Hunter's Chase Gazette
HUNTER'S CHASE The Official Newsletter of the Hunter's Chase HOA
November 2013 Volume 3, Issue 11
Two Holiday Giving Ideas to Help Kids in Need There are lots of great programs to help kids out for the upcoming holiday season. Here are two that are worthy of consideration.
The Austin Children’s Center (ACS)
On its wish list, the ACS requests gift cards for clothing to help the organization bolster the self esteem of kids and young adults in its care. Popular gift cards: Wal-Mart, Target, Academy and Old Navy. For more information about delivering the cards and the Center’s other needs, contact Lindsay Contreras at Lindsay@ ACS provides residential and non-residential services to children, youth, and families recovering from abuse and neglect. The organization believes that every child and young adult in our community deserves safety and security, and all our programs and services are designed to help abuse survivors recover from trauma and break the cycle of abuse. ACS provides an emergency shelter and a transitional living program for youth ages 17-22, among other programs.
The Adoption Coalition of Texas (ACT)
Secret Santa is a special holiday gift program of ACT that helps Child Protective Services and foster families provide gifts and spread holiday cheer to Central Texas foster children through the generosity of community donors. If you would like to be a Secret Santa this year and purchase holiday gifts for a Central Texas foster child, please email your name, email address and contact phone number to The gift drop-off days will be at several Austin-area locations on Wednesday through Saturday, December 4 – 7, and caseworkers will be picking up the gifts the following week. The Adoption Coalition is a partnership of nonprofit adoption agencies and Child Protective Services working together to find forever families for abused and neglected children waiting for adoption. These are usually older children, sibling groups and children with special needs. For information about ACT and adoption, visit
If you’d like to get the word out about other worthy holiday drives, send your information to Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
Hunter's Chase Gazette - November 2013
Hunter's Chase Gazette CONTACT NUMBERS & IMPORTANT INFO Hunter’s Chase Yahoo Newsgroup Hunter’s chase POA website - UTILITIES Electricity City of Austin...................................................... 494-9400 Gas Atmos Energy............................................1-888-286-6700 Emergency.................................................... 866-322-8667 Water/Wastewater (City of Austin) Emergency........................................................... 912-6000 Trash/Recycling City of Austin...................................................... 494-9400 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HC HOA Goodwin Management Inc. 512-502-7503 Estates of HC POA CA Managers: 512-288-2376 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE Applications are found on the intranet site at DEED ENFORCEMENT To report violations contact Sage Management sage. - Deed Documents, Download the file HCA.GOV.xx.19840530.CCRS.pdf SCHOOLS Pond Springs Elementary................................. 512-464-4200 ..................... Deerpark Middle School.................................. 512-464-6600 ........................... McNeil High School........................................ 512-464-6300 .............................. OTHER Crime Stoppers........................................... 1-800-253-STOP County Commissioner Lisa Birkman, Pct. 1 .....................733-5384 fax; 733-5380 Animal Control....................................................... 943-1389 Spicewood Springs Branch Public Library ........................ 8637 Spicewood Springs Rd 512-974-3800
HOA BOARD Brian James ............................................................. President Michael Kuykendall........................................VP & Treasurer Rebekah Sheppard ....................................................Secretary Lynn Raridon Maddox.............................................. At Large Samuel Yu................................................................. At Large To reach any one of the board members please contact Carmen Glassinger at HUNTERS CHASE POA COMMITTEES Residents interested in joining a committee should contact Darin Siefkes at 1. Neighborhood Watch - will assist with implementing a neighborhood watch program 2. Amenities (Pool, Park & Tennis) - will be responsible for maintenance and improvement suggestions to the Board 3. Events - responsible for determining which neighborhood events to plan and carrying out the planning and execution of the events (Neighborhood garage sale, Christmas caroling, potlucks, etc)
NEWSLETTER INFO EDITOR Richard Maddox PUBLISHER Peel, Inc........................................................ 888-687-6444 Advertising................................
ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Interested in submitting an article? You can do so by emailing or by going to articleSubmit.php. All news must be received by the 9th of the month prior to the issue. So if you are involved with a school group, scouts, sports etc – please submit your articles for The Subdivision Name. Personal news for the Stork Report, Teenage Job Seekers, special celebrations and military service are also welcome.
