your friends are: Beneficial insects are your best line of defense with most pest issues. There are very few real threats to your garden that you won’t find an insect ally for. Do your homework and purchase a “Beneficial Bug Guide” to keep near your garden for ID. You can order several beneficial insects online as well as purchasing them at your local nursery. Bird and Bat houses are also excellent pest control. Tip 9 – Companion planting: Plants from the Allium (garlic and onion) family are a great pest prevention. Marigolds, mint, herbs and a whole host of clever plant combos can help repel pests, find out more online or at your local book store. Tip 10 – Know when enough is enough: If you have a plant that serves as a host to all of your pest parties and try as you might the bugs keep attacking, yank the plant and choose a new one! There are far too many cool native and adapted plants here in central Texas to tolerate such nonsense! Leaving a sick plant in your landscape sends out a message to pests that they are invited to your space and once they finish with the weak link, they move on to the next plant and so on. So there you have it…10 easy steps to becoming an official organic gardener. An important change comes from being mindful of the fact that it really!

Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - June 2013 3

Wood Glen Looking for Volunteers!


Chiggers are the larvae, or immature stage, of a certain type of mite. These larval mites climb onto people when they walk through infested areas. The chiggers wander around the body seeking a good site to feed. They prefer to feed in areas where skin is thinnest or where clothing fits tightly, such as the ankles, waist, behind the knees and groin. Chiggers do not burrow into the skin as many people believe, so “smothering” them by painting the bite area with nail polish will not do anything to relieve discomfort. Instead, chiggers inject a digestive enzyme which breaks down skin cells. The chiggers eat the broken down skins cells. Itching and redness is caused by our body’s reaction to the enzymes chiggers inject into us. Itching typically begins 3-6 hours after being bitten, peaks at 24 hours and can last up to two weeks. Try to avoid chigger infested areas, but since this is not always possible, here are some other things to try: • Wear protective clothing- tightly woven items that fit loosely; including long sleeves & pants; shoes or boots • Tuck pant legs into boots • Avoid sitting on the ground • Remove & launder clothing ASAP after being in infested areas • Shower/ bathe after being in an infested area; scrub vigorously with a washcloth • Use an insect repellent with DEET or picaridin To treat chigger infestations around the home try the following: • Keeping lawn trimmed • Maintain vegetation; do not allow weeds to grow up & keep brush cleared • Residual pesticide sprays, usually pyrethroids

High School Students from 60 countries are arriving to our area this coming August and I am looking for volunteers to host them. You need to provide a bed and meals for the student. They have their own spending money and are fully insured. If you are interested in volunteering and making a dream of a teen come true please email or call. Jennifer Tausworthe jennifer4cci@aol.com 713.203.6556


For chigger bites: • Do not scratch pustules; opening pustule might lead to infection • Oral antihistamines or topical anti-itch creams to relieve itching sensation

Kelly Peel VP Sales and Marketing

512-263-9181 ext 22 kelly@PEELinc.com PEEL, INC. community newsletters

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Wood Glen A Hearing Or Vision Test May Be The Solution To "Bad Behavior" For some children a health problem could be to blame for acting up in class or even a drop in grades. Doctors at Baylor College of Medicine say what might look like a behavioral issue could actually be a signs of hearing or vision problems. If a child cannot hear or see properly, they cannot pay attention in class, said Dr. James H. Bray, associate professor of family and community medicine at BCM. Bray said children may think they can hear what the teacher is saying but actually are getting the information wrong, so it looks like they aren¹t paying attention or are being defiant. Bray said it is important to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis. Before a parent begins to worry, a family medicine doctor or pediatrician can conduct a basic hearing and vision test that can identify whether a hearing or vision specialist is needed, or if another problem is to blame, Bray said. Bray said once a diagnosis is made there may be simply solutions, such as making sure a child sits in the front of the class.

Knowledge, Integrity, & Hard Work.

Physical Symptoms Could be Sign of Depression Depression and chronic mood disorders can manifest themselves through physical symptoms "Physical symptoms often drive a patient to see a primary care physician, and then the diagnosis of depression may emerge," said Dr. Sanjay Mathew, associate professor in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at BCM. Symptoms include gastrointestinal syndromes or chronic pain conditions. Many patients will have diagnoses of both a physical illness as well as depression. The first step is to get a complete medical history and physical exam to rule out any medical conditions before making a psychiatric diagnosis. Certain types of antidepressants and medications that help treat seizures also help with the physical symptoms of depression at low doses. This can help avoid the use of multiple medications.

Paul & Jan Gillia

Do Not Pay 6% To Sell Your Home! Our full service listings are now 4.5%. We Also Do Leasing. Call or Email Before You List! 512-388-5454 • pgillia@austin.rr.com www.homeselect360.com The Right REALTOR Makes All the Difference! Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - June 2013 5

Wood Glen At no time will any source be allowed to use The Wood Glen Newsletter's contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in the Wood Glen Newsletter is exclusively for the private use of the Wood Glen HOA and Peel, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.


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Attention Teenagers

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Wood Glen


WWW.COLINSHOPE.ORG 5 years ago this month, Colin Holst tragically and silently drowned at the age of 4. 10 Texas children have already drowned this year. Be a Water Guardian and help prevent children from drowning. Ongoing: Volunteers needed to stuff and distribute water safey packets info@colinshope.org Ongoing: Colin's Hope Athlete Ambassadors needed! http://www.tinych.org/signup Now-June 18: Discount Schlitterbahn Tickets for sale. http://www.tinych.org/tickets June 18: World’s Largest Swim Lesson at Schlitterbahn Waterpark New Braunfels July 1: Colin’s Hope Got2Swim Lake Austin 4 Miler (solo or relay) http://www.tinych.org/got2swim4 July 21: Colin’s Hope Kids Got2Swim Pure Austin Quarry Lake http://www.tinych.org/got2swimkids

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Wood Glen

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