The Dominion - July 2014

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July 2014

HOA NEWS Property Owner's Tree/Vegetation Trimming Responsibility for Roadway Safety The streets of The Dominion are owned by The Dominion Homeowners Association (HOA) and are subject to the rules and regulations of the HOA. The streets must be accessible for emergency response vehicles as well as service vehicles, delivery vehicles, and passenger vehicles. Additionally, as there are no off-street sidewalks in the Dominion, the streets must accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists in a safe manner. A recent street survey has revealed that numerous property owners have allowed their shrubs and trees to grow over the concrete curbs and out into the streets of the Dominion in a manner that impedes emergency response vehicles. as well as pedestrian and bicyclists as well as from safely walking or riding adjacent to the curb. An ordinance of The City of San Antonio has addressed this safety situation by specifying the minimum clearance of property owner's shrubs and trees that grow out over the streets. To better maintain this issue within our community and prevent the issue form increasing in severity, the following policy is effective within The Dominion. South Gate Closure Effective April 1, 2014, the South traffic/security gate on Tejas Trail and Brenthurst Lane will be closing to ALL traffic at night from 10pm until 6am.This closing is due to the low usage during these hours and will allow Security to better utilize resources. All traffic must use the Main or North gates during these hours. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

Quickpass, Easy to Download App and User Friendly Away from your main computer? QuickPass allows users to update their guest lists anywhere in the world with an internet connection through their Mobile QuickPass App. Accessing the app is simple. For iPhone/iPad users simply download the free app from the iTunes app store; search "quickpass". For other devices you can find the app in the Google Play Store for free (must have an account), or log in directly to "". A quick tip to improve your experience with the quickpass system: • Make sure when entering venders into the quickpass system that you schedule the entry begin time correctly, as vendors who arrive before the time in which you have scheduled on quickpass will not show up as a resisted guest until the time you entered. Security Our Security staff is here to serve the residents. Please alert your guests and vendors, drivers must have valid drivers license and all passengers must have proper Identification cards. Please excuse the slight delay that may be experienced in guest/ vendor lanes, as this is an effect of the increased emphasis on security in an effort to better serve our residents. SAWS Pump Station As reported by SAWS in the last Development Committee meeting, the booster pump station project will not complete until July and the piping infrastructure project will complete at years end. (Continued on Page 3)

Copyright Š 2014 Peel, Inc.

The Outlook - July 2014


THE OUTLOOK IMPORTANT NUMBERS EMERGENCY NUMBERS EMERGENCY................................................................911

Fire....................................................................................... 911 Ambulance........................................................................... 911 Police Dept – Non-Emergency.............................210-207-7273 Fire Dept – Non-Emergency................................210-207-7744


Chief of Security..................................................210-268-9932 Main Gate................................ 210-698-2997 or 210-698-2998 North Gate...........................................................210-698-7812 South Gate............................... 210-698-5323 or 210-698-0041


City Customer Service..........................................210-207-6400 Solid Waste (Trash)..............................................210-207-6428


Cedar Elm Postal Office.......................................210-641-0248


Peel, Inc...............................................................512-263-9181 Advertising............................................

MISSION STATEMENT The Outlook, For The Dominion The mission of The Outlook is to provide The Dominion Community with one source of local news content that is written by Dominion residents. Our goal is to help build the community by connecting local businesses with residents and residents with relevant neighborhood information.

"Be the community."

ADVERTISING INFO Please support the advertisers that make The Outlook possible. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact our sales office at 888-687-6444 or The advertising deadline is the 8th of the month prior to the issue.

ARTICLE INFO The Outlook is mailed monthly to all Dominion residents. Residents, community groups, churches, etc. are welcome to include information about their organizations in the newsletter. Personal news for the Stork Report, Teenage Job Seekers, recipes, special celebrations, and birthday announcements are also welcome. To submit an article for The Outlook, please email it to The deadline is the 20th of the month prior to the issue. 2

