Facebook.com/SteinerRanchHOAEvents VOLUME 16 ISSUE 9 SEPTEMBER 2022 Slow Down, Share The Road, Drive Extra Cautiously!

Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Ranch Record - September 2022 3 EMERGENCY NUMBERS SheriffAmbulance...........................................................................911Fire...........................................................................................911EMERGENCY...........................................................................911–Non-Emergency........................512-974-0845 Travis County ESD No.6/Lake Travis Fire Rescue Administration Office.............................512-266-2533 Travis County Animal Control.................512-974-2000 STEINER RANCH CONTACTS Steiner Ranch Community Office........................................................................................512-266-7553Association SCHOOLS Leander RiverSteinerLauraCanyonVandegriftISD....................................................512-570-0000HighSchool.............................512-570-2300RidgeMiddleSchool..................512-570-3500WelchBushElementary.................512-570-6100RanchElementary........................512-570-5700RidgeElementary..............................512-570-7300 UTILITIES Travis County WCID # 17...............................512-266-1111 City of Austin Electric.................................512-494-9400 Texas Gas Service Custom CallEmergencies...............................................512-370-8609Service....................................1-800-700-2443BeforeYouDig.............................1-800-344-8377 AT&T New Billing.......................................................1-800-858-7928Repair......................................................1-800-246-8464Service...........................................1-800-464-7928 Time Warner Cable Customer ............................................................................512-974-4343Austin/TravisTDSRepairs.........................................................512-485-5080Service....................................512-485-5555(Trash&Recycle).................................512-329-1752CountyHazardousWaste OTHER NUMBERS Lake Travis Postal Office...........................512-263-2458 Coyote Sightings.................................................................311 Five Star Commercial Community Management Balcones Canyonlands .................https://www.traviscountytx.gov/tnr/nr/bcpPreserve....................................... NEWSLETTER PUBLISHER Peel, Advertising.............................Inc..............................................................512-263-9181advertising@peelinc.com IMPORTANT NUMBERSCOMMUNITY INFO STEINER RANCH COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS OFFICE 12550 Country Trails Lane Austin, Texas 78732 512-266-7553 – Telephone 512-266-9312 –www.steinerranchhoa.orgFacsimile OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday (Closed from 12-1:00pm) 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday & Sunday ........................................................................... CLOSED STAFF General and Communication Manager Angela Thielemans ......................................... steiner@ciramail.com Operations Manager Sarah Dunlap... steiner@ciramail.com Lifestyle Manager Desirre Ghebremicael... steiner@ciramail.com Architectural and Community Standards Coordinator Samantha Dominguez... .............................. steiner@ciramail.com Front Desk Coordinator Kayla Rutt... steiner@ciramail.com Compliance steiner@ciramail.com COMPLIANCE, ARCHITECTURAL Compliance/ACC Coordinator... steiner@ciramail.com SRMA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Email the SRMA BOD... board@steinerranchhoa.org
Have a photo you would like to see published in the next Ranch Record? For consideration, send pictures to steiner@ciramail.com no later than the 8th of the month prior to publication. Your photo might just be next month’s cover!

Steiner Ranch Master Association Board of Directors Meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm at Towne Square. Steiner Ranch Residential Owners Board of Directors Meets on the last Thursday of each month at 6:00pm at Towne Square. Trail Committee Meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm. The committee also holds monthly trail work days. To learn more visit the Steiner Ranch Trail Committee Facebook page for the most up to date information and join their newsletter by subscribing at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ steinertrails
Event Planning Committee Meets once a month. To join the committee and for more info, please send an email to desirre.ghebremicael@grandmanors.com
By submitting your photo you agree to allow your photo to be published in future issues of the Ranch Record and/or other Steiner Ranch communications.

