City of Fair Oaks Ranch - June 2019

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June 2019


FROM THE MAYOR’S DESK... JUNE 2019 Second Reading of Unified Development Code (UDC) Approved at May 2nd Regular Council Meeting The UDC is a comprehensive document that consolidates all development related regulations, including zoning, subdivision regulations, and standards and procedures. It also includes Master Plans which, with the UDC, give us the base we need to have a rational and organized development process. At the May 2, 2019 regular council meeting, the council approved the Second Reading of an Ordinance adopting the City’s Unified Development Code (UDC). The UDC Ordinance was effective May 14, 2019 after posting two notices in our newspaper of record. Adoption of the UDC is a major milestone in preparing our city for the future. This second Reading and adoption is the culmination of more than two years of work. I want to again congratulate our staff and our team of consultants led by Jeff Barton from Gap Strategies, Inc. on achieving this significant milestone. Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) At the May 9th regular Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission took the following actions: • Conducted a public hearing and recommended approval of the final replat and subdivision plat that establishes HPI Fair Oaks Self Storage. • Discussed and recommended approval of a final plat that establishes Front Gate Unit 2B. • Both of these actions were forwarded to City Council with approval recommendations for the May 16th regular Council meeting. Plat Approvals • At the May 16, 2019 regular council meeting, the Council conducted a public hearing regarding approving the final replat Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.

and subdivision plat that establishes HPI Fair Oaks Self Storage. No residents signed up to speak at the public hearing and Council voted to approve the final replat and subdivision plat. • At the same meeting, the Council voted to approve the final plat establishing Front Gate 2B. Zoning Board of Adjustment Council met in a special executive session on April 22nd to interview candidates who submitted applications to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Five of the seven candidates were available to be interviewed in this session. Council considered all of the applications to be strong enough to move forward at the special executive session. The five regular and two alternate ZBOA members selected were: Shane Stolarczyk Rich Nichols Richard Morris John Wall Warren Needels Craig Matson - Alternate Chris Weigand – Alternate On behalf of the Council, I want to express appreciation to all of these residents for being willing to step forward and offer their service. We will conduct training for them, to be led by our legal counsel, in the near future. Forming the Zoning Board of Adjustment is another significant milestone in a long path to put in place the tools we needed to manage growth responsibly and maintain our quality of life. To remind everyone, the major steps along the way were: (Continued on Page 2) Fair Oaks Gazette - June 2019



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Fair Oaks Gazette - June 2019

JUN 2019 Dominion Mag.indd 1

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5/14/19 3:06 PM

FAIR OAKS RANCH (Continued from Cover) • Becoming a Home Rule Chartered City • Bringing our Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) into the city through annexation • Executing Non Annexation Development Agreements with a number of property owners who had the legal right to choose to not be annexed • Updating our Comprehensive Plan • Creating comprehensive form based zoning code as part of the UDC work • Updating our subdivision regulations to support the zoning code • Creating our first zoning map and updating our Future Land Use Map (FLUM) • Creating Master Plans for Drainage, Water, Wastewater, MS4 Administration, and Transportation • Forming and staffing with volunteers a Planning and Zoning Commission • Forming and staffing with volunteers a Zoning Board of Adjustment It has been a busy three years. Our Council is very proud of our City Manager and his staff who have done the heavy lifting on the projects. Kudos to the various consulting firms that helped with the projects, too. We are also proud of the citizen volunteers who staffed a Stakeholder group representing the major entities in and around our city to help us update the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. We also want to recognize the more than 1,000 residents who offered up their thoughts in a large number of Town Halls and Design Charrettes which formed the nucleus of this process. This work has truly been a community effort. Council Approves Budget Amendments At the May 2, 2019 regular meeting, the City Council deliberated and approved a recommendation from staff to make Amendments to the 2018-19 Budget. We are at about the half way point in our budget year and the Finance Director met with the professional staff who are the budget owners to see whether adjustments were needed in their budgets. Adjustments that involve moving allocated budget between funds require Council approval. The following three adjustments were approved by Council: • We transferred about $449,000 remaining in the bond fund used to pay for street renovations to be used for the annual chip seal work on the streets. • We transferred $120,000 for the storm water utility study from a Professional Services account to the Capital Improvement Fund. This project will span multiple years and this will improve visibility to manage the project across multiple budget years. • We transferred $11,500 from a Restricted Fund for Court Technology to a Computer Hardware/Software account to fund technology upgrades for internal controls and process improvements in Municipal Court.