The Outlook - July 2014

Dominion Real Estate Stats Submitted by Matthew Resnick

The Dominion continues to grow with new developments and builders coming in to our neighborhood providing great new housing options for everyone. Dominion’s growth extends from the North Side to the South Side with 7 new distinctive neighborhoods, all of which are thriving. Obviously the word is out that “The Dominion” is a great place to live. This report’s date range is for all activity YTD (1-1-14 to 6-6-14) HOUSES: 36 Houses Sold: Avg. Discount Rate = 5.16% Sold Price Range: Low $380,000 / High $3,021,500 Avg. Price Range $859,188 Avg. Square Feet = 4579 Price Per Sq. Ft.: Low $101.58 High $395.43 Avg Days On Market = 353 11 Houses Pending: List Price Range: Low $510.990 / High $1,400,000 Avg. Price Range $799,112 Avg. Square Feet = 4457 Price Per Sq. Ft. Low $135.46 / High $256.50 Avg Days On Market = 176 115 Homes Active For Sale: List Price Range: Low $349,000 / High $12,000,000 Avg. Price Range $1,235,020 Avg. Square Feet = 4956 Price Per Sq. Ft. Low $122.02 / High $639.57 Avg Days On Market = 236 LOTS: 81 Lots Active For Sale: List Price Range: Low $95,000 / High $2,500,000 Avg. Price Range $345,481 Avg. Acre Size = 0.889 Avg Days On Market = 646 2 Lots Pending: List Price = Low $99,000 / High $425,000 Avg. Acre Size = 0.807 Avg Days On Market = 1421 6 Lots Sold: Avg. Discount Rate = 10.67% Sold Price Range: Low $112,000 / High $350,000 Avg. Acre Size = 0.563 Avg Days On Market = 262 All information provided by MLS & other sources buyer should independently verify same before relying thereon. ***Copyright 2014 by SAN ANTONIO BOARD OF REALTORS***

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

THE OUTLOOK HOA News (Continued from Cover)

For our Neighbors in Andalucia The Neighborhood Outreach committee is looking for friendly neighbors in your area to join the committee. You would serve as a representative for Andalucia to sit in on informative neighborhood forums and participate in focus groups to communicate with the Dominion Board of Directors, plan community events, and assist in welcoming new residents in your area. If you are interested, please email Dona at Aeration and Compost Aerating and applying compost to your lawn are excellent ways to improve its overall health. Both reduce the amount of irrigation needed by increasing the soil's ability to hold and receive water. In other words, these activities create a bigger and better soil sponge. Although not all soils are alike, they all benefit from the addition of organic matter. Compost is completely decomposed residue of plant and animal material and mulch is the partially decomposed residue of plants. Unfortunately, compost breaks down rather quickly in our climate so thin, rocky soil tends not to build up over time even with frequent additions of compost. To increase its water-holding capacity, a small amount of a similar soil may be added. To achieve maximum benefits from aeration and composting: • Spring and early fall are the best times to aerate and compost your lawn. • Multiple applications are best, or at the very least once a year. • Be generous; this is one landscape activity where more is actually better. Many landscapers are eager to assist you with both aeration and composting, or consider working with your neighbors to rent a core aerator for a day. Landscape Committee The Landscape Committee continues to update our irrigation system, and that work will begin throughout the community. Also, two islands in the Legends will be rebuilt and replanted and many

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of the islands along Dominion Drive will be upgraded with new plantings. It is very important that we keep the ongoing drought in mind as we make plans, so the new plantings will all be drought tolerant; we also continue to try to plant with year round beauty in mind. The SAWS project by the Crescent is close to completion, so we are reviewing plans for the landscaping in front of that project. We recently had a bus tour of the community working on identifying future needs in our efforts to keep the Dominion a beautiful place to live. Notary Service As a service to our residents, the HOA will notarize your documents at no charge. Please call the HOA @ (210) 698-1232 to schedule your appointment.

UPDATES FROM THE CHIEF OF SECURITY: Driver's Licenses If a resident has to go through the visitor lane, please be prepared to show a current driver's license. Please do not give your family/security code to security as, that is not a valid means of identification when you are entering the Dominion. Contact Information Please make sure your QuickPass account has the contact phone number you would like security to call, to clear guests that are not on your access list and label it as Phone 1. Our officers will attempt to call you at that number, if they can't contact you at that number, they will ask your guests to drive out of the lane and call you, so you can then call security to clear them. The gate officers will make only one attempt in order to keep the visitor lane moving and decrease the likelihood of other guests being delayed. A properly designated phone number will lessen missed calls for your friends, family, guests, and vendors. Holding Pets Pets will be held no more than 48 hours at the north gate, at which time they will be transported to a facility that will board them, at the homeowner's expense, until they are retrieved by the owner.

