Wood Glen
Official Publication of the Wood Glen Property Owners Association
April 2014 - Volume 8, Issue 4
HOWDY WOOD GLEN! In April, we had our annual Spring Festival, sponsored this year by Lisa Hassel, Realtor®. In addition to the Easter Egg hunt, the kids had a good time playing in the bounce house, eating cotton candy, having their face painted, and taking pictures with Santa. Additionally, I want to thank Round Rock Police Department patrol officers that stopped by and the volunteers that ran the child ID station. If you missed the Spring Festival, we look forward to seeing you at other social events we have throughout the year. The next event should be a summer party at the pool. Keep an eye on the newsletter and the website, http://www. woodglen.org, for more details. Additionally, we look forward to having Oktoberfest and Cocoa with Santa later in the year. At the Board Meeting in March, the Board met with Officer Bryan Young of the Round Rock Police Department to discuss ways in which the Association and the Police Department can work together to improve Wood Glen. The presence of the Round Rock Police Department at the Spring Festival was part of that effort. Another part is fostering better communication between Wood Glen and the Police Department and other city services. While Wood Glen POA works to enforce our CC&Rs to maintain Wood Glen, there are some issues that we don’t have the authority to address and other areas where there is overlap between city ordinances and the CC&Rs and we work with the City of Round Rock to address those issues. Due to the limits Texas places on HOAs to protect homeowners, the Association procedures for dealing with violations of the CC&Rs is relatively slow. Specifically, when a violation is first noted, a violation letter is sent out. If the violation is not corrected in a timely manner, a second violation letter is sent out, followed by fines until the property is brought into compliance. In some instances, if the property is not brought into compliance in response to the fines, the Board can elect to utilize the “forced mow” policy to hire
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contractors to maintain or repair a property with the associated costs being billed to the homeowner. However, it takes several months for things to get to that point. In contrast, when Round Rock Code Enforcement becomes aware of a violation of the city code, generally they will issue a warning, and if the violation is not corrected in short order, the city can issue fines and take corrective action. Anyone can report concerns directly to the appropriate city department. In the case of an emergency or crime in progress, it is best to call 911 for immediate assistance. Additionally, this city has many mechanisms to report non-emergency situations. Anonymous tips can be sent by texting the keyword RRPD and your message to 847411 (tip411). Additionally, android and iPhone users can download the RRPD Tips app for reporting tips and includes an option to attach photos. The city also has an Online Service Request form for submitting requests for various issues including traffic problems, water issues, code violations, and more. The Online Service Request form can be accessed from http://www.roundrocktexas.gov/services. Often, reporting concerns directly to the appropriate city department can result in a swift resolution to your issue. Where appropriate, please inform the Association as well so that we may coordinate our efforts with the city to address these issues and keep the neighborhood informed. I want to make everyone aware of the several incidents of vandalism in an around the Amenity Center. Over the past couple of months, several of the trail signs were removed, the gate was removed from the tennis court and the tennis net was taken. Additionally, the fence around the pool area was damaged, the pool furniture was tossed into the pool, fires were started in the sinks in the bathrooms, and the like. The (Continued on Page 2)
Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - April 2014 1
Wood Glen BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: David Schell................................ dschell@gmail.com Vice President: Matt Baker........... matthewbakerpe@gmail.com Treasurer: Wayne Solum.............................. wsolum@juno.com Secretary: Lela Solum..........................lelasolum@austin.rr.com Section 1: OPEN POSITION................................................... Section 2: Prashant "Nat" Nadkarni.... nadkarnipb@yahoo.com Section 3: Bob Hill..................................bobhill64@gmail.com Section 4: David Schell................................ dschell@gmail.com Section 5: OPEN POSITION................................................... Section 6: Matt Baker................... matthewbakerpe@gmail.com Section 7: Wayne Solum.............................. wsolum@juno.com
