Crossroads Park - October 2019

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Crossroad Connection


October 2019


Volume 1, Issue 3


Hope everyone had a good summer! It's been hot and humid much of the time, so I hope you had a chance to enjoy the pool. Everyone should have received a welcome letter from Randall Management. They are our new property management company and Carlos Mata is our new property manager. I hope that you were able to attend the Annual Meeting and meet him! Our Annual Homeowners Meeting was on October 3. As of this writing (in September), I am unable to give you any news from that meeting because it has not taken place. I will just say – once again – I hope you were able to attend and listen to the presentation. As a resident who has been in the subdivision over 20 years, I find it incredible that we have relatively low annual fees. The by-laws allow the board to raise dues 10% every year. There have been many years that the rates have not changed. This year the annual dues for Crossroads Park will be increasing. The board is reviewing at all of the expenses we incur each year and we are looking at what we can possibly do differently to use our money wisely. Some of our thoughts about 2020 have come from looking at other communities to see what they are doing. Some of them have provided us with ideas that might save us money. We did a comparison of the 2008 expenses to the 2018 expenses. Overall, our expenses have increased an average of 26%, but our dues have only increased 10%. This is why we are falling behind! Our income is not letting us grow. Our income is not helping us keep up with maintenance needs. And our income is not enough to help us save money for the future! A portion of this newsletter is dedicated to deed restrictions. It is the one thing residents constantly have issues with. The board understands your frustration with some of these matters. However, these by-laws and restrictions were set up when the subdivision was built. These restrictions are in place to help our community continue to be beautiful and respected. No one wants to live in a dump. Please help keep our community looking wonderful by doing your part! As everyone knows, we have new garbage rules. Many of you have emailed us about your feelings for these new rules. As you may or may not know, garbage service is provided by the utility district - MUD #29. At this writing, we (board members) do not know how this level Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.

of service was chosen. We would like at attend a utility district meeting to ask some questions. You, as a resident, are also welcome to attend a meeting. Right now, from what we understand, their meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Hopefully I will be able to give you more information at the annual meeting (which will have already occurred by the time you receive this newsletter). Volunteer Days will be starting up again in October. If you are a new resident, we get together for two hours on a Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon to do clean-up work around the subdivision. Right now, it looks like we will have the following days: a day to pick up trash in the retention pond and in the common areas, a day to trim a few more trees around the retention pond, a day for improvements at the pool and recreation area. And finally, I want to talk about security. Right now, our budget doesn't support hiring a deputy for a shift. The deputy we do have is paid for by the utility district. What I would really like to stress to everyone is that we have all kinds of people walking through our subdivision at all times of the day. The fact that we are close to the freeway is a benefit to our sales but it also allows anyone to easily walk our streets! If you haven’t been part of social media (Facebook page, Nextdoor, or just neighborhood ‘talk’), you should know that there are numerous accounts of people that walk around checking cars doors mostly in the early morning hours. This is something that happens often! I would estimate that we have had reports every 2-3 weeks of activity like this. I can’t stress enough to LOCK YOUR VEHICLES. Those residents that have cameras have reported and posted videos of this activity on our Facebook page and on Nextdoor. Let’s become a tight-knit community where we can all talk to each other about these things! If you need help becoming a member of the Facebook page or Nextdoor, contact me. If you’d like to step up and be a security liaison, please contact me. Oh! Christmas Decorating Committee – if you can help or are interested, contact me! Thanks everyone! Sheila Crossroads Park - October 2019


