Hunter's Chase - July 2013

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Hunter's Chase Gazette

HUNTER'S CHASE The Official Newsletter of the Hunter's Chase HOA

Board Member Changes and Planned Projects NEW BOARD MEMBERS There will be some new faces on the Hunter’s Chase board. In June new board members were elected. They are: • Lynn Raridon Maddox • Samuel Yu

Returning board members are: • Brian James • Michael Kuykendall • Rebekah Sheppard Leaving the board and deserving of many thanks are: • Calandra Bradford • Darin Siefkes (our outgoing president) Hunter’s Chase homeowners are welcome to attend board meetings. Simply keep an eye out for meeting postings at the entrance marquee of the subdivision. PROJECTS

The tennis courts are scheduled for resurfacing and wind screens are to be replaced. The courts will be closed until the work is completed. Work dates are expected to be mid-July. However, at press time for the newsletter, the dates were not fully confirmed. Besides the tennis courts, plans are in the works for further isolating and repairing leaks in the kiddie pool. In addition, a plan is being developed to resurface the kiddie pool and make repairs to the beach area around it. The work is expected to begin after this summer’s swim season. Meanwhile, the pool rope has been repaired, which should be welcome news to adult swimmers, and lap swimmers in particular. Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

July 2013 Volume 3, Issue 7

2013 Swim Season: It’s getting hotter and hotter and hotter. Even the most reluctant swimmers among us may need to head to the neighborhood pool as an act of survival in the days ahead. As a reminder, the pool is now open every day through October 13, closed Tuesdays for cleaning. The hours are 6:00am-9pm, with adult-swim only from 6am-9:00am. Here’s some other important pool information to know: Lost your Pool Key Get new ones at or contact Goodwin Management (512) 502-7503 Pool Pavilion Reservations Go to 1 - Select Community Services 2 - Select Amenities/Pool Event Rentals 3 - Select top Drop Down Site box to locate your POA facility name (Hunters Chase). The POA home page gives a detailed description of pavilion rental procedures. 4 - Select Pavilion Rentals tab on the left 5 - Select Register Now to complete the reservation If you have questions, contact Lifeline Aquatics, as follows: Lifeline Aquatics Phone: 877-354-1313 Fax: 512-869-6291

Hunter's Chase Gazette - July 2013


Hunter's Chase Gazette CONTACT NUMBERS & IMPORTANT INFO Hunter’s Chase Yahoo Newsgroup Hunter’s chase POA website - UTILITIES Electricity City of Austin...................................................... 494-9400 Gas Atmos Energy............................................1-888-286-6700 Emergency.................................................... 866-322-8667 Water/Wastewater (City of Austin) Emergency........................................................... 912-6000 Trash/Recycling City of Austin...................................................... 494-9400 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HC HOA Goodwin Management Inc. 512-502-7503 Estates of HC POA CA Managers: 512-288-2376 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE Applications are found on the intranet site at DEED ENFORCEMENT To report violations contact Sage Management sage. - Deed Documents, Download the file HCA.GOV.xx.19840530.CCRS.pdf SCHOOLS Pond Springs Elementary................................. 512-464-4200 ..................... Deerpark Middle School.................................. 512-464-6600 ........................... McNeil High School........................................ 512-464-6300 .............................. OTHER Crime Stoppers........................................... 1-800-253-STOP County Commissioner Lisa Birkman, Pct. 1 .....................733-5384 fax; 733-5380 Animal Control....................................................... 943-1389 Spicewood Springs Branch Public Library ........................ 8637 Spicewood Springs Rd 512-974-3800

HOA BOARD Brian James ............................................................. President Michael Kuykendall........................................VP & Treasurer Rebekah Sheppard ....................................................Secretary Lynn Raridon Maddox.............................................. At Large Samuel Yu................................................................. At Large To reach any one of the board members please contact Carmen Glassinger at HUNTERS CHASE POA COMMITTEES Residents interested in joining a committee should contact Darin Siefkes at 1. Neighborhood Watch - will assist with implementing a neighborhood watch program 2. Amenities (Pool, Park & Tennis) - will be responsible for maintenance and improvement suggestions to the Board 3. Events - responsible for determining which neighborhood events to plan and carrying out the planning and execution of the events (Neighborhood garage sale, Christmas caroling, potlucks, etc)

NEWSLETTER INFO EDITOR Richard Maddox PUBLISHER Peel, Inc........................................................ 888-687-6444 Advertising................................

ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Interested in submitting an article? You can do so by emailing or by going to http://www. All news must be received by the 9th of the month prior to the issue. So if you are involved with a school group, scouts, sports etc – please submit your articles for The Subdivision Name. Personal news for the Stork Report, Teenage Job Seekers, special celebrations and military service are also welcome.


View the current issue of the Hunter's Chase Gazette on the 1st day of each month at 2

Hunters Chase Gazette - July 2013

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Hunter's Chase Gazette A Focus on SUNBURN Protect your skin from our powerful sun By: Concentra Urgent Care

Sunburn is caused from over-exposure to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. While the symptoms (such as red skin that is painful to the touch) are usually temporary, the skin damage is often permanent and can cause serious long-term health effects, including skin cancer, pigmentation and premature aging. In addition to the skin, eyes can get burned from sun exposure; sunburned eyes turn red, dry, and painful, and can feel gritty. Sunburn results when the amount of exposure to the sun or other ultraviolet light source exceeds the ability of the body’s protective pigment, melanin, to protect the skin. Sunburn in a very lightskinned person may occur in less than 15 minutes of midday sun exposure, while a dark skinned person may tolerate the same exposure for hours. Sunlight contains an invisible form of radiation called ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV A and possibly UV B can harm skin, connective tissue and increase risk for developing skin cancer. Certain drugs such as some blood pressure medication, antibiotics and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs increase sensitivity to sunlight and the risk of getting sunburn. Symptoms The first signs of a sunburn may not appear for a few hours. The full effect to your skin may not appear for 24 hours or longer. Possible symptoms include: • Red, tender skin that is warm to touch. (1st degree burn) • Blisters that develop hours to days later. (2nd degree burn) • Severe reactions (sometimes called “sun poisoning”), including fever, chills, nausea, or rash. • Skin peeling on sunburned areas several days after the sunburn. First Aid • Try taking a cool bath or shower. Or place wet, cold wash cloths on the burn for 10 to 15 minutes, several times a day. You can mix baking soda in the water to help relieve the pain. Small children may become easily chilled, so keep the water tepid. • Apply a soothing lotion to the skin. • Aloe gel is a common household remedy for sunburns. Aloe contains active compounds that help stop pain and inflammation of the skin. • Over-the-counter steroid cream can also be applied several times a day. • Over-the-counter pain medication, such as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, including aspirin, may be helpful, and are excellent for reducing burn inflammation whereas Tylenol only reduces pain, not the burn itself. For more information, check out: Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Hunter's Chase Gazette - July 2013


Hunter's Chase Gazette A Focus on Heat Emergencies Healthy tips to stay cool in extremely hot weather By: Concentra Urgent Care


Heat emergencies fall into three categories of increasing severity:


Heat Cramps, Heat Exhaustion, and Heatstroke.

• Sweating • Pain in arms, legs, and abdomen HEAT EXHAUSTION

Heat illnesses are easily preventable by taking precautions in hot

condition can succumb to heat illness if he or she ignores the warning

• • • • • •



weather. Children, elderly, and obese people have a higher risk of developing heat illness. People taking certain medications or drinking alcohol also have a higher risk. However, even a top athlete in superb

• • • • • •

If the problem isn’t addressed, heat cramps (caused by loss of salt from heavy sweating) can lead to heat exhaustion (caused by dehydration), which can progress to heatstroke. Heatstroke, the most serious of the three, can cause shock, brain damage, organ failure, and even death.

