2 minute read
Glo Parlor
by Jackie Devine
The history of teeth whitening, or cleaning teeth, can be traced back to ancient times. In 3000 B.C., people didn't brush their teeth with a brush; they used chew sticks small twigs that a person chewed, which scraped off the particles on the teeth.
Early Romans whitened their teeth using urine (you read that correctly). The ammonia in the urine was the bleaching agent. And, during the 17th century, people relied on their barbers to care for hair and take care of their teeth. The barber would file down the teeth and apply an acid that would whiten them. Unfortunately, while the practice made teeth whiter, it eroded tooth enamel and led to decay.
However, in 2021, in Cypress, Texas, you can get a bright smile to go at Glo Parlor, a teeth whitening studio offering an in salon whitening system that provides a safe, fast, cost effective way to whiten teeth more efficiently.
Holly Smith, with fifteen years as a dental hygienist, is a true entrepreneur. She saw a need and decided to fill it. Says Holly, "People get their teeth whitened for several reasons, for example, superficial stains from drinking coffee, cola, wine, smoking, or taking medications such as tetracycline, diseases, and even genetics. Maybe they have a special occasion (a wedding, high school reunion, etc.), job interviews, effects of aging, or they want to boost self confidence. I've seen it all.
But, because I've been offering these services for years, I knew there had to be a better way to whiten teeth faster, and that could be a little easier on the pocketbook."
Stepping out of the dental office and into the salon, Holly's clients can now receive a teeth whitening process, which takes only an hour. The session is broken down into three back to back 20 minute increments in which the gel is rinsed and reapplied.
The products are safe and natural: • Natural plant and mineralbased laser gels • No preservatives • Non-abrasive, gentle • Fast, effective, and immediate • Safe for existing dental work
However, Holly cautions the teeth whitening process does not lighten restorations (crowns, veneers, composites, bonding) beyond their original color. However, it does remove stains from them. If you have these on anterior teeth (front teeth), you may notice a difference between your natural tooth color and the restoration after the whitening session.
Clients can book online through the Glo Parlor Facebook page, Instagram, or through the website, gloparlor.com.