1 minute read
Cypress Food Purveyors Step Up to the Plate to Support
by Peel, Inc.
Cypress food purveyors step up to the plate to support Classic Adults
Submitted by the Classic Adults membership committee Local restaurants came out in full force to support Classic Adults’ CLASSIC TASTE OF FAIRFIELD, which was a huge success. Eleven Fairfield area restaurants presented specialties of their cuisine to members, community attendees, and staff. Over 100 people attended and enjoyed some delicious eating. Classic Adults wishes to extend their heartfelt thanks to the participating restaurants: • Andy’s Kitchen • Andy’s Bar & Grill • La Viva Cantina • Sleek Creperie | Cafe • Carl’s BarBQ • Olive Garden • Jason’s Deli • BreWingZ • Yogurtland at Fairfield • House Of Pies Bill Page, the program chairperson, reminds friends and neighbors, “These restaurants are all ‘community-minded,’ and we encourage you to support them! If you patronize one of these establishments in the future to enjoy their cuisine, please thank them for supporting our community and tell them that you saw them mentioned in this magazine.” Good Shepherd Classic Adults welcomes any person 50+ to gather with them for Christian fellowship, entertainment, adventure, and light-hearted inspirational programs. You do not have to be a member of Good Shepherd to attend Classic Adults. For more information on Classic Adults, go to the Good Shepherd website www.goodchurch.us and click on Adult Ministries, or call the church office at (281-373-2273).