Crossroad Connection IMPORTANT NUMBERS HOA President Sheila HOA Vice President Marianne Roth................................... HOA Treasurer Tina Veserra........................................... POA Board President, Gerald King POA Board Vice President, Brian DelSignore POA Board Treasurer, David McGee MUD #29, Director for NW Harris County TBD HOA Architectural Review: Randall Management....................................... 713-728-1126 Garage Sale Coordinator: Tina Veserra..................................................... 832-341-2380 Crossroads Newsletter Coordinator: Sheila Pavilion & Baseball Field Coordinator: David Pool Management Company: A-Beautiful Pools.............................................. 281-376-6510 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMPANY RANDALL MANAGEMENT 6200 Savoy, Suite 420, Houston 77036 Property Manager: Carlos Mata Email: RESIDENTIAL AND/OR POA EMERGENCY WATER SHUT-OFF EDP 832-467-1599 (Can’t FIX water problems, but can turn off water to leaking water sprinklers, etc) Report broken sprinklers, running water, email general water problems to VanMor. SECURITY PROVIDED BY HARRIS COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT If you have an emergency, dial 911. If need police assistance, please call the Sheriff’s Office at 713-221-6000. This is a non-emergency number. NEWSLETTER PUBLISHER Peel, Inc...............................................................888-687-6444 Article Submissions.................. Advertising....................................... 2

Crossroads Park - October 2019

CHRISTMAS DECORATING COMMITTEE The Christmas Decorating Committee is putting together their plans to decorate the front sign, other entrances and the Pool House and Recreation area. It has been decided that Christmas decorating will be on Sunday, November 24. This is the weekend before Thanksgiving. They will need volunteers to help put up decorations. The idea right now is to divide into groups. Each group will be decorating an area. If you are interested in participating, please email Sheila Schlesener at mustangsheila@ If you have Christmas decorations you would like to donate or if you have time to help create/make decorations, please let us know! Mr. Jim Keeling has already generously donated his time by making 25+ wooden candy canes! Many thanks goes out to him for his help!

Garage sales by individual residents are not allowed in Crossroads Park The subdivision advertises and puts out signs for two yearly garage sales – one in the Spring and one in the Fall. Any other sales – garage sales, estate sales, yard sales, etc - by residents are not allowed

Advertising In Yards Prohibited Without Approval ARTICLE 7 SECTION 4

No signs, billboards, posters, or advertising devices of any kind shall be permitted on any Lot without the prior written consent of the Board other than (a) one sign of not more than (6) square feet advertising the particular Lot on which the sign is situated for sale or rent, or (b) one sign of not more than six (6) square feet to identify the particular lot during the period of actual construction of a single family structure thereon. The right is reserved by Declarant to construct and maintain signs, billboards and advertising devices as is customary in connection with the sale of newly constructed residential dwellings. In addition, the Declarant and the Residential Association shall have the right to erect identifying signs at each entrance to the Properties. Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.

Crossroad Connection Trash Cans in Public View One of the expenses we pay the management company for is to drive the subdivision and report on Deed Restriction violations. I think this is also one of the most controversial things that homeowners bring up when talking to each other and talking about their HOA’s. In Crossroads Park, one of the more frequent reports we see is for trash cans that are being stored in public view. This may be a sore spot for you, but it is a part of the “Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Crossroads Park”. This may also be a sore spot for your neighbors! We all want our community to be beautiful and our property values to remain high. Please consider the impacts of your actions. What if everyone left their garbage or garbage cans out where everyone could see them – whether just outside the fence, outside their garage or sitting on the side of their house? Please review the restriction in Article VI, Section 6. If you are receiving letters, you are violating the rules.

Disposal of Trash ARTICLE 6 SECTION 6

No trash, rubbish, garbage, manure, debirs or offensie material of any kind shall be kept or allowed to remain on any Lot, nor shall any Lot be used or maintained as a dumping ground for such materials. All such matter shall be placed in sanitary refuse containers constructed of metal, plastic and masonry materials with tightfitting sanitary covers or lids and placed in an area adequately screened by planting or fencing. ….. In a manner consistent with good housekeeping, the Owner of each Lot shall remove such prohibited matter from his Lot at regular intervals at his expense.