Moist, pale skin Fatigue and fainting Dizziness and lightheadedness Headache and confusion Nausea and vomiting Rapid pulse and breathing

No sweating Dry, hot, red skin Confusion and loss of consciousness Rapid pulse Temperature over 103º F Seizures (Continued on page 5)

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Hunters Chase Gazette - July 2013

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Hunter's Chase Gazette Heat Emergencies (Continued from Page 4) CAUSES:

The following are common causes of heat emergencies: • • • • • •

3. If the person is alert, give cool water or sports beverages. It’s advisable to drink slowly and steadily, particularly if they are experiencing nausea. 4. For muscle cramps, give beverages as above, and massage and stretch affected muscles gently, but firmly, until they relax. 5. If the person shows signs of shock (bluish lips and fingernails, and decreased alertness), starts having seizures, or loses consciousness, call 911 and continue cooling procedures, as described above.

High temperatures or humidity Dehydration Prolonged or excessive exercise DO NOT: Excess clothing • DO NOT underestimate the seriousness of heat illness, especially if Alcohol use Medications, such as diuretics, neuroleptics, phenothiazines, and the person is a child, elderly, or injured. • DO NOT give the person medications that are used to treat fever anticholinergics (such as aspirin or acetaminophen). They will not help, and they • Cardiovascular disease may be harmful. • DO NOT give the person salt tablets. What to do in heat emergencies... • DO NOT give the person liquids that contain alcohol or caffeine. They FIRST AID 1. Have the person lie down in a cool place. Elevate the person’s feet will interfere with the body’s ability to control its internal temperature. • DO NOT use alcohol rubs on the person’s skin. about 12 inches. 2. Apply cool, wet cloths (or cool water directly) to the person’s skin • DO NOT give the person anything by mouth (not even salted drinks) and use a fan to lower body temperature. Place cold compresses on the if the person is vomiting or unconscious. person’s neck, groin, and armpits.

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

(Continued on page 6)

Hunter's Chase Gazette - July 2013


Hunter's Chase Gazette At no time will any source be allowed to use the Hunter's Chase Gazette's contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in the Hunter's Chase Gazette is exclusively for the private use of the Hunter's Chase HOA and Peel, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.

Heat Emergencies (Continued from Page 5) PREVENTION:

• Wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing in hot weather. • Rest regularly in a cool area; seek shade when possible. • Avoid strenuous physical activity in hot or humid conditions. • Drink plenty of fluids every day. Drink more fluids before, during, and after physical activity. • Be especially careful to avoid overheating if you are taking drugs that impair heat regulation, or if you are overweight or elderly. • Be careful of hot cars in the summer. Allow the car to cool off before getting in. • Avoid heavy meals and hot foods. For more information on how to cope with the heat, ask your Concentra health professional, or visit the CDC’s Web site at: www. REFERENCES Auerbach PS. Wilderness Medicine. 4th ed. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby; 2001:240-316. DeLee JC, Drez Jr. D, Miller MD, eds. DeLee and Drez’s Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders; 2003:763.

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Hunters Chase Gazette - July 2013

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6/5/2013 1:41:48 PM


Hunter's Chase Gazette



July ar Calend

Ongoing: Volunteers needed to distribute water safey packets Ongoing: Colin's Hope Athlete Ambassadors needed! July 21: Colin's Hope Kids Got2Swim Pure Austin Quarry Lake. August 29: Colin's Hope Got2Swim Lake Austin 10K/10 miler. September 8: 5th Annual Colin’s Hope Kids Triathlon

ALERT: 18 Texas children have already drowned this year! YOU can help us prevent children from drowning. Please KEEP YOUR KIDS SAFE around water.

Volunteer - Donate COLINSHOPE.ORG






Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.





Hunter's Chase Gazette - July 2013


Hunter's Chase Gazette


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Hunters Chase Gazette - July 2013

Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.

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