4 minute read
Webb's Automotive
By Jackie Devine Looking back a few decades, it seems running a small business was a lot simpler. You found a location, opened a shop, and put up a sign—no heavy investment in advertising, social media, or hiring a sophisticated sales team. Your success depended on your reputation and how you interacted with the community and your customers. It was about doing the right thing, adding value, and watching your customer walk away feeling well-served.
Well, I want you to know that there are still companies operating that way in Cypress, Texas. One of them is right in our own backyard. It's family-owned and operated Webb's Automotive. And that's the good news. That is great news if you are like me.
With the cost of new cars skyrocketing, like five times what I paid for my first home, I want to keep my car as long as I can and get as many miles of economical, trouble-free driving as possible. Roy and Tracie, the owners of Webb's Automotive, and their employees are helping me do that. Everyone on the team cares about me and my car!
For example, when you deal with Roy, Tracie, and their staff, you are eliminating the strict managerial procedures and inflexible companywide policies of dealerships or franchises. Their estimates, repairs, and invoices are customized. Webb's Automotive focuses on eliminating, when possible, the additional cost of extra services often associated with a particular repair. If you don't need it, Roy and his team won't try to sell it to you.
In July, Webb's Automotive celebrated its 26th year in business with ten years here in Cypress—and Tracie and Roy plan to be here another ten more years and beyond. They proudly claim, “We are now serving three generations and are looking forward to the fourth."
They are absolutely right. And, I am a testament to that. In our family, Webb's Automotive has served me, my two daughters and their families, and now my grandsons.
Their recent Facebook post informed the community that Cody, Webb's long-time office manager and nephew, was resigning to start a new career. I immediately shared my feelings by saying that I would miss Cody; "He always treated me like I was his grandma."
When I walked into the reception area for an oil change the other day, Justin Henderson, the new office manager, jumped up and gave me a bear hug and said, "You don't have to worry, Grandma, I am here to take care of your car!"
Justin admits he has big shoes to fill, but he is up to the challenge. A lifelong Tomball guy, and fourth-generation car repair enthusiast, he has worked in the industry for almost 20 years. He is a keeper. I assure you that you are in good hands.
There is more good news! Noelle is back. She was Webb's beloved service writer/customer service and information guru from 2017 to 2020. After taking time off to get married and complete a real estate course, she is back to serve the community she loves. I asked Noelle why she chose to come back and be part of Webb's Automotive family. Her response was, "I'm treated like family. The work environment is kind and loving, and most people can't say that. I'm one of the lucky ones." Truly a family affair, Wyatt, Roy and Tracie's 19-year-old son, is home from Texas A&M this summer working in the shop, as did his sister Haley (23) when she was in college. Don't underestimate the importance of people who view you and yours like family. They want you to remain safe. Plus, they want to act as your partner in preventing breakdowns and saving money, allowing you to make more minor repairs now rather than a much bigger one later. Webb's caring, honest team, includes ASE-certified technicians who believe in nothing less than top-quality work. And, if you are a AAA member, you will receive a 10% discount on labor. The maximum labor discount is $50. When you see a Webb's Automotive’s Courtesy Van, as you are driving around the community, please think of this story and Webb's kindness to the people in it. Remember the great lengths they go to keeping us safe on the open road. When it comes to your car repair, it is important to shop wisely. You transport precious cargo!

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