Garbage Collection Info Collection Days: Monday and Thursday Everything must be inside the Waste Management container – household garbage, grass clippings, branches, tree trimmings, etc. Bulk Trash Collection: 1st Thursday of each month Acceptable for bulk pick-up: moving boxes broken down and bundled, old furniture, branches and tree trimmings. Branches and tree trimmings can be no greater than 3” and tied and bundled in 4 foot lengths. Unacceptable Items: Electronics (TV ’s, computer monitors, etc), Carpet, Paint, Gasoline and Oil, Tires, Landscape Rocks, Glass, Mirrors Recycling Guidelines: Acceptable – Plastic Bottle and Containers; Food and Beverage Cans and Cartons; Paper; Flattened Cardboard; Glass Bottles and Containers Unacceptable: No Food Waste; No Plastic Bags or Plastic Film; No Foam Cups or Containers Questions? Customer Service – 800-800-5804; Email –

Make an impact. Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.

Crossroads Park - October 2019


Crossroad Connection Resident Services Need a ride to the airport or a ride home from the airport? Pick up your car from the shop or a ride to a local doctor? Independent Driver close to you! Give me a call if you need a ride! Phone: 713-703-8340

PARENT HELPER/BABYSITTING (AGES 2 to 6) By Jessica Rodriguez. Red Cross Babysitter Certified, Girl Scout, hard working, trustworthy and good student Phone: 713-203-8623 BABYSITTING (ALL AGES) By Reagan David. Red Cross Babysitter Certified, CPR and First Aid trained, currently volunteering in church nursery, lifelong Girl Scout, good student, reliable, references available Phone: 281-979-1529 BABYSITTING By Sophie Ferrante. Date night, need to grocery shop alone or just a few hours to yourself? Red Cross Babysitter Certified, good student, reliable, references available Phone: 281-460-3771 or 832-710-7009

PET SITTING by Marianne Roth. Professional pet sitter; Short term and long term; Also can administer pet meds Phone: 281-451-3421 PET SITTING by Nell Jordan. Professional pet sitter specializing in birds, but will care for all types of pets while you are away. Phone: 281-744-9956 FITNESS PROFESSIONAL by Fatima Jara. I offer professional fitness training in a personal or group setting. I also provide nutritional guidance. Phone: 832-675-0333

NEED A RIDE? UBER DRIVER! By Kerdonna Blair.

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Crossroads Park - October 2019

Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.

Crossroad Connection Being a hero goes beyond dressing up in a costume this Halloween season. Children, families and schools across the country can channel their own superpowers to help deliver lifesaving supplies to children in need this October. One way to use your superpowers is to Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, which began in 1950 when girls and boys across the United States collected coins in hand-painted milk cartons to help children affected by World War II. Celebrating its 69th year, this nostalgic tradition continues today as America’s longest running youth volunteer program with generations of children running door to door holding signature orange boxes and singing, “Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF.” With over $180 million raised for health care, education, nutrition and more, the program has evolved into a month-long celebration of the power of kids helping kids. Throughout October, kids, parents and teachers across the country can be real superheroes by collecting donations, big and small. Equipped with the iconic orange boxes, families can raise funds that

add up to lifesaving change. As little as $1 can provide safe water to a child for more than 2 months; $3 can provide seven packets of therapeutic food; $5 can provide a pack of 10 notebooks and $7 can provide one warm fleece blanket for a child. Halloween has become a “heroic” way to help others and build the next generation of global citizens. When kids trick-or-treat for a cause, they learn about global issues and feel empowered to make a difference. Start creating real-world change by picking up your own little orange box. With the support of Visa Inc., the iconic box will glow in the dark, allowing superpowers to shine even brighter. Visit to download a DIY change box, donate online or find an event near you. Share your story on social media with #TOT4UNICEF, #WeCanAllBeHeroes and #KidsHelpingKids.

Your Community at Your Fingertips

5:23 pm

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Crossroads Park - October 2019


Crossroad Connection At no time will any source be allowed to use The Crossroad Connection's contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in The Crossroad Connection is exclusively for the private use of the residents Peel, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.

