National Night Out is to encourage you and your neighbors to get together. The more you know about your neighborhood, the more you can do to help keep it safe. We encourage each of the Villages in Lakes on Eldridge to host a National Night Out Block Party on Saturday, September 24th 4 - 6 p.m. (Individual Villages may choose different dates & times)

Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Lakes on Eldridge - September 2022 1 Volume 21, Issue 9 September 2022

We are looking for volunteers to help organize an event in their Village. Parties should be hosted in a safe location in the Village, and all we ask is that each family bring a dish to share, your own beverages and chairs.
New Property Management Company for LOE
If you are interested in being a Village host or have additional questions, please contact Angela Vatankha at avatankha@yahoo. com. Signs will be posted at the entrance of each of the Villages hosting an event. If you don’t see a sign in your Village, you are welcome to join the other Villages in the neighborhood.
Due to ongoing service issues with First Service Residential since the first of the year, the Board is pleased to announce that LOE will have a new property management company effective September 1, 2022. After evaluating our community's current and future needs and interviewing several companies, Associa Property Management Group was selected. We ask for your patience during this transition time as all efforts are being made to quickly and efficiently transfer account information and restore onsite services. More information will be provided in the upcoming weeks including a welcome letter from PMG. Please take the time to read this letter to be aware of the changes, contact details, and also learn about the App “Town Square” for account information and communications.

2 Lakes on Eldridge - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Lakes on Eldridge LOE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IMPORTANT NUMBERS ASSOCIA – PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUP 11000 Corporate Center Drive #150, Houston TX 77041 Office # 713.329.7100 LOE Guard House 713-937-8825 Waterfowl, Betty Burkett ............................................... 713-302-9929 Sheriff - (non-emergency) 713-221-6000 Cy-Fair Fire Department - (emergency) ......................... 281-466-6161 (non-emergency) 281-550-6663 Poison Control ........................................................... 1-800-764-7661 Texas DPS 713-681-1761 Texas Pride Disposal 281-342-8178 (trash collection Mondays & Thursdays, recycling Mondays) TNG Utility (Water) 281-350-0895 Harris County Tax Office 713-224-1919 Reliant Energy 713-207-7777 CenterPoint (gas) .......................................................... 713-659-2111 Center Point (street light) 713-207-2222 (give pole # of street which is out) Comcast 713-341-1000 Houston Chronicle ....................................................... 713-220-7211 Metro Transit Info 713-635-4000 Kirk Elementary ........................................................... 713-849-8250 Truitt Middle School 281-856-1100 Cy-Falls High School 281-856-1000 Cy-Ridge High School 281-807-8000 Newsletter Publisher Peel, Inc., 512-263-9181 Visit the Association Website: LOE CLUBHOUSE RENTALS Clubhouse inquiries for rentals are handled by PMG. Please review the Clubhouse Rental Agreement found on the Resources tab at To inquire about availability or other information, please email with LOE Clubhouse in the subject line and include information about your proposed dates, type of event, number of guests, etc. Email inquiries are preferred over phone call inquiries due to the time needed to address your inquiry. The LOE Board of Directors may be reached by contacting Ashley Howard with Associa – Property Management Group (PMG) at 713.329.7122 or Your message will then be forwarded to one of the following Board GaynorMembers:Richardson President Gary Fehsenfeld Vice President Sue Strebel Treasurer Jim Wynn ............................................................... Secretary Alphine Freeman ..................................................... Director POOL Reminder the Pool is closed on Mondays due to cleaning and super chlorination No Parking overnight at the Clubhouse! GARAGE DOORS! Remember to close your garage doors especially at night to avoid unwanted guests! BE KIND – DRIVE FRIENDLY During the summer months more pedestrians, especially children, are outside. Speed limit is 25 mph notices

Look for this Wi-Fi QR code at the pool and clubhouse for easy access to the Lakes on Eldridge Wi-Fi. Open your camera on your phone and hover over the code and a gray bar will pop up that says Wi-Fi QR Code Join “Lakes on Eldridge _5G” Network .Tap the gray bar and you will be joined to the Wi-Fi newtork

Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Lakes on Eldridge - September 2022 3

Lakes on Eldridge

Lakes on Eldridge July 4 Celebrations in LOE! parade, food trucks and fireworks were enjoyed by many families. to all coming to of July in LOE volunteers who helped make it

4 Lakes on Eldridge - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.
celebrate the 4th

and the wonderful

6 Lakes on Eldridge - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Lakes on Eldridge
Ginger Pond & Heather Run Gates
Contractors and vendors have been observed trying to enter through the Tanner Road gates. Residents, please communicate with your vendors that they must use the front gate on Eldridge Parkway. There have also been a few close calls of accidents due to vendors trying to come in the exit gate. It is also not acceptable to come out to meet your contractors/visitors and open the gates with your clicker. The gates are there for every resident’s protection and safety. Please be respectful of your neighbors and instruct your contractors and visitors to enter the community through the main gate on Eldridge Parkway.
DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees.