The Outlook - July 2014




By USPTA/PTR Master Professional Fernando Velasco

The Modern Game: The Forehand Approach Shot

In previous newsletters, I offered tips on how to execute the basic strokes for players who are just beginning to play tennis or who want to resume playing. I am now offering suggestions on how to play the “modern” game mostly geared towards players who are happy with hitting the ball over the net and controlling the point with consistency. These players may be already playing for leagues or in tournaments and are looking for more “weapons” on the court. In this issue, I will offer instructions on how to execute the Top Forehand Approach Shot. This shot is used when an opponent hits a soft shot that has bounced high over the net. The player will take advantage and will charge to the net, thus hitting with top spin high over the net and hit with power. When the ball hits the court, it will take a big hop, forcing the opponent to fall back close to the fence, or to hit the ball on the rise. This shot can be used as a “winner” or as an “approach shot.” In the illustrations, Christian Smith, one of the top players of the Grey Rock Tennis Academy, shows the proper technique to execute this stroke. Christian is coached by the Director of the Tennis Academy, Darin Pleasant. Step 1: The Back Swing: When Christian sees the opportunity, he makes a quick turn of his upper body and takes the racket high and back. The head of the racket is now at shoulder height, his shoulders are turned, the left hand in front of his body for balance. He has

loaded his right hip to help him drive his weight forward. His grip is relaxed and his wrist is “laid back” to allow maximum point of contact. Step 2: The Point of Contact: The success of a top spin shot is keeping the ball on the strings going from low to high in a 30 degree angle and accelerating the racket head around the outside of the ball. Christian started the swing high and “looped” it to allow the head of the racket to drop down. He will be brushing around the outside of the ball as he makes contact with it. His right shoulder is almost opening and his weight has now been shifted toward the front. Step 3: The Follow Through: In order to get maximum control and power, Christian is keeping his left arm in front as he extends through the shot. He has “snapped” his left wrist and has the head of the racket facing down. His weight is in the process of shifting forward. Step 4: The Finish: Christian’s upper body acceleration forced his head of the racket to “wrap around” his left hip, thus creating the most power and topspin on the ball. His legs are already in position to move forward the net for a volley. Step 5: The Ready Position: Once Christian hits the ball, he must get ready to volley if the ball was not a “winner”. By the smile on his face, his forehand approach shot was successful and is waiting for an easy return to “kill” the next shot. His knees are slightly flexed, he is in a good athletic stance and his eyes are focused on the oncoming ball.

Look in the next Newsletter for: “The Modern Game: The Backhand Approach Shot” 4

The Outlook - July 2014

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.




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Insurance products are offered through Frost Insurance. Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

The Outlook - July 2014


THE OUTLOOK It’s 7 am...



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The Outlook - July 2014

Aphids feed on a wide variety of plants in Texas. They have high reproductive capabilities so their populations can grow to large numbers quickly. Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that come in a variety of colors. Some have wings while others may not, but all have cornicles, or “tailpipes” that come off the tip of the abdomen. Aphids have piercing-sucking mouthparts which they use to pierce plant tissue and suck out the juices. Damage often appears as yellowing or curling of foliage. Aphids also secrete a sweet, sticky substance called honeydew. Honeydew often appears on the plant as a shiny spots or sometimes the honeydew may have sooty mold growing on it. Sooty mold is a black fungus that can block sunlight from reaching the plant leading to a decrease of photosynthesis. Some ideas for managing aphids are as follows: • Encourage natural enemies such as ladybugs, lacewing larvae & syrphid fly larvae; know what these creatures look like so you don’t kill them • Use high pressure water sprays to dislodge aphids from the plant • Less toxic pesticides include active ingredients such as insecticidal soap, azadirachtin (neem), horticultural oils or d-limonene • Other pesticides to manage aphids may include active ingredients such as permethrin, acephate (non-food items only), carbaryl or imidacloprid For more information or help with identification, contact Wizzie Brown, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Program Specialist at 512.854.9600. The information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service or the Texas A&M AgriLife Research is implied. Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

THE OUTLOOK Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District Water Conservation Audit Du r i n g 2 0 1 3 , m u c h like 2012, our average rainfall hovered around 32 inches District-wide. Unfortunately, most of this was received during sporadic weather events throughout the year. Case in point, we received ten inches of rain over Memorial Day weekend. High rainfall within such a short timeframe results in much of that rain running off into our streams and rivers providing little to recharge our aquifers. Please bear this in mind

as we head into summer. While all rainfall events are welcome, monitors wells into the Trinity Aquifer throughout the District still reflect record lows. Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District (TGRGCD) would like to ask for your continued help in reducing demand on groundwater resources. We offer a free on-site consultation to identify problems areas that could be resulting in higher water usage to home or business owners residing within our District. Following the visit, we offer recommendations to help reduce water usage both inside and outside the home and a “goody” bag full of conservationrelated items, including a hose timer, moisture meter, and low-flow showerhead.

