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Traveling Seniors
Day Trips
October 13: Halloween Potluck & Bingo. Dress festively! The fun begins at noon. October 22: Renaissance Festival: The bus leaves at 8:30 from FBC. $27.00 November 15: 1940 Air Terminal/Longhorn NASA project. Lunch at Bubba Gumps on the Kemah Boardwalk, on your own.Leaving at 10:00 from FBC. $5.00. November 17: Thanksgiving Potluck & Kitchen Towel Exchange. Bring a side dish or desert. We provide the turkey. See you at noon at Lakeside Trails Clubhouse. November 22: Good Shepherd Brookwood Tour. Tour the facilities; poinsettias will be in full bloom. Lunch included in the Tea Room $30.00. The bus leaves FBC at 8:30. December 13: Zoo Lights Dinner at Cleburne's on your own. Price TBD. We won't know the price until November. Leaving FBC at 5:30 pm. December 18: from 2 to 4 pm Cookie and Gift Exchange. Pay upon sign-up. Extended Excursions October17-20, 2022, Dallas: 3 nights/4 days $495.00 double occupancy. Bus leaves at 8:00 from FBC. Request details from jackie. devine@comcast.net. February 19, 2023: 7 Night Western Caribbean with Mexico Cruise from Galveston. Princess Cruise Lines. Sail Date: Sunday. Prices fluctuate call Hanna at 1.800.427.8473 ext: 81826.. May 13-21, 2023, Garden of the Gods, The Royal Gorge, and Colorado Springs, Colorado $995. Eight nights lodging 4 consecutive nights in scenic Colorado, 14 meals: 8 breakfasts and 6 dinners. Departure: Fairfield Baptist Church at 8:00 am.
More Fun
Second and Fourth Thursday: Cards with Karen Cervenka: 5 Crowns, Lakeside Trails Clubhouse 1:00 to 4:00. Second and Fourth Friday: Hand and Foot with Jim and Shirley, Lakeside Trails Clubhouse 1:00 to 4:00.
Wednesday Breakfast, House of Pies:
Between 8:30 and 9:00. Breakfast at Denny's: 1st and 3rd Friday at Denny's on 290. Must be 50 years of age to ride the Harris County Bus. Tickets are non-refundable. For more info: Jo Ann Lambert: pstlgrl@gmail. com or Jackie.devine@comcast.net.
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