COMMITTEE CHAIRS Modifications: Prashant "Nat" Nadkarni ................. nadkarnipb@yahoo.com Pool/Amenity Center: Bob Hill................................................bobhill64@gmail.com Landscaping / Greenbelt: Karen Fischer...............................................kfischer4@att.net Social Events: Gloria Gomez......................... gloriasproductions@gmail.com Communications: Bob Hill................................................bobhill64@gmail.com Ant Bait Control Program: Leslie Myers..........................................myersls@earthlink.net Welcome Committee: David & Elaine Lloyd.............................Lloyd1111@aol.com
MANAGEMENT CO. Certified Management of Austin (CMA) 9600 Great Hills Trail, Suite 100E Austin, TX 78759, Tel: (512) 339-6962 Fax: (512) 339-1317, Email: frontdesk@cmaaustin.com Contact: Jennifer English
Howdy Wood Glen - (Continued from Cover Page) costs of cleanup and repair after these incidents adds up, and prevents the Association from improving our amenities in other ways. A couple years ago, we installed electronic locks and digital video cameras at the Amenity Center facilities. The electronic locks enable us to log who enters the facilities through the gate and to restrict access when the facilities are closed. Additionally, we made the decision to leave the bathrooms at the Amenity Center unlocked so residents did not need to carry both an access card and key. We are working with the police department to identify the vandals. If you have information regarding the vandalism, please contact the Board at matthewbakerpe@gmail.com. Available video footage has been handed over to the Round Rock Police Department of pursuing criminal charges, and we have requested increased patrols of the area by RRPD. If the vandals are found to be residents of Wood Glen, in addition to potential criminal prosecution, the Board can charge the associated costs to the homeowner. During our discussion with Officer Young at the March board meeting, we discussed reviving the neighborhood watch program. If you are interested in helping out with a neighborhood watch program, please contact me or any other member of the board. David Schell
Residents are encouraged to attend to see what is going on behind the scenes and to let us know your concerns. May 20, 2014 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm TBD
Editor Bob Hill............................................ bobhill64@gmail.com Publisher Peel, Inc........................ www.PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181 Advertising........advertising@PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181
For more information about upcoming events or our sponsors, please visit http://www.woodglen.org. If you are interested in sponsoring future Wood Glen Events, please contact the David Schell at dschell@gmail.com.
2 Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - April 2014
Copyright Š 2014 Peel, Inc.
Wood Glen
ROUND ROCK NEW NEIGHBORS Women Welcoming Women for Fun & Friendship since 1978 Call us about our next luncheon to be held May 14th from 10:15 – 1:00pm June through August we will have our Summer Coffees in Members Homes Members Also Enjoy: Lunch Bunch, Canasta, Movies, Mah Jongg, Walk & Talk, Volunteering, Girlfriends’ Happy Hours, Scrabble, Wine Tasting, Bridge, Day Trips, Foodies for Fun, Book Discussion, Bunco, Mexican Train Dominoes & more!
Whether you are new or lived here for years, WE WELCOME YOU! Visit our website www.RRNewNeighbors.org. For more information & a Newsletter, call Pam at 512-487-8249.
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Wood Glen
ROVER ANTS Submitted by Wizzie Brown
Rover ants are tiny (~1/16” long) and brownish-black. They have 9 antennal segments which differentiates them from many other ants, but you’ll need a good hand lens or microscope to count antennal segments. The abdomen of rover ants is pudgy and the ants have a “humpbacked” appearance. Fo r g re a t p h o t o s you can go to the following site: http:// myrmecos.wordpress. com/2008/05/27/roverants-brachymyrmex-patagonicus-an-emerging-pest-species/ Colonies, or nests, are small and have a single queen. They can occur inside structures in places such as wall voids usually in areas of moisture- kitchen, bathrooms and near plumbing leaks. Outdoors, people often find the ants nesting under and/or inside
flower pots, under stones and landscape timbers or running quickly up and down patio furniture or other vertical surfaces. Worker ants will often be seen foraging on plants, and are often mistakenly identified as damaging the plant. The workers are tending honeydew excreted by insects such as aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies and scale insects. Controlling the honeydew-producing insects in the landscape can help cut down on ant problems. The ants can be somewhat difficult to manage since they don’t respond well to most solid baits. They do appear to take liquid baits fairly well. Sprays should not be used to treat for rover ants since this can split the colony up and make the ants more difficult to manage.
For more information or help with identification, contact Wizzie Brown, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Program Specialist at 512.854.9600. Also check out www.urban-ipm.blogspot.com The information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service or the Texas A&M AgriLife Research is implied. Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.