Storage and Repair of Vehicles Unless otherwise approved by the Board, no boat, boat trailer, boat rigging, motor home, trailer, truck larger than a one ton pick-up, bus, inoperable automobile, or camper shall be parked or kept in the street in front of or side of any Lot or on any Lot unless such vehicle is stored within a garage or otherwise screened from public view from all Streets; provided, however, boats, trailers, boat riggings, motor homes, trailers and campers may be temporarily parked in the Street in front of or side of any Lot or on any Lot for a period not exceeding seventy-two hours in any thirty day period. No owner of any Lot or any visitor or guest of any owner shall be permitted to perform work on automobiles or other vehicles in driveways or streets other than work of a temporary service. For the purposes of the foregoing, the term “temporary” shall mean that the vehicle shall not remain in driveways or streets in excess of seventy-two hours.

Architectural Control Committee ARTICLE 1 SECTION 2

“Architectural Control Committee” or “ACC” shall mean and refer to that certain Committee of three members appointed pursuant to the Commercial Declaration to approve plans for the construction of improvements within the Aggregate Property and to perform the other functions set forth in the Commercial Declaration. (The Commercial Declaration is the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions document for Crossroads Park.)

Help Keep Our Community Beautiful Please clean up after your furry friends


Crossroads Park - October 2019

Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.

Crossroad Connection

Health and Wellness

Here’s What Happens When You Eat Grapes for Two Months The near-magic of grapes lies in their potent combination of vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, and antioxidants. From disease prevention to better memory to a longer life, there is little that grapes can’t do. They can even be used to chill drinks without watering them down like ice does.

1. Disease Prevention. Antioxidants are highly beneficial compounds that help repair cellular damage caused by harmful free radicals. Grapes contain many types of antioxidants, primarily in the skin. Red grapes have the highest level of antioxidants, including the polyphenol resveratrol, which has been credited with significant heart-healthy benefits. It also regulates blood sugar and lowers your risk of developing cancer and diabetes. 2. Better Eye Health The beneficial compounds in grapes may also help protect your eyes from common degenerative diseases. In test tube studies, resveratrol also protected human retinal cells from damage due to ultraviolet light. Grapes also contain a pair of antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin that further shield your eye health, especially from the blue light that comes from your phone. 3. Slower Ageing Certain plant compounds found in grapes, including resveratrol, have been found to affect aging and lifespan. While resveratrol handles your insides, the vitamin C in grapes helps to keep your skin healthy. It plays an important part in the production of collagen, the substance that keeps skin smooth, elastic, and wrinkle-free. 4. Decreased Inflammation Chronic inflammation is the hallmark of diseases like arthritis, but is actually a factor in every disease. Grape powder has featured in several studies that look at inflammation. In one study of 24 men with metabolic syndrome (a group of risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease), a daily dose of grape powder equivalent to 1.5 cups of fresh grapes was found to significantly raise the level of anti-inflammatory compounds in their bloodstream. Copyright Š 2019 Peel, Inc.

5. Sharper Memory One 12-week study done on 111 healthy older adults found that 250 mg of a grape supplement each day noticeably improved upon baseline scores for a cognitive test. Another study revealed that 8 ounces of grape juice per day can both boost your mood and increase your speed of memory recall. 6. Improved Bone Health Grapes provide many of the minerals critical to bone health, vitamin K being chief among them. Vitamin K plays a strong role in keeping calcium inside your bones, preventing it from leaching out into the bloodstream. In a nice kind of synergy, grapes also contain some calcium, as well as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and manganese. 7. Bolstered Immune System There are several compounds in grapes that can protect against viral and bacterial infections, including good old vitamin C and the magnificent resveratrol. With a daily dose of grapes, you too can become one of those annoying people who never seem to come down with the seasonal cold or flu. Grapes may also offer some protection against food-borne illnesses. (From RobHealth)

Crossroads Park - October 2019


Crossroad Connection





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Crossroads Park - October 2019

Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.

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