FROM THE ASSOCIATION OFFICE 5 The Ranch Report 6 Postal Kiosk Break-Ins Update 6 Going Out Of Town? 6 Slow Down & Pay Attention In School Zones! 7 September Residential Landscaping Tips 7 Fall Is A Good Time To Trim Trees 8 Compliance Corner 9 Firewise Focus STEINER ACTIVITIES & EVENTS 10 Fun At Concert In The Park 2022 14 Scrap-A-Thon 14 Mommy and Me Storytime & Music 14 Young at Heart News 14 Annual Garage Sale 16 News from the Trails Committee 16 Fall, Winter and Spring Programs 17 Lights out, Texas! IN EVERY ISSUE 4 Cover Photo 14 Classifieds 18 Teen Job Seekers
4 Ranch Record - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.
Events are tentative & subject to change or cancel at any time. Events are planned by the Steiner Ranch Event Planning Committee, and are for Steiner Ranch residents in good standing with the association and their guests only. Final approval to participate in any Steiner Ranch program or event is dependent upon HOA approval. For more information, please contact Desirre Ghebremicael at: steiner@ ciramail.com. For the most up to date information, follow us at: Facebook. com/SteinerRanchHOAevents or visit the Steiner Ranch HOA website at: www.steinerranchhoa.org
9/10 Fall Community Garage Sale 10/17 – 10/27 Steiner Spook-tacular House Parade 11/04 – 11/06 Scrap-A-Thon 12/03 Santa Event 12/08 Volunteers’ dinner 12/01 – 12/16 Santa Mailbox 12/12-12/22 Annual Holiday House Decorating contest
About 20 percent see no difference.
• 90 percent say they are on friendly terms with their association board members, with just 4 percent indicating a negative relationship.
Here’s What HOA Residents Have to Say
Here’s what community association residents say:
More than seven in 10 community association residents expressed satisfaction with their community experience, according to a survey conducted by Zogby International, a leading public opinion research firm. Almost 40 percent of community association residents say they are "very pleased," with only 10 percent expressing some level of
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Ranch Record - September 2022 5
• 78 percent believe community association rules "protect and enhance" property values, while only one in 100 say rules harm property values.
It has been almost eight weeks since I joined the SRMA Homeowners Association as the General Manager and I am thrilled to be part of the team and serve the SRMA community. I would like to wish all Steiner Ranch students a Happy New School Year! Starting this month, I will be sharing here an HOA Living 101 column that I find will be helpful for all residents. I look forward to meeting everyone in the near future and welcome your comments, concerns, and ideas via email at steiner@ ciramail.com or by calling the office at 512-266-5773.
Thank you Angie Thielemans
• 88 percent believe their governing boards strive to serve the best interests of the community.
• 88 percent of residents who have interacted with professional community managers say the experience has been positive.
By Angie Thielemans – SRMA General Manager

dissatisfaction. Almost 20 percent express neither point of view.
The research was sponsored by the Foundation for Community Association Research, a non-profit organization created in 1975 by Community Associations Institute (CAI).
HOA Living 101:

Americans who live in community associations are overwhelmingly pleased with their communities, expressing strong satisfaction with their board members who govern their associations and the community managers who provide professional support.
An estimated 54 million Americans live in some 274,000 homeowner associations, condominium communities, cooperatives and other planned developments.
• 86 percent say they get along well with their immediate neighbors, with just 5 percent reporting a negative relationship. Of those who reported issues with neighbors, the most common problems were pets, general lifestyle, noise, and parking.
School is officially in full-swing, which means many children are walking to and from schools and bus stops within the neighborhood. Please slow down, obey speed limits, and be mindful of the various school zones in the community.

• Sign up for Informed Delivery via the USPS.com website. Click on Tools and sign up (free of charge). You will receive a daily alert when your mail has been delivered.
In the meantime, the Post Office suggested that the best way to avoid having your mail stolen are:
• Request the Post Office hold your mail if you will be out of town.
The Lakeway Post Office informed the HOA General Manager that Steiner Ranch is on the maintenance list of the San Antonio US Postal Service Maintenance department to have all master locks changed at the postal kiosks throughout the Community. However, because they are extremely short-staffed and postal kiosk thefts are rampant throughout the Austin area, they could not provide a specific timeframe on when the project will start.
Residents are encouraged to immediately report any suspicious activity they see to the Travis County Sheriff Department by calling 911.
Going Out Of
The Home Check Request service is provided to Travis County residents whose property falls within the Sheriff’s Office patrol area. The purpose is to check your residence while you are out of town or for situations requiring checks for safety reasons. The frequency of checks is not guaranteed but based on officer availability. Visit