Please contact us at 210-698-1155 with questions, or to schedule a free in-home audit! To learn more about Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District, please visit us at

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The Outlook - July 2014



Preventing Burglary of a Motor Vehicle During the summer months, residential communities see an upswing in property crimes, especially motor vehicle burglaries. While stealing is a crime and is never OK, residents can actively help themselves from becoming a target for thieves. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO KEEP FROM BECOMING A VICTIM: • Take, Lock, Hide is the basic crime fighting tool to prevent a burglary of a motor vehicle, or BMV. • Lock your vehicle. Yes, it takes seconds to break a window, but doing so makes noise – and criminals hate making noise. Also, officers report that in many instances where a victim left their vehicle unlocked (to prevent windows from being broken); the suspect brokethe window anyway, expecting the vehicle to be locked. The vast majority of BMV crimes that occur in Eagle Springs are committed against unlocked/unsecure vehicles. By simply locking your car door, you will effectively deter most burglars from entering your vehicle. • Hide valuables from sight, or, even better, take items with you. If a criminal doesn’t see anything, they’re less likely to break in, and will go to the next vehicle and window shop. Remember to hide valuables BEFORE you park in the place you’re leaving your vehicle. If a criminal sees you put a laptop in the trunk, they’ll just break into the trunk when you leave. The same goes for putting property under a seat. If a criminal sees you reaching under a seat, they’ll assume something is under there and break in, looking for property.


The Outlook - July 2014

Be a responsible gun owner and take your firearms out of the vehicle upon exiting. • Park in areas that are not secluded. Well lit parking lots, with good “sight lines”, make it more likely your vehicle is visible to the general public. Attended parking lots, monitored by uniformed or easily identifiable legitimate parking attendants, are ideal. Remember, criminals don’t like witnesses. • Aftermarket car stereos are a favorite among thieves; consider models with removable faceplates. Take the faceplate with you when your leave your vehicle. • Record serial numbers of property you may leave inside your vehicle. If stolen, it makes it more likely the suspect, if he tries to pawn, will be identified. Remember, there is no 100% fool-proof way to prevent all crime. You can make yourself less likely to be a victim of BMV by following the above tips, and by using common sense. Simply locking your vehicle and removing property from inside is half the battle.

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WATER SAFETY TIPS AT WWW.COLINSHOPE.ORG Help keep your family safer around water. Take our Water Safety Quiz.

Colin's Hope Athlete Ambassadors needed. Swim, bike, play tennis, hula hoop and more!




STAY AWAY CHECK POOL & HOT TUB FIRST Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.







VISIT US ONLINE The Outlook - July 2014



Newcomers of San Antonio Newcomers of San Antonio is a non-profit social organization founded in 1981. Membership is open to anyone residing in the greater San Antonio area for three years or less. We sponsor social events (monthly luncheons the 1st Thursday of the month and monthly coffees the 3rd Thursday of the month), interest groups (including games, book club, evening groups and local day trips), and opportunities for community involvement. Please visit us at for more information.

TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas

Schedule a tour & Day On Campus visit Discover the TMI community by scheduling a tour and let your student experience daily life with a Day On Campus visit. TMI challenges motivated students in grades 6-12, develops leaders and promotes service in everyday life. Learn more at

TMIEpiscopalSchool @TMIEpiscopal TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.


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The Outlook - July 2014

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LIMITED BAYFRONT HOMESITES FROM THE $300’S, NEW COASTAL COTTAGES FROM $499K AND CANALFRONT HOMESITES FROM THE $200’S NOW AVAILABLE. | 1.800.277.9780 | Rockport, Texas This is not an offer to residents of New York or New Jersey or where prohibited by state law. WARNING: CALIFORNIA DEPT OF REAL ESTATE HAS NOT INSPECTED, EXAMINED OR QUALIFIED THIS OFFERING. All advertising, promotional materials, site plans and pricing information associated with the project and the units, if any, are preliminary in nature and are subject to change by the developer without notice. This is an artist’s rendering based on current development concepts, which are subject to change without notice.

