Hunter's Chase - February 2014

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Hunter's Chase Gazette

HUNTER'S CHASE The Official Newsletter of the Hunter's Chase HOA

February 2014 Volume 4, Issue 2

Where Do Your HC HOA Dues Go? by Lynn Maddox, Board Member at Large

Hunter's Chase is great place to live and play! We are lucky to have amenities many other neighborhoods don't, namely our park, tennis courts and pool. Many residents don't realize it, but unlike other nearby neighborhoods, we, the property owners/neighborhood of Hunter's Chase, actually OWN these amenities. When the Springwoods MUD was annexed by the City of Austin last year, the Springwoods Pool closed, leaving nearby neighborhoods "high and dry," so to speak. Hunter's Chase residents will never have this worry.

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These amenities are the centerpiece of our neighborhood, foster our sense of community and add to our home values. Maintaining and preserving them consume the majority of our dues. For fiscal year 2013, our expenses were as follows: • 67 percent went towards the maintenance, repair and several capital improvements for our park, tennis courts and pool. • 15.5 percent covered the administrative costs of managing the association, which also included all legal and professional fees. • 12 percent went to the utilities for the park, pool and tennis courts. • 3 percent went for our taxes and 2.5 percent was spent for our annual Summerfest Meeting. Your board, working closely with Goodwin Management, strives to be good stewards and managers of the HOA dues collected for our neighborhood and is happy to announce that no increase in dues is scheduled for 2014. Look for a report on repairs and upgrades completed in 2013 plus news and updates on exciting improvements for 2014 in next month's newsletter.

Hunter's Chase Gazette - February 2014


Hunter's Chase Gazette CONTACT NUMBERS & IMPORTANT INFO Hunter’s Chase Yahoo Newsgroup Hunter’s Chase POA website - UTILITIES Electricity City of Austin...................................................... 494-9400 Gas Atmos Energy............................................1-888-286-6700 Emergency.................................................... 866-322-8667 Water/Wastewater (City of Austin) Emergency........................................................... 912-6000 Trash/Recycling City of Austin...................................................... 494-9400 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HC HOA Goodwin Management Inc. 512-502-7503 Estates of HC POA CA Managers: 512-288-2376 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE Applications are found on the intranet site at DEED ENFORCEMENT To report violations contact Sage Management sage. - Deed Documents, Download the file HCA.GOV.xx.19840530.CCRS.pdf SCHOOLS Pond Springs Elementary................................. 512-464-4200 ..................... Deerpark Middle School.................................. 512-464-6600 ........................... McNeil High School........................................ 512-464-6300 .............................. OTHER Crime Stoppers........................................... 1-800-253-STOP County Commissioner Lisa Birkman, Pct. 1 .....................733-5384 fax; 733-5380 Animal Control....................................................... 943-1389 Spicewood Springs Branch Public Library ........................ 8637 Spicewood Springs Rd 512-974-3800

HOA BOARD Brian James ............................................................. President Michael Kuykendall........................................VP & Treasurer Rebekah Sheppard ....................................................Secretary Lynn Raridon Maddox.............................................. At Large Samuel Yu................................................................. At Large To reach any one of the board members please contact Carmen Glassinger at HUNTERS CHASE POA COMMITTEES Residents interested in joining a committee should contact Darin Siefkes at 1. Neighborhood Watch - will assist with implementing a neighborhood watch program 2. Amenities (Pool, Park & Tennis) - will be responsible for maintenance and improvement suggestions to the Board 3. Events - responsible for determining which neighborhood events to plan and carrying out the planning and execution of the events (Neighborhood garage sale, Christmas caroling, potlucks, etc)

NEWSLETTER INFO EDITOR Richard Maddox PUBLISHER Peel, Inc........................................................ 888-687-6444 Advertising................................

ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Interested in submitting an article? You can do so by emailing or by going to articleSubmit.php. All news must be received by the 9th of the month prior to the issue. So if you are involved with a school group, scouts, sports etc – please submit your articles for The Subdivision Name. Personal news for the Stork Report, Teenage Job Seekers, special celebrations and military service are also welcome.