6 Ranch Record - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Postal Kiosk Break-Ins Update
• Pick up your mail every day.
We are in the process of exploring options and costs on how to tackle this issue. We will provide more information in future updates via email and at the monthly Board meetings.
Slow Down & Pay Attention InZones!School
• Pruning should be completed before February 1 or after June 30.
If uncertain about trimming, consult with a Texas oak wilt certified arborist, an oak wilt specialist from a city, county or state government agency such as the Texas Forest Service or Texas AgriLife Extension Service, or visit texasoakwilt.org.
The heat has settled in and the most extreme conditions are likely on the horizon. This year may seem unusual to you, but to have one of these extremely hot summers, that everyone wants to forget, happens occasionally in Texas. Texas is no stranger to extreme heat in any summer, but if you have been outside, you have felt the effect of the heat and so have your plant materials. The following recommendations are important for you:
• If you have a newly planted landscape, most municipalities will allow watering for survival. Again, check your city guidance.

Submitted by Michael Williams
• Do not fertilize plants during this time to prevent efficient use of fertilizer or burn.
Residents are reminded to trim trees in need of attention before February, as the risk of oak wilt infection is greatest from February through June. Trees should be trimmed to allow for visibility of pedestrians, traffic and traffic signs. Limbs which extend over sidewalks and roadways pose a potential hazard to pedestrians –please take a look around your property and take care to address any limbs in need of attention now.
• Always paint fresh wounds on oaks, including pruning cuts and stumps, with wound dressing or latex paint immediately after pruning or live tree removal at all times of the year.
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Ranch Record - September 2022 7 September
Fall Is A Good Time To Trim Trees
• Clean all pruning tools with 10% bleach solution or Lysol™ between sites and/or trees.
If restrictions increase, focus first on watering your foundation, trees, shrubs and container plantings. Your turf will turn brown and go dormant, but it will recover once restrictions are lifted and rainfall has returned. If it doesn’t, turf repairs are much less expensive than replacing your valuable trees and shrubs! It may not feel like it, but Autumn is just around the corner and with it more moderate and hopefully wetter conditions.
• Bermudagrass turf can tolerate and recover from drought easier than your other plants. If restrictions become more severe with the continued heat, focus on your foundation, trees, and shrubs.
• Many of your homes have drip irrigation around foundations, shrub beds, and bubblers on trees. These zones need to run as much as restrictions allow.
• Follow all watering restrictions for the municipality where you live. Most municipalities have already issued levels of restriction for watering. Become familiar with the days and times you are allowed to water. Not all municipalities have the same restrictions as others. It is important to note that some communities have reclaimed water sources that have different regulations.
• Debris from diseased red oaks should be immediately chipped, burned or buried.
Regardless of seasonality, residents are encouraged to follow proper pruning techniques. TexasOakWilt.org recommends the following:
• Hand watering can be a very effective way of adding extra water efficiently to your plants. You can add water only where needed without wasting a large volume of water. Respond by adding extra water to plants as soon as you see wilting, or you observe the first sign of burned leaves to prevent leaf scorch.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Association office at 512-266-7553 or send an email to steiner@ciramail.com. Should you need to report a violation or problem please visit ciranet. com and submit a ‘Report a Restriction Violation’. Physical and/or photographic evidence is helpful in substantiating a violation or problem.
Trash Cans, House Numbers and Landscaping
Please be mindful of the following rules, which are part of the Steiner Ranch Master Association governing documents:
LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE - Per Steiner Ranch rules, lawns shall be kept mowed, edged, and weeded. Planters, shrubs, and trees shall be kept weeded, trimmed, and attractive. All dead foliage shall be removed promptly. Sufficient water shall be applied (please adhere to the WCID17 Outdoor Watering Schedule).
Compliance Corner:
8 Ranch Record - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.
PARKING - Parking on the street overnight is not allowed.
EXTERIOR PROPERTY ADDITIONS/ALTERATIONS - Any addition/alterations to the exterior of your property (front, back and sides) must be submitted to the HOA office for review and approval.