IMPORTANT NUMBERS EMERGENCIES NUMBERS EMERGENCY.................................................................. 911 Fire..................................................................................... 911 Ambulance......................................................................... 911 Fair Oaks Ranch Police Department...................210-698-0990 Animal Control..................................................210-698-0990 SCHOOLS Boerne Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary..............................210-698-1616 UTILITIES Allied Waste Services - Garbage & Recycling......210-648-5222 AT&T - Telephone.............................................800-464-7928 CPSEnergy.....................................(new service) 210-353-2222 ................................(service trouble or repairs) 210-353-4357 Fair Oaks Ranch Utilities - Water.......................210-698-7685 GVTC - Cable & Telephone..............................800-367-4882 Pedernales Electric Co-op...................................888-554-4732 Time Warner - Cable..........................................210-244-0500 OTHER United States Post Office 607 E. Blanco. Rd. - Boerne, TX....................830-249-2414 ......................... (delivery info, stops, fwds, ect.) 830-249-9303 5837 De Zavala Rd - San Antonio, TX...........210-641-0248

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(Continued on Page 4) Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.

Fair Oaks Gazette - June 2019


FAIR OAKS RANCH (Continued from Page 3) Staff Begins Work on Annual Budget Since the last time I wrote to you, our professional staff has begun putting together the budget proposal for the 2019-20 fiscal year. You probably recall that the budget is driven by our Strategic Planning process. As a reminder I am repeating below the five pillars of the strategic plan that we are addressing. • Financial Integrity • Responsible Growth Management • Reliable and Sustainable Infrastructure • Public Health, Safety, and Welfare • Operational Excellence The next action item will be a May 29th workshop with City Council. I will report back to you with more information after we complete that workshop. Forming an Audit Committee The City Council, working in conjunction with our Finance Director, decided to create a formal Audit Committee of the Council. The purpose of the Audit Committee is to act on behalf of the Council to provide oversight of the City’s internal control which is an important management tool. The Council appointed the mayor, Councilman Elizondo, and Councilman Maxton as the first three members of the Audit Committee. Council Approves Second Reading of Backflow Prevention Ordinance City Council approved a second reading of a backflow prevention ordinance at the May 16th regular council meeting. We have a substantial amount of information available about backflow prevention on our city website, so I will not go into the technical details here. Because this is something new, I am repeating here the major things you will want to know about the Ordinance: • The Ordinance goes into effect on October 1, 2019. • The Ordinance applies only to customers of the City of Fair Oaks Ranch utilities system. • All systems requiring backflow prevention devices (that’s mostly irrigation systems for our residents) will be required to be inspected initially in the 12 months following the Ordinance going into effect. • Systems that are categorized by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) as non-health hazard (again, primarily irrigation systems) will require inspection once every three years following the initial inspection. • If you have installed irrigation that was permitted and tested in the past two fiscal years (10-1-17 – 9-30-19), you already have a tested backflow prevention device in place. You will skip the initial testing cycle and go into the three year cycle. No point in testing a system that has recently been installed and tested. • Systems that are categorized as “health hazard” (primarily commercial establishments or residential with on-site separate septic systems) will require annual inspection. This inspection interval is mandated by TCEQ. • The administration of the program will be done by a third 4