View the current issue of the Hunter's Chase Gazette on the 1st day of each month at 2

Hunters Chase Gazette - February 2014

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New Access Cards for Pool and Tennis Courts Are Coming! Release forms for the new gate access cards for the pool and tennis courts were mailed out on January 10. Hunter Chase residents MUST have a new card in order to gain entry to these amenities. In order to receive a new card, a new waiver form and your old access card must be returned to Goodwin Management and your account must be in good standing. Full details are in the notice you should have received. If you have not received your notice, or have questions about the form or your account, please contact Carmen Glassinger at Goodwin immediately at 512-502-7503 or at The access cards will be available after February 3.

Hunter's Chase Gazette AMA CHOCOLATE SUGGESTIONS From the American Heart Association's Go Red for Women site: Depending on the sugar content and the quality, chocolate can be a healthy ingredient, full of anti-oxidants. Continue skipping the candy aisle and visit the health food store for quality unsweetened cocoa powder, cacao nibs and extra dark or bittersweet chocolate bars. Instead of making desserts, have fun experimenting with unsweetened chocolate being a surprise addition to your favorite savory family recipe. HOW TO ADD CHOCOLATE TO YOUR FAVORITE FAMILY MEAL:

• Mix ground coffee, unsweetened cocoa powder and spices to make a dry rub for grilling meat. • Add cacao nibs to a green salad with lowfat cheese for a crunchy bite. • Sprinkle crushed cacao nibs over a pureed vegetable soup, such as cauliflower and parsnip. • If making pasta from scratch, add unsweetened cocoa powder to the dough. • Spread natural, unsalted peanut butter over half of a whole grain bagel and layer with sliced bananas. Sprinkle unsweetened cocoa powder on top. • Add bittersweet chocolate chips to granola or oatmeal cereals. • Add cocoa powder to your morning oatmeal with cinnamon, vanilla and raisins. Source:

Your search has ended. At the Northwest Family YMCA, you will find a community that is eager to help you live a happier and healthier life. So stop searching and join us today!

NORTHWEST FAMILY YMCA 5807 McNeil Dr 512.335.9622 • Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

Hunter's Chase Gazette - February 2014


Hunter's Chase Gazette

Heart Healthy Lifestyles By: Concentra Urgent Care Approximately every 60 seconds, an American will die from a coronary event. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), an estimated 71 million Americans have some form of heart disease, the most common being high blood pressure. And most of these problems are self-created by poor lifestyle choices. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO LIVE HEART HEALTHY? THE AHA RECOMMENDS:


• • • • • • • • • • • •

Any known congenital or hereditary disorders Major illnesses Chronic ailments or risk factors Smoking Obesity Alcohol problems The cause and age of death of any deceased relatives Childhood conditions Major illnesses Vaccinations Surgeries Treatments, especially those involving radiation

• Eating a healthy diet • Lean, skinless meats and poultry • Fat-free, 1% fat, and low-fat dairy products • Avoid foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oil or added sugars • Avoid foods high in dietary cholesterol For more information on living a heart healthy lifestyle, you • Prepare foods without added salt, saturated fat, and trans fat can contact your health care provider or visit the American Heart • Exercising regularly Association’s Web site at: • 20-to-60 minutes per day, 3-to-5 times per week • Avoiding tobacco products and tobacco smoke WWW.AMERICANHEART.ORG • Limiting your alcohol intake • Women: 1 drink per day (maximum) • Men: 2 drinks per day (maximum) In addition to poor lifestyle choices, heredity plays a factor in heart disease, too. It is therefore important to know your family history to help identify familial risk factors and help prevent the development of certain familial illnesses.


Hunters Chase Gazette - February 2014

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

Hunter's Chase Gazette

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Hunter's Chase Gazette - February 2014


Hunter's Chase Gazette

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Hunters Chase Gazette - February 2014

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

Hunter's Chase Gazette The Hunter's Chase Forum is online Go green. Go paperless. Sign up to receive The Hunter's Chase Forum in your inbox. Visit for details.

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Hunters Chase Gazette - February 2014

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