HOUSE NUMBERS - There are a number of homes within the Steiner Ranch Master Association that have their street address blocked by landscaping or have no identifiable number on the house at all. This is a safety issue. In the event emergency assistance is needed, it is imperative that your house number is viewable. If any landscaping is blocking the house numbers, we ask that you please trim it as soon as possible. If you don't have a street number on your home, please make sure to have at least the number painted on the curb. It could save a life! Thank you for helping us keep the community looking the best it can be!
TRASH CANS - Recycling, compost and trash cans shall be kept within enclosed structures or appropriately screened from view. These cans may be put out on the street after 5:00 pm of the day before the scheduled pick-up days and shall be removed from the street and returned to their enclosed structures before the end of the same day.
BOATS & WATERCRAFT - Boats and Watercraft must be stored in an enclosed space at all times. Storing watercraft in driveways or on the street is not allowed.
The most important way for Steiner Ranch homeowners to reduce the risk of losing their home to a wildfire is to focus on hardening their home to prevent blowing ember induced spot fires from igniting their home. Blowing embers from a wildfire can travel more than a mile and are responsible for more than 80% of all the homes lost to wildfires. Therefore, every home in Steiner Ranch is at high risk of a wildfire induced fire. If you are not familiar with how to harden your home against blowing embers, please request a free Firewise Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) Evaluation by emailing your request to SRfirewise@gmail.com
Wildfire risk is further increased by the possibility of any part of the Steiner Ranch greenbelt areas being ignited in a wildfire. The 2021 Lake Travis Fire & Rescue (LTFR) Wildfire Mitigation Plan for Steiner Ranch Community included specific recommendations for hardening our homes and maps showing approx. 20 miles of proposed additional shaded fuel breaks in the HOA owned greenbelts, to supplement the 5 miles of shaded fuel breaks already constructed on adjacent Balcones Canyonlands Preserve property. To further reduce the potential impact of the next Steiner Ranch wildfire, the Firewise committee is actively working on a community wide shaded fuel break action plan for consideration by the Steiner Ranch Master Association board. Since the devastating wildfires of 2011, shaded fuel breaks have become the preferred method for wildfire mitigation in the wildland areas around communities in the City of Austin, the City of Lakeway and the Balcones Canyon Preserve, and have been implemented with the assistance of the Texas A&M Forest Service. A shaded fuel break is basically a way to reduce the intensity of a wildfire before it can impact homes in a community adjacent to a greenbelt or wildland area. It effectively suppresses the spread of a crown fire, the most devastating type of wildfire that burns from treetop to treetop. It does this by removing flammable understory vegetation that must be present in sufficient quantities to sustain a crown fire. A shaded fuel break also allows significantly improved access for firefighters to control a wildfire. To see a CBS Austin report on the City of Austin’s shaded fuel break efforts, go to shadedbetween-parks-and-neighborhoods.https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/austin-works-to-create-fire-breaks-Beforeandafterpicturesofanewlycreatedfuelbreakareincludedhere.
Before - Greenbelt Fuel
Firewise Focus – Shaded Fuel Breaks

Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Ranch Record - September 2022 9

Submitted by Brian Tarr and Bill Hamm, Firewise
After - Shaded

Fun At Concert In The Park 2022

10 Ranch Record - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

A huge thank you to the staff at the SRMA HOA and Kristi Lee Nordin (member of the HOA Event Planning Committee and owner of Cups & Cones), to Scott Nielson for volunteering his time to be the Master Of Ceremonies, Katherine Vandoren and the Vandegrift Marching Band, Holly Lyons, Gabby Azios and the Vandegrift Legacies, Brianna Roughton and the Vandegrift Cheer team, Duval Road and the Dysfunkshun Junkshun.