Upcoming Books: October Life After Life November This Tender Land December Bittersweet
More than a century ago, a school was constructed in Fort Worth, Texas, for the purpose of housing and educating the orphans of Texas Freemasons. It was a humble project that for years existed quietly on a hillside east of town. Life at the Masonic Home was about to change, though, with the arrival of a lean, bespectacled coach by the name of Rusty Russell. Here was a man who could bring rain in the midst of a drought. Here was a man who, in virtually no time at all, brought the orphans' story into the homes of millions of Americans. In the 1930s and 1940s, there was nothing bigger in Texas high school football than the Masonic Home Mighty Mites - a group of orphans bound together by hardship and death. These youngsters, in spite of being outweighed by at least 30 pounds per man, were the toughest football team around. They began with nothing - not even a football - yet in a few years were playing for the state championship on the highest level of Texas football.
At no time will any source be allowed to use the Lakes on Eldridge Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in the newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Lakes on Eldridge residents only.
Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others.
* Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.
These hot days are the perfect time to relax in the A/C with a good book. We welcome any who care to join us, usually the 4th Monday of each month at 7:30 PM (we sometimes move the date because of holidays, so check with )

* The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising.
* Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction.
The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser.
Don’t forget about LOE’s Little Free Library located at the bus stop in front of the clubhouse! Take a book / leave a book. September 26 – 12 Mighty Orphans by Jim Dent
Eldridge PLEASE
Recently it appears that more cars are being parked in front of homes instead of on the driveways. Street parking can cause numerous hazards and safety issues by slowing the passage of emergency vehicles and making it difficult for the mosquito fogging trucks at night. It also obscures street visibility and increases the potential for individual injury and vehicular accidents. According to HOA rules, no vehicles can be parked on the street if that vehicle creates any of the following situations: Inhibits the free flow of traffic Creates a safety hazard Blocks access to driveways, mailboxes, fire hydrants, etc. Blocks a clear view of any intersection Is parked directly across the street from a driveway Guest parking on the street during parties and events is acceptable, but no vehicles should be routinely parked on the street. The HOA regularly receives complaints about routine street parking. Please park all vehicles in the driveway especially overnight. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Lakes on Eldridge - September 2022 7


"Get me started," she sighs, "and I can go on forever touting the benefits of being around horses. They are incredibly therapeutic animals that help people in many ways. Parents of children with special needs find that getting physical therapy with the help of horses benefits their young ones physically and emotionally. It can significantly impact the rider's mood for the entire week."
Horse rides for kids right in your backyard…

8 Lakes on Eldridge - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Lakes on Eldridge
Courtney Niland, who began riding when she was in the third grade, knows firsthand the benefits of building relationships with horses.
Courtney says, "Riding a horse offers far-reaching health benefits by teaching flexibility, balance, stamina, and coordination. Along with the rider's health, riders can also learn to care for the animal's health by keeping up with their hooves (with the help of a farrier) and daily grooming, as well as making sure the horse’s medical needs, including vaccinations, are met. These caretaking activities naturally help teach a child responsibility.
Children can take a horse out for a “test drive” right in our own backyard at 20239 Schiel Road in Cypress.
Children are naturally drawn to horses, especially when exposed early on. Nowadays, horses are frequently seen on television and the internet, and are often represented as stuffed animals, action figures, and more. Many groups and organizations, such as 4-H and the United States Pony Club, promote a relationship between horses and children. It's wholesome fun!
Studies have also shown that bonding with a horse can help with anxiety, stress, anger, depression, and even ADD/ADHD. Horses can sense a human's feelings and respond accordingly. No matter how big or small a horse, they are powerful creatures and, at the same time, very kind and respectful if you earn their trust.
By Jackie Devine
Courtney continued, "Building a relationship with a horse is lifeenhancing and something that I believe every person should be able to experience in their life.”
That is why she started offering introductory horseback riding for children in August of 2021. She gives young horse rider “wannabees” a chance to get comfortable riding in a calm, safe environment.
Introductory Horse Rides is a slow-paced learning experience for all kids! Courtney's goal is to get young riders comfortable with being on a horse to see if they would like to venture further into the horse world. "We go at whatever pace each rider needs, no matter how Continued to Page 9

Experiencing horseback riding and barn life can instill many positive traits in children, from mental and physical development to social skills. Handling, riding, and caring for a horse can help develop important characteristics in children including responsibility, accountability, patience, level-headedness, empathy, kindness, selfdiscipline and respect for animals.
Luckily for us, local parents and grandparents can see for themselves.
Lakes on
Find out more at

Horse Rides for Kids- continued from Page 8 slow," Courtney explains. "Sticking to the basics, we walk around the area for the rider to feel the motion of each muscle of the horse moving under them while learning the horse's body language and signs of "Sometimes,comfort.ifthe rider and the instructor have confidence in the bond between the rider and horse, we try a very short distance trot for the rider to experience the horse's speed without being at a full run. We lunge the horse if the rider chooses to feel the power and strength of a horse." After the riding session, the students help wash the horse, further emphasizing the importance of taking responsibility and experiencing what is involved in caring for a horse. The last activity is a sharing of gratitude. The rider offers treats to their horse, thanking it for a fun learning experience that will be cherished forever.
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Lakes on Eldridge - September 2022 9

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