Fair Oaks Gazette - June 2019

party (Vepo, LLC) which will notify property owners of the need for inspection, provide a list of licensed and authorized inspection service providers from which residents can select an inspector, and provide reporting to the city of the satisfaction of the inspection requirements. • Any system requiring backflow prevention which does not have backflow prevention in place will have to be updated to provide this protection. We do not anticipate this will affect many residents, but there may be older properties or systems installed by non-licensed irrigators where this condition will exist. • All decisions about service providers for testing or for doing repair/replacement work will be made by the individual residents. The city will play no role in selecting service providers or problem resolution. This is basically like picking someone to work on your air conditioning or finding a plumber you like. You will have to pick a tester from an approved list, but the list will be large so you will have lots of choices. If you have a favorite licensed tester who is not on the approved list, there will be procedures for adding that service provider to the list. Elevated Storage Tank At the April 18th regular council meeting, the Council approved a Professional Service Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for engineering design services for an elevated storage tank and authorized the City Manager to sign the agreement. The City Manager has signed this agreement and the engineering work has commenced. There are both regulatory and practical drivers for doing storage tanks. When you reach a certain number of connections on a water system, TCEQ requires that you provide elevated water storage. This facility is also important for maintaining proper pressure for firefighting. These types of facilities always generate discussion in communities because of their visibility. The City will be hosting a public workshop to introduce this elevated water storage tank project and provide information on the preliminary site locations, design criteria, and the site selection process. The event is tentatively planned for Tuesday, June 18, 2019 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Watch for a City newsflash and social media post when we have final details on timing and location. Interested individuals and organizations are invited to participate and provide their feedback as part of the site assessment process. Resident Volunteers/City Staffers at Work • Our city Facebook page is continuing to attract readers. We currently have 1,620 people following our page. We have had 1,439 likes and reached 4,315 members during the past month. For those of you who are Facebook fans you can find us at City of Fair Oaks Ranch, TX. Our page is used for sharing information about the city, but it is not a public forum. The page is monitored and objectionable or off topic material will be removed. • At the regular council meeting on May 2, 2019, City Council approved a citizen advisory committee to work on developing an ordinance adopting a criminal penalty for Home Rule Charter violations. The advisory committee will work with our City Attorney (Continued on Page 6) Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.

FAIR OAKS RANCH We are sold out AGAIN in Fair Oaks Ranch and have buyers.


FAIR OAKS RANCH REALTY CALL DEAN GAUBATZ TODAY! 210.260.8267 • Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.

Fair Oaks Gazette - June 2019


FAIR OAKS RANCH (Continued from Page 4) to develop the ordinance and will advance recommendations to City Council for action. The five citizens who will be serving on the committee are Jane Burton, Ellen Damstra, John Collins, Rich Nichols, and Art Waterman. We appreciate these residents willing to serve on this project. • At the regular May 16th Council meeting I had the pleasure of administering Oaths of Office to Council Members Steve Hartpence, Laura Koerner, and Snehal Patel. I am delighted that all three chose to offer their service for another term of office. The swearing in was special because they brought their family and friends to share in this event. I especially enjoyed having Councilwoman Patel’s three sons lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Sundhil (12), Rohin (9), and Rithik (6) did a great job! I will not be a bit surprised if one or more of these handsome lads ends up being an elected official someday. • Last but not least, WE HAD AN INVASION OF THE CHICKENS AT THE MAY 2ND COUNCIL MEETING! Actually, this was the Chicken Club Project being run by the 4th grade students at Van Raub Elementary School. Jamie Robinson, Principal, along with Donna Oates, fourth grade team leader and two of her students, G. Pelletier and L. Lever, gave us an update on how they used the grant we funded to the school last year as part


Fair Oaks Gazette - June 2019

of the Wildlife Education Committee work. The students and the chickens both did great in the presentation. Lauren Walch, Principal of Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary School, along with teachers Mark Garcia, Patty Ashley, and Rolanda Shrader and a number of students updated the council on how they used their grant on the Life Skills Garden Project and showed winning photos from the school’s recent wildlife photography contest. We are delighted to be collaborating with our local elementary schools! New In the City One of the most enjoyable things about being the mayor is getting to participate in the beginnings of new businesses. Recently, I got to do a ribbon cutting ceremony at the commercial area at the corner of Fair Oaks Parkway and Dietz-Elkhorn. We celebrated the opening of Spotted Deer Coffee Company, Fair Oaks Salon, Blume-Haus Florists, and Parker’s Ice Cream. These are small, locally owned businesses. Spotted Deer is run by a family, which reminds me of my own family where my dad and grandfather owned a restaurant together. I have made a couple of trips to Spotted Deer and a couple to Parker’s and I will vouch for the quality of both. If you are looking for an ice cream recommendation, I think Moose Tracks is hard to beat! My friend, Jim Havard, has used Blume-Haus Florists and their product was gorgeous. (Continued on Page 6)