Thank you for an evening of entertainment and fun!

Thank you to Adan Ballesteros - Travis County Constable Office Pct. 2, Lake Travis Fire Rescue Station 605 for attending and supporting the event, to CRMS NJHS and VHS NHS students who helped with cars and parking management, and YMSL Hill Country Chapter for cleaning the park after the event, your help was greatly appreciated!
Steiner Ranch’s 15th Annual Concert In The Park was a fun way to bid summer farewell, for neighbors and friends to reconnect after the summer break and celebrate the start of a great school year. The festivities drew almost 4,000 attendees and the event would not have been possible without the sponsors and volunteers. A huge thank you from the Steiner Ranch community to the sponsors for supporting Concert In The Park 2022!

12 Ranch Record - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Fun At Concert In The Park 2022 (Photo Credits One Media Company)

Young ones and their moms are invited for a special weekly get-together with neighborhood moms and their little ones. Together, they will read, sing, dance and laugh, all while having fun. (Recommended ages: Children 1 to 5 years old). For more info, contact Lizzie Williams at lizziewilliams215@gmail.com (Please note: this is a free weekly event open to all Steiner Ranch moms and their young ones)
When: Starting Friday, November 4th at 7:00pm Ending Sunday, November 6th at 4:00pm Where: Towne Square Community Center Registration is required. Register by visiting the below link or scan the QR code ranch-scrap-a-thon-tickets-405344776137https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-fall-steiner-HERE:

The annual Steiner Ranch Fall garage sale is scheduled for Saturday, September 10th from 8:00am – 12:00pm. Place the items you wish to sell in your driveway or garage before 8:00am. The HOA does the advertising for you. It’s that easy!
LESSONSANDLEARNCLASSIFIEDSBUSINESSGUITAR…IN-PERSONVIRTUALGUITARGreat teacher, fun environment. B.A. in Music, Berklee College of Music. Steiner resident. Over 25 years of teaching experience. All ages, styles and skill levels welcome. Proudly serving Steiner Ranch for years. For more info call Charles Couch at 646.704.3092 or visit HYPERLINK com.charlescouch.com/"www.charlescouch."http://www. Classified Ads
Steiner Activities & Events
September has arrived. The children, teachers and staff are back in school. We are all looking forward to some cooler fall weather after the extremely hot summer weather we have experienced this year. Fortunately, many of those in Young at Heart have been able to get away for a little bit. Now, we are all anxious to get together again and participate in our many activities. We are hoping to meet and welcome new residents that are 60 and above to Young at Heart this fall. We know it is not always easy to join a new group, but we have all been new to Steiner Ranch from all parts of the U.S.A,, Alaska and Hawaii included, so are happy to make you feel Whatcomfortable.dowe have to offer you? Canasta, MahJongg, Euchre, and Mexican Train. Bridge is on hiatus, hoping to start soon. We have two book clubs. All the games and Book Club will engage your brain. For exercise we have yoga, a walking group, PickleBall, and biking. Wine socials, happy hours, ladies' and men's lunches and coffee on Monday mornings at Cups & Cones for the men are all excellent ways to socialize with everyone. All three, engaging your brain, exercise and socializing are important as we age. We are open to anyone leading a new group as well. There are no rules in Young at Heart. You can participate in one activity or as many as you please. If you choose one activity and cannot attend regularly, that is O.K. We just hope you will consider giving us a try. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Ethel Bradford at emb43@sbcglobal.net or Karen Steans at Kjsteans@gmail.com.
Where: Towne Square Community Center
14 Ranch Record - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.
Annual Community Wide Fall Garage Sale

Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit) are $65, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office @ 512-263-9181 or advertising@ PEELinc.com.
Steiner Scrapers - You’re invited to the Fall Steiner Scrapers Scrapbooking Marathon!
When: Tuesdays – 10 am to 11 am
Mommy and Me Storytime & Music
Young at Heart News
Start Purging!