View the current issue of the Hunter's Chase Gazette on the 1st day of each month at 2
Hunters Chase Gazette - November 2013
Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
Hunter's Chase Gazette A Focus on Influenza: What You Should Know About the Flu
By: Concentra Urgent Care The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It antibodies build up to provide protection against the influenza virus. SYMPTOMS OF THE FLU can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The best • Runny or stuffy nose way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccination each year. Every year • Fever (usually high) • Headache • Body aches in the United States, on average: • Fatigue (can be extreme) • Diarrhea and vomiting (more • 5% to 20% of the population gets the flu • Cough common among children than • More than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu complications • Sore throat adults) • About 36,000 people die from flu Having these symptoms does not always mean that you have the flu. Some people, such as older people, young children, and people with Many different illnesses, including the common cold, can have similar certain health conditions, are at high risk for serious flu complications. COMPLICATIONS OF FLU symptoms. DIAGNOSING THE FLU Complications of flu can include bacterial pneumonia, ear infections, It is very difficult to distinguish the flu from other infections on the basis sinus infections, dehydration, and worsening of chronic medical of symptoms alone. A doctor’s exam may be needed to tell whether you conditions, such as congestive heart failure, asthma, or diabetes. HOW FLU SPREADS have developed the flu or a complication of the flu. There are tests that can Flu viruses spread mainly from person to person through coughing determine if you have the flu as long as you are tested within the first two or sneezing of people with influenza. Sometimes people may become or three days of illness. If you develop flu-like symptoms and are concerned infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching about your illness, especially if you are at high risk for complications of their mouth or nose. Apparently healthy adults may be able to infect the flu, you should consult your health care provider. Those at high risk others beginning one day before symptoms develop and up to five days for complications include people 65 years or older, people with chronic after becoming sick. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to medical conditions, pregnant women, and young children. GOOD HEALTH HABITS FOR FLU PREVENTION someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick. KEY FACTS ABOUT SEASONAL FLU VACCINE The single best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each The single best way to protect against the flu is to get vaccinated each year, but good health habits like covering your mouth when you cough year. There are two types of vaccines: and washing your hands often can help prevent respiratory illnesses like • The “flu shot”: an inactivated vaccine (containing killed virus) that is the flu. There also are flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat and given with a needle, usually in the arm. The flu shot is approved for use prevent the flu. in people older than 6 months, including healthy people and people • Avoid close contact with people you cough or sneeze. with chronic medical conditions. who are sick. • Clean your hands. • The nasal-spray flu vaccine: a vaccine made with live, weakened flu • Stay home when you are sick. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or viruses that do not cause the flu (sometimes called LAIV for “Live • Cover your mouth and nose when mouth due to the spread of germs. PRACTICE OTHER GOOD HEALTH HABITS: Attenuated Influenza Vaccine”). LAIV is approved for use in healthy • Get plenty of sleep • Drink plenty of fluids people two to 49 years of age who are not pregnant. The viruses in • Eat nutritious food the vaccine change each year based on international surveillance and • Be physically active scientists’ estimations about which types and strains of viruses will • Manage your stress circulate in a given year. About two weeks after vaccination, enough
Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
Hunter's Chase Gazette - November 2013
Hunter's Chase Gazette At no time will any source be allowed to use the Hunter's Chase Gazette's contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in the Hunter's Chase Gazette is exclusively for the private use of the Hunter's Chase HOA and Peel, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.
Hunters Chase Gazette - November 2013
The Hunter's Chase Forum is online Go green. Go paperless. Sign up to receive The Hunter's Chase Forum in your inbox. Visit for details.
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Yard sales are no easy undertaking, and in this issue of the Hunter’s Chase Gazette readers can get a few tips to run them smoother – and make some sales. These are tips from the Yard Sale Queen, a popular Internet yard sale adviser who has been kind enough to allow the newsletter to publish her tips. PRICING I like yard sales where people have put prices on everything. The price should be on top of an item, not on the bottom. I know it’s a lot of work, but worth it because you won’t have people asking every two minutes, “How much do you want for this?” As a general rule of thumb, price items about a quarter or third of what they would cost new. Clothes are generally very poor sellers, unless it’s baby/kids clothes. But if you price adult-sized clothes cheap enough, it will sell regardless. People are reluctant to pay a lot of money for clothes they can’t try on, but will gamble if it’s only $1 or so. If you don’t have time to price everything individually, signs are helpful, such as “all books .25 each” or “any piece of clothes $1.00”, or “anything on this table .50.” You also can offer the customers a deal, example: paperbacks .25 each or 5 for $1. AN IDEA FOR SIGNS Use paper grocery bags to draw your signs on then fill the bottom