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

The Outlook - July 2014



Event Pictures!!

Do you have a picture of an event that you would like to run in this newsletter? Send it to us and we will publish it in the next issue. Email the picture to dominion@peelinc. com. Be sure to include the text that you would like to have as the caption. Pictures will appear in color online at

Walkins are welcome!

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The Outlook - July 2014

Copyright Š 2014 Peel, Inc.

THE OUTLOOK San Antonio’s Most Innovative Full-Service Pet Resort San Antonio’s Most Innovative Mon.-Fri. 7am-6pm • Sat. 8am-4pm Full-Service Pet Resort Sun. 4pm-6pm

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We know you don’t want to leave them with just anyone...

Visit Our Web Site for Rates & Full List of Services

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So bring them to the place they’ll be comfortable, clean and cared for by our We know want leave them with most just innovative anyone... loving staff!you The don’t Wagmore Pet to Resort is San Antonio’s full Soservice bring them to thestop place be comfortable, clean and cared for by our pet resort, bythey’ll for a tour anytime we are open. loving staff! The Wagmore Pet Resort is San Antonio’s most innovative full service pet resort, stop by for a tour anytime we are open.

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The Outlook - July 2014




Why Your Kids Should Also Visit The Pediatrician Vanessa Chiapetta, MD, ADC Pediatrics

If your children underwent a sports physical through their school district, you might wonder why it’s also necessary for them to see their doctor. The answer? Quality. Sports physicals performed through schools are very convenient. They are also very quick and inexpensive. Time is short and so is money, so why not? There are a number of benefits of visiting the pediatrician for a well-child exam, rather than just undergoing a sports physical. BENEFITS OF A WELL-CHILD EXAM With your pediatrician, you will receive a full assessment of your child’s specific needs with someone who knows him/her and your family. You are present at the visit so you can get information and ask questions about your child’s • Development


The Outlook - July 2014

• Nutritional status • Chronic medical issues • Past injuries and how they relate to the sport in which he is planning to participate Your pediatrician will be sure your child has his appropriate immunizations at this visit and they can refill any chronic medications your child takes. Your pediatrician can also refer him/her to any specialists they may need to see to be sure they are fit for the sport he/she chooses. Your well-child exam can also be used as the school’s annual Sports Exam if it is done after a certain date in the spring. (Check with your school for their date.) Maybe it is a little more work and/or money than the school’s sports physical, but ultimately the quality and education your well-child exam provides should beat convenience when it comes to your family’s health.

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

THE OUTLOOK License # 030092

Independent and Assisted Living Situated in the historic setting of Leon Springs, between The Dominion and Fair Oaks Ranch, The Lodge at Leon Springs is one of the Hill Country's true gems. Family-owned for eighteen years, the fourteen-acre property showcases majestic trees, a lovely spring-fed pond and is home to an array of wildlife species, including ducks, fish, deer, and turkey to name a few. The animal companions of our residents are also welcomed as part of our community and considered extended family, as well. The Lodge at Leon Springs is pleased to announce the addition of several newly-constructed one bedroom cottages, broadening independent living choices available for seniors in our community. Our spacious one and two bedroom cottages (800 & 1,500 sq ft, respectively) are each equipped with large screened patios, a fully functional kitchen as well as a laundry room with washer and dryer. Cottage residents enjoy dining options that include the delivery of three hot meals to their home(s) or joining friends and fellow residents in our assisted living home. For the comfort and convenience of our residents, The Lodge provides housekeeping, as well as facility and grounds maintenance. Activities are offered and designed to enhance quality of life and encourage new friendships.

Sit and enjoy the beauty of nature at its best and the serenity of the historic Leon Springs. While some communities require a substantial, longterm, financial commitment, The Lodge at Leon Springs takes a different approach. While we prioritize the physical and emotional well-being of seniors, we respect their financial concerns, as well. To schedule a tour of our new one bedroom cottages and our unique community, contact Steve Kitchen at 210410-3864 or

24137 Boerne Stage Road | San Antonio, TX, 78255 210.698.9365 | 210.410.3864 | Copyright Š 2014 Peel, Inc.

The Outlook - July 2014


THE OUTLOOK At no time will any source be allowed to use The Outlook contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in The Outlook is exclusively for the private use of Peel, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. * The Dominion HOA does not endorse any of the advertisers contained in The Outlook.