• Master
• Gold
• Trevelise
• High
For more info, send an email to steiner@ ciramail.com
• Camp
• Neighborhood
The Association has put together the 2022-23 Programs Guide with all HOA activity and program offerings in one place. Multiple programs are offered, please stop by the HOA to pick up a program guide or visit the Steiner Ranch HOA website at steinerranchhoa.org or scan the QR code to view it online: programs include: Programs Soccer Swimming Sports Stars Swimming Musique Tap~N~Toe Adult Programs Chi Gladiator Swimming Fitness Yoga Austin Spa Yoga

• Lonestar
• Sportball •
As we suffer through the heat of the summer, I have been impressed that we still see a pretty active usage of our trails. Last weekend, the trail committee had a small hike to explore the J Canyon trail together - we started at 7:30am to beat the heat!! As a mountain biker, I don't get on this trail often enough and it is really a change from most of our other trails. You can start from Bella Mar and hike about 2 miles to the exit near the UT golf course and return on Quinlan Park, or head back. There are several exits to the Horseback Hollow and Rio Mesa neighborhoods as well. With such a massive drought and high temperatures this year, we wanted to focus this article on safety. First of all, fire safety. This article will reach you about 11 years after the massive Steiner fires, which many of us remember. What I ask is that you watch out that this doesn't happen again. While on the trails, please no campfires or fires of any kind - including cigarettes!!! We get a few reports of campfire sites each year and it shocks me that all it would take is a small spark to set off a huge fire. Please talk to your family about the importance of the "remember - only YOU can prevent forest fires"
Steiner Activities & Events
News from the Trails Committee
Submitted by Eric Morton
The second safety announcement is about our precious four legged friends. We recently received questions about the blue-green algae and whether or not it was possible in our creeks. The trail committee reached out to LCRA and got some answers. The key point is their statement "It is certainly possible that blue-green algae could be present in area creeks, especially in stagnant areas. LCRA recommends treating all algae as if it could be toxic and avoiding contact with it." While I have not heard of any reports of blue-green algae in our neighborhood creeks, this is important to note that it cannot be ruled out. Since our creeks fall within the City of Austin testing area, you can also consult the Lake Austin Algae Testing Dashboard to see current status of tests (note: not done on our creeks but other area lakes) at Sundaystrailtoyouintactcommunity.thatFinally,itLCRAHOAanyfoundMoreoutcourse,thearewithotherencounteringandsnakesityouravoidWhileSohttps://www.austintexas.gov/page/algae.asaresult,itisbestforyoutobevigilant.onthetrails,keepyourdogonleashandcontactwithstagnantwater.Keepingdogonaleashisalsoimportantbecausehelpsprotectyourdogfrombeingbittenbyonthetrail(rattlesnakes,copperheads,coralsnakesareallpossible)orfromotherwildanimals(coyotes)ordogsthatmightnotgetalongsowellyourdog.Allofourtrails-allofthem-on-leashareas,andoff-leashdogsisoneoflargercomplaintsthatwereceive.Andofpleasepickupafteryourdogandcarrytheplasticbag.informationonblue-greenalgaecanbeathttp://lcra.org/algae.Ifyouencounteronourtrails,pleasecontactusthroughthesite.Thepictureattachedisfromthewebsitebutthereareotherpicturesofindifferentstates.themostimportantthingtosayisthetrailsareanimportantassettoourWewanttokeepthemsafeandagainstfiresandotherissues.Thankallforyoursupportandasalways,Ihoperunintoyouonthetrails-oratournextmaintenancedays,whicharethefourthofthemonth.

• Tennis • Tai
16 Ranch Record - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.
• Nitro
Fall, Winter & Spring Programs
• Tennis
• Community
• Lake
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Ranch Record - September 2022 17

The great fall migration has begun. Each year, hundreds of millions of birds travel through Texas as they fly south for the winter, mostly traveling at night. There is a growing effort to help these birds by taking a simple action – turning off unnecessary lighting from 11:00 PM- 6:00 AM during fall migration from August 15 - November 30, and especially during peak migration from September 5 - October 20.
Audubon Texas leads Lights Out Texas efforts across the state in collaboration with Cornell University, state Audubon chapters, and many partners, including conservation non-profits, universities, local governments, and Texans dedicated to the conservation of birds.