with heavy rocks, stuff with newspaper and staple shut. Ta da! Easy, portable signs that you can just place on the ground. If you use crayon to make your signs, the lettering won’t run if it gets wet. I use a permanent marker and make the lettering extra, extra wide. The yard sale signs that look like they were written with a ballpoint pen drive me nuts! CDS AND BOOKS When selling books and CDs, arrange in a box so the titles can be easily read by the customers. I go to many yard sales where books and CDs are a big jumbled mess – that gives me the impression that the sellers don’t care about their stuff and probably didn’t take good care of it when they had it in the first place. NO FIDO Although you may have the friendliest dog in the world, it’s best to keep them away from your yard sale. Some people are afraid of dogs or are allergic. The day of your yard sale may be the day that your friendly dog, unaccustomed to the excitement of all the people, may decide to take a chunk out of the toddler that pulls on his tail. Look for more advice from the Yard Sale Queen in other newsletter issues. If you can’t wait, you can get more tips at the Yard Sale Queen’s website at
New Location Now Open! Parents Welcomed In Our Treatment Rooms Emergencies Seen on Same Day State-of-the-Art Of f ice with TV’s at Every Chair
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Call us today to set up an appointment! 205 Denali Pass Suite A, Cedar Park, TX 78613 | 512.218.1500 | Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
Hunter's Chase Gazette - November 2013
Hunter's Chase Gazette CROSSWORD PUZZLE Crossword Puzzle
ACROSS ACROSS 1. Swiss-like Charge cheese 5. Black Syrian bishop Confuse 9. Against 11. Dog food brand 10. Landing 12. Flat 11. Leaves 13. Sticky 12. Boom black box substances 14. Mr. 13. Allure 15. Advertisement 15. African antelope 17. No 16. Polite 18. Make 18. Leafy better green 20. Pre-Nissan 21. Marry 22. Electric spark 22. Esophagus 23. Miss lang 26. Woken 24. Tire 28. Goad 27. Saloons 29. Type of tooth 29. Immense 30. Refer 31. Shine 31. Posttraumatic 32. Santa's helpers stress disorder 33. Madam 32. Sieve 34. Ribald
ed ACROSS DOWN 1. Swiss-like cheese 1. Tides 5. Black 2. Cafe 9. Confuse 3. Far away 11. Dog food brand 4. Day of wk. 12. Flat 5. Sup 13. Sticky black substances 6. Mont __ Resolve Owed • File Your Back 14. Mr. Your IRS Taxes 7. Ms. Winfrey Taxes and Leave8.the IRS to US 15. Advertisement Curious BBB ‘A+’10. Rated 17. No City 18. Make better 16. Toil 20. Pre-Nissan MovieGarnishments alien •Stop IRS Levies and 18. Wage 22. Electric spark 19. Fashionable •Get your filed 23. Miss lang back taxes20. Play by expert CPA and reduce the amount you owe as allowed 24. Tire 21. Smoky 27. Saloons 22. Cain killedbefore him •Solve your IRS problem 29. Immense 24. Skimp it gets 25. worse 31. Shine Afresh 32. Santa's helpers 26. Posttraumaticsolutions stress disorder •Develop long-term permanent 33. Madam 28. Pigpen with your CPA 34. Ribald 30. Unwell
Stop the Worry
View answers online at
WINTER Youth Sports registration NOW OPEN
SIGN UP TODAY! At the Y, we help your kids grow by developing their physical, teamwork & sportsmanship skills. Join us so we can GAME ON!
Call: Timothy W. Hald – Certified Public Accountant Your neighborhood CPA – living and working within our community
visit us at Hunters Chase Gazette - November 2013
© 2006. Feature Exchange © 2006. Feature Exchange
© 2006. Feature Exchange
DOWN DOWN 1. Tides Nativity scene piece 1. 2. 2. Cafe Competition at the Greek 3. Far away games 4. of wk. 3. Day Capital of the Ukraine 5. 4. Sup Symbol 6. __ 5. Mont Expression of surprise 7. Ms. Winfrey 6. Emblem 8. 7. Curious Pickle juice 10. 8. ACity ball out of bounds (2 wds.) 16. 10. Toil Twist violently 18. Movie alien 14. Ripper 19. Fashionable 17. Strums 20. Play 18. Slough 21. Smoky 19. Ross ___, philanthropist 22. Cain killed him 20. Skimp Gods 24. 23. Brand of sandwich cookie 25. Afresh 24. Seaweed substance 26. Posttraumatic stress disorder 25. Cabana 28. Pigpen 27. Unwell Blue 30.
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10/7/2013 5:33:45 PM
Hunter's Chase Gazette SEND US YOUR
Event Pictures!!
Do you have a picture of an event that you would like to run in this newsletter? Send it to us and we will publish it in the next issue. Email the picture to hunterschase@ Be sure to include the text that you would like to have as the caption. Pictures will appear in color online at
Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.
Hunter's Chase Gazette - November 2013
Hunter's Chase Gazette
308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717
Don’t Let the Flu Stop You Protect yourself and your family against the flu. Now is the time to get your shot and The Austin Diagnostic Clinic makes it easy with convenient hours to meet your busy schedule. Adults 18 and older may walk into any ADC doctor’s office and ask for a flu shot during normal business hours or you can visit ADC EasyCare in north Austin, after hours or over the weekend. Parents should consult their child’s pediatrician for flu immunization.
For details visit or call ADC’s Flu Hotline 512-901-7117.
Scan this code to go to ADC’s Flu Shot schedule
The Austin Diagnostic Clinic 12221 N. Mopac & 2400 Cedar Bend Dr. 512-901-1111 My Health, My Doctor, My ADC 8
Hunters Chase Gazette - November 2013
Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.