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Traveling Seniors

second baptist

Come and play in our Littles Town for nursery and preschool aged children. Join us for fun snacks, crafts, story/music time and other fun surprises!


EVERY FRIDAY STARTIN SEPTEMBER 16 TO NOVEMBER 18 10-11AM Cypress Campus GiGL Theater CONTACT: Karina Hosea / 713.365.6011 / khosea@second.org

Up-Coming Classic Adults Activities at Good Shepherd UMC Monday, November 7, 2022, 11:45 am Good Shepherd UMC Youth Room

In honor of Veteran's Day, we have a special program about Camp Hope that provides interim housing for our combat veterans suffering from combatrelated PTSD in a caring & positive environment. With the reassignment of Jay Fondren, our previously planned speaker, we will hear from a new speaker, Alex Yutzey, Camp Hope Program Manager, a former US Army combat veteran, who will describe his story of serving tours in Iraq & Afghanistan before the age of 20 & the "invisible" injuries of war... PTSD & drugs. Alex best tells of the impact that Camp Hope has had on him... "Camp Hope saved my life, it saved my marriage, it gave me my son (Alex Jr, 2 years old) & a new baby on the way (Scarlett Piper). Camp Hope didn't just give me my life back; it gave me a life I couldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams. I am called to give back what was so freely given to me. The HOPE that any veteran struggling can find HEALING and PURPOSE through FELLOWSHIP & FAITH in the Lord our GOD." You won't want to miss this incredible educational & inspiring program! Our meal will be our traditional potluck Thanksgiving meal. We will provide the turkey, so bring your favorite side dishes, salads, or desserts to share! Please register for the luncheon below before Thursday, November 3 Call the church at 281-373-2273 with any questions. See you on November 7!

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