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FAIR OAKS RANCH (Continued from Page 5) A few weeks ago, I got to participate in a ribbon cutting at Coco Bistro on Dietz-Elkhorn Road. This is on the part of Dietz-Elkhorn that curves off from the main road. I have made a couple of visits there too and will vouch for the high quality of the meals. This is another small, family owned business that is a nice addition to our community. All of the food is great but the Soup and Sammie for lunch is way high on my list! We are working our way into vacation season as the kids get ready for the school session to end. I will remind everyone that you can get our police department to pay special attention to your home while you are on vacation. All it takes is a quick trip to the police building to fill out a request. Wishing you the best for the summer, Garry Manitzas Mayor – Fair Oaks Ranch


Aquafit classes incorporate a mix of aerobic exercise which improves heart and lung capacity and resistance from the water and the water “toys” that are used to provide both buoyancy and resistance. The resistance aspect of Aquafit is not to be undervalued since this type of training provides muscle enhancing and bone building exercise without the trauma associated with weight lifting on land. The same freedom from impact is afforded in the water with respect to the aerobic aspect. You can do stride jumps all day long in the pool without any negative impact to your knees, hips or back and get in great cardiovascular shape. The water also supports your entire body and because it works to level you out in the water, in order to stay upright you are consistently working your abdominals. This is a great way to work the core without spending additional time on crunchies and planks. Everything that you do in the water works the core. The classes at Fair Oaks which start in June at the adult pool, not only work with strength building resistance exercises and Cardio building Aerobic exercises, we also incorporate yoga moves, Pilates moves and yes even Barre in the pool. These additional modalities enhance one’s flexibility, balance and co-ordination. This is a full body comprehensive workout that leaves you worked out and yet refreshed. Please contact Dr. Jane at 808-212-8119 or phone the fitness center at Fair Oaks Ranch Fitness to pre-register for this class which will be held Tuesday and Thursday throughout the summer at 2:00 pm, when the pool is warm and yet shady! Looking forward to seeing there! Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.


Millipedes are often mistaken for worms. While millipedes have elongated bodies similar to worms, they have lots of legs which worms lack. Millipedes have a long, cylindrical body, a pair of antennae and two pair of legs on each segment of their body. They often curl into a spiral as a way to protect themselves when threatened. Millipedes live in moist environments such as soil, leaf litter, and compost piles, under mulch, rocks or wood. Millipedes most often feed on decaying organic matter, though some are carnivorous. They are not typically thought of as pests, but more of a nuisance although they may occasionally damage seedling plants by feeding on stems and leaves. Large numbers of millipedes may move into structures after heavy rainfall or during periods of drought. If millipedes do wander indoors, they usually die quickly due to lack of moisture. Tips to prevent millipedes from moving indoors: • Move objects providing harborage (compost piles, firewood, stones) away from structures • Create a band of gravel between the home foundation & landscape beds • Adjust watering schedules if overwatering • Turn mulch so it dries out • Seal accessible areas where millipedes can move into the homearound doors & windows; pipe penetrations, etc. • Ventilate crawl spaces to allow for air flow For more information or help with identification, contact Wizzie Brown, Texas AgriLife Extension Service Program Specialist at 512.854.9600. Check out my blog at This work is supported by Crops Protection and Pest Management Competitive Grants Program [grant no. 2017-70006-27188 /project accession no. 1013905] from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Fair Oaks Gazette - June 2019