Fun Reading, Math and Focus Programs Based Right Here in Wood Glen! www.EveryChildCanLearn.net Julie Cowan, Educational Therapist
4 Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - April 2014
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Wood Glen
May ar Calend
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May is National Water Safety Month Ongoing: Volunteers needed to stuff & distribute water safety packets. info@colinshope.org Ongoing: Colin's Hope Athlete Ambassadors needed. www.tinych.org/AthleteAmbassador Now-June 21: Donate $30, get a free Schlitterbahn ticket. www.tinych.org/tickets May 5th: Otter Spotter Day Storytime at Backwoods Austin from 10:30am-11:30am
Take our Water Safety Quiz. www.colinshope.org/quiz/ Keep your children and families safe in, near and around all bodies of water.
STAY AWAY CHECK POOL & HOT TUB FIRST Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.
Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - April 2014 5
It’s Bambi!
Crossword Puzzle
It’s spring in central Texas and you have just spotted a fawn! He is so tiny and defenseless, and he seems so alone. You wonder if he might be an orphan – like Bambi. You want to pick him up and take care of him – or at least get a closer look . . . But the fawn is not alone. Bambi’s mother is not far away, and a deer that would otherwise run from a human or a dog will defend her baby if she senses danger. Now is the season for deer to give birth to their young, and the time to remind your children and neighbors to be deer-smart for the deer’s safety and your own. If you find a fawn, leave it alone. Most white-tail deer fawns are born in May and June in central Texas, but they start to appear as soon as late April. For the first three to four weeks of their lives, the fawns are too small to follow their mothers, and it is normal for a doe to leave a fawn alone for several hours at a time. If you find a fawn, do move it or try to rescue it. Most fawns are not orphaned or abandoned. Unless the fawn is obviously sick or in an unsafe area, it should be left alone. If you think the fawn is in danger, call the Austin Wildlife Rescue hotline at 512-472-9453 (512-472-WILD). Remind your children to stay away from the deer. Baby animals naturally draw the attention of curious children. Fawning season in central Texas provides a unique opportunity to teach your children about cycles of life and kindness to animals. Educate your children about the fawning season. Explain to them that the fawns are not abandoned. Teach them that they should stay away from the fawns because the mother is nearby and she will return to take care of the baby. Steer clear of the does. The does are on high alert this time of year. If you see a doe while you are outside it is best to give her space, especially if you feel that she is watching or following you. A doe will defend its territory if a fawn is near. Restrain your dogs. Fawns also draw the attention of curious dogs. Walk your dogs on leash do not let them run free outside of fenced areas. Standard (not retractable) leashes are safest this time of year. Off-leash and unrestrained dogs may be seen as a threat by a doe and are a primary cause of conflicts with deer. Use your deer deterrents. If you do not want fawns around your property, now is the time to refresh or activate your deer repellents and mend your fences. Does will not leave fawns in an obviously hostile environment. The fawning season provides an opportunity to experience and appreciate the wildlife that live among us. The opportunity to interact with deer is a part of what makes Austin a special place to live. DeerAustin is a nonprofit organization that promotes wildlife education and co-existence with wildlife and deer. You can contact us at admin@deeraustin.org. Please be deer-smart this spring, enjoy the wildlife, and Keep Austin Deered!™
6 Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - April 2014
The challenge is to fill every row across, every column down, and every 3x3 box with the digits 1 through 9. Each 1 through 9 digit must appear only once in each row across, each column down, and each 3x3 box.
View answers online at www.peelinc.com DOWN ACROSS 1. Incline 1. Tack 2. Change 5. Giant 3. Small particle 9. Philippine dish with marinated 4. Compass point chicken or pork 5. Night bird 11. Journalist's question 6. Body snatcher 12. Tiny insects 7. Cultivate 13. Cut of beef 8. Volcano 14. School group 10. Change into bone 15. South 16. Musical productions 17. United States 18. Canadian prov. 18. Bottle need 19. Palladium (abbr.) 20. Upset 20. Many 22. Cow's chow 21. Perfect 23. Year (abbr.) 22. Captain (abbr.) 24. Computer makers 24. Institution (abbr.) 27. Brews 25. Swain 29. Sleep disorder 26. African country 31. Parent teacher groups 28. Fast plane 32. Strong rope fiber 30. Pastry 33. Bend 34. Decorative needle case © 2006. Feature Exchange
Wood Glen
2007. every Feature column, Exchange and The goal is to fill in the grid so that every©row, every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Each digit may appear only once in each row, each column, and each 3x3 box.
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