Golden-fronted woodpecker LOT graphic provided by Audubon Texas
In addition to saving birds, there are lots of benefits to turning off unnecessary lights. Light pollution obscures our view of the stars, negatively impacts human health, and disrupts many local wildlife species’ physiological processes. Also, turning off unnecessary lights reduces energy usage, lowering electricity bills. For lights that are needed for security and other reasons, night-sky friendly lighting fixtures that point the light only where it’s needed (and not up into the sky) can go a long way towards reducing light pollution. Being next to the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve (BCP), the Steiner Ranch community is an ideal place to turn off unnecessary lights during migration, which can start as early as July in Central Texas. The BCP is home to the endangered golden-cheeked warbler that migrates each fall to southern Mexico and Central America. Many other migratory birds also nest here during the spring and summer and then head south for the winter. The BCP also is a great place for birds from further north to stop and recharge during migration.
To see when migration is at its busiest and get real-time forecast data on current migration conditions, check out www.BirdCast.info, an online tool created by Cornell University that uses weather radar to track birds on their migration routes. You can also sign up for email alerts and be notified of significant migration events in your area. The trails of Steiner Ranch are a great place to see some of our feathered migrants, and fall is the perfect time to see migrating hawks. Keep an eye out for large groups - called kettles - of Mississippi kites, Swainson’s hawks, or broad-winged hawks. Songbirds passing through include yellow warblers, Wilson’s warblers, and Baltimore orioles. This will also be your last chance to see some of our summer residents like summer tanagers, painted buntings (pictured left), chimney swifts, and purple martins before they head south for the winter. Learn more about the Lights Out Texas initiative at https://tx.audubon. org/urbanconservation/lights-out-texas, and the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve at www.traviscountytx.gov/tnr/nr/.
Submitted Jeremy Hull, Travis County Balcones Canyonlands Preserve. Special thanks to the Lights Out Texas initiative for the information and graphics.
Steiner Activities & Events Lights out, Texas!
18 Ranch Record - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Alexis Atencio 16 • • • 512-924-2976 McKayla Bagnal*+^ ........... 15 ............• ...........• .......... • ............... 512-695-1981 Luke Ballengee 15 • • • 512-992-3138 Benton Ballengee*^ 17 • • • • 512-992-3138 Grace Ballengee*+^ 17 • • • • 512-992-3138 Allen Bonner 15 • • • • 206-484-0504 Riley Bryarsi+ ..................... 15 ............• ...........• ........................... 512-788-2014 Isabela Carson*+................. 15 ............• ....................... • ............... 509-308-8601 Carly Christensen+* 13 • • 512-565-5588 Sarah Conner 15 • 512-507-6000 Michael Craft 13 • 832-589-6939 Claire Cussimanio 14 • • • 512-839-1669 Zachary Davis .................... 11 ............• ...........• ........................... 512-965-1644 Kiersten Dyke+ 15 • • 512-266-8090 Valeria Euran* 15 . • • • 737-230-2005 Campbell Fernandez 13 • • • 808-783-0780 Nicole Freer*+^ 14 • • • 737-256-1352 Kaleb Gailey ....................... 13 ............• ...........• .......... • ............... 864-238-0030 Kassidy Gailey .................... 15 ............• ...........• .......... • ............... 