FAIR OAKS RANCH • The simplest way to slice a bunch of cherry tomatoes is to sandwich them between two plastic lids and run a long knife through all of them at once! • Keep brown sugar soft by storing with a couple of marshmallows • Install a regular coat rack low down the wall to store shoes safely off the floor • Organize jewelry on a corkboard for easy viewing when deciding how to accessorize an outfit • Fill an old wooden box with skewers to make an all-purpose knife block • Remove pet hair from furniture and carpets with a squeegee. • Cover paint trays with aluminum foil to make cleaning up afterwards a breeze. • Flip the toaster on its side to make grilled cheese. • Use a large muffin tin to cook stuffed peppers in the oven - it will help keep them upright. • To prevent potatoes from budding, add an apple to the bag. • Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to the water when hardboiling eggs to make the shells incredibly easy to peel off. • Us e n o n - s t i c k cooking spray in votive holders to prevent wax from sticking to the sides




Fair Oaks Gazette - June 2019

• WD-40 can be used to remove crayon marks from any surface! • When hanging a picture frame, put a dab of toothpaste on the frame where you need the nails to be. Then simply press against the wall to leave marks (which can later be wiped) as guides for hammering in the nails. • Sprinkle salt in the spaces between patio slabs and at the bottom of walls to get rid of pesky weeds(but be careful NOT to get salt near plants you want to keep as salt will kill them!) • To clean a wooden chopping board, sprinkle on a handful of Kosher salt and rub with half a lemon. Rinse with clean water and dry to ensure it is clean and germ-free. You can use the same lemon and salt to clean brass. • Use ice-cubes to lift out indentations made by furniture on your carpets. • Prevent soil from escaping through the holes in the base of flowerpots by lining them with coffee filters • To sharpen scissors, simply cut through sandpaper. • Rub a walnut on damaged wood furniture to cover up dings. • To prevent your eyes watering while chopping onions, wipe the chopping board with white vinegar (which won’t affect the taste of the onions.) • Drop a couple of denture cleaning tablets into the toilet bowl at night to clean stubborn stains. • Use a can opener to open those annoying blister packs and avoid cutting yourself. • Use a cut potato to easily remove a broken light bulb. • Use chalk to remove grease stains from clothes. Simply rub chalk on the stained area and wash as normal. The chalk will absorb the grease and be washed away in the cycle. • Freeze grapes to chill white wine without watering it down. • Use a rubber band to rescue a stripped screw. • Wrap rubber bands around the ends of a coat hanger to prevent dresses from falling off.


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Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.

Fair Oaks Gazette - June 2019


FAIR OAKS RANCH The Fair Oaks Gazette is a private publication published by Peel, Inc. It is not sanctioned by any homeowners association or organization, nor is it subject to the approval of any homeowners association or organization, nor is it intended, nor implied to replace any publication that may be published by or on behalf of any homeowners association or organization. At no time will any source be allowed to use The Fair Oaks Gazette contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nwor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in the newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Peel, Inc.


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Gordon, Jesselyn.......................16............................ •............•.................... 210-698-1138 Gibbs, Madilyn.........................13.............. •............ •............•.................... 830-755-4790 Gidens, Abbey*~.......................16.............. •............ •................................. 210-912-9544 Harris, Sophie*..........................13.............. •............................................... 830-755-5393 Hernandez, Kandice..................13............................ •............•.................... 210-789-2940 Hotea, Sophia #........................15.............. •............................................... 210-264-7171 Lester, Zachary..........................15............................ •............................•.... 210-427-9270 Nevarez, Jacquelyn....................15.............. •............................................... 210-860-8500 Nevarez, Jocelyn........................15.............. •............................................... 210-860-8500 Nilsson, Noah...........................17.............. •............ •............•.................... 210-667-6910 Sanders, Madison*+..................16.............. •............ •............•.................... 401-447-4752 Williams, Grant........................17..........................................................•.... 210-904-5035 * - CPR Training + - First Aid Training # - Piano Lessons ~ - Lifeguard

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Fair Oaks Gazette - June 2019

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FAIR OAKS RANCH He just accepted a package at his front door.

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Fair Oaks Gazette - June 2019




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Fair Oaks Gazette - June 2019


HUNTER WAGNER 210.852.5462 STEPHANIE FARGO 623.203.3825 Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.

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