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A Message from the Editior
by Peel, Inc.
Continued from Page 4
When asked about his favorite things, Christopher replied:
Favorite class: "Algebra is my favorite class because I have a great teacher and it is easy for me. Solving equations is fun."
Favorite things to do after class: "I love to hang out with friends and go to the gym after school."
Favorite Song: "Swag Surfin' by Fast Life Yungstaz."
Favorite Website/App: "TikTok because it's fun to watch funny videos."
Favorite TV Show: "Grey's Anatomy because there is so much drama and I love it."
Favorite movie: "Parent Trap. I first saw this movie when I was little and have loved it ever since." Ambition: "I would love to attend college at Penn State and study medicine to become a doctor. I have family near Penn State and it would give me a chance to be near them. Also, it snows there."
What topics/things are you passionate
about? "I am passionate about football, track, and lifting weights."
What inspires you? "My dad inspires me. Despite his health conditions, he takes care of my family."
What three things can't you live
without? "My cell phone, food, and the gym."
What are you most looking forward to
this semester? "I am looking forward to taking the HORIZONS test, participating in track, and the eighth grade formal."
A message from your editor
Lately, I’ve included an editor’s letter when the Gazette has room. Of course, like everything else we are dealing with today, everything (time, money, and space) is at a premium. I’m hoping we have just enough space this month for me to tell you all out there in “Reader-Land” that I love and appreciate you. My purpose is to provide you with the most upbeat, up-to-date, helpful information available. Everything this month is upbeat—whether it deals with kids, adults, businesses, or communities. I hope you enjoy our March issue. We couldn’t and wouldn’t exist without you. Please send me any information that you would like to see included. I will do my best to comply. Otherwise, send me stories. Your stories are always better than mine. I love you all. Please keep those cards and letters coming in at jackiedevine@peelinc.com.