864-238-0020 Kassidy Gailey 14 • • • 864-238-0020 Caitlin Garrett 15 • • • 512-810-5936 Ryan Garrett 12 • •...737-288-0670 Meghan Gary 11 • 512-979-7169 Alexa Gray .......................... 15 ............• ...........• .......... • ............... 425-753-3950 ATTENTION TEENAGE JOB SEEKERS Please submit your information to communications@steinerranchhoa.org if you would like to be added, removed to the list, or to have your information updated. TEENAGE JOB SEEKERS Baby Pet House Yard Name Age Sit Sit Sit Work Phone Nicole Greenberg*+ 14 • • 512-497-0902 Camille Gutierrez+ ............. 13 ............• ...........• ........................... 512-762-8507 Siena Hannabery*^ 14 • MH • 512-608-2750 Kody Hicks • MH • 512-217-3158 Michael Hildner • • • • 512-507-5937 Jacqueline Hines+* ............. 13 .........................• .......... • ............... 512-565-5588 Haley Huey 12. • MH 214-649-0015 Grace Jackson 14 • 512-565-0963 Grace Jackson 14 • 512-565-0963 Jade Johnson....................... 15 ........... •. ..........• ........................... 970-787-0740 Haley Judd 16 . • • • 330-310-9073 Jaden Judd 13 • 330-310-9073 Rachael Klein*+ 19 • • • 512-810-9003 Daphne Longmire* ............ 19 ............• ...........• ........................... 512-956-2822 Leila Mahmud 16 • • 512-657 7718 McKenna McDaniel*+ 13 • • 512-608-2135 Lily McGovern 13 • • 512-954-2220 Veda Montgomery 11 • MH • ..................512-592-1186 Brooke Moore+ .................. 14 ............• ...........• .......... • ............... 512-788-3373 Lilly Nguyen 17 • • 512-694-5568 Leanne Nichols*+^ 15 • • • 512-660-0556 Nathan Nichols*+^ 21 • • • 512-660-0556 Bridget O'Brien .................. 14 ............• ...........• .......... • .......... • .. 512-777-2675 Annika Olson*^ 15 • • • 650-291-3633 Eva Pacak* 15 • • 512-655-9491 Eesha Patel 14 • • 631-560-7307 Eesha Patel+........................ 14 ............• ....................... • ............... 631-560-7307 Nina Porter*+ 16 • • • 512-589-0165 Makinna Pritchard*+^ 14 • 512-922-3121 Nathaniel Proffitt 12 • 512-695-7795 Henri Renel ........................ 12 ............ . ...........• .......... • .......... • .. 512-660-9542 Henri Renel 12 • • • 512-660-9542 Kate Richmond*+^ 14 • 512 484-1088 Hannah Ringel*^ 14 • • • 512-521-6647 Cameron Romero*^ 13 • • 713-210-9042 Vanessa Rubio*+^............... 15 ............• ...........• .......... • ............... 512-987-7473 Kaylee Russell 18 • • • 512-689-1553 Kathryn Russell* 16 • • • 512-375-8887 Brittany Ryley 18 • • • 512-501-0482 Isabella Sanchez .................. 16 ............• ...........• .......... • ............... 512-552-4939 Kaitlyn Schmitt 13 • • • 512-663-6543 Megan Schmitt 14 • • • 512-713-5343 Emily Schulz 14 • • 512-266-6306 Gabriella Sevieri.................. 15 .........................• .......... • ............... 505-263-2689 Marie Seybal+ 15 • 512-851-7995 Naymal Siddiqui+ 14 • • 512-968-5993 Kendra Stephens*+^ 16 • • 903-217-9230 Sarah-Kaye Thurston*^ ...... 17 ............• ...........• ........................... 512-820-4010 Karla Trujillo 17 • • • 737-932-1128 Rikhil Vatcher 14 • • • 432-269-8646 Jacob Villegas 16 • • • • 512-608-7087 Jennifer Walker*+^ ............. 17 ............• ...........• ......................................... -9511 Katherine White + 16 • • • 737-346-2847 Abbey Wilson 16 • 310-343-2286 Nate Wilson 16 • • 310-343-9139 Melanie Wisenbaker*+^ 16 • • • 512-659-1602 Ariel Wood ......................... 18 ............• ...........• .......... • ............... 417-207-9305 * CPR Training + Red Cross Certified ^ First Aid Baby Pet House Yard Name Age Sit Sit Sit Work Phone

PO Box 1148 Round Rock, Texas 78680