Please remember to pick up after your pets and “scoop the poop”

5:23 pm

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The Outlook - July 2014

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The Outlook - July 2014



- Kids Stuff-

Section for Kids with news, puzzles, games and more!

Did a bug ever fly in your mouth? Usually, the story ends there. You spit it out. Goodbye, bug. But sometimes — gulp! — you might swallow it so it ends up in your stomach. Less often, someone might inhale a bug into the lungs. You have probably heard that old children’s song “I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly.” Most people don’t swallow flies. But we know of someone who’s sure she swallowed a tiny gnat. Another boy had a close call when a yellowjacket flew out of his can of soda and into his mouth while he was taking a sip. (He spit it out before getting stung.) And would you believe that someone said she inhaled a lightning bug and could feel it in her lungs? There are two paths a swallowed bug might take: • down the esophagus (food tube) into the stomach • down the trachea (windpipe) into the lungs If the bug ends up in your stomach, it will

get mashed up and digested just like any other food. And whatever’s left of it will “come out the other end” when you go to the bathroom. It’s gross, but unlikely to cause you any more trouble. If you feel like you inhaled the bug and you think it could be in your lungs, tell a parent or another adult. Usually this will make you cough and feel a little uncomfortable. Your mom or dad will want to check with your doctor. Unlike your stomach, your lungs won’t digest the bug. In your lungs, the bug will get trapped in a layer of slimy mucus. Maybe you’re thinking “Gross, there’s slime in my lungs!” But it’s good to know the mucus is there for a reason. It protects your lungs and airways from situations just like this one. The mucus helps your lungs stay clear so that you can breathe properly. In other words, no bugs allowed! Reviewed by: Aaron S. Chidekel, MD
Date reviewed: July 2011

This information was provided by KidsHealth, one of the largest resources online for medically reviewed health information written for parents, kids, and teens. For more articles like this one, visit or  ©1995-2006. The Nemours Foundation


The Outlook - July 2014

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.


DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR JEWELRY IS WORTH? A standard home insurance policy covers your jewelry up to a set amount, but this may not be enough for items of high-value.



Telephone: 210.493.4301 or 210.849.8835 Ted Resnick, G.G., a 12-year resident of The Dominion, is here to serve you for all your jewelry and appraisal needs. A graduate gemologist - appraiser, from the Gemological Institute of America, for the past four decades, has been in all phases of the jewelry industry. A past board member of The Texas Jewelers Association, Certified by the *JBAR, appraiser for the U.S. Marshall's Service, FBI and DOJ and qualified for numismatics, is here to serve you. *Jewelers Board of Appraisal Review

Jewelry Appraisers of America

Div: Reznikov’s Fine Jewelry

4 Dominion Drive, Building 3 - Suite 250 - The Commons Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

The Outlook - July 2014




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Ne w

Timeless design & quality materials by Master Builder Roberto Kenigstein, this home is adorned w/brick pavers, stone walls & mature trees. A grand circular floating staircase greets you as you enter, pool, outdoor living & lush landscaping. Has been recently updated with the latest appliances & finishes. 5 bedrooms, 3 car garage. Exquisite! Priced to sell - Best Value in Dominion! MLS 1021561

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The gardens

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THE cottages

San Antonio—Offered at $449,975 Pristine, Quality, & Low Maintenance! Shows like new! Single story home, lots of natural light, open floor plan, 3 bedrooms, living room opens to two separate covered terraces, island kitchen with gas cooking, built-in refrigerator, granite throughout & luxury master suite. Great home for "lock and leave" buyers. MLS 1028339

San Antonio—Offered at $549,900 Italian/Spanish Architecture describe this custom home. A perfect open floor plan with lots of light & high ceilings, timeless architectural details, custom builtins, spacious kitchen with electric or gas cooking, study, luxurious master suite & bath, Perfect for "lock & leave" buyers. Shows like a new home, well cared for. MLS 1014118

Lots Available For Sale 39 Westcourt Lane - MLS #895897 - $129,000 I 19 Highgate Dr. $275,000 I 38 Royal Heights - MLS #946142 - $375,000 I 4 Chaumont - MLS #1011506 - $250,000


The